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Old 04-11-2006, 05:45 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready to Try Again....#880


We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

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Old 04-11-2006, 07:43 PM   #2  
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My newest NSV? I BEAT my fear of the elliptical today. Yes, I got on it. And I even managed to do 8 minutes and not pass out! For the sake of my safety and that of the rest of the building, I moved on to the treadmill after that! :-) I'm really happy with myself, especially cuz I had a HARD emotional evening last night and it would have just been easier to use that as an excuse.

Sharon - To answer the question you posted in the Exercise thread, a 'wind sprint' is, at its most basic form, a period of time during exercise when you increase your pace for a pre-determined period of time and then lower it to your previous pace. The description below applies for overweight people. My understanding that for very fit people (think marathon runners), wind sprints are different.

So, for example, you are walking along on your treadmill at 2 miles per hour. This pace, for you, is within your "target zone." Now, "within your target zone" means, you are breathing heavily but you are able to sing the first three words of "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" within one breath but need to breathe again before you can say "your boat merrily" and breathe again "down the stream" (If, while exercising, you can get to "down the stream" from the beginning of the song without breathing you are not exercising hard enough to create cardiovascular benefits).

Ok, so you are going along at 2mph and that is within your target zone. And, you've told yourself that at minute 10, once your are nicely warmed up, you are going to do a wind sprint. That means that when you hit minute 10, you increase your speed to 3mph (for example) for about 40-60 seconds, then you lower your speed back to 2mph.

The trick is that when you increase your pace during a wind-sprint, your breathing should be heavier than it was but you HAVE TO BREATHE through the wind sprint. If that means that you only increase your speed to 2.5 mph or less, that that is OK. The trick is to increase your breathing (and heart rate) but not to breathe too hard that your walking has become anaerobic.

When you get back to your 2mph pace, your breathing will be hard as your body recovers from the wind sprint. Make sure to not do another wind sprint until your breathing has returned to what is normal for you at 2mph.

So, you may be wondering WHY do a wind sprint? I know it’s good for you as it helps increase your fitness lever faster than if you were working out without doing wind sprints. Somehow what happens is that doing wind sprints fools your body into thinking that you are working out harder than you actually are. How does this work? I don't remember and I don’t have my fitness books with me, I cannot tell you. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll get back to you when I’m at home.

If you have not ever done a wind sprint, it is recommended (by Covert Bailey) that you only do them ONCE a week to start and that you do only 1-2 wind sprint during a 20 min workout. Since I'm a beginner wind-sprinter, I don't know what the recommendations are for people who've been doing them before. Again, I can refer to my books while at home.

Hope this helps clear things up! :-)

Since I am NOT a medical doctor but daily think like a lawyer, I will requote this:

Posts by members, moderators and adminstrators are not considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy. Please see your physician before taking advice found on the internet.

Last edited by ThisGirlsLosing; 04-11-2006 at 08:31 PM.
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Old 04-11-2006, 08:39 PM   #3  
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Thank you all for the wonderful welcome and advice. I've had a pretty decent day today. I actually went to the gym this morning! It wasn't bad at all, because there were only 3 people there, including me. I think I'm going to make it a habit to go in the mornings from now on.

thisgirlslosing- WOW! Thank you for posting all of that helpful advice on exercise. I'm not too savvy when it comes to treadmills and all that, but what you wrote really helped. I tend to look at my speed and think I'm not going fast enough for it to even count as exercise, so I hike it up and then I get completely winded and have to stop after a minute or two. What you wrote made so much sense... I'll be using the "row your boat" test from now on.
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Old 04-12-2006, 02:55 AM   #4  
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Well it's been a while since I checked in, so just thought I would try and catch up with you all!
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Old 04-12-2006, 04:21 AM   #5  
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Thanks Maria, I thought it meant running against some form of air resistance, like a wind tunnel!!! I have to work out at home, (coz of child care or lack of it at the local clubs/gyms) I use dvds and videos, so running on a treadmill isn't something I can do. There's no room for one as the boys' toys have taken over most of the house and I don't facy going into the garage to work out. But the stuff on breathing is really useful. What do you do with quinoa? I have some but was told to cook it with a veggie stock cube but that sounds a bit boring, as I food combine it would have to be with veg or pulses. I am with you on the brown rice, I hated it years ago but now, whether its a better type of rice or my cooking has improved, I don't mind it at all, but its never going to taste like Basmati!!!
Well two days totally OP and exercising, I feel great and it seems to be getting easier to stick to. Anyone who's struggling I really reccomend that you promise to stick to your plan for ONE day, at the end of that day you will feel such a sense of achievement the next day will be easier, after all if it works for AA; those of us with food issues have the same physical 'need', I think anyway as those with other chemical addictions: it should work for us.
I hope I've not offended anyone with the stuff about AA.(sorry if I have)
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Old 04-12-2006, 07:46 AM   #6  
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Hey everyone it's good to be back (even if I didn't lose in the last two and I am glad to see everyone again. Keep up the good work! It motivates us all!
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Old 04-12-2006, 07:51 AM   #7  
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Sharon -- Have you tried basmati brown rice? It's VERY good!
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Old 04-12-2006, 08:42 AM   #8  
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Wow, Wyllen I never knew it existed, thanks for letting me know. Where do you get it, health-food places or specialist shops? Our local supermarkets and health-food shops only do brown plain rice. BTW is it nice & worth paying extra for?
Whilst we're on the subject of food how do you peel a butternut squash & how do you know its ripe? I made a lovely soup but had real problems peeling it, I tried cutting it lengthwise then peeling it but it was REALLY hard going, the skin was mega tough, even though I used my favourite veg knife. The soup is fantastic, I'm eating it as I type, well worth the effort, but if there's an easier way or trick anyone knows tell me please.
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:01 AM   #9  
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Hi Sharon,

Yeah, basmati brown rice is great!

And, I will gladly give you some quinoa recipes - I'll put some up on the recipe section later in the day.

Butternut squash (and most other winter squash) - it is much easier to cook it with the skin on and then let it cool a bit to scoop out the cooked meat out of the skin. I cut the whole squash in half and put it in the oven (sometimes faced down on a shallow sheet with a bit of water at the bottom; other times I don't bother with that) or you can put it in the microwave (this time you should bother with the water! it makes a difference). Roasting, of course, makes the squash taste better but sometimes one is just in a hurry! As far as ripeness? I don't know! Anyone else?

OK, off to bike I go. I'll post those recipes and let you know!
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Old 04-12-2006, 09:25 AM   #10  
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Maria Lucia - Your posts are always so inspiring and informative. What you call wind sprints I call 'intervals'. I'm pretty sure they are the same thing. When I work out on the treadmill I do intervals one minute out of every 5. Sometimes I walk 1km faster, sometimes I jog and sometimes I do an incline of 10%. It certainly gives a better workout.

Ammi - I'm not sure how 'odd' kidney and liver results could be stopping you from losing weight, but you never know. I truly hope that you find out something soon, as it must be frustrating for you as things are at the moment. Good luck with those results by the way. I hope that it is just a mild thing that can be fixed quickly, like my vitamin deficiencies.

dogpal - I think it would be wonderful if you found the new doctor's weight loss classes to be of use. It could end up being easier to attend than WW or something similar.
Well done on losing 12lbs!!! Sorry you haven't been well though. I sincerely hope that you are feeling better soon. It is hard to stay on track, eating and exercise wise when you are not well.

Kayley - I'm glad you have somewhere nice to go for walks. Hubby and I have to drive for 30 mins to walk along the river, but it is well worth it and we do it fairly regularly. It really does make for a lovely scene to exercise around.
It is good to see you feeling a little more positive too. Hopefully that will improve and you will soon be back to your bright, bubbly self.
Well done on making your Easter goal by the way!
You mentioned that you were taking Andrew to the doctor. I hope that it is just a routine visit and that he is OK. I know how I hate it when my ‘baby’ isn’t well. If he is sick, I’m sure you will take good care of him and I hope he is better very soon.

Kirsikka - At least you didn't eat all 3 bars. That is certainly a victory for you! I know you aren't happy about even eating one, but you do have to see that there is a positive side to this.
I have read about sleep being VERY important to help with weight loss, so you are definitely on the right track with that.

Tracey - It is wonderful that you have found an outfit for the formal that sounds gorgeous. I hope we get to see pics! I LOVE pics!

Jill – Great news about them waiving the overdue fee, although it did sound as though they shouldn’t have been charging it anyway seeing as though you have had a ‘clean’ record so far. I’m glad you stuck with it and went to talk with them.

Julee – It sounds as though you work on some fabulous programs with kids. They must be SO grateful to have you around. I envy you the patience to work around the clock. I have enough trouble getting through a normal school day without being exhausted. Just watching them and all their energy makes me tired!

Xena – Maybe your subconscious is sending you a message about not wanting to do that painting because it is scared of creating any more ‘pink’ doors.
I only read Life of Pi last year and I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t what I was expecting. At time I LOVED it and at other times I though… ummm… what AM I reading here. Overall it was a good read though and I felt REALLY good at the end. One of those total ‘feel good’ endings. I can’t remember why, but I remember putting it down and just… feeling good.

Lilion – Sorry your hubby didn’t do anything for your anniversary. We never do much, but hubby is always the one who remember it with a card at least. I actually forgot it one year and he remembered. Sad huh? I’m glad you had a good time at the casino.

Amber – What a lovely surprise for your grandmother. I’m sure the girls enjoyed it as well, if only for the getting dressed up part.
I never used to like wearing dresses either as they always used to look like tents on me, but I don’t mind now that I have something actually resembling a figure. I’m no expert, but I would have thought that a nice dressy pants suit would be just fine for Easter.

Sharon - I LOVE butternut pumpkin, but I have lost a good amount of skin and nail in my time due to them being so difficult to peel. Good luck with finding an easy way. I'll be watching for suggestions. I like Maria Lucia's idea if you want it 'mushy', but I sometimes like 'chunks and don't know a way to do that without peeling.

Ronnie - I'm glad you found a nice quiet time to go to the gym. I'm not sure I will ever become a gym person, but I have my own treadmill, exercise bike and home gym now, so I think I am well set up for the moment. Luckily it is just hubby and I in the house, or we wouldn't have room for all this 'stuff'.

As for me, things are pretty much as usual. The scales are a little down today, but I won't count that until it stays there for a few days. I've had a pretty good week at school so far, with just one more day to go until our two week break. We still don't have any plans for the holidays, but I plan to make the most of it whatever I do.

Tomorrow will be full of an Anzac ceremony, Easter cooking and Easter booklet. Not a lot of direct teaching going on, but should be a bit of learning I hope.

Take care all,

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Old 04-12-2006, 09:28 AM   #11  
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Ya know, I looked for squash at the store this week, and all I saw was zucchini. I'd like to try squash since the last time I tried it I was maybe 10 and hated it. Perhaps my taste buds have matured a bit since then

I'm so glad I've been staying on plan all week so far. I even made a chowder-type concoction last night in my crock pot, and it was still very healthy. I used fat-free half & half instead of heavy cream, organic low-sodium chicken broth, potatoes, frozen corn (no salt or butter added), frozen chopped spinach, turkey sausage, some fat-free shredded cheddar cheese, Mrs. Dash, and parsley flakes--YUM! Even Jeff liked it (although he added salt, which I refused to do ).

Well, looks like we are spending Saturday night at Jeff's mother's this weekend instead of just driving down for Easter on Sunday (his birthday is also on Sunday). It's about a 2-hour drive each way, so spending the night makes sense logistically, but I just am not very cofortable in her smoke-smelling, spider-infested house. Ahh, the things we endure for love
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Old 04-12-2006, 11:58 AM   #12  
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Individuals tonight after I get back from class...
But I'm down another 2 pounds! So -60 in 4 months. Whee.
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Old 04-12-2006, 12:02 PM   #13  
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Way to go Kayley!! You are catching up... i had better get moving!!!!
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Old 04-12-2006, 02:40 PM   #14  
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Michelle – Your list looks great. Don’t be so hard on yourself. It has taken many years to build all of your habits – you aren’t going to change them all overnight. My best advice is to observe yourself and start to understand how your body works. Like for me, I notice that on days (like yesterday) when I do indulge in something sweet I end up being ravenously hungry the next day – I can’t make it between breakfast and lunch. It took me awhile to figure it out, but now I know and I can make better choices because of it. I can either skip the sweet or I can make sure to have a healthy snack on hand when the hunger does hit so that I don’t grab something else with lots of sugar and continue the cycle.

Julee – Your weekend sounds totally fun and totally exhausting! Glad you made it through in one piece. I hope the roomie finds a place soon – that is not cool to not have done anything.

Kirsikka – I am constantly finding myself going – it’s 500 calories for WHAT?!? It is amazing how some really small things can have a ton of calories, while other things seem like so much for so much less. One is definitely better than three!

Tracey – We want pictures of you when you are all dolled up!!!

Xena – I live within commuting distance of NYC so of course everything is super expensive (for all of you who think Jill’s rent is bad, you don’t want to know what I pay). Since getting to the size I am, going to the city has scared me because I have been afraid that I will get stuck in a situation where I need to walk so much that I push myself past the point of my endurance. This is NOT a good thing, but it pains me to be missing out on all the city has to offer. Hopefully soon I will start feeling more up for excursions.

Lilion – Sound like your life is super busy right now. Sorry to hear that your husband forgot to get anything for your anniversary, but I can totally relate to that.

Amber – I know what you mean about certain songs bringing back the memory of your mother. My mother died when I was 15 and I can’t hear “You Are My Sunshine” without bursting into tears – she always used to sing that to me. In fact just thinking about it makes me well up. Man – you would think after 17 years it would be easier, but it just never goes away. It gets smaller, but it never leaves.

Brenda – How you can bake all that stuff I just don’t know.

Maria Lucia – Thanks for the info on wind sprints. I think I will try that to help build my endurance. Does he give a target heart rate or just the breathing thing? I tend to try and keep my heart rate around 140 and under 150 most of the time, but I am starting to think I could go a bit higher for brief periods like you mentioned.

Sharon – I know what you mean about taking things one day at a time. Sometimes looking at the big picture can be too overwhelming.

Crock – Your dinner sounded good. I will have to look for that sauce as I am not a fan of sweet tomato sauces anyway. I really like some of the Newman’s Own ones too. I don’t know how they are on carbs, but they have fairly low sugar.

Ronnie – Welcome!

Alison and Drummerchick – Welcome back!

Jill – squash tends to be harder to find this time of year. It is mostly an autumn vegetable (although that matters less and less these days).

Kayley – Another 2 – you are on fire!

Well I had to go get a pregnancy test this morning in preparation of my sonogram on Friday - it is a requirement of the procedure. I am taking Friday off since I don’t know how I will feel afterwards. My stepmother is coming again this weekend and wants us to cook for her so we can stay in rather than going out to a restaurant. I am not thrilled about this – I have never been much of a hostess, but I will try and think of something.

Back to work with me! I have spent too much time here today.
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Old 04-12-2006, 04:28 PM   #15  
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Hi All,

Well I have been in such a funk that I haven't made it to the doctors yet this week. One day I couldn't make an appt, and today I was just too tired to even ring them. I really do have to go tomorrow though and get it out of the way.

I don't think that my unusual results re kidney and liver will have anything to do with my lack of weight loss, but I am interested in seeing just what's up. I will also say again about my worry about not losing weight but I doubt the doctor will be able to offer any advice now we know it's nothing to do with my thyroid.

Somebody said I might be able to ask them to do further tests into how my body absorbs what the thyroid produces. I am not sure if they would do that, but I could mention it, it won't hurt.

Sharon asked about butternut squash, funnily enough I had some of that the other week. I cheated though and had it ready prepared in cubes, and I just roasted them. I loved it, but the kids and Daren hated it. I think I will keep on buying it ready prepared as I wouldn't use a whole squash for myself. I like the idea of using it in a soup.

I am preparing myself for starting afresh on Monday, and I have appreciated all your support and kind words whilst I have been WAY off track. Thank you all.

Hope you all have a brilliant weekend and for those who are allowing themselves an Easter treat, enjoy it


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