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Old 09-01-2015, 08:11 AM   #1  
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Talking 300+ Chat Thread September 2015

Good Morning Guys and Gals,

It is Sept. 1st so its time for a new thread.

Let's make Sept. our best month yet.
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Old 09-01-2015, 12:44 PM   #2  
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Trying to get focused. Working on only drinking water. That's my goal for this week. Next week goal is to get on plan and stay there.
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Old 09-01-2015, 02:52 PM   #3  
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Hello Ladies.... End of August Weigh-In happened this past weekend. With it being the first month of my journey & accounting for water-weight, etc., my goal was 330lbs. Results were.......

I lost a total of 16.6 lbs. From 346.0 lbs to 329.4 lbs.

Yay for me!!! This is motivation to stay on track and continue moving forward. Thank you Sam, Ubee, Cindy, and Terra for all of your motivation and support. Thank you for letting me be a part of your journeys which in turn inspired me to start mine.

Looking forward to my End of September Weigh-In. Goal is 320. Here goes...

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Old 09-02-2015, 11:43 AM   #4  
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Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. The past week has been crazy and I'm just trying to get through each day. Doing good on the eating and exercising though. My friend came down last weekend and we went shopping for dresses. I found one then after I brought it home I decided I didn't like it and took it back the next day. DH is usually honest with me and I can trust his judgment on clothes and he said the dress didn't suit me and my usual style. I guess I was just trying to branch out. I'm on the hunt for a maxi dress for the wedding. I've found one online I plan to buy if I don't find anything else around town. DH is going to go shopping with me this weekend to see what we find. I didn't over indulge with my friend here like I usually would when she comes down. I did eat some M&Ms but it was a serving and not an entire giant bag. Other than that everything was on plan. I actually made a mistake and didn't eat anything other than breakfast the day we went shopping until dinner time. I didn't weigh myself on Sunday just in case I had a gain. I wasn't ready to see what it was, but I will weigh in on Sunday this week and take measurements. I did do measurements last week and I have lost a little bit so I'm happy about that.

Ubee Glad you're still around. I really worry when the regulars don't post, even if it's only once a week. We all have busy lives but we need to commit to the help of ourselves and others on the same journey to post and help keep each other accountable. Keep pushing dear, I know you can do it. I'll figure a way to post me in the dress on here.

Sassy First off...WOOO HOOOOO!!!! You surpassed your goal that you had set for yourself! That's wonderful!!!! So proud!!! I'm glad that I am here to witness your journey. You are doing great...Just keep going and take it one day at a time. That's all we can do. I agree that you are doing the right thing with keeping your weight loss a secret for now. All my life I've tried to lose weight and failed so many times. I didn't want to have the ridicule that would be involved with losing weight if I didn't succeed. DH is keeping me on my toes with going to the gym and I'm glad he is. I think something has clicked with him. He isn't eating the best but he is trying and taking small steps so I'm proud of him. I think he's getting closer to wanting to try to have a baby because he keeps talking about things he can do to get his testosterone levels up. He has low testosterone and sperm count so with that along with my PCOS we are going to have to try hard to have a baby but part of that is being healthy so that's what we're working on now.

I'm going to try and post more often. At the very least once a week. I'm glad to see there are people still here offering support. I really miss our regulars and hope they are ok too!! I'm back to work but hope everyone enjoys their day!
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Old 09-02-2015, 08:03 PM   #5  
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Hi everyone.

Terra, thanks for starting the September thread.

Sassy, congrats on your awesome loss for August. You're doing great. Keep up the good work.

Sam, glad you are still on track. I worry when you don't post for a while. I'm guilty of not posting as often now either.

Dgramie, I am having trouble staying focused too. Focusing on one thing sounds like a good idea.

Today marks 6 months since I started my journey. On the one hand I've lost 40+ lbs. in that time and I'm happy about that. On the other hand I reached the 40 lb. mark two months ago and have spent the whole summer losing and gaining the same 5 or 6 lbs. or sometimes even a few more and I'm not too happy about that. So, it's time to stop playing around and get back on track. Today has been a good on-plan day and that's where I'm starting.

I hope you all have a good day tomorrow.
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Old 09-04-2015, 09:29 AM   #6  
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Cindy ~ Your welcome


Woke up at 6 a.m. this morning, Its now almost 8 a.m. I'm gonna work out here pretty soon. After 2 p.m. we are going shopping, I LOVE shopping!!!!!!!!! I hope we have chipotle for dinner tonight, I LOVE their burrito's. I'm gonna have Subway for lunch tomorrow while Scott and I are at the mall. We dont go to the mall often cause we always spend way too much money when we go there but its nice to go there once in awhile. What is everyone doing for the Holiday weekend? We are not doing anything special. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday. Take Care Everybody.
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Old 09-05-2015, 03:52 PM   #7  
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Hey everyone.

I am back again.... Planning to make this time count for real.

I am still teaching in Egypt, but now I am also pursuing my Masters (online) and this summer my doctor diagnosed me with an under active thyroid, that is doing better with medication so I am hoping to have more energy than before.

I hope you all are doing well and I hope to check in frequently!

I am starting from the very beginning, plan right now is to do 10 minutes of activity everyday after work and weekends. Cutting out most junk foods (can't quit some chocolate yet) and no pop in the house (eventually it will be no Pop at all)
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Old 09-05-2015, 11:04 PM   #8  
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Well sometimes things do not go as planned. I was just discharged from Albany Memorial Hospital where I was treated for Cellulitis in my shin area of my right leg. Cellulitis is an infection and it was similar to one I had in 2006 when I spent six weeks in the hospital. This time I caught it sooner. I was given two different antibiotics intravenously every 2 hours for a day and a half and then started me on oral antibiotics four times a day. I still have the infection but it is better. They sent me home today, Saturday 9/5/15 to my son's house with a prescription for two different antibiotics to be taken at different times twice a day each. I am to see a doctor for followup on Monday the 14th. Roberta has cancelled all of her plans for Canada and Indiana and she wants us to return straight to Florida as soon as I am cleared for travel by the doctor.

On the positive side I stayed on Atkins Induction while in the hospital despite being placed on a cardiac diet plan and I lost 2 pounds while there.
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Old 09-07-2015, 06:20 AM   #9  
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WTG Sassyfluff!

I'm new here. Both to 3fc and 300+. I'm currently 365 lbs and was mortified to see it. I am almost 20 weeks pregnant so can only do moderate exercising and choosing healthy foods rather than calorie cutting, but I'm trying to make the positive changes NOW. I'm grocery shopping today and all the junk has got to go!

Honestly this is like my 100th attempt but I'm hoping with a support group it will be easier to stay in track.
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Old 09-07-2015, 09:27 AM   #10  
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Cindy I'm trying my best to post often, and really feel bad when I don't. I don't want anyone to worry about me. In the past if I didn't post it was because I was ashamed that I wasn't doing as well as I should. I think if it weren't for this new medicine I am on to help with my depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder I would probably be not as much on track since I haven't been posting but really I am trying to enjoy life as much as I can without always being on the internet. Summer has been crazy for me too. I went through a horrible plateau and then gained some weight when my husbands grandmother passed. But hey 40 pounds is something to be proud of!!! Don't let it get you down...You are better than that and I know you will succeed!

Terra Hope you are enjoying your weekend! DH and I are supposed to go to the mall today to look for attire to wear to a friend's wedding this month.

Time Glad to see you back!!! You aren't alone in this journey so post often! I think the group as a whole has been a little slacking, myself included...Maybe we're all in a funk? Congrats are starting to get your masters!!

Larry Sounds like you've been through the wringer!! I am glad that the cellulitis was caught sooner this time. Be well my friend!

TwoHundred2Lose Welcome to the group!!! We have all been there with the eye opening truth of how much our weight has crept up on us. You aren't alone sister!! This group has helped me so much since I've started my journey...There are so many wonderful people here to offer support. I've also documented my journey on Instagram and I find TONS of recipes and exercise ideas on Pinterest. I hope you'll stay awhile and please don't be shy!! We're all in this together!!!

Well's official....I am out of the 220s!!!!!!!! This Sunday I weighed in at 218.4!!!! There is hope for me yet...I think I may just make my goal to be at 200 by the end of the year. If DH keeps me going like he is I think I can do it. I was really struggling there for awhile with my plateau and I'm sure you guys can all agree with me it's those damn plateaus that really can bring you down. I have been slacking on measuring myself each week but I am back at that too and let me tell ya if you aren't measuring yourself each week you really should!! There have been times when I have stayed the same weight or even gained and I still had lost inches in my measurements. I have a really cool chart that a friend sent me when I first started my journey that I have printed and keep it in a folder beside my bed to remind myself each week to measure.

I also had a NSV that I forgot to mention last week. When my friend and I went shopping for dresses for a friend's wedding I got the nerve to try on a pair of knee high boots. I have NEVER been able to wear them because my calves were always too big, even for the wide calf boots. These were a regular and I guess you have to size up for boots? Is that a rule? IDK anyway I was able to get them zipped all the way up!!!!! They weren't wide calf boots either!!! They were a little snug and I'm not too sure how snug they should be when you wear them but when I finally decide to buy some (in the near future) I may opt to get the wide calf ones depending on how they feel.

The weather here is dreary today. DH and I spent the whole day lounging around the house yesterday. I really needed that. We are supposed to go shopping today and hit up the gym. We also plan to have a movie day too. I hope we get it all done in time but we'll see.

I hope everyone enjoys their day!!! Everyone kill their workouts this week and stay on plan!! You are awesome!!!!
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Old 09-07-2015, 04:04 PM   #11  
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Sam that is awesome about the weight and the boots!

Maybe a funk?

I am having a stupid week. My scale is not giving the correct weight (it puts me like 50lbs lower than I know I am), the air conditioner in my bedroom broke and it is pushing 40 degrees Celsius in the day here, mid 20s at night. And the air conditioner in my classroom is dying a slow death.

So I haven't worked out but I have faith in myself. I won't let this stop me. I didn't have any snacks after dinner today which is huge for me.

Welcome twohundred2lose
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Old 09-07-2015, 06:57 PM   #12  
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Sam ~ Yes I had a good weekend, Thanks for asking.

Twohundred2lose ~ Welcome to 3FC and to the 300+ Thread

Hi Everybody,

I hope everyone is having a good Labor day today. I'm having a good day but I'm not doing anything for the Holiday. Here lately I've been watching My 600 LB Life and its really been an eye opener and watching it makes me want to keep going on my journey. I've also been watching My Big Fat Fabulous Life and its motivating me to start dancing for exercise as well so my VB work out dvd doesnt get boring. Nobody ever said you had to stick to one type of exercise right? I think you can do alot of different types of exercise what is important is to keep with it. Take Care Everybody.

Last edited by Terra1984; 09-07-2015 at 06:58 PM.
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Old 09-07-2015, 08:33 PM   #13  
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Hi everyone.

Time4me2change, welcome back. Congrats on no snacks after dinner. You can do this. One day at a time.

Larry, glad they caught the cellulitis earlier this time. I was hospitalized for 4 weeks with it almost two years ago, so I know how serious an infection it can be. Congrats to staying on plan while in the hospital.

Twohundred2lose, welcome and good luck to you. You can do this.

Sam, congrats on getting out of the 220's. That's awesome. Cool NSV with the boots. I can't wear them either, but hopefully one day.

Terra, I think whatever exercise you do is good exercise. It's all movement and burns calories, and switching it up will probably help to keep you from getting bored doing the same things over and over. Having said that, I haven't started exercising yet but I'll get there.

I had a Labor Day goal to be down 50 lbs. and obviously didn't make that, but as of this morning I am finally back down to my ticker weight again, so closer to that 50 lb. goal than I have been all summer.

I had a very quiet relaxing long weekend, which I really needed and for a change managed to stay on plan. Weekends are usually hard but hopefully, this is a turning point for me.

I hope you all have a good day tomorrow. I will check in again soon.
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Old 09-08-2015, 12:55 AM   #14  
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Hi all. I'm back! Back from getting married, honeymoon, and long summer vacation. As you know I was following Atkins from end of November 2014-beginning of June 2015. While I was in Ghana it was impossible to do Atkins so I didn't. I totally own up to that. Luckily, I only gained 8lbs between then and now. I'm ready to get back on my Atkins wagon where I feel like I belong and what works for me. I'm waiting til Sunday to re-start though because might be pg and need to wait to make sure one way or the other before I can restart Atkins. Hope everyone had a fab summer!
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Old 09-08-2015, 01:02 PM   #15  
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Default Atkins Induction Day 140

Today is my 140th day on Atkins Induction. Ten times longer than the 14 days the Atkins book calls for. They said it was OK to continue Induction Phase so since it has worked well for me I continued. I have never varied from my plan for the entire period. The highest Carb count I had one day was 16 grams. Atkins allows 22 grams during induction. Dilligence has paid off for me.

Today is another 2 pound loss down to 241 from 307 a 66 pound loss and half way to my goal.

My leg is slowly healing after dropping my motorcycle on it. Three weeks have passed and the bruising has subsided a lot and the hematoma is gradually getting smaller. My celluitis infection is starting to respond to the antibiotic cocktail I am taking four times a day. Hope it continues and clears up.
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