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Old 02-04-2004, 06:13 PM   #1  
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Default 300+ And Ready To Try Again...#486

God Bless America!

We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
We share laughter and tears.
We share what works for us and what doesn't.
We recently started a Topic of the Day.

Monday........Motivation Monday
Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
Thursday......Thankful Thursday
Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

We chat on Wednesday and Sunday at 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST.

These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

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Old 02-04-2004, 09:14 PM   #2  
You and Me in 2003
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Where is everybody?
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Old 02-04-2004, 09:52 PM   #3  
I'm on my way!
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I'm here. I finally finished my 3 mid-term exams. The first one in computer information systems I ended up with an 88, the money and banking I got 80 on the mulitple choice questions but he hasn't graded the essay questions yet. THey are worth 20 points. In Western Civ I got an 80 on the mulitple choice questions and again he hasn't graded the essay questions yet! So....keep your fingers crossed..I would like to get 3 A's again this semester! I am sooo hard on myself when it comes to school! Geesh..if I could just lighten up a bit!

I still have a paper to write by next week in my computer class, a paper to write in western civ class about my trip to the museum, and a research paper in western civ too and a class project in the computer class. I'm sure there are more papers I just have to check out which ones are due first and work on them that way!

Anyway....I am off to bed! Catch you all later!
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Old 02-05-2004, 12:30 AM   #4  
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Hi everybody! I had a GREAT day today. I did 4 post offices, a theatre job and a lunch job with a friend from the other side of town. It even seemed like the music on the radio was upbeat and singable! I've just finished doing all the reports and figured I'd check in here before heading up to bed.

We're enjoying quite the heatwave here, over 30 degrees yesterday AND today!

2cute: Sounds like you had a GREAT day too. That's wonderful about getting the dress you wanted. What great luck!

Michelle: I'm glad some of your mid-term stress is over with. You got great grades even without the extra essay points! * Hope Andrew is feeling better soon.

Terri: I bet your dog is REAL happy with you! Did you end up with the snow? They're predicting snow here too, but I'm doubting we'll get it.

Audrey: GREAT weightloss! 4.5 pounds is WONDERFUL!

Duckie: Nice loss for you too! 2.5 pounds is GREAT!

Barb: All those Dr. appointments must be getting real old. But I suppose you have to keep focussing on what the outcomes might be. Glad to hear hubby is going to get healthy with you! That will make life so much easier.

Mary: I'm here too.

Joyce: I loved the picture. I want to borrow your hat too, for my next Red Hat Society meeting.

Well, my dears. I'm off to la la land. Need to be up and out the door by 8:30 tomorrow morning, another reset to get done! :yuck:

See ya later. Love ya bunches.
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Old 02-05-2004, 02:07 AM   #5  
Changin' my ways :)
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Hey everyone

Add me to the list of lighters out there! Not sure if that sounds better than losers, but at least the connotation is right. Anyway, WI and measurements this morning at Curves, and I was down 9.5 inches and 2.5 lbs. for the month! Go me! I'm SO back in this game!

I'm up too late yet again. Have so much else to tell you all, but I'm just way too tired. At least I got to read and look at the new pics.

Catch you all tomorrow!

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Old 02-05-2004, 10:31 AM   #6  
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congrats andria on the losses, lbs. and inches. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Well today is thursday and i am so thankful for so much. i am thankful that i have God to help me through this weight loss journey. i am thankful for the worlds most wonderful husband. i am thankful for a great job and boss. and i am thankful for this site and all the people who give me motivation and support.
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Old 02-05-2004, 11:59 AM   #7  
a work in progress...
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Hey, hey, hey...whattya say?

Today is my 14th day OP! Woo hoo! Big weigh in tomorrow. My peeks at the scale this week have shown no change from last WI (not Wisconsin) Last time I looked, I was actually UP a lb... I don't know why, but I'm not going to base my future efforts on a number on the scale. I have a LOT of weight to lose. Crying about the number will not do anything to facilitate that loss. It is not the scale, being spiteful, that causes me to gain. I will not, ever again, say..."Well, I may as well eat what I want if I'm not going to lose anyway!" I know that I am eating well and exercising and THAT, my friends, is the key to losing weight! Nothing more, nothing less.

heh heh...big expert, huh?

Anyway, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Sooooooooo...let's see...let me try to catch up here...

Michelle, Ms Academia...You rock! Great job on your tests AND on the new job! Welcome to Joizey! I'd love to get a job at my gym! I just stopped here and called my friend who works in the rehab dept at my gym about a job that was posted...unfortunately, it starts at around $6.00 less per hour than I make now. Oh well. I'll just go work with Michelle.

Andria...This is the only place where it's acceptable to be a LOSER! Can;t wait to hear what's going on with you. Is the boss being any better since you had a word with him? Inquiring minds want to know.

Thinny Thin, the busy girl...We had a brief heat wave too, but the temps are heading back down again... Bis storm coming this weekend, supposedly. Someday, I SWEAR my Christmas lights will come down!

I'm not sharing all this with many people in my life, but I feel like I can share with all of you.
This is what we're all about. It's what I love about coming judgements, no agendas. You can just be yourself, say what's on your mind, get it off your chest...and there's always an encouraging word, or a sympathetic ear, or a different spin on something.

I wanted to keep going, but my keyboard is not being cooperative...I think the batteries may be going (wireless thingy) Gonna post this before it gets obliterated...I'll be back later after I figure out how to change them.

love to all.
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Old 02-05-2004, 12:03 PM   #8  
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Hi Girls!
Just stopped in for a brief sanity check on my day. Work has been nuts this morning and I just got to a point to take a quickie break and check on my favorite gals and add a little cheer to my day!

Have I told you lately how thankful I am for each and every one of you?!?!?! Well, I AM!!!!

Have a great day!
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Old 02-05-2004, 01:12 PM   #9  
Dancing those pounds away
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Good morning... good morning ... good morning.
We did get some snow... but nowhere the amount they predicted. It was a BEAUTIFUL snowfall. The roads were warm and the snow was cold and wet so it melted off the roads... and made wonderful snowballs in the yards. I LOVE snow that melts off the roads immediately.

Hmmm... Thankful Thursday. I feel much more thankful than I did yesterday. LOL
I am thankful my husband and the home he provides me.
I am thankful for my children and grandchildren.
I am thankful for computers so I also have my cyber family.
I am thankful I have a new beginning each and every day.

I am very excited this morning. My daughters wedding dress came in this morning.
We ordered it out of OKC so we can't go see it today.
That is the good news. The not good news is the bridesmaids dresses did not come in.... and they think it will be at least another month. Apparantly the company is owned by Chinese because they closed the shop for the entire month of Chinese New Years. The bridesmaids dresses were suppose to only take 3 months and the wedding dress 6 months... and we got the wedding dress in 2 months. I am guessing they had the wedding dress already made and in stock.
This wedding is getting closer and closer. Less than 4 months away.

And I have another exciting event happening even SOONER.... April 23 !!!!!
I am getting very excited about that too.
I had better get off the computer and get myself busy... both events will be here before I know it... and I am such a bad procrastinator.
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Old 02-05-2004, 03:06 PM   #10  
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Congrats to all the "Losers" I have been doing better myself...Hopefully I will show a loss at tomorrows weigh in. I may not be able to go to the WW meeting at all for 2 reasons: I don't drive in snow and we are under a Winter Storm Watch, it is snowing heavily right now....and I may have to babysit as there is no day care for my 2 year old granddaughter tomorrow. IF the roads are real bad my daughter will stay home so I won't have to babysit, and if the friend who goes with me isn't afraid of the roads we may still be able to it is all up in the air at this point......( Did any of that make sense??? )

I am one happy camper...remember me wondering if I would hear from my old friend Ed?( My letter to him came back as marked with the wrong address) Well TADA!!!!! I got his email address yesterday ( from his cousin), emailed him, within the hour I got a email back...and this morning I had a nice long email from him again!! ....he wants my snail mail address and phone #, He also said we had a lot to talk about, he was asking me if I remembered this and that about the past...what a blast! This is so much fun for me.

I need to go, just thought I would share some good news with all you ladies today!
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Old 02-05-2004, 07:05 PM   #11  
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Hi ladies!

My butt is firmly planted in the recliner for the evening. We had blizzard type snow all day today. (I just heard it was 12 inches today). The drive to work wasn't too bad. They actually closed the office at 2:30 which is a small miracle (**** must have froze) and the drive home was treacherous. I have 4WD so I didn't have so much trouble but it was the other non-4WD cars and some people have no business driving in stuff like this. I almost got wiped out at an intersection at the bottom of the hill and as the car was coming at me broadside, I realized it was a friend from work. She was driving like a hog on ice. HELLLOOOOO, use your lower gears not the brake!!!!!!! She did a 360 right in front of me before I could back back into the intersection to get out of her way. I bet she about peed her pants because she was waving her arms for me to move and she was yelling. Scared her more than me.

I had to get out and shovel when I got home. Fortunately our neighbor came over to help me. We live on a cul-de-sac. Two of the neighbors have small lawn tractors with blades and one with a snow-blower. They will get out and clean their own driveways and other select people on the cul-de-sac but there are 4 of us that they won't help. Not like we did anything to these people; we're just not on the A-list. With this kind of snow, I would help everyone if I had money for that kind of equipment. Oh well. I would have had to quit shoveling if Doug would not have helped me. Not good on my lower back.

Syn - That is exciting about your friend! If it was snowing heavily wouldn't that have been a Winter storm Warning instead of a Watch? You're about 3 hours north of us. Our weatherpeople have been salivating for this kind of storm for days now. Hope you're not getting what we are.

Barb - Keep us posted (as much as you want to share) about what you're finding with all the doctor appointments. We're all hear praying and hoping for you!

Kat - Thanks for your words of wisdom. I've been holding steady on the scale even though I feel like I have been keeping my food good and working out double what I had been. So frustrating. Crap, I can't even seem to lose inches but I CAN feel the muscles that didn't use to be there. I had been thinking exactly what you wrote about might was well eat. You're right about having to hold tight and not give up. Thanks for keeping me from eating a honey bun today! I'm ready for us to get out and ride bikes!

Thin - Busy was ever. Sounds like you had our day that we had two days ago. The snow was pretty THEN!

Andria - Congrats on your losses! Good job! Especially for being back at Curves given all the job stress you've had. Keep it up!

2Cute - How exciting about the wedding dress. Too bad about the bridesmaids dresses - just what you don't need is to worry if they will or won't make it. Is it April yet?

Michelle - Good job on your midterms!

Hello to everyone else!

I need to get busy on bills and paperwork. Enjoy your evenings!

Last edited by Terri in MO; 02-05-2004 at 07:37 PM.
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Old 02-05-2004, 07:53 PM   #12  
Starting over once again
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Hi all!!! I've not posted in a while. I'm trying to limit all my computer time & spend more time with the family. So, I've not been online in a few days.

The weather here is absolutely miserable. It started out snowing, turned to rain, then back to snow, then to ice and now it's raining again. The stream down below the house flooded earlier, but thankfully it has went back down. I hope it stays down. I can't miss work tomorrow for flooding!!

Took dd shopping earlier for summer clothes. Put five of the cutest outfits in layaway plus a pair of shoes. She's only 5 but she's learning the ways of womanhood too quickly.... she wanted a different pair of shoes for each outfit!!!!

Oh well, I need to end my post & try to catch up on all the other threads as much as possible before Survivor. Then after Survivor, I'm Pilates bound!! (Haven't exercised all week. )
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Old 02-05-2004, 09:48 PM   #13  
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Hi Gang!
Just finished watching Survivor and now I am taking a little computer time. I love this Survivor - everyone has such and attitude thinking they are unbeatable because they've done this once before - possibly forgetting that everyone else has as well. I have to say I am glad that Ethan is still there, but it did bring a tear to my eye that tough old Rudy is gone. Jenna sure has an attitude this time around! I love it all!

I am a touch worried at the moment - Jeff left at 6:30 this morning to go work in NYC today - it is now 9:15 and I haven't heard one word from him. He's not answering his cell phone. I am sure everything is fine, but I hate it when he doesn't take 30 seconds to call me on days like this. Work has been really tough for him this week and his boss has been a jerk to him about taking off a couple hours here and there. It's such a same because he works so darn hard. Lately he's been putting in 12 (and sometimes more) hour days. He was in such a bad mood last night when he came home and he usually doesn't bring work home with him. If he ever comes back home I'll try to cheer him up!

I spent most of the day with horrible cramps! Ugh!!! I am also feeling nice and bloated! Wonderful!!! The scale is starting to move a bit again, but I am not expecting much from my Friday weigh in due to my visitor! I know, I know, it's not all about the scale! I am feeling better than I have felt in months!!! Clothes are feeling better, I am more confident. I hated the rut I was stuck in. I took today off of exercise - after many days in a row - lost count! I plan on hitting the gym first thing in the morning! Luckily tomorrow I am working at home. We are suppose to get some bad weather.
It's awful because it's warming up just enough during the day to melt some of the snow and then it's getting so cold at night that everything is icing up. Ick!

Terri - You asked the other day if I was doing WW - I have never officially joined WW, but I count points with a couple friends at work just for fun with them - I log everything I eat into an excel spreadsheet - counting calories, fats, carbs, protein, fiber and WW points --- may be a little over the top, but it works for me. I find that the calorie range I have been sticking with - about 1500 a day falls pretty close in line with WW. ~ What a scary drive home - glad nothing bad happened! I am one of those terrified people in the bad weather - I do everything I can to avoid driving in snow/ice!

2cute - So glad you ended up getting "the" dress! Don't worry about the bridesmaids, I am sure they will come in plenty of time! I'm surprised your daughter's came so early. I remember dress hunting when I got married - we only had an 8 week engagement so I couldn't order anything - we were limited to what I could find on the racks at the stores --- it was tough, but it all worked! Boy oh boy, what I must have put my mother through in those 8 short weeks!!!

Jen - How is that bike treating you?

Duckie - Did you get DF to turn off Hockey tonight so you could watch Survivor? I found out today I may get box tickets to the Flyers/Rangers NHL game on Valentine's day - that will be a fun treat for us. I don't watch much hockey on tv but love going to the games. Way to go on the loss this week!

Joyce - I love your picture! Thanks so much for sharing. It's great to put faces with everyone!

That reminds me --- I never re-posted my bio or any pictures after the site crashed --- I'll try to do that this weekend.

Michelle - How is your little guy doing? Feeling better I hope and hopefully you got some sleep! The new job sounds great! Good job on the midterms!! My oh my you are a busy gal!

Audrey - CONGRATS on the great loss! Keep it up. I'll join you in the losers circle one of these days soon!

Thin - You too - what a busy, busy gal you are! Have you been finding time for yourself?? What about Curves - still going?

Kat - Good for you -- don't let that scale get to you (boy, I should listen to myself now and then) You've been doing a great job and it will pay off! Thanks for reassuring me that I can come here to ramble on and on and on..... Hopefully I didn't put you to sleep! How's your dad doing lately???

Syn - I am so glad you are popping in to let us know how you are doing! What great news about your old friend!! Keep us posted!!! So much fun!!!

Stephanie - Sounds like you are sending your lovely weather up this way tomorrow! Hopefully that means things will get better for you! I was looking at your signature trying to figure out the 2 lines -- do you belong to a church group and WW and the scales are different?

Alright, it is now 9:45 and still no call from DH I am not a happy camper at the moment! I betcha he'll call about 11:00pm and tell me he is stuck in the city in a hotel room (with no clean clothes or toiletries) and he's having everything laundered overnight --- it won't be the first time this has happened! I keep telling him to take an extra overnight bag to leave in his office there! Men = knuckleheads!

Ok, I am going to read a book in bed till I get a phone call and then get some sleep! Have a good night! Talk to you tomorrow!!!

Quick check --- who made it this far into my rambling post and who is asleep/drooling on the keyboard???

Nighty Night!
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Old 02-05-2004, 10:58 PM   #14  
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Update --- Finally got a call from DH! I was right about the 11:00pm part --- but luckily he is almost home. The ding-dong left his cell phone in the car. At least is sounds like he's in a better mood today.

He wants to watch Survivor when he gets home - so much for getting to sleep early! I told him his favorite two guys are still there (Rudy and Rupert). Just a little white lie - I can't ruin the show for him!

Night Again!
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Old 02-05-2004, 11:47 PM   #15  
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Hello to everyone this is my first post to 300+ after reading everyone seems so lively and cheerful

Wel to let you know a little about me I am a stay at home mom with 2 boys a teenager and a toddler so if i seem crazy sometimes please just bear with me it will soon pass.

ALL THAT SNOW......... We dont have any snow yet just alot of rain and sleet but the snow is comming this weekend is it SPRING yet?

Too bad about Rhudy getting voted off survivour huh? Well being from Southwest Virginia I have to say GO BIG TOM and the rain dance was soo funny.

Hope you all dont mind me dropping in keep warm and safe...
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