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Old 05-25-2006, 11:56 PM   #16  
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I have officially hit the proverbial wall. I worked until after 6 pm but it was good. I finall got some quiet time and was able to get the stacks of paper on my desk organized and I'm better set for tomorrow. My last day before vacation. Woohoo! That takes a load of pressure off.

I can also feel the pressure coming off from about the last year. I am so tired; I can hardly keep my head up.

Not only am I ready to get this move over with, but I am so ready to get 100% back to a healthy lifestyle. My body feels like crap - absolute crap.

Lilion - Sometimes you do need to take a break. Then maybe you could try a patterm of OP for so many days then allow yourself that break where there is no pressure about what you're eating and exercising. But then have your date that you're going right back on program until the next break. We've all been there so you're feeling something normal. Frustrating, but normal. For now, just focus on your sewing and upcoming SCF week and all the fun that you will have. Give yourself permission to relax and enjoy it - no guilt or pressure. That is so sad about your friend and the witch LL. Really jades your view of humankind sometimes. Congrats to DS! Will he be top dog of the school or low man on the pole at middle school next year?

2Cute - Who's coming to visit this weekend? Just in time for the pool to open! How are you liking the WW flex plan?

Valerie - How come Steeg has to have shots? I don't do them either. I'm too chicken to try and just let DH do that. The vet is always $$$ for me. That is good, but sad, about finding that lease for Cody. It will be good for him to have a job!

Sue - Good job for getting a new relationship with food. It is hard but it can happen. You've done some fantastic things for yourself. And yes, you can keep it up! Look at what you've done with the smoking, drinking and stupid men! I do feel all the stress melting away and I'm loving that feeling! I loved your earlier post. I am so headed to that place you described - clothes not fitting and muscles gone soft. I DO NOT want to be there. Thank you!

Barb - Enjoy your 5 days off! Think of how much you'll have to catch up on when you go back!

Ruth - Good to see you. Do you have the window maximized when you have to shift it back and forth? I've noticed that too.

I'm getting rather bleary-eyed so I better post this as I have almost lost this once already. Thank goodness for the forward button which brought me back to what I had written.

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Old 05-26-2006, 08:44 AM   #17  
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I had a great day yesterday, but I am so tired. We went to this new shopping center and it was really neat. Both my sisters found some "bargins" or at least something they couldn't live without!!! The problem is my yonger sister Val is used to goin 180 (double the normal 90) miles and hour and it's hard to keep up with her!!! Today is will just be me and my sister from out of town. Should be a slower pace.

The graduatiton was nice, my niece's Valdictorian speach was great(of course) and we went to eat mexican afterward. Tonight we are eating Itatilan.

Well, I need to get busy and get some stuff done around here done before I head out for another day of fun.
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Old 05-26-2006, 11:10 AM   #18  
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2 cute - a houseful, hmm - be sure you just don't turn into a servant - remember, other people can help with the dishes!

Lilion - I hope this weekend is your perfect opportunity to sink into sloth - what a lovely word. Maybe just hang out in a hammock until you get green moss in your hair, like the 3-toed variety. I'm sorry that your job lets you see the rotten side of people so often. That LL sure does change gears a lot.
I love school graduations - I remember thinking I was so grown up, and now I look at them, and think, oh babies...
P.S. What kind of new bike seat?

Terri - just wait until you're unpacked! Then you can really fold up.

Valerie - I know it's hard, but I'm so glad you're looking into leasing, and not selling. That way, your kids can come home when life is more organized, and there's more of a place for them.

Barbara - I'm glad you're having fun with the family. Remember, housework is always with us.

Well, boss just stopped by to say go home around 1 - so I'll do my workout when the gym isn't full, and maybe do a little food shopping - lord, I love long weekends.

I'll be back.

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Old 05-26-2006, 01:46 PM   #19  
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Well, this morning was a test. The workout instructor had an emergency and the assistant leader led the class. Since the current routine is new, she used an old one from before my time which was more familiar to everyone but me. I was TOTALLY lost, and not seeming to pick up on the steps at all. I just about quit 4-5 different times and just figured I’d come back for the evening class (forgetting that there is no Friday p.m. class) but I didn’t want to look like a quitter or make the asst. leader feel bad, so I stuck it out. At one point I went out of the room and did a couple laps up & down the stairs just to keep moving, but then I went back in and gave it my best shot. They always tell me if I get lost, just march in place or do my own thing, but don’t stop moving… so that’s what I did. AND IT PAID OFF! After 40-45 minutes of the very lively aerobic routine, we went in to the lunges, squats and weights that I was familiar with, and then we did some great floor work with leg lifts, crunches and a delightful assortment of other agonizing moves that I could actually DO… even if not as long as the other girls. Many of the women who work out there have been doing it for 10-14 years. They are SO nice, have gone out of their way to include me and encourage me. If I were to skip a class now, I’d feel like I was letting THEM down. Anyway, I’m pretty proud of myself for sticking it out for the whole 90 min class after all. I SOOOOO don’t wanna go back on the truck.

Yes, I know I’m not supposed to watch the scale daily, but it works for me. I’ve been pretty religious about both my eating and my exercise, although I could be a bit better about my water intake. For the first 3 days home I was dropping a pound a day, but it hasn’t budged since then… I must be build HUGE muscles, cuz I know I’m burnin’ fat!

Looks like it’s going to work out really well with the woman who wants to lease Cody. He came right up to her in the pasture and they got along great. He’s a mush, and she wants something to mush on, so it’s perfect.

SUE, enjoy that long weekend!!

BARBARA, Shopping, graduation, eating out, visiting with your sisters…. Obviously you miss being at work. NOT!

TERRI, VACATION!! Well, sort of. Have a smooth time of it, all that moving, reorganizing, packing and unpacking… but at least you’ll have your horses close by this time next month! I just hope that time comes to you as low-stress as possible. ** Steega has headshaking syndrome. He’s affected by sunlight, the summer season, and the amount of exertion he’s putting out. It starts with an occasional twitch of his head, but if he’s walking or even trotting it becomes jerks and tosses of his head. It’s like he just had a bee fly up his nose, but it’s sort of an allergy to light, possibly caused by an equine herpes virus – aka EHV-1, or Rhinopneumonitis or ‘rhino’. Personally I think they can get it from, or as a reaction to, the rhino vaccine, but that’s just opinion since he was never exposed to the virus, only the vaccine. There are a few different treatments, but what works for him is a shot about every 3 weeks during the summer months. He’s more comfortable and if I start putting one of the tiny ones up on him, he’ll be safer and easier for them to ‘steer’.

WTG, 2CUTE! Keep up the great work with the eating right and exercise!! I’m cheering for you!!

LILION, That LL is a total witch! That’s terrible! At least for your ‘historical” vacation time you don’t have to be a lawyer, and for that time it’s NOT your problem… Just exactly what is it that you ARE on those weekends??? *** I’m glad to here that other things are going well and you’ll be able to get out on that new bike seat and enjoy life a little. Think about the fresh air and warm sun when you take it out. ENJOY yourself! *** As for your DS, I guess this most recent outstanding behavior means I don’t get to steal him if I ever come thru MO after all? Congrats to him on his excellent award!

RUTH, BJF, DONNA, the MICHELLE’S, CHARLOTTE, THIN and the rest of you, Jump in here! We miss ya!! Stay outa the storms, everyone, and work up a little sweat today, K?
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Old 05-26-2006, 03:16 PM   #20  
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Good Afternoon Ladies!

Just a quickie for me again. I'm just beat today. Last night I was finally getting ready for bed at 11:00 or so and suddenly, with no warning at all, my nose started to bleed! Now this may sound like a silly thing to get all worked up about - but I have never had a nosebleed in my life! Well, there was the time I was 5 and my 9 yr old brother smacked me in the forehead with a bat...I got too close to his swing...but that doesn't count. I totally freaked out. It took like 1/2 hour to make it stop! My DH suggested I call my Dr. today, but I'm waiting to see if it happens again first. Weird. Probably from that Witch LL raising my blood pressure. My friend hasn't called me yet today. Think I'll have to call her here after I post and let her in on the latest!

Valerie - On my medieval days I am not a lawyer! I am a 13th century Anglo-Normal lady of minor nobility. I get to wear long gowns, look pretty and have my brave lord do combat in my honor. I embroider and weave and play sedate games and, occasionally, do a little target archery. It's mindless and lovely.

And now I'm off. Must run!
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Old 05-26-2006, 04:24 PM   #21  
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LILION - a nosebleed!? Has your house dramatically changed altitude lately?? As for the lady of minor nobility, the gown part sounds lovely, but I'd just as soon defend my own honor... at least if we could JOUST over it But I guess ladies couldn't do that. On the other hand, I do like embroidery, weaving, archery and sedate games.

Well, Simon has decided that HE's THE MAN. Unfortunately I couldn't get him an appointment with the vet this week, but those furry little round balls of aggression will have to come off soon! Financially it may be just as well - horse shots, vet call, flea & heartworm meds cost me well over $500 this week!! And nobody is even sick!!!! That little runt went to seriously bully poor, sweet Max this afternoon, and I gave him reason to FINALLY acknowledge just exactly who the pack leader REALLY is!

Think thin & grin, everybody!
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Old 05-26-2006, 05:32 PM   #22  
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Hee, hee, hee! - Actually, many ladies in the SCA do combat. I just don't. I've seen the bruises! Those guys play ROUGH! Really, my dear knight in somewhat rusty armor has had some HUGE ugly black and purple marks left from his battles. I prefer to keep my skin all the same color! Pain is not for this delicate flower!
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Old 05-26-2006, 05:51 PM   #23  
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Lilian.... Are you taking a lot of asprin lately ?? I cannot take asprin because it causes nosebleeds in me. Asprin builds up in your system.... Ibuprofrin does NOT. There are lots of other causes too .... just dry air can do it. I had to go to the hospital once from a nosebleed that would not stop. They used COCAINE to finally stop it. LOL The doctor told me he just put about $800 street value of cocaine up my nose. He said I did not have any "high" reaction to it because street cocaine is treated before using it. Anyway.... if it happens again.... get checked out.

Hi ladies. I have been very productive today. Yesterday was a waste.
I like to have my house clean with the holiday weekend upon us.
My food is still going fine. I exercise for an hour in the pool this morning too.
Everyone have a great weekend.
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Old 05-27-2006, 08:32 AM   #24  
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Good morning ladies,

I should have been leaping out of bed with joy this morning. But since I'm 45, some days leaping just isn't in the cards. I'm all stiff and my lower back hurts. I'm sure its from sleeping on my stomach. I am going to get up slowly here and get to work on the packing and sorting. The sun is shining and its going to be a very warm day.

We had dinner with Richard and Linda last night. While Richard and DH were discussing something of high importance, she volunteered that Richard would use his big horse trailer to move our horses to the new place. He owes me since he stole RT from us. At least in my mind. I've seen RT this past week. He has changed from that skinny little plain looking sorrel colt into a very tall and very muscled young stallion. In about two months. Holy crap. We bought him for $300, sold him for $700 and he's soon going to be worth thousands (his daddy is worth $1.2M). If only I'd had the damn facilities sooner. **Sign** At least my name is on his original registration papers.

It amazes me that we had so much going wrong for what seemed like a very long time and now everything is falling into place. Gads, I needed it too! I need a period of low stress. I think I've earned it.

Speaking of cutting off furry round things. I did that to Bear when he thought he was the BIG dog. Now mama terrorizes him and he knows who's the big dog. Did that to two horses too.

I am so excited for today too. I am getting back on South Beach phase 1. I need to find a journal so I can monitor that. But I am so SICK of the crap food that I've been eating. I am so SICK of my clothes not fitting well. I am so SICK of my body not feeling well either. I need to get a plan together for food too.

I am on vacation for two weeks. I had to meet with the boss at 1:00 yesterday and I could barely form a sentence. My brain shut down. I haven't had this much time off at once in a very long time. I also AM (just wrote intend but backspaced throught it) getting back to a exercise routine as well. Pilates, cycling, walking, weights. And soon working horses.

Valerie - I'm sorry to see that you're headed back off on the truck again. Happy belated Birthday! I think you and I are the same age. I'll be 46 in July. I am so inspired by you for going to that exercise class and hanging in there even when you want to quit. I'd prefer to do the combat too. I think I'd like to work off some repressed hostility and aggression!

Lilion - DH has the nosebleeds too. Doc told him to drink more water and spray saline solution up his nose to help replenish from dryness. Hope that's all its about and nothing more.

2Cute - Have a great weekend with your guests and enjoy that pool!

Sue - Don't you love it when the boss says go home early? We get off two hours early at holiday times. Feels great. Did you get in a workout and the food shopping?

Barb - What's on the agenda for today? Enjoy time with your family! I had a bad dream this morning about me telling my family to never call me again. How weird or wishful thinking maybe?? Have a good one!

I need to get to leaping. Have a great day ladies!

to everyone else who's lurking! Or not even lurking and should be. We miss you!
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Old 05-27-2006, 09:19 AM   #25  
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Today's agenda includes dipping strawberrrires in chocolate. sound exciting?? The big receptiton for my niece is tomorrow and she wanted chocolate covered strawberries, and to buy them they were 6.00 for a dozen and my sister thought WE could do them a lot cheaper!!!!

Yesterday was not really as much fun as it should have been. I got teary during the day thinking about the fact that motther was not with us. But last night was fun. 10 of us went to dinner at a little neighborhood Italiam resturanat aanad we were in a back room all by ourselves.

Tonight my sister from CT will be with brother and SIL as we have a wedding to go to. My son is 38 today. It's hard to be 39 when your son is 38!!!! How did I get old enough to have a son 38????

Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 05-27-2006, 10:58 AM   #26  
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Hi all. Just checking in after workout. Yup Terri - I'm 46, or I would be if I hadn't traded ages with my 20 yo niece for the year. Bill will be home with the truck in 3-4 hours, which are going to fly by. I'm already blue, but ready to make the most of the time left. I have tomorrow with my treadmill, and Mon and hopefully Tues morning workout classes.

The scale had the absolute NERVE to go back up to 285 this morning, same place I started a week ago before a week of 1000-1400 calorie days with 90 minute workouts every day. How RUDE. I think I'll go have more fiber. See ya later gals!
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Old 05-28-2006, 06:03 AM   #27  
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Smile Good morning!

Hello ladies, Nothing new going on with me, how about all of you? My scale is still sitting right on the brink of 300. Just sitting there mocking me! Nothing has shaken it so far. I have tried varying my calories daily, drinking more water etc. NOthing works. I know I should stay away from the scale but that is so hard to do!

I thought I had better get in here and say hello before you forget who I am. I haven't been good about posting lately, but I have felt a little burned out, if you know what I mean. I think we all hit that place now and then. I haven't felt real chatty. (not like me at all). I do come and read though I have to know what is going on with all of you.

Our garden is starting to bear some things, like squash...the green beans will soon be ready. I can hardly wait for the tomatoes....yummy! I have some eggplant that will soon be big enough to pick too. Love those things! Right now the garden needs some rain. It has rained everywhere around us, but not on us for a while now.

I hope you all have a beautiful Sunday. See you later...Ruth
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Old 05-28-2006, 10:22 AM   #28  
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Holy cow, Ruth - Your beans and squash are already coming up?! We're a little late here in Ohio, but we're just getting them in the ground this weekend. Of course, we haven't been around much to plant them. My feeling is that the groundhog ate EVERYTHING except the peppers last year, and he'll do the same this year, so why bother? I'd love to have a garden at some point, but that greedy ground hog has to go first. Besides, we have plenty of good produce markets with a much better selection, so for the moment I could content myself with buying.

OOOooo - One good thing about truckin' is I can sometimes swing thru South Carolina and get some fresh peaches in season. I've never quite figured out why Georgia is "the Peach State" instead of SC. Being able to buy fresh fruit at roadside stand in the citrus states is another plus. Not worth being on the road for 3 weeks, but still it's a very pleasant thing!

Today I'm going to the barn BY MYSELF to play with my own horses. What a concept. I love working/playing with the kids, but now and then alone time with my critters is an unmatchable joy. Sunday morning should be quiet there, too.

A wonderful Memmorial Day to everyone. Hope you're all spending time with loved ones.

Thank you, vets and servicefolk everywhere.
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Old 05-28-2006, 02:05 PM   #29  
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Just wanted to say hello.. No time to chat but I did get caught up reading.
Terri I am so happy life is finally going your way again.
Valerie... enjoy those road side stands.
Barb... I am one of the weirdos that don't like chocolate dipped strawberrie.
Ruth... we can never forget about you.
Lilion.. any more nosebleeds ?
Sue... I am taking your advice and letting the young ones do the work.
Thin... WHERE ARE YOU ??????

I am out of here. Take care.
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Old 05-28-2006, 02:17 PM   #30  
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Hi girlie girls! Seems like ages again since I've been here. My quiet week turned into more than I thought it would be. I worked hard several days, then had lunch with a friend on Wednesday and another on Thursday. Guess that was some "me" time that I needed after being tied up in gas stations for several weeks and then coffee shops last week.

This week is more laid back. Yeah, who am I kidding????

I went to Livonia on an eyeglass shop last week. Honey had the shop closer to home. We both needed eye exams and glasses and these shops came up that pay $100. Since we don't have optical insurance, I thought it would be a good one to get. glasses have to go back. I've never worn glasses except my little "cheaters" for reading, but I've been having a hard time refocussing from when I'm looking at close-up stuff and then look away to distance. Like when I glance down at a traffic light to check and address and then try to look at the road and drive when the light turns green, so they put me into progressive lenses. Well, dang, I can't see out of the darn things. All the periferral is blurry. Honey says they're not made right. The eyeglass place says that's the way progressives are. The bad thing is that the people I did the shop for say I cannot refund the glasses. Well, the dang things still cost me $269 even with the shop pay and I'll be darn if I'm going to throw almost $300 in a drawer and not use them. So I'm going back on Tuesday and see what can be done about them. If they can get them to where I can see then I'll keep them, but if not then I'll just write the scheduler and tell him Look, I'm not throwing 300 bucks away!!!

The "baby" came by this morning because I found out that Big Lots was having a sale on mattresses today and tomorrow and he needs a twin set for his renter (well, ok, the renter he expects to get at the end of June). They had a twin set: mattress and foundation, for $109. I told him they're probably not anything really good, but they're better than sleeping on the floor and cheap enough to put in the rental room. So he and Honey went to get them. The "baby" was supposed to be packing up the rest of his room but instead he's sleeping in the recliner in the family room. I can see where he's going to get alot done today.

I'm having the boys and my mom over for a barbeque tomorrow. Do any of the rest of you feel obligated to do stuff? I know it's bad, but I felt obligated to have a barbeque tomorrow. The boys didn't go up North with their friends this weekend, they decided to stay home and mom doesn't have anyplace to go on the weekends (all her card playing places are only on the weekdays) and being that it was a llllooooonnnnngggg weekend, I just felt like I HAD to have people over when I really would rather just get some stuff done around here. Oh well. I'm just weird.

I bought flowers for my porch pots the other day and then went back yesterday to get some more. Finally got them planted and arranged on the front porch. They all look real nice. Now if I can just keep them watered enough so I don't lose them, I'll be doing good.

Well, girls, I know I should be doing replies, but I'm just not gonna! It would take me hours to go back and catch up and I really need to get some stuff done around here. I loaded the dishwasher, but knew there was one more plate in my office so I haven't run it yet and it's time to change the laundry. I would love to get my office squared away.....yeah, like that will EVER happen!!!! I also need to get my calendar together for the week. Lots of jobs and I need to get organized with what I'm doing which day.

I hope you all have a lovely day....what's left of it. It's HOT here. Supposed to be 92 tomorrow. I DO NOT like hot weather so I guess this is just the beginning of me being miserable.

Talk to you all soon. Love ya bunches!!!
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