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Old 04-30-2006, 01:37 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again.....#894

We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
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We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We often use a "Topic of the Day" for discussion.

Motivational Monday
Tuesday Tips
Wednesday Wish List .. and What you are doing to obtain it.
Thankful Thursday
FUN Friday ... don't wait until you lose your weight.
Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Share your Success Sunday

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We often find them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations.

We have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, and more. Please feel free to check them all out.

We have found this thread to be more than just a support group...
we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.


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Old 04-30-2006, 01:41 PM   #2  
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Please go and read the last page of the last thread, Nancy and Valerie posted some things that need read,, Or at least I think so.. I will get to ya chickies later, As I have got a Nascar Race to watch.......
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Old 04-30-2006, 04:26 PM   #3  
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Well the Nascar Race was rained out. So I am not knowing what to do with myself. as my Sundays revolve around Nascar.. so I will study for my Billing and Coding final for Tuesday,,,, Take Care All,, where in the **** is everybody at>>>>??????????????????
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Old 04-30-2006, 05:42 PM   #4  
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Hello All,

I have just got tonight to go and my first week of dieting will be over. I am so nervous about weighing tomorrow, what if I don't see a loss. Oh I won't give up, not this time around, but it's still going to be soul destroying. Well I will let you all know tomorrow how I do.

Xena - I am so sorry that you are not taking your friend's calls just in case he asks for you two to meet up. I can understand it though. I hate the thought of running into anybody I haven't seen in years, and thankfully that hasn't happened. Maybe you could talk to your friend and just put him off if he asks to meet up. Perhaps you could say you just aren't feeling sociable at the moment, but that you will definitely see him when you are feeling better? At least that will give you time to get more weight off.

Valerie - Woohoo that is brilliant that you lost more weight, it's wonderful to see the old scales going down!! It must be so difficult for you sticking to the SB diet especially with all of your travelling, so the fact that you haven't been religiously following it isn't surprising. Do you think you could combine SB with a less regimented diet and have it still work for you?

I really am sorry to hear that although you say things are ok for now with you and Bill, that they really aren't are they? I know how painful it is to be in a relationship that has broken down. I feel so frustrated for you that Bill won't listen to what you have to say about everything, and be willing to make some changes. I guess you are just taking everything just one day at a time, but I think you know decisions are going to have to be made before those days turn into months and years of unhappiness.

Thank you for telling me about your sisters. I am so glad that the one you mentioned that is taking anti depressants is feeling much better now. It is awful when you remember what you used to be like, but you can't feel like that person any more because of depression. I am starting to feel more like the person I used to be, oh I know I have a long way to go, but it's good to be on the right track I hope you sister continues feeling better and better too.

On the subject of those appetite suppressants you had before, you said they stopped you wanting to eat all the time. Did you feel hungry all the time before you took them, or did you just want to eat out of habit, or for comfort etc. I do the latter, so if those tablets just supress hunger they wouldn't be any good to me. I am not even sure if our doctors prescribe that type of diet pill any more. Years ago when I asked for help to get the weight off the doctor prescibed Xenical. Oh boy did I hate that, took it for a week and that was a week too long.

Nancy - That's good that you finally got to have that talk with your BF. It's funny isn't it how men think just because something happened a while ago, that it's all done and dusted and there's no need to talk about it again! I am happy to hear that he apologised for saying that he wouldn't find you attractive if you got under a certain weight. I hope you don't mind me saying this, but from how you told it, it sounds like he is saying the right things but doesn't really think you are going to get below that 250 anyway!

As for debt I must say that although I am in charge of the books, I am also the one that makes our debt rise. Daren only has to say he wants something and I will buy it for him. Even if I have to use my credit card. I think I feel so grateful to him for looking after me for so long and putting up with my moods and depression etc that I want to thank him anyway I can. Oh don't get me wrong, he doesn't take advantage of my soft side lol, all the more reason for me to treat him when he does say he wants something. In the long run though, it's managable debt that we have. It sounds like your BFs debt is out of control, and I think you are very wise not having a joint bank account with him or anything. I am guessing that his mis-management of money is another reason that you have doubts about your future together. Oh why can't we just wave magic wands to sort out our problems and things that worry us, not to mention our weight!!

On a much lighter note, that episode of Dr Who where Rose goes back to save her dad, wasn't that a moving episode. It got me crying, but then everything does these days lol. I think you are more than half way through the series you are watching, but believe me it only gets better and better. Did you used to watch the old Doctor Who series, the one with Tom Baker as the doctor, and his assistant's name was Sarah? He also had the dog K9. Well here is a little taster for you for the new series, K9 and Sarah will make a return appearance!!!!

Patti - Yes that must be a trial when your husband comes home on the weekends wanting to eat up big. Maybe you could save some calories or points, or just work out a bit more in order to allow you a treat meal on the weekends? It's always so difficult to diet when you feel like you are missing out on the yummy food a loved one is eating!

Crock - I'm about. Sorry Nascar was rained out, you really do love it don't you! I used to know a guy in NJ who was a big fan too, shame I wasn't in touch with him anymore, might have been able to match make lol. I am sure he would move if a love connection was made

Well I am going to watch Medium now, and then it's shower time. If I am not too tired after that I will be back, will put my messengers on too, so if you are still about Crock we might have a chat.

Bye for now,


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Old 04-30-2006, 07:22 PM   #5  
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Ammi good luck on your weigh in! i will be pulling for you. yes i have started saving calories for the weekend it is just easier to do that than fight a losing battle lol!
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Old 04-30-2006, 08:17 PM   #6  
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Thanks, everyone, for your supportive words regarding my avoidance of my friend. I was just sitting here this evening wondering if I should just call him back tonight....having my excuse ready just in case. It's so nice to know there are others who understand feeling like you need to avoid someone even if you'd really like to see them. Just another way this excessive weight really wreaks havoc on our lives and relationships.

Nancy - My ex-hubby had bad spending habits too. I tried to teach him and set a good example for him by cutting back my own spending and used the extra to help him pay his stuff off. It may not be what you want to hear, but I will never EVER consider being with someone again who does not have it together financially. It's not about how much they make, it's about do they know what to do with what they have. Being married to someone who is financially irresponsible is the most stressful thing I have ever endured. In my experience it turned the relationship into a parent/child thing which only made us both resentful. Me, because I didn't feel like I could ever relax and feel "taken care of". I was always having to monitor and take care of him. Him, because, let's face it, who wants to be married to their mother? I have had friends accuse me of being judgmental regarding this issue because I feel so strongly about it. I do not feel that I am. People are free to spend their money as they please, but I have learned a lesson as to what I am compatible with and I am not compatible with financial irresponsiblity. It's not about them, it's about me and what is compatible with me. My divorce attorney and therapist both told me that money issues are the #1 cause of divorce in this country. I think you are wise to not get into marriage with your BF while he still has this problem. I think it's a habit that is very ingrained in people and is difficult for them to change. My hubby tried and never could lick it. I remember right after we separated he had lost his good job and was working as a bartender for minimum wage but that didn't stop him from opening new credit card accounts and buying a new truck. I really thank my lucky stars nothing bad happened to my credit during this time. was so sad really. Because he was a really good person. But the stress of the situation really took its toll. Anyway, sorry if I got a little preachy, but this is a subject with which I am all too familiar. I guess my main advice to you would be exercise extreme caution. And when it comes to marriage love is decidedly NOT enough. There has to be compatiblity of lifestyle as well. But, that is just my opinion and it is worth what you paid for it.

Well, I guess I'll let you all know tomorrow whether I decided to call my friend. Well, really I have to call, don't I? Why should I be mean to him? It's not his fault I have this issue.
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Old 04-30-2006, 08:57 PM   #7  
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thanks nolfewithouthorse.. that was a pesky little pound!
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Old 04-30-2006, 09:43 PM   #8  
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Default Dance class

For those of you who want to know about the dance class:

It was hard work! And yes, i was by far the fattest person there. And I discovered that I am just barely fit enough for this class. But I had a blast and signed up for the whole series (7 more weeks!).

I was hoping there was not going to be a lot of jumping, and there wasn't. But there was plenty of marching, isolations of almost every muscle, kicking, and lots of other moves that I'm sure have names but darn if I know them!!! So, there I was in class, sweating my butt off, breathing hard, modifying certain movements so as to not hurt my knee, and really enjoying working my body this hard - eventhough everyone else was not even warmed up yet!.

So, here I am, "in the groove" so to speak, and then the teacher says "OK, now we're going to do pliés." Now, I've NEVER ever done ballet and don't ever foresee myself doing ballet so when she said pliés I lost it. I laughed out loud and could not stop laughing through the many demi-pliés, both in first and second position. Not only have I turned into someone who wakes up at 5am to work out, now I'm someone who does pliés!!! ::::grin:::: What's next? Rock climbing?

I was so high with endorphins all day on Saturday - first from my 60-min bike ride, then from the 1.5 hour dance class - I could barely stand still. I was fully expecting to be sore today - sore knees, sore muscles, tired legs. But nope, not sore or in pain at all. Went for a nice short walk around the lake today - eventhough it's my "rest" day.

Speaking of workouts, today is the last day of the month and I owe y'all a summary.

I had a goal of 1440 minutes of aerobics for April, did only 1351 this month. So, I'm short 89 minutes. Then again, I'm not going to fret about it. I still worked out 351 minutes (5.85 hours) more than last month.

April Totals (difference from March)
Goal: 1440 (+ 440)
Total Minutes: 1,351 minutes (+ 351)
Total Miles: 119 (+ 23.1)
Average Pace per mile: 10 minutes, 2 seconds (-20 seconds)
Number of days worked out: 21 (+2)
Percentage of days worked out: 70% (+ 8.7%)

In summary - I worked out more days, covered more miles at a higher speed, and worked a higher percentage of days in April than in March. Yep, I sure am feeling pretty accomplished!

May is my birthday month; I'll be turning 36. I can't wait to make it a better month than April. Watch me gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

My friends are fascinated by this new working-out-person I've become. More than a few of them have asked me, as they look for inspiration, what happened? What made me do start working out? I've been telling them that I don't know and wishing I could help them find the inspiration they so very much want. Then as I was thinking about it yesterday, I realized that it's all Wyllen's fault. I'm serious! It's Wyllen and that exercise thread. If it weren't for the fact that I have that thread to keep me accountable, I probably would have never started exercising.

I really want to encourage ALL of you ladies to make a goal for yourselves - even if it is only as small as 20 minutes a day twice a week - and start posting on the thread. There were many times, especially in March, when I didn't want to wake up and exercise; when the only thing that made me get up was the thought that if I didn't work out I'd have to post on the thread that I didn't work out. It's not just that workouts help with mood and also makes more forgivable a slip or two here or there with food. If you can bring yourself to do it, make a goal and post on the thread. I'm almost sure it will make your weight-loss journey easier.

Alright, off my soap box now. I have a long list of personal responses mid-composed. I hope to get them ready by tomorrow.

Nite all! :-)

Last edited by ThisGirlsLosing; 04-30-2006 at 09:49 PM.
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Old 04-30-2006, 10:56 PM   #9  
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Default A New Exercise Challenge!

Originally Posted by ThisGirlsLosing
Then as I was thinking about it yesterday, I realized that it's all Wyllen's fault. I'm serious! It's Wyllen and that exercise thread. If it weren't for the fact that I have that thread to keep me accountable, I probably would have never started exercising.
WOW!!! It is really cool to be blamed for something like that!!! I will accept that blame in a heartbeat! However, don't forget to accept the fact that YOU are the one actually doing the exercise!!!!!

I was going to announce this tomorrow on the exercise thread, but after Maria Lucia's post, I just have to strike while the iron is hot....

I would like to announce a new exercise Challenge. HEY, where's a drumroll smilie when you need one????

It's really a continuation of our existing challenge, but maybe it will get a few more people out to exercise!

I would like to announce the 100K Minute Challenge. Yes, as in 100,000 minutes. Yes, that just over 1666 hours, or just over 69 days -- nearly 7 weeks of exercise. 6 million seconds if you prefer.

Yes, I challenge our group of 300+ ladies to exercise for 100,000 minutes this year. The good news is, we don't have to start from scratch. Oh my, no. Here is where we are already:

January: 9418 minutes
February: 11,129 minutes
March: 15,917 minutes
April: 10,700 minutes (so far)

So far: 47,164 minutes.

The question is not IF we can make it. The question is how early in the year we can get there.

Ammi asked if she needed to set a monthly goal to post in the exercise challenge. I think it would be great if you would, but it's not required. I think the only rule should be that we start today and move forward. No need to go back and add old minutes (and who needs em anyway???)

So, who's with us??? Just add 20 minutes here and there, as Maria Lucia said, and we will all get there together!

Last edited by Heather; 04-30-2006 at 11:12 PM.
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Old 05-01-2006, 12:05 AM   #10  
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Hi Crock ~ I know exactly what you mean about the nascar races!!! I always have to be home on Sunday, or if it's on a Saturday night, to watch the race. I CANNOT miss them and people think I'm crazy! My dad raced stock cars for many years, and when Richard Petty came to visit one year, I was introduced to him and he's a very nice man. My dad is also good friends with Ken Schrader, and whenever he's in town for something, he always calls my dad up to go out to dinner. That would be so neat to meet him some time, but we live about 2200 miles apart from each other.
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Old 05-01-2006, 12:51 AM   #11  
Oooo Silly Me!
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Hello Everyone…

NoLifeWithoutHorses– Hey there! Thanks for the Warm Welcome Back. I’ve had the same experience with scales… I bought a dial scale and every time I weighed myself with the digital scale at the Health Center on Campus, I would be 4-5lbs lighter (not that I was complaining) hehehe… but it was getting rather frustrating trying to figure out why the heck it was so different. All in all, I ended up given the dial scale to my daughter since the one in her bathroom was dropped when we were moving things around. I ended up getting myself a digital scale that does the body fat % as well. Plus it stores your last weight taken if you save it as well as last body fat measured. Congrats on meeting your 2x2 challenge!

Misti – Hi there! Welcome!

MsCrockett – I dunno how many diets I been, but I know they have all been very unsuccessful! That’s why I decided I’ll stick to counting calories. It was hard at first, but I started off slow and brought my caloric intake down to a manageable 2200 a day. I know that’s still a lot compared to some people, but right now it’s working and I figured when it gets to the point of where I hit a plateau, I’ll cut back a little more. I suffered from a lot of depression to the point of where I used to cry myself to sleep. Never sought medical advice, however, when I lost my first 30lbs, that was it for depression. Goodness it’s been 2 maybe 3 years since I’ve cried myself to sleep like I used it. I’ve had a few lows, but nothing compared to what it used to be like. AMEN! I am doing this for myself as well. Seems to motivate me more as well.

AmmiUK – Good luck with Twoderville. I can’t wait to get there!

NotTheCheat – I’ve taken over bills. I pay all our bills now because my SO cannot seem to pay them on time I still have a problem with him spending too much with his debit card tho I’m still working on that. I know how you feel tho! It was definitely frustrating not having a computer on the part that I needed my laptop for school. I still had my desktop, however that one was mainly for my freelance job in graphics and video editing. So it’s not hooked up to the net anymore. I got it hooked up now tho… just in case heheh

Well, I finished up with one days work of classes… just two more days of class work left. When is the next roll call for the 2x2 challenge? I’m up for it I’ll try to get on Monday to do roll call if it starts this week. My posts may be few and far between during the week… but I’ll try to keep up with everyone! GOtta hit the shower. I have observations tomorrow and then work and classes.

Take care ladies, sleep well!
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Old 05-01-2006, 05:55 AM   #12  
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Elaine: I'm so sorry about that jerk askig for the fat lady. I agree with whomever said that a lot of cultures that isn't considered bad manners. Please don't take it too personally and don't let it stop you from trying to help someone else. Hugs.

Zedaus: Wow! We see those pictures in magazines and on TV but now, we have a real life friend who can fit into one leg of her old pants. It is so amazing and so cool of you to share the pics with us. Thank you so much.

MsCrockett: Congrats on your minus 3 pounds. Way to go. Ok, so I am not a Nascar fan but, my hubby is a huge fan and was very disappointed that the race was cancelled. We went for a little ride and he set the Tivo to record like 4 shows incase Nascar came back on. LOL. It must be like an addiction. Hopefully it will be on soon for you guys. Also, only 3 minutes to exercise your tummy sounds great. I think the time you are doing on the Gazelle is wonderful. I can still only do 2 minutes at a time on the Eliptical. I jump on it like 5 times a day. Hopefully with Curves and continuing my Eliptical I will slowly build up stamina on it.

toofatfuru: What a great feeling to have pants slipping off your body. Congrats on your loosing that pesky pound too.

Dolfingirl: I know you can do it. Hang tough and get back on this wagon. HUGZ

Nancy: Excellent on the inches you've lost. I'm really glad that you spoke with your BF too. Maybe things will be better. AS for money issues. I had to take over because my hubby wanted to buy everything he saw. He still is like that somewhat but, I decided to give him an allowance each month of money he can blow however he wants. If there is something big he wants and we don't agree on it, he has to save up his allowance for it. He insisted that I have an allowance each month too. It has made things soooo much easier for us in the finances dept. Every month so far he has had quite a bit of his allowance leftover at the end of the month. It isn't a bunch of money. It is $100 a month and it seems to be good. Maybe you guys could work out something like that. We have been able to save a lot more money since we started this. Good luck whatever you do.

Xena: Big hug to you. I can feel your pain in what you wrote. It is so hard to face people that haven't seen us since the weight gain. I hope that you are able to just let him know. Maybe he won't care and he'll just be happy to hear from you and get to see you? Good luck with what ever you choose to do.

Teahoney: Sorry that you felt like everyone was looking at you at the party. Sometimes we think things like that and they aren't near the truth. It is our uncomfortableness with ourselves. Good luck on your goal when ever you reach it will be just the right time!

Ammi: I was dying to tell you about Kellie Pickler being voted off. I knew you would be thrilled. LOL. Wonderful idea to have a reward that you are working towards. I have lots of them. I know that you can do it Ammi. I am praying that you have a wonderful weight loss when you weigh. Good luck.

Suemarie: Welcome back. I have been wondering where you were. I am so happy to see you posting again. Congrats on -4 pounds. Huge congrats on graduating with Honors! How is your pool working out for you? Are you using it a lot. Did you guys finish your back yard? Again, so happy to see you back. HUGS

Val: Welcome home. I bet you feel so happy to be on solid ground for a while. If you get a chance to ride while your home, ride um once for me. LOL. I loved talking to you. You don't have any idea how that made my day! I didn't have any sore muscles after Curves. My Curves leader (diet meeting leader) wants me to only do 3 times a week for at least 2 weeks since I have been so sedentary in my house for so long. She said after that if I want to come more it is up to me but she is afraid I will over do it at first. So, I am doing it how she said and I workout for the second time tomorrow. Mon., Wed. and Fri. for now. Congrats on loosing 3 or 5 pounds whichever it may be.

Misti: I don't recall welcoming you to 3fc. So, here it is.... WELCOME! So glad to have you with us. If I did welcome you and forgot.... ooops.

MariaLucia: Ooo your dance class sounds like fun. I am so proud of you for going there and doing it. Way to go.

To anyone I didn't mention by name, big hi and hope you are doing well.
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Old 05-01-2006, 08:59 AM   #13  
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Hello All,

It's Monday afternoon, and the start of another diet week. I weighed this morning, and am very happy to say that I lost 6 lbs Now if I can lost 2 lbs a week from here on I will be ecstatic.

Patti - thanks for wishing me well with the weigh in. That's good to hear that you are saving calories for the weekends, it makes things a lot simpler doesn't it.

Xena - did you get around to ringing your friend? I know you aren't happy at the thought of him seeing you 100 lbs heavier than when he last saw you, but maybe he would surprise you and not even comment on it

MariaLucia - you certainly know how to paint a picture with your words, have you ever considered writing for a living It sounds like you had a great time at the dance class, well you must have done because you have signed up for the next 7 weeks. It's great too that you didn't have any aches and pains the next day, just goes to show how fit you are getting. I think if I tried to do on plie my legs would be complaining for the next week

When this month will you be 36? My daughter has a birthday this month, she turns 15 on the 24th.

Wyllen - thanks for answering my question. I asked it when I wasn't in the right frame of mind or body for dieting properly or exercise. But I am back on track now, so I shall go over to the thread and add my goal total for the month.

Annie- that's so good of you to have held back from telling me that wonderful news about Kellie Especially as I think I did say I wouldnn't mind if you did tell me. It was better to wait for the night though and have the joy of finally seeing her go.

I hope everybody is having a good day and that those that had a weigh in, did well.


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Old 05-01-2006, 09:29 AM   #14  
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AMMI fantastic i am so happy for you 6 pounds is great!
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Old 05-01-2006, 09:32 AM   #15  
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Ammi You Simply Must Change Your Ticker Now!
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