3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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vwdeano 09-18-2014 03:35 PM

Hmmm, I typically go for a less "caloric" choice (a fresh pot o' coffee, maybe). If I'm avoiding stress eating, I'm usually drinking a bit more coffee or unsweetened iced tea... That way I get "something" even if its not the bad stuff...

Doesn't always work, but its better than just trying to have nothing and still stay on the wagon.

Good Luck!


Ubee 09-18-2014 05:59 PM

Hi Everyone!
Dean so sorry your meds make your coffee not taste as great as it used to but glad you still enjoy it.
Natasha I am glad you asked that question. I like Deans answer about the drinks. I think Fi uses chewing gum. I need to learn and stop and think of options.
annsokos good job staying on plan!!!
Sam cleaning carpets is as much exercise as going to the gym in my book.
Fi hang in there. We are all rooting for you. Do the seasons effect your depression?
fightbrave I am proud of you too! Just remember if we keep moving we will be less of a big mama.
Betsy not to be needy BUT... I miss you.
I am feeling such a strong urge to get my house in order before the winter. Last winter was awful and this one is supposed to be worse.
Have a peaceful day.

vwdeano 09-19-2014 06:17 AM

Good Morning!

Nice cool morning here in TN. Doggies were sleepy when I headed out the door.

Starting the day with hazelnut coffee again today. Looks like its shaping up to be a great weekend. I'll likely try to make sure I've got a good coat of wax on the vehicles before the cold weather gets here.

Take care,


Ubee 09-19-2014 09:14 AM

Good Morning!
Dean we will have a high of 64 today, right now it is 55. What is your idea of a cool morning in Tennessee?
Busy day planned today with grocery shopping, cooking, errands, and kids. Food is going better but still not good enough to be losing...
Have a peaceful day.

fightbbrave 09-19-2014 09:15 AM

the scale says i lost 4lbs!.cant believe it!!.i need to weigh again!

vwdeano 09-19-2014 11:08 AM

50s in the mornings... Likely upper 70s by afternoon. bright and sunny...

Not too cool, but just enough to make sure you know its fall!


betsy2013 09-19-2014 12:21 PM

Good morning all. Sounds like all of us are continuing our daily struggles with losing weight -- some more successfully than others. Put me in the "not as successful" column!

Just a short pass through to say hi to everyone. Miss you guys, too, Ubee -- I feel very disconnected! Off to take Bill to PT then I'm going to shampoo the rugs in the living and dining rooms and reconcile my accounts. I also need to close out some accounts and need to update some medical services providers about the switch over to Medicare that occurs on October 1.

Still yo-yoing on the weight loss. Mentally I start the day raring to go and by mid-morning it seems I've completely lost the will. But, I know I'm the only one who can change that!

Have a great day and a great weekend. The mood to get ready for winter has hit me, too, Ubee -- I'm starting way early with getting the screens down off the back porch, power washing the deck, pulling the old plants, etc. I give it about 1.5 hours before this mood has passed!

shinesgirl 09-19-2014 10:40 PM

Pls send me some of your cool temps - it was 85 today, & that's cool for us!

I love the look of all the Fall displays in magazines etc. but it just looks all wrong to start decorating here when it's blazing sunshine & still just too hot to move much, lol!

mountain walker 09-21-2014 06:10 AM

Off the wagon agin........sigh
Oh for heaven's sake, just when I was feeling ....you know......almost that I was in the groove with it all along come several challenges and upset the applecart (mixed metaphor....sorry!)
I tripped on one of the puppy's toys and went flying....landing very heavily ( how else to land when you are the size that I am??) on my already grumpy knees. So bang goes the walking for a couple of days until they settle. Then my ever present rattly chest has a bad couple of days.
To really top it all, my beautiful daughter has just gone to University.
Don't misunderstand me, I am incredibly proud of her. She has wanted to be a doctor since she was 8 years old and has worked really hard in high school to get to Uni. I also have her gorgeous 9 year old brother still at home, but I had a really special bond with my girl as for a long time there was just the two of us.
We moved her into a lovely en-suite room in purpose built accommodation and she was happy and confident and ready for it all...it was wonderful to see.
In a really selfish way, I wished it was me! When I left home for college I had had such an awful upbringing I had no self esteem and no confidence, couldn't mix and spent a lot of my time in my room. Oh! To be able to do it all again! I know this sounds a bit dramatic, but since I had to give up my profession as a Physiotherapist, I have felt that I don't have much of a purpose or relevance any more. I think it is just middle-aged lady angst but does any one have ANY advice ( apart from what I am telling myself ...which is "Stop feeling sorry for yourself you daft old lady")
So sorry guys, I will pull myself together soon!
Big Hugs from a very sunny Wales!

Ubee 09-21-2014 08:21 AM

Good Morning!
I need to make getting on here a priority. I know I am slipping when I think it is OK to have nachos for breakfast!
Donna there is something so peaceful about accepting where we are in life. What could possibly be more important and rewarding then teaching and nurturing your son? What about all the support you give us by being part of our group? Let's not forget your doggies. (Right Dean?) Sometimes it is hard not being in the glitter and glamor of life. Take pride in living a simple but very meaningful life. I do. If you ever need more just let me know. This is one of my favorite topics!
Shinesgirl I'll send you our gentle rain and temps in the 50's this morning getting to a high of 62 however, I do not want your hot weather until January! How are you doing?
Betsy your working moods can last 1.5 hours??? No wonder you get so much done! Now what are we going to do to get back losing weight?
Dean how was your weekend?
fightbrave yipeeee! on the 4 lbs! That is a bag of sugar!
Hope everyone is doing well and has a peaceful day.

MissBB 09-21-2014 09:31 AM

Hi everyone!

Just thought I'd jump in and introduce myself as a newbie in town. I'm 27, from Sydney, Australia and entering the final 6 months of my PhD.

I also weigh just over 370 pounds. *tires screech/glass shatters* Shocker!

I've been obese my entire life. Fat family, mother who showed love with food and of course your standard gen Y laziness addiction. Enough is enough. I can't be this size at 30. No siree.

So I'm here. I'm calorie counting and getting back into a consistent workout schedule. Would love to support others along the way, and hopefully get some in return. HI!

Ubee 09-21-2014 10:13 AM

Welcome MissBB!
I love your positive energy. With an attitude like that it will be a fun journey.
What will you be getting your PhD. in?
Good luck and glad to have you join us!

MissBB 09-21-2014 10:40 AM

Thanks Ubee :D
My thesis is about the appropriation of the Southern Gothic genre of literature to screen and it's resonance with an avant garde critical theory from the 50's called psychogeography. #yawn
That's just the roundabout way of saying I'm a terminal film student ;)

betsy2013 09-21-2014 11:49 AM

Happy autumnal equinox. Time to start winterizing the house and yard to get ready for rainy season......and if I'm a really good girl, a winter trip in the RV to warmer climes. More on that later.

MissBB Welcome and Ubee is right -- love your positive attitude. Your PhD sounds interesting and challenging. This is a very supportive group and we're all devoted to getting healthy. I can honestly say that while I've been struggling mightily to get back into a consistent losing trend, this group is what has kept me from just giving up and regaining all of the weight.

Ubee I'm sure they were a very healthy breakfast type nacos, right Ubee! I totally understand as I'm finding that staying on plan for even half a day is becoming a challenge. And on that 1.5 hours of working.....one does have to actually start instead of just planning. In other words, I've managed to do the one thing that I have down pat--procrastinate. And the fact that there's a direct link between being able to do house/yard work and my weight does not seem to compel me to stay on plan. How can anyone who is supposedly so smart be so dumb (that's me, not you)!

Donna Any time I read about a single mother who has successfully raised a child or children, I am in absolute awe. And if you didn't have the background to make it a natural event, even more credit should go to you. I would say that you have done one of the most important things in life - much more than I was able to accomplish. Hope those knees are feeling better -- mine hurt just thinking about landing on them. Be kind to yourself.

Sam How are you doing these days? I've read your posts, but just haven't been doing one offs. You remain my inspiration for staying on plan and being able to see results. Now please come to WA and kick me in the rear so that I get back on plan and stay there for more than 20 minutes.

Fi Hope that depression pain is beginning to abate for you. Sounds like it's a really bad period for you right now, and wish that there was something that I could do to make it better.

I know I have skipped some people, and hope that no one is insulted by it -- I'm slowing getting my life back after caring for my BIL after hip replacement surgery. I'm using the equinox as starting point for getting me back on track. After yesterday's complete failure to last even through the morning, I've decided that I'm going to literally do this on an hour by hour basis today. My goal will be to get through an hour without cheating. Longer term goal is to stay on plan through the end of September. I want to lose 30 pounds by the end of the year and 50 by the end of February. If I do that, then I'm going to let myself take a winter trip to the Southwest. Otherwise, I have to stay home and watch it rain. OK, anyone else want to set some goals and see if we can give ourselves a specific reward? It has to be something that we really, really, really want and that is reasonable to have to give up if we don't stay on plan.

On that note, I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend and has a good week ahead. More doctor's appointment and PT for BILL, but we're coming in to the end of this little journey.

Terra1984 09-21-2014 09:48 PM

Ubee ~ Yes Zebra's are my favorite animals, Zebra's and Long Haired Chihuahua's.

MissBB ~ Welcome to the thread and the forum

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