3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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MissBB 09-21-2014 11:44 PM

Thanks Betsy and Terra! After poking around various big calorie counting website forums, I think this place is much more my speed ;)
Looking forward to being more of a part of it.

vwdeano 09-22-2014 06:53 AM

Good Morning!

Weekend RACED by, but we went to a Sandy Patti concert yesterday afternoon and had a great time.

Starting off the week with McDonald's coffee this morning.

Have a great day!


Terra1984 09-22-2014 08:13 AM

Good Morning Guys and Gals,

Mom woke up me at 5:30 this morning so I got up and to my surprise my brother was in the kitchen making everyone sausage breakfast burrito's so I had one of those for breakfast and now in 30 mins I'm gonna walk outside for an hour and then at 9 am mom and I are gonna go do some shopping at walmart and thats all we have planned for today, I'm also gonna do my 2 miles tonight with my dvd.

SamIAm86 09-22-2014 08:20 AM

Good Morning Everyone,

The week passed by me last week...I hardly posted here...Trying to get back in the groove of things...I was doing so well with eating this week but was having a hard time getting back in the gym. I only went once, it kicked my butt but it's what I needed then with various things going on with work and home I wasn't able to get in the rest of the week...Then my friend came down for the weekend to visit. I love her but I'm starting to realize that she is a bad influence when it comes to me staing on plan. I didn't eat on plan at all the whole time she was here. Got on the scale yesterday morning and it said I had gained 4 lbs :(....I'm not going to sweat it, I just gotta get up, dust myself off, and push hard this week to make up for it. I ate cookies and cakes, and had greasy mexican food....I did make chicken salad for us one night for dinner but that was the extent of my good eating. I was wanting to go to the gym and take her with me but because of time with my trial run on Saturday for a wedding, it didn't happen....

So I come here with my tail between my legs because I knew I shouldn't have eaten that bad this weekend but I've got it out of my system and I'm back to being me...My infection has fully cleared and I'm going to push it this week working out at home and at the gym AND eating right. This morning I had some left over frittata that DH made us for breakfast yesterday with some coffee...DH also made a big pot of great northern beans that we had for dinner last night so I brought left overs for lunch today. I think I'm going to try and work out at home tonight while DH is at practice so I can roast my pumpkin tonight...I got it to have a nice salad this week with the pumpkin flavors...yum, I hope it turns out well.

Anyway I gotta get back to work but I needed to come and see everyone's love and support since I know I was a bad weight loss buddy this past week...I missed everyone!! I hope everyone has a great day!

Ubee 09-22-2014 09:09 AM

Good Morning!
Sam come on girlfriend stay on plan! So, what are you going to do about this friend? Is she doing this on purpose? Sometimes our friends get weird when we lose weight. I know some of mine freak out if they think I might get thinner then them.
Terra are you shopping at Walmart or just going along to hang out?
Dean sorry I am not a fan of McCoffee even if it is free. Looked up Sandi Patty, nice. Must admit it is strange but good to see a large mature woman on stage.
MissBB how is it going? Thanks for explaining that you are a film major. I was not too sure about that!
Betsy sorry but I've got to speak my mind. I think you should go on the trip no matter what. The reward should be during the trip. This way you know you will be going no matter what and you do not have an out. It will keep you on track otherwise you can procrastinate by putting off your trip until... You know if you are going for sure you do not want to go at this weight. It is kinda like losing for a wedding. There is a definite deadline.
I had a very bad time with food lately. My head feels more in the game today.
Have a peaceful day.

ichoose2believe 09-22-2014 10:41 AM

MissBB Welcome :)
Fightbrave Congrats on the 4lb loss. Keep up the great work.
Mountain Walker Sorry about the fall. I am happy for your daughter her going on to bigger things speaks volumes about what a great mom you are.
Dean It was hot all weekend (like 95) but we have a cold front coming in soon. Morning temp 60's which is perfect since I am going to try the C25K tomorrow morning. I am sure the concert was wonderful.
SamIam Glad the infection is cleared and don't worry about eating bad. You are back on track and thats all that matters.

Thanks for all the suggestions on what to do about stress eating. I couldn't really stop myself this weekend. I just felt so down with everything that is going on with my kiddo. He is an awesome little guy and super smart it just hurts that I can't get this resolved for him any faster.

mountain walker 09-22-2014 10:47 AM

Hi everybody!,
Sam....I had someone that I worked with who was an incredible diet saboteur and would bring in cakes etc when she knew we were all trying to stay on plan.....but she never ate any herself!
Betsy...thanks for the good wishes my knees are still grumpy but not as bad as I had feared!
Dean....I am with you for a MACOFFEE it's cheap, it's handy and you don't even have to get out of the car in the rain!
Well my big news is that I have had an attack of common sense and decided to downgrade my fundraising walk to 2 miles instead of 8. This is partly due to the grumpy knees but also my ever-present chest problems make themselves known again and 8 miles would just not be doable. I would rather aim modestly than aim too high and fail!
Food rubbish for the last few days but back to it now and slowly back to walking so we will see!
Have a great day!!

SamIAm86 09-22-2014 11:48 AM

Ubee I'm back at it lady don't worry!! I don't think she purposefully tries to sabotage me...She is kind of trying to lose weight herself but she always wants cakes and cookies and stuff at night and she drinks soda...so when she's around I have a hard time trying to say no...and I think that's because the food is around me, and when she's not here, it isn't around. I would hope that she isn't trying to make it any harder for me to lose weight. She is getting ready to have to relocate again for work so instead of being an hour and a half away from me she's going to be close to 3 or 4 hours away from me so she won't be able to come down as often. I'm not really even sure when the next time I will be able to see her so I'm not to worried about her hindering anything...I just have to keep pushing like I always have. Thank you for the love and the extra kick in the butt I need to get back at it <3

Believe You're right, and thank you for love. I'm back at it and as long as I continue to try and push harder, I will continue to get to where I need to be. :)

Donna I also have someone at work who does the same exact thing!! She has been bringing me pumpkin pie donuts a couple times this past month and it was really hard to resist it...I'd feel bad because she would get a special one just for me...Ugghhh...I don't think she's trying to sabotage me either, but she eats nothing but junk and when she brings her kids in after picking them up from school they eat junk and drink soda too...My boss is trying to get her to feed her kids healthier things and quit with the soda drinking...She spends all kinds of money on food for them that they never even eat!!! They definitely have her wrapped around their fingers so my boss is trying to help break them of that habbit.

I wanted to post again because my boss isn't here today and it's extremely slow lol....Plus is makes up for the time that I haven't posted in the past week hehehe =smile=...Trying to get my water intake in as much as possible because I drank soda this weekend..Just had a mid morning snack about an hour ago (grapes) and I have a white bean soup for lunch that DH made last night that is delicious!

fightbbrave 09-22-2014 01:21 PM

thanks to all who assisted me in losing this weight!

Ubee 09-22-2014 02:18 PM

Popping in again.
fightbrave glad you find the support here so helpful!
Sam you know I'll be keeping my eye on you to make sure you make it! Let me know if you figure out a plan for the pumpkin doughnut lady. Some people I can say no to but not the sweet ones.
Donna good move on shortening the walk. Progress not perfection.
Natasha sending you a hug. It is so hard to watch our children struggle. Let us know how it goes with your little guy.

betsy2013 09-22-2014 02:53 PM

Just typed out a long post and the system froze (3FC, not my computer). So, instead of individual greetings, you're getting a group wave. All fingers are involved on the hand as I know these things happen.......

Fiona W 09-22-2014 06:12 PM

I'm still not feeling very well, still in the midst of a bigtime episode of depression. I have reason to hope that it will come to an end soon, but in the meantime I'm still dealing with a lot of pain.

Not all is downbeat, though. This morning it happened that I tossed my tie-dye skirt on the couch, and immediately the kittens jumped up on it. I grabbed my iPad and started taking photos of what started with them washing themselves apart, then soon became a frenzied bout of tussling combined with mutual washing. They looked like they had a fabulous time, and at the end of it they went to sleep. Obviously most of the pics I snapped were too blurry to use, because of how fast the kittens were moving, but I did manage to find fifteen that had temporarily frozen motion, so I give them to those of you who appreciate my kitten pics. They are absolutely in order of how the events occurred. I hope you find them amusing. They're certainly colorful, I can promise you that.

Here they are:

SamIAm86 09-22-2014 07:12 PM

ubee Please keep and eye on me! :)....I just need to fight the urge with the pumpkin donut lady lol....I usually am pretty good and will tell her no at first and then she'll be all "well if you change your mind its up here" then that little voice in me fights back and forth until I finally throw in the towel and eat it...Luckily today it was just me and her and she said she was going to go next door to Subway and get some cookies and didn't even ask me so maybe she's getting the hint..you'd think after seeing me work so hard this year losing weight that she would get the picture not to offer me or get me anything lol...I'm going to keep on fighting!

Fightbrave I'm glad this thread is being useful to you...I know it has helped me out a ton since I've started my journey...Everyone in here is a part of my little weight loss family now and I don't know where I'd be without them!

Fi As always LOVE the kitty pics!! # 6, 8, & 15 are my favorite...Those big eyes staring at their mom in #6 just gets me...It's so nice to share them growing with all of us. I'm sorry you're going through the depression pain and hope that it does clear soon...((((HUGS))))

Well I think this may be the 3rd? time posting today lol...Hope nobody minds, I'm in a posting mood...Work was boring as all get out today and didn't start to pick up until 10 minutes before we closed...Had to run and get a few things at the store after work before DH left for band practice...My cats and turtle needed food :)...DH left his phone at home on accident and I didn't find it until I sat down for a rest during my work out. I decided to work out at home this evening since DH needed the car and it's raining outside....I did my Turbo Jam Cardio Party video tonight...It's been awhile since I've done any Turbo Jam and it felt great to get it done...I need to get back to doing Turbo Jam a couple times a week because I'm sure it definitely helped with my weight loss up until this point being a HIIT cardio video. I'm pouring sweat and tired, but I did it even when I kinda felt like taking a chill day...I told myself to get off my lazy butt and do it!! I didn't work out all weekend while my friend was here so I definitely got enough rest and had no excuse. I'm glad I did it because it's been kind of hard for me to get back in the swing of things since I had my infection...I really hate when things like that happen because I feel like it hinders in my goals lol...

I don't normally do this but I want to weigh myself tomorrow just to see where I am from Sunday. I talked to my friend Danielle who is a Beach Body coach and has helped me along my journey and she seems to think that maybe I'm holding some water weight with the salt and sugar I ate over this weekend. She may be right but I tell you what I've drank about a gallon of water today so I'm sure I'm getting rid of it lol...least I hope.

I'm about to go roast a pumpkin with some red onion now that I've cooled down from the work out for salads this week. I've never had a roasted pumpkin but found a nice recipe on Pinterest that I want to take a few things from and create my own salad. I have some mixed greens that I bought from the store and will have the roasted pumpkin, red onion, pumpkin seeds, tomato (not sure if I'll roast as well) and some fresh goat cheese. I also need to find a good recipe for a dressing that will go good with this...maybe balsamic?

I hope everyone had an OP day! Enjoy the rest of your night! :)

Terra1984 09-22-2014 07:16 PM

Ubee ~ Yeah I went just to hang out.

shan84 09-22-2014 10:51 PM

Hi everyone,

This is not my first time to 3FC but it is my first time posting here to this thread. I hope you don't mind another person joining. I'm currently 6 weeks on plan with calorie counting and exercise. A brief history of my journey:

Overweight my whole life since I was 14 years old.
Moved to South Korea in 2009 to teach internationally. Weighed 390lbs.
2011 Went back to the states for one year at 275lbs after calorie counting and exercising only with WATP videos.
May 2012 Lost my mom at age 50.
August 2012 Moved to China to go back to teaching.
August 18, 2014 Got back on plan with calorie counting and workout dvds. Not sure of starting weight.
September 20th, 2014 Finally got a scale and devastatingly says 417 lbs.

My goals:
1) Deal with the loss of my mom through a healthy way.
2) Stay on track with calorie counting.
3) Workout DVD's at least 30 mins per day with one day off a week. (Living in China as a large woman makes working out at the gym or outside walking trails impossible and too emotional due to the mean comments, stares, photo taking, etc.)

I look forward to this journey and I never want to be back on it again.

My motivation to lose this weight is because I have done it before so I know I can be successful. I also know that this huge weight gain of 125lbs I totally contribute to emotional eating and the 60 days I lived in the hospital ICU with my mom eating nothing but hospital food three times a day and sitting on the couch in that room everyday. My emotional eating has been out of control for the past two years but I know my mom would want me living a better life for myself. My boyfriend is very supportive, however, he constantly reminds me he loves me now and will love me the same after I lose this weight. It is completely my decision to do this because I want to be healthier, I want to be able to fly home to the states more often and not have to purchase two seats, and I want to be able to have a healthy pregnancy sometime in my future.

Thanks for having this thread that I hope to utilize to help keep me accountable.

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