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Old 03-26-2006, 10:03 AM   #16  
South Beach Life Style
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Weighed in this Morning, I lost 3 lbs..

Zelma~ Yep, I am over Winter, Ready to be out and about doing something, I so hear ya on the "insulation" comment, When I had lost weight the last time, I remember being colder....

Garnet~ I made an A on my paper,, Are you talking about the one I did on , Challenging Lethal Injection, In Humane or stalling?..... I got some, much expected reaction from it, however, I was up for the challenge. Thanks For asking.

Princesspuffypants~~ Loved the pics, and the make-up you did,, keep me up to date.. You seem to be really enjoying yourself.
Take Care All
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Old 03-26-2006, 10:03 AM   #17  
742,000 calories burned
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Zelma-It wasn’t that my husband was game enough to buy me clothes, he was simply a bachelor so long that he didn’t know any better. He sure is trying hard though. I promised him that I would never make him wait while I tried on clothes, or drag him to the fabric store. He’s a nerdy geographer, and has his limits. I also have a hard time picturing myself as I am. I was large for so long that I just can’t visualize anything different. I still turn sideways to go through doorways that I don’t have to out of habit.

Princess-I have high blood pressure, and although my doctor never actually told me to go on a low sodium diet, it was only common sense. One teaspoon is 2400. I am shocked sometimes by the amount of sodium in ordinary canned stuff. I did learn something the other day on the food network. Sea salt is “saltier” than other salt, so you can use less to get the same level of seasoning. My mom was a beautician, and she often would do wedding hair, and often got asked to do the make-up also. That was 30 years ago. I’m told that it really cost a lot to have wedding make-up now.

Lilion-I actually had a pair of those roll down the top converse high tops. I also have the best of Bay City Rollers CD. I play it when I am in a cleaning mood. It makes the cleaning go faster.

Garnet-the skin under my chin tightened up perfectly. My upper arm looks like an ordinary middle-aged woman’s. I have lost from the top down. I have too much flabby skin and fat on the bottom to tell yet what is going to happen there, but it is something that is constantly in the back of my mind. I have lost over 10 inches in my bust, but they are actually very firm. The funniest thing is that my gall bladder scar which is 25 years old is now 3 inches lower than it used to be. My new doctor thought it was a really big appendix scar.

As for me, I’m making a couple of trays of whole wheat biscuits for the after church crowd. The low-cal fare hasn’t chased anyone off yet.
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Old 03-26-2006, 10:16 AM   #18  
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Dogpal – That is so cool about your family. I really hope they can make the trip for your birthday. Definitely keep us posted.

Ammi – I am really enjoying Dr. Who – it is a lot of fun. However, my BF refuses to watch because of the fact that Christopher Eccelston leaves at the end of the season. It was disappointing to find that out, but it isn’t a reason not to watch it for me. Happy Mother's Day!

I have been watching American Idol, and was really impressed with all the performances last week – well most of them. At first I thought Lisa was amazing, and she does have a good voice, but for some reason she doesn’t seem to be bringing the emotion or whatever. She is so young though – maybe just a little too young for right now. Mandisa and Chris are definitely my favorites too. I like Katherine and Elliott and Taylor is fun. I went from thinking that this was going to be one of the worst years to now thinking it will be one of the best. It really does say something about Barry Manilow’s musical talent that he got everyone to sing as well as they did last week.

Garnet – Isn’t it strange the way our minds work? You brought home some cookies and only gave one to your mother knowing she was dieting but you gave four to yourself? Why are you watching out more for your mother than you are for you? I know that always thinking of others is something that has gotten me in trouble myself on many occasions. I think with “dieting” one of the things we need to learn is a certain level of selfishness. Either way, I hope you enjoyed the ones you did eat.

Also, I know what you mean about the sodium. I try and keep it down, but I almost never have a day under 4000mg. I guess if I completely cut out processed foods I could do it, but I haven’t found my love of cooking yet. Maybe later when standing for long periods is easier.

Amy – I didn’t have cable until I moved in with my BF an now I can’t imagine not having it. Mostly because I am addicted to several sci-fi shows such as Stargate and Battlestar Gallactica. One thing I would suggest which I love is Netflix – it means we always have a movie around, never have to go to the store and never have to worry about late fees. You can also get workout DVDs to try before buying them. Hope your weekend with your sweetie is great.

Valerie – It isn’t that my legs are actually looking that great yet, it is just that I can imagine what they will be able to look like. It will still be awhile. The edema is definitely lessening. It must be even tougher for you in the truck all the time. For me when I sit for too long is when it is the worst. I hope you find a way soon to get off the truck.

Amber – Every time you post I am amazed at the things you have to deal with and I am so impressed with your determination. It must have been hard not to be angry when Anja threw your dinner on the floor.

Catherine – The sweater sounds lovely – and practical! The boxing ring is a great image. I have also used it the other way, where I picture me against the piece of food. I am so much more powerful than any inert piece of food and I can stomp it to pieces and it can’t do anything about it! How can something that can’t move, can’t do anything have so much power over me. I am definitely turning the tables there!

Crock – Can you send some of that spring up this way? I am ready, but we still have a few weeks of colder weather left.

Kayley – I have several dance DVDs that are way too jumpy. I try and find ways to modify the movements so that I am still moving, but not jumping. You don’t want to push yourself so much that you end up hurting yourself. If you do that you might have to stop exercising for awhile to heal and that would slow your progress. Oh – and I’ll trade you some of my butt. I have the opposite problem – I always have to wear much larger sizes because of it.

Luan – Thanks for sharing those photos. I like the natural look better. Do you carry your weight lower, because in your picture you look smaller than your weight.

Lilion – I LOVE Indian food. Glad you got a chance to try it. The only food I have tried that I haven’t cared for so far was Peruvian – but I think it was the particular restaurant. It was Zagat rated, but I didn’t like it very much. I think a big part of it was that they got our order wrong and kept insisting we ordered the tripe. I told them there was NO WAY that I in a million years had ordered tripe.

Zelma – I have the same image distortion issue but in the other direction – especially with my face. When I see pictures of myself I am usually surprised because I picture myself thinner in my head. It seems entirely logical that it could work the other direction too. I think you look quite slim – it is hard to see where there is more weight for you to lose. However, you see yourself with no clothes on. Clothes can really change the way a person’s body looks, so everyone else will see on thing and you (and your hubby ) will see another. I’m not sure how tall you are, but your goal weight doesn’t sound unreasonable. If you were 120 pounds and still thought you needed to lose, then I would worry. In the end, you need to feel good in your own skin, and you are the only one who will know exactly what that means.

Well yesterday I spent the day at home and let myself really relax. First thing was I finally tried my tabla (Indian drums) that I bought awhile ago along with a how-to tape but had never tried to play. I need to figure out how to work the leather a bit because it is really dried out and I had a hard time trying to tune it. I lay down for awhile and gave my body some time to go into total relaxation. It felt really good. I then did a yoga DVD and then my BF came home and we went to dinner. I gathered up the courage to talk about some of the things that have been bothering me lately. I just haven’t been able to get over his comment before that my size is important enough that if I got down below a certain point he wouldn’t find me that attractive. He is still convinced that “because of my body type and metabolism” that I won’t be able to get much past 230 or something around there. I told him flat out that I don’t want to be fat necessarily and I certainly didn’t want to be put in a box. I need to decide where I want to be. He said he thought I had lost ground on being influenced by society in now feeling that I wasn’t attractive, and I told him he just didn’t get it. It isn’t about being attractive or not, it is about being healthy and active and able – that is what I want. I don’t know if much got resolved, but I was glad I talked about it. He thinks I am making up issues that don’t really exist, but for me it is the first time in our relationship that I am no longer sure if he is the person I really want to be with for the rest of my life. Between this and the money issue (he has got major spending and cc debt issues) I’m just not sure anymore. That is a weird feeling and one I am not quite ready to explore.

Today I want to go do some shopping. I think I will head over to Trader Joe’s to pick up some stuff. Later a friend of my BF’s is coming to get some computers from the batch he picked up on Friday. I have some laundry to do and I really need to learn how to work the tracking function on my heart rate monitor. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
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Old 03-26-2006, 10:44 AM   #19  
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Hello everyone! I haven't had time to post or to read since last Saturday and, needless to say, there is no WAY I can catch up on all those posts. I did try to skim though and wanted to say that I loved VioletSwerve's idea of listening to books on tape while cleaning! My house is a disaster area today and I plan to spend all day cleaning and doing laundry. But not before I head to the library and find something to listen to! Thanks for the idea, Violet!

Speaking of my house being such a mess I am trying to figure out what my problem is. I used to keep such a nice house and now it's always in a horrible state. And I am not talking about an unmade bed or maybe some dirty socks on the floor. I am talking a week's worth of dirty dishes in the sink, going weeks without vacuuming, etc. I think my depression is kicking in again. I used to take a light dosage of Prozac but quit for various reasons. But now even the simplist of household chores seesm insurmountable. For example, the reason I have a sinkful of dishes is because I could not bring myself to empty the clean ones out of the dishwasher so I could load the dirty ones. Why is that so hard? I can't explain it but when I know it is time to do something like that it just feels like the biggest task in the world and all I want to do is go lay on the couch under a blanket and watch TV.

I do see a therapist (who, by the way is a social worker, going back to wyllen's discussion of therapists). I don't want to tell her I am feeling this way again. I don't want to be on Prozac again. I hated the psychiatrist she sent me to to get the meds in the first place. I had told him I didn't want Prozac because weight gain is a side effect. I wanted Wellbutrin because I have heard weightloss can be a side effect. Anyway, because I have had a history of eating disorder he wouldn't let me have it. Now keep in mind, the ED was YEARS ago. I just felt like he did not at all take into consideration my not wanting to gain more weight.

So, I don't know what to do. I do feel like I am struggling with daily living and probably need some meds again. But I don't want to deal with that doctor again. I just want to be my old self and have my old energy and drive. I don't like living like this.

Sorry to be a downer. That's not what I intended my post to be. But if I am being honest about what is going on with me right now, then this is it.

Nancy - I hope you are able to reconcile your "weird feelings". My only advice is that you should not compromise what is best for you in order to satisfy someone else. I don't know all the details obviously, but your BF sounds a bit sabotaging to me. And as for the money issues, honey, I can related. I was married to someone with money issues like that. It's too stressful. Maybe it's because we are accountants (yes, I am one too ) that we have a good head on our shoulders about money. Not everyone does.

Zelma - You look so slim and pretty. You look like someone who has never had a problem with weight at all. I do understand that feeling of trying to get your brain to see what everyone else sees. Somewhere I read once that it takes the mind 6 months to catch up with our physical self. Maybe that explains how I woke up one morning weighing 300+ pounds!

Well, I am off to the grocery store and then the library. I have a couple recipes from my new WW cookbook that I want to make this week and need the "stuff" to do it with.

Take care everyone!
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Old 03-26-2006, 12:02 PM   #20  
determined to lose
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Wyllenn - Thanks. I know we are all different but it is so unfair. You should get to go down a size for every 20 pounds no matter how huge (or short) you are....wouldnt it be nice?

It seems like since I started out huge that there is just still so much of me that you cannot even tell I lost a pound let alone 35. boo hoo hoo

I'm just saying if I lose 100 pounds and it doesnt show I am going to be ticked off and will probably resort to chocolate - semi sweet - but chocolate.

Zelma - how much did you have to lose before it was noticeable????

Thanks for the info on the loose not to get my hopes up apparantly...better just save my money for surgery. I wish I had had the sense and motivation to take this weight off while I was still in my thirtys...As it is I am shooting for perfection by 45.

About hormonal ups and downs...I dont know how far into your forties you are but you could be perimenopausal.

Kayley - Geez, what a job! I hope you get some hours for April, I think.

Oh God Valerie - I had a mouth full of water when I read about duct taping down the ladies to go horseback riding...almost watered my CRT!

Hey 22s are 2X right? oh and thanks for the vote of confidence!

Ammi - yes Leif Garrett was hot, but I think he is bald in front now. He always wears a bandana when I have seen him anywhere in print or on tv. i think i read a where are they now book that had the pictures..yes, I think that is where I saw him. He is not doing that great unfortunately.. but I dont remember what he is doing.

how about Bobby Sherman?

Crock - That is Great an "A" is wonderful!! I bet you did get some reaction too!


Catherine - Thanks for the good news on the loose skin front! So there is hope!! Are you in your forties too? I am almost certain I will have to have a tummy tuck the way the fat hangs down alone makes it look like I will have a skin skirt. bleack!

That is funny about your scar. What did your doctor have to say about it when you corrected him?

I really cannot say where I am losing from. I must have lost some in circumference or these pants would not fit but I cannot tell any difference anywhere. Still huge no matter which way I turn. I was thinking that maybe my face is a little less plump...but it may just be wishful thinking.

I wonder where my belly button is going to end up now that you mentioned your scar.

Nancy - you know you make a good point, it never even ocurred to me that I was watching out more for my mom's diet than my own...I thought I was being selfish hoggin' 4 cookies...ha ha ha @ $1.19 each I could only buy so many. So I was being selfish but in a self-destructive way as usual.

I wish you well in your relationship! Change can be so hard on them. I really do hope you find your happiness! with or without your current BF.

I am going to have to dig out my heart rate monitor if yall keep bringing them up around here...ha I might even know where I put it...

Xena - There are more antidepressants now that do not have weight gain as a major side-effect. Maybe if you just ask for something without that side effect and explain that you are trying to lose weight the healthy way rather than ask for wellbutrin by name you can get something that will be like you want.

But I agree, you sound like you are getting a little dysfunctional there with the house and the TV. You should be honest with your therapist or she cannot help you properly. Explain about your problems with what happened last time, maybe you can see someone else.

Good luck, I know it is a hard road to travel!
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Old 03-26-2006, 12:04 PM   #21  
I'm In Exile
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I have missed so many threads, I feel like I'll never catch up with everyone, I'm sorry I'm really bad at being a part of this thread.

Today is Sunday and I'm taking a much needed break, I worked for an hour this morning and I will work for about three hours tonight, but the rest of the day, I'm spending with my hubby. He wants to see a movie, one that I know I have no desire to see but it makes him happy so I will suffer in silence as I smell the popcorn, haha

I got on the scale this morning and I'm down another 2 pounds this week, I'm happy about it since I wasn't as good as I could have been. Today is a new day and the beginning of the rest of my life, I'll move forward from here and keep going strong and keep walking the path.

Zelma - you look amazing, don't ever forget it!!

The whole topic of Zelma and her image brought home something that happened to me the other day. I got a letter in the mail and inside were several pictures of my puppies and then there were two of me holding my puppies. They were taken by the sweetest older couple who I met at the dog park. My puppies befriended thier dog and they had so much fun together. They asked to take our picture and as much as I hate pictures, I said yes. When I opened that envelope I was shocked. I know I'm a large woman at 370 pounds, however when I saw the photos...I was SHOCKED at how HUGE I really am. Yes, my hair was pulled back and I was all sweaty from chasing puppies but that didn't change the fact that my LEGS and HIPS just swallowed the bench I was sitting on. These photos are posted where I can see them and they are going in my before album. I plan on sitting on that bench every 20 pounds to see my progress.

So what I'm suggesting to all of you if you haven't already, take some full body shots, you don't have to share if you don't want to, they can be for your eyes only, it will really help you see the progress you make.
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Old 03-26-2006, 12:12 PM   #22  
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Xena -- Depression can be debillitating. Just because you saw that psychiatrist before doesn't mean you have to go back to the same one. Why not see a different psychiatrist? One who will listen to you? Just as with other docs, if you don't like one, get another!

Garnetfairy -- I know when I started losing I couldnt even tell right away. Take pictures along the way (I take them every 15 pounds)... which gets to Countess' point -- great idea to take pictures at the same place every 20 pounds. Use those first pics as a sort of inspiration, rather than getting depressed about them (I know it's hard). I was shocked by my before pics too... I am thinking of posting them soon, with a current comparison. I am still fat, but there is DEFINITELY a difference!
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Old 03-26-2006, 01:17 PM   #23  
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Zelma, I’m glad you’ll be looking for your reflection in the mirror we hold up for you – we & your students, friends & family. Glass is a fickle thing. *** Cool that your getting a Borders! I love those & Barnes & Noble. I haven’t been in a Books-a-Million yet. Could shop for hours for books! I’m currently not letting myself read anything though, that isn’t for my degree. Otherwise I wouldn’t pick up the school books. *** Again, states differ, but here in Ohio you can get a learner’s permit at 15 ½, and a license at 16. “Drivers Education” classes are offered at schools, but cost extra and most people don’t take them. They also can be a real joke. A recent survey nationwide showed that 85% of all drivers Don’t know how to merge. Not a surprise. I take every kid I can out and teach them awareness, control & recovery of the vehicle, even where their mirrors are and what they’re good for ( a surprise to most of them) and that you PULL over for ambulances. Surprisingly, Ohio has one of the best CDL (commercial drivers license) tests, but the standard test is a joke, too. TWICE I’ve actually witnessed people FAIL the eye test, and get their license anyway. One of those when asked to read the eye chart started saying numbers until the tester corrected them and told them the chart had only letters. It’s absurd. *** Your jumper is a sweater over here – I just learned that too. *** SO cool about all that walking you did to the festival! I have a friend who was a size 1 or 0 when we were young, but is now having more trouble with her weight and health than me. We were planning a trip at the end of April and now SHE’s thinking she can’t do the walking it would require. I’ve always been the one to hold us back before. Makes me very sad. *** If I don’t talk to you before your term break, have a great time!

Ammi, I’m glad you had such a lovely Mother’s Day. Catch up on your sleep now, and kick that cold!

CROCK _ Cool Loss!! Congrats!!! & Congrats on that “A” too!!

Jeepers, I thought I had all day to work on getting the truck ready to leave tonight, lots of little tasks, but I just got a call for one last lesson at the barn. I’ll have to hurry to squeeze that in (it’s not as easy as “squeezing the dogs” LOL.)

Hi Catherine, Hi Nancy!

Xena – sounds like your shrink has some Control Issues, hmmm?

Garnet, Leif Garrett is balding? Poor boy. I never cared much about that, but some guys are so sensitive about it. Oh, yeah – Bobby Sherman! I remember cutting his “records” off the back of cereal boxes! I was it love – boy did HE miss out!. Course, I’m probably taller than he is.

Wyllenn, Countess, everybody - I’ve gotta fly! Jello to stir, sheets to strip/wash/put on. Oh, and I can’t forget to lock Bill’s tool box before he gets home. I told him I did it 2 days ago. Now, where’s that key??

If I don’t get back here before I hit the road, it’s been lovely as always ladies! Be back when I can… hopefully with better progress than I’ve been having!!! Take care and be healthy!!
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Old 03-26-2006, 03:10 PM   #24  
I'm bringin' SEXY back!!!
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I weighed myself this morning and I gained three pounds. Now, I know I couldn't have possibly gained three pounds of fat so I'm thinking it's water retention because I did pretty good this past week. I'll be drinking lots of water and it should show on the scale within a couple of days.
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Old 03-26-2006, 03:16 PM   #25  
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Val -- BYE! W'll miss you!

Tracey -- Good attitude to have. Keep at it, and the weight will come off!
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Old 03-26-2006, 06:04 PM   #26  
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Garnet - you are so sweet. thanks

Valerie - no worries, kelly doesnt leave til august. i just think it would be fun for her to talk to someone who has been there and knows how things work. if it happens, it happens. if not, well, shes goin anyway

ammi - as foor natural vs high fashion (or not "natural") it really depends on the look you are going for. on the one that I did (the girl that isnt me) that was one color on her eyes, some foundation, eyebrow pencil, mascara, and lipstick. when we do a natural look i can use 4 different eyeshadows, plus contour the face with shadows and hilights, blah blah blah... it really depends on what you are doing. its just the colors that are different... lol

crockett - i sure will. thanks for the interest

catherine - kosher salt is better too. it tastes different than table salt. and is less sodium than table salt.
as for makeup. ive heard of people paying a LOT for makeup. its become such a skill in the past few years that people will pay a lot of money so it looks perfect. i plan on being one of those people that make a lot of money from it

nancy - the pic i posted,and my avitar, are about 15 lbs different. i added a pic at the bottom that shows my body type a little better. its mostly in my boddle. boobs, stomach, hips and thighs. but im really muscular under the fat. 173 lbs of my body weight is muscle and bone/115 is actual fat. i was very athletic when i was younger. at least that works as an advantage for me now

countess - i totally agree with you on the take pictures thing. ive had a big reality check over the last few weeks in class. imagine ****. and **** is a 60 x 20 classroom (read: long like a hallway). it is STARK white. the walls are covered from end to end in mirrors and flourescent lights. all you can do all day is stare at yourself, unless you have the benefit of actually working and you dont have to look at yourself in the mirror, you can look at someone else, and glance at yourself. it was a HUGE reality check. i realized that i have lots more problem areas than i thought before. its kinda a good thing tho because there is no way i can deny whats there.
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Old 03-26-2006, 08:34 PM   #27  
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I'm not doing individuals today, I haven't been well for the past few days and I'm just wiped out right now. I guess I have a tummy bug, whatever it is, I feel like crap. But I did workout the past few days, and my food has been okay, until today when I was starving and had a salad, baked potatoe and a strawberry muffin for lunch. (Then I slept for four hours). The potato and muffin I should have skipped, but I used fat free sour cream and only ate about 1/3 of the potato, so, that wasn't too bad. anyway I'm just checking in and saying hi. I hope everyone is doing well and having a good day.
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Old 03-26-2006, 10:36 PM   #28  
South Beach Life Style
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Countess~~Congratulations on the loss of 2 lbs...
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Old 03-26-2006, 10:39 PM   #29  
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Just a quick hello to let you all know I'm back from my conference.

I haven't posted since Wednesday, the night before the weigh in I was worried about.. well... with reason. For the first time since I started this journey, I had a gain rather than a loss. It was only a half pound... but it was a gain. And.... since I was at a conference, I've been totally off plan for several days, so I'm not so much optimistic for this week either. SIGH. I know it's only a slight and TEMPORARY set back.... but I was really hoping to get much further before my first setback. So... time to grit my teeth, pull up my "big girl pants" as a friend of mine says.... and get back to it. So I shall. hrumph.

And... Neil Diamond. Yeah baby! Was in love with him when I was young and love just about everything he's ever done. Had to smile when someone mentioned Bobby Sherman, too. heart throb ... remember "Here come the Brides"? that was like sooo long ago... was just a little girl, but was sooo infatuated with him. lol

Well.. it was a long drive getting home today, so I'm off to fade away---just wanted to say hello....

oh.. and p.s. ... Zelma.... "quite slim"???? You'd think that person in that picture looked "quite slim"???? lol ... I'd say that person in that picture is pretty darn HOT, babeeee... lol.... way to go!

more later..... stay strong!
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Old 03-26-2006, 11:16 PM   #30  
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Pull up the "Big Girl Pants!" That just strikes me as hysterical!
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