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Old 05-31-2006, 11:24 PM   #16  
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Bridget -- Congratulations - 50 lbs - you are right to be so proud.

Terri - Love your pictures - are those two pintos related? I've never seen horses with identical faces like that before.
Love your puppy - our next door neighbor is an 11-year-old Rottweiler/Lab mix (rottie body and form, lab disposition)m and he looks just like your Bear.

Ruth I can't believe you're harvesting. We just got our hothouse tomatoes planted. Now, they do have flowers, but we;ve had a long, cold spring. Which seems to be a lead-in to a long, hot summer.

Well, it was an interesting weekend. Our air conditioning decided to not work on Saturday, when it was hot for the first time.
So, we went to Saugatuck on Sunday - it's a resort community on the west side of the state - went on a cruise, shopped a bit, ate in a nice air-conditioned restaurant.
Got home Sunday night - the family room was about 100 deg, and we haven't turned on the computer since Friday AM.
Monday was kind of special - I have mentioned that I'm in recovery - Monday was my 22 anniversary in AA. My husband took me out for breakfast, and we went for a meeting.

I haven't weighed myself - I'm feeling swollen from the heat, and I've been eating odd - so I'll wait til next weekend. The important thing is that I am eating healthy and drinking a lot of water.

The best thing happened when we were in Saugatuck. My 16 yr old is about 25 lbs overweight - she's tall, and her favorite food is dessert. So I have been working hard at not nagging - and setting a good example.
And we're sitting in the restaurant, and she looks up and says, "I'd have the field green salad with cherries and orange sections, but I don't like oranges." I said "I'll eat the oranges if you eat the cherries.
So we split the salad. And she passed on dessert. I'm so proud!

I'll write more tomorrow - sorry I was away.

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Old 06-01-2006, 02:42 AM   #17  
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SUE... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY !!!!! 22 years is AWESOME !!!!!
I love the Big Book. I am not normally a reader... but I almost have that book memorized. I "studied" it when I was active in OA. That was many years ago... but it has never been far from my heart. I use it DAILY !!!! It changed my life for the better for sure !!!

Thin ... good to see you again. I was getting worried about you.
I had to face DIL today when she picked up the grandkids.... it was HARD keeping my mouth shut. GRRRrrrrrr

Terri ... I am going to have to go find those pics.... I hate being left out. LOL

Well friends... I have been busy with my neighborhood newsletter. Got them all mailed out tonight. Now I will have a little more time for a couple of weeks again ... until it starts all over again.
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Old 06-01-2006, 07:29 AM   #18  
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Good morning ladies,

A quickie post before I have to get busy with the garage sale again. Its supposed to be from 8 am to 5 pm. Yesterday at 6:55 an old coot was ringing the doorbell. And then wanted me to take half of what the sticker said on a few items. Uhhh, NO. I had a steady stream of traffic from that time on. I got rid of a lot of small stuff although I'm surprised the furniture pieces have not gone. Its good stuff and I think reasonably priced. Maybe today.

We've had a bit of setback on the house. The buyer was supposed to close today at 9 am and then we close tomorrow. Yesterday at noon, Sherri called to say that there is a little problem. The lender for the buyer has now decided that there are things on the buyers credit that needed cleaning up - apparently his dad's bad credit items ended up on his credit report because they have the same name. Couldn't they have figured this out sooner????? I just about went beserk. Might have if mom had not been sitting there and that I was in the middle of a garage sale and in front of other people. Now they want to delay closing until next Wednesday. Or maybe they could close this Friday. I won't accept an offer again where the financing is being done through some unknown mortgage broker. What a dumbass. That means that we're not moving out this weekend. I'm trying to make this happen so that the mover gets and drops everything on the 8th. I'm off on vacation for two weeks to get moved and I don't want to be moving the weekend of the 10th. I'll know more later today. I've already told Sherri to tell that lender that we will have a lawyer and sue his a$$ off if he jacks this up completely because we had a preapproval letter and he verbally told two people that there is no problem with the couple getting the loan. On the bright side, we won't have to pay to have our furniture held on the truck, we won't have to spend the money on the Residence Inn for three nights, we won't have to pay to board the dog for four nights, and we won't be paying Merry Maids to clean the house now. Might save us about $800-900.

And yes, I did some comfort eating last night. DH fixed steak and roasted potatoes and garlic bread. Can you say carb heaven? And I had gotten a cherry pie and chocolate ice cream. Is it rationalization to say that at least I ate only one serving of each? It is my drug of choice. But no emotional eating today.

2Cute - the pics are on this thread. PM me for a link if you want.

Sorry, ladies for whining yet again and not doing replies. I have to go put the signs out and get rid of more crap today. I'll check in later tonight.

Have a good OP day!
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Old 06-01-2006, 09:34 AM   #19  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Lets see how quick I can do replies this morning!

Terri! Closing day is almost upon you! What a shame the financing is being messed with...but you handled it just right as far as I can tell...Always toss in the lawyer if you can! I swear I do a garage sale every summer. How do I collect that much crap to sell? We post a sign on the door that says "No Earlybirds! Sale starts at 8:00 a.m.!" The only way to go. I've actually had people stop the night before a sale, when we were setting up!

Sue: Great that your DD went for a healthy choice! If I could do anything over - it would be to learn to eat right when I was young. And to learn that restaurants will do darn near anything you want to sell you food. She could just as easily asked for no oranges and extra cherries and I'm sure they'd have said "sure!"

Thin: I feel like I'll NEVER get caught up! If I write at least three decisions every day until the 9th, when my vacation starts, I'll still be behind when I get back! But not as bad as now. And sewing! Don't get me started! I have to make at least one more dress for me, pants and tunics for DS and really should get more pants for DH...but he'll live! We still have shopping to do too! It's getting to be a bit overwhelming! Isn't vacation supposed to be fun? So sorry to hear about your SIL's health problems. Was it smoking? I smoked for 14 years and am greatful every day that I quit. DH quit to, before me.

Valerie: I suppose you are on the road again! Hope it is a short and uneventful trip. Glad to hear you and DH worked on the $$ problems. My own DH and I will be closing on a home equity loan tomorrow. We'll be using the money to pay off our credit cards (which will promptly be cut in 1/2) and do a few repairs and, in five years, it'll be paid off (at payments $100/mo less than the credit card minimums) and with the cards and the SUV's paid off we'll free up nearly $1000/mo in income. SO glad to have this plan! Now to get some $$ in the bank to go with it!

Bridget: on the 50 lbs gone! Keep it up!!!


Ruth: I can't believe you have veggies! Sadly, all my big garden plans went the way of many other plans I make... I don't have a single bean or tomato planted. I did plant a few lettuce plants and some broccoli - between the shade and the bugs, they are gone. I also planted some snow peas - nothing! Vines of about 8" is all I got. Granted I didn't work on them much - but the darn veggies are in practically pure compost! You'd think they'd go nuts! I've considered trying again, planting some pole beans...but it's probably too late now. Ah well - at least there is a good Farmer's Market in town twice a week! Maybe next year!

I'm missing folks! Charlotte - Where are you? And Lesley - are you still soaking up the Mediterranean Sun? Donna - New people need to post too!

And Barbara - What's up?

Well all, it's nearly time for my first hearing, so I better wrap it up! Motivation has still be hard to find. The Infernal Machine is gathering dust and I'm too overworked and under-rested to care! I know it would probably be good for me...but it's all I can do to climb the stairs to the kitchen these days! I figure I'll be good as I can be until vacation, try not to be a pig there - pretty easy actually, with all the walking and only camp food to eat - and be back on track with a vengance by the end of the month!

Now it really is time for my first hearing - I have a really busy day today so time to run! Love to all!
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Old 06-01-2006, 05:27 PM   #20  
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Terri .. I don't know how I missed those pics. WOW.. you have had a lot of horses. How many do you still have today ?? Which horse had the feet problems ?? Is Ginger the one you sold that you had for a long time ??

Now I still need to make the time to read the site Thin shared too.

Sorry no time to post... I spent all my computer time looking at horse pics.
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Old 06-01-2006, 05:57 PM   #21  
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Okay, I had to go to the bank so couldn't resist one garage sale afterwards. Found an interesting book on tomatoes and another Rachel Ashwell's shabby chic book. My house is mostly shabby but a gal can dream. Also found a little thermos to keep my mf pudding in.

Ruth...I gave up buying smaller clothes as motivation about 20 years ago but recently, I've begun to hope again.

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Old 06-01-2006, 10:03 PM   #22  
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Terri - Well, it sounds like everything is going to work out just right - but I bet you'll be really glad when it's all over!

Lilion - Do what you can. One of the things I like most about being old, er, grown up, is that now I know what I can get done in a certain amount of time - now,
I could just convince my project managers to take what I can do into account what I can do into the schedule.

Bridget - I know what you mean - tomorrow, I'll have to drive to work with blinders on. We have road construction (It's spring in Michigan - of course we do),
so I go off the expressway, where all the signs are.

Well, I've been eating what I planned again, as things have cooled off, and I'm doing my exercise.

Next week is DD's awards ceremony - she's been working overtime on the yearbook staff.

DH has handed in his resignation at his job in the town where the school is, and he hasn't found anything here.
He's had a couple of interviews - there are, like, a hundred applications at McDonald's. This is scary. Now he is older,
and so can get Social Security, but still, he's pretty healthy, and would like to be bringing in an income.

We'll see - there's a part of me that's like - well, the guest house needs to be painted, and there are a bunch of house clean-up chores he could do.

Well, got to take puppy out, and start organizing the trash.

Talk to you all tomorrow.

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Old 06-02-2006, 08:58 AM   #23  
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Good morning ladies,

Woohoo! The garage sale is over. O-V-E-R! I'm quite pleased on how well we did. About $500. I sold one of my outdoor bikes and I was really glad that she didn't even question the price. Its amazing what people quibble over on the prices. I need to go box up the rest and get it ready for Goodwill.

Our move date is now 6/10. I'm not at all happy because it gives me one day to enjoy the new place before going back to work. DH and I decided that I would go ahead and stay on vacation so that maybe we can relax and enjoy ourselves. At least I don't have to be in maniac mode to finish up.

2Cute - Ginger is the one with the feet problems. I've had her for five years and still have her. Tanyah was the one I sold - only had her for a year. We have five and Ginger is due for a baby in July. I am trying to sell Peso though. I think someone asked if my horses are related. Ecept for Ginger, they are, Spanky's mother is Phoenix's grandmother or vice versa. And both of the girls are half-sister's of Spanky's.

Oops, gotta run for now. Catch up on other replies later.

Have a great day!
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Old 06-02-2006, 09:52 AM   #24  
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Hi all!

Just a quickie as I'm running out the door, but I didn't want to get lost in the shuffle yet again. Long day. On my way to Rochester and a BIG loop! Have to be a "showgirl" in-between as well.

Terri: Good going on the garage sale. Did you finally get the furniture to move??? Ya know, I wouldn't be surprised if your boss would be happy for you to put a few days in next week in exchange for a few days after the move. Susie was telling me the other day that her boss wants her to work after the baby is born they're so desperate for someone that knows what they're doing. She'll be on leave, but then they told her to come in anytime she feels like, for just a few hours at a time if she wants AND bring the baby! Said she would keep track of the hours and they would give her paid comp time after her leave is over. To do Family Leave, she has to use up all her sick and vacation time first so when she got back to work she'd have none. She thinks it's a decent idea and is working on getting it in writing. * Too bad the whole move thing has been postponed but I'm guessing you and DH will have plenty to keep you busy in the new place so a few "days off" might be just what the Dr. ordered. Either way, have some remember "fun", right?????

2cute: I'm so excited to see you so OP and keeping up with your exercise. You go, girl!!! I can "hear" it in your "voice" that you feel as if you're accomplishing something and that you're feeling better.

Sue: I LOVE Saugatuck!!! We stay at a B&B in Allegan and then go up to Holland and down around the coast through Saugatuck. It's so much fun. We haven't done it in a couple of years. I think it might be time. That is so great that your daughter made good choices....without being prompted. It's always nice when you don't have to nag.

Lilion: Bang that gavel! Move those people out of your office. Don't they know it's time for a vacation???? What the heck??? I suppose listening to the arguments is the easy part. It's writing the decisions that would be the pain. Just guessing. I like my job. The part where I go out and gather the information. It's when I get home and have to write the report that I get bored. I guess it's all part of the job. My mom went to small claims court on her accident on May 11th. The magistrate said the judgement would be sent to them by the end of the week. It's now June 2nd and my mom STILL hasn't heard a thing. Maybe he's bogged down too, ya think?

BJF: I found a good garage sale, or what looked like one, the other day. Just didn't have time to stop. Besides, it was too dang hot to get out of the car!

Sue: "We have road construction (It's spring in Michigan - of course we do)," Who are you kidding? Spring, Summer, Fall......there's road construction in Michigan almost all year. You'd think they would find a better product to pave with that would withstand all the heavy trucks. Other states don't have our potholes.

Ruthie: Where are ya, girl? I get back here a little more often and off YOU go!

Barb: Isn't it almost time for another story from the work jungle??? I need a good "OMG, what are they thinking?" kind of story.

Ok girls, I'm outta here, because if I don't get moving, I'll not get it all done. See you all later. Love ya bunches!!!
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Old 06-02-2006, 11:06 AM   #25  
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Smile Hello!

Hello ladies, I am not lost just buried under all of these veggies. I love having fresh vegetables, but boy do I hate putting them up...lots of work. My DH picked a big old bucket of green beans yesterday evening, so that is where I have been this morning. He found three zucchini that were big as all get out, cause he is color blind and just hadn't seen them. Nothing to do with those but make bread....yummy. Then who is going to eat it? Three guesses! NO, No! Must not. Maybe I will just give them to the neighbor. I don't know if any of you put up hot peppers, but in the south we like our pepper sauce. That will be my next canning. Goes great with any kind of greens.

I came in to read the post and to put off cleaning up the kitchen. I can make a big mess when I can or freeze things. LOL! I had better get to it though, cause DH will be expecting lunch sometime soon.

Is it hot where you are? It is sorching hot here and no rain. The poor garden will be cooked if it doesn't rain soon. You can water but it is not the same.

Hoot, girls I have to go. Take care, Ruth
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Old 06-02-2006, 12:55 PM   #26  
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Good Morning Ladies!

Well, for another 15 minutes at least!

I went home from work yesterday and sewed, sewed, sewed! Got my coral dress finished and a viking apron dress done. DH even sewed up a tunic for the boy! It's so funny teaching DH to sew. Maybe now the other guys in the SCA will not make fun of him for not sewing. Only in the SCA do you get big, hairy, viking warriors bragging about their embroidery! If only I didn't have tons left to do!

Thin: You are right - it's the decisions that are the pain! I can deal with the hearings themselves - (Usually - some of these people really should not have been allowed to breed, especially not with each other!) but when it comes to writing the decisions, yuck!

Terri: $500! Now that's a garage sale! Enjoy your time off!

Ruth: Send me those veggies if there's too many for you! I LOVE zucchini, even the great big ones! (Scoop the seeds out and stuff them!) I think I may be the only person in the US who can't grow the darn things! They either get eaten by bugs or just don't produce! Everyone talks about how they have too many - thank goodness! Other peoples left-overs is the only way I get any!

Well, running, running ladies. It's time for lunch then - writing decisions !
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Old 06-02-2006, 05:12 PM   #27  
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Good day ladies I have been busy busy busy !!!
Laundry done... House is clean. Pool got cleaned this morning too.
Next is the patio. My grandkids are going to be out of town for 2 weeks so I am hiding all kids toys and feel like a grown up again. LOL

I have house guests coming from Nebraska tomorrow. 6-8 of them.
They are great guests... better than family. I love having them.
They are laid back and relaxed and help clean up after themselves.
We go back all the way to when we were 18 years old. Should be fun.

I had to use some of my extra bonus points yesterday on WW.
The first time since starting this new way of eatting.
I am going to trust that it is true that you can "occasionally" go over points and still lose.

I missed swimming yesterday because of rain. We really needed it but I missed my swimming. I got an hour in today and plan to do another hour tonight. I will probably miss my swimming while my company is here. I am really scarey in a bathing suit. No one should see this body uncovered.

No replies today. Gotta get busy again. I have a lot more to do before my company gets here.
PS ... as for buying smaller clothes as incentives... I have a closet FULL of smaller clothes. My incentive is to get BACK into them.
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Old 06-02-2006, 07:54 PM   #28  
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Sue: Blinkers, gee why didn't I think of that? I should have had them this morning. Got totally sucked in by the neighbor's annual sale this am. Found some items that we really needed so I guess it was a good thing. My daughter found a dog crate in perfect condition for $6. She had been hinting for me to buy her one and now I don't have to feel guilty for not doing so, yeah!

Terri: That is really disgusting about the lender. I'd be extremely ticked if they were preapproved. (Wish I coulda come to your sale, sigh.)

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Old 06-02-2006, 08:01 PM   #29  
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Hi again,

Just got home. We had such a good day. I boxed up the leftover from the sale and got it all organized. I am so thrilled that it takes up a very small space in the garage. Except for that entertainment center anyway. Got the tables back to the rental place. 3 tables for 3 days - ouchy!

We met a friend for lunch. He is the companion, boyfriend, spousette (whatever is appropriate for a 10 year relationship at 55) of DH's cousin that passed away last year. DH and she used to be very close growing up and both thought the world of each other. He came back to see family and friends and do a final farewell as she passed away last 6/17. We only met the man two years ago but he's so attached to us. He hugged me four times. It was such a good visit. We have to plan a trip to Boston to see him next year. I'll have to keep finding things to sell to fund the trip! Look out horses!

Then we bought feed and drove down to DH's son's house. We looked at the horses as we drove by but didn't go mess with them. It was very pleasant to sit in his driveway and just talk.

We needed that lowkey, pleasant day. I feel very good!

I think we're watching movies tonight. Might even spring to pay the $3.99 for pay-per-view. We've not done that but maybe once. Which is kind of dumb because its cheaper than going to the movie. Hope they have that on satellite TV. We'll have DirectTV and a 52" projection TV. Couch potato, here I come!

It is great to see everyone working hard and feeling great about life.

2Cute - You've done great so far if you've only gone over on points once. That hour of exercise a day should make a really big difference. We're talking about maybe an above ground pool.

Lilion - Stuffed zucchini - never tried it. I'm going to have look up some recipes for that. Sounds really good. You're hauling butt on the sewing too.

Ruth - We've been having rain but yikes the humidity has been uncomfortable. Does not make me long for July and August in any way. I am floored that you have veggies already.

Thin - Yes, my boss would be thrilled if I would come back next week. It is ME that is refusing at this point. After all the horrible stuff that we have had going on at work this year, I really wanted the two weeks off. I felt that I really needed the time away to get my head back on straight. After the guy with the meltdown, all the negativity, people quitting, too much work, the boss putting pressure on, increased workloads, and the co-worker passing away - I felt like I was going to have a disabling meltdown too. However, I am feeling better and if the move gets delayed from 6/10 - I will go back for a couple of days.

Wow, thought I'd lost my post but found it posted anyway. I'm back.

BJF - I have saved lots of t-shirts from when I had gotten down to 225 refusing to get rid of them until I could wear them again. I finally was getting into some of them last year when I started gaining last fall. I'm not getting rid of them again until I can wear them.

Sue - Can your DH drive a bus? DH drove a school bus for about three years before the neuropathy became too bad. Not a bad income. for him to find something soon.

DH wants the computer so I better scoot.

Have a great Friday night!
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Old 06-02-2006, 10:31 PM   #30  
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Just peeking in. Looks like the Pistons are going to blow it!!! 89 to 71 with 3 minutes left in the 4th quarter. Arghhhhh, the Wings were useless this year and the Pistons aren't doing well in this round. Oh well. The Tigers are doing decent.

Back to paperwork. YUCK!!!
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