3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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vwdeano 09-10-2014 12:15 PM

Best of luck.

I was in the hospital from tuesday through sunday when I had the clots, but that was primarily because they couldn't get my oxygen level where they wanted it to be.

Glad he "fessed up" about the pain.


fightbbrave 09-10-2014 01:54 PM

I need genuine support!,
sometimes, i belive that if i get that friend then i will make that PUSH!

i am tired of this.ITS SOOOOOO.....DEPRESSING
i will try this challenge and this will be the 6th site and forum i have tried so i will see if i disable my account again

ichoose2believe 09-10-2014 02:54 PM

Betsy- I hope that everything went okay at the hospital.
vwdeano- Who makes your Autumn blend? Right now my go to blend is Moka Java from World Market.
Fightbrave- Welcome to the group. I am a returning member (regained the weight I lost last year) and I LOVE it here. Everyone is very supportive. I look forward to getting to know you. You can do it :)
Tuesday I had a sharp stabbing pain in my foot and had to go to the urgent care. I have plantar faciitis and have to take 6 days of meds and no walking. I feel a bit defeated because I have been so proud about my walks. I am not losing much weight but the walk each morning gives me something to focus on. The good news I have stayed under my calorie goal (although I ate a chocolate donut last night).

fightbbrave 09-10-2014 05:03 PM

thanks natasha
i need a friend that WILL PUSH ME HARD!......tell me dont give up!.........i jus need to pass that "barrier" and START LOVING ME AGAIN!!

Candidcamster 09-10-2014 06:34 PM

Hi fightbbrave, I know the feeling, I think many of us do, this is a very supportive bunch of people here, so you're in good company. What plan are you following at the moment? I am doing calorie counting on My Fitness Pal (it's a free health/fitness site), if you are there or plan to join please add me Candidcamster (anyone else is welcome to add me too).
A new friend and I from 3fc are doing a little challenge and my goal was to exercise for 15 minutes a day, and I've been falling short. I am hoping when it cools down here I will be more apt to exercise. In the meantime I've been using calorie counting to lose weight.

SamIAm86 09-10-2014 10:02 PM

Hey Everyone,

WOW! I didn't even realize that I haven't posted since Sunday...I guess with my recent pain and infection I haven't been up to doing much other than getting in the bath at night and soaking with some epsom salt....

The dinner with a company rep went very well on Monday. I ended up getting a sirloin steak with mushrooms and onions and a side salad. I only ate half of the steak and made a salad with it on Tuesday...I'm proud of myself of that because before I could have easily eaten a 9 oz steak with no problem but I was very full.

I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I do in fact have some sort of infection. The doctor said that it is probably from wearing tight clothing while exercising and it not being breathable enough and me having very very sensitive skin since nothing else has changed with soaps etc. I've been having to apply a topical cream to help get rid of the infection and it is helping...As much as I want to go to the gym DH said I really shouldn't until I am fully healed, so I'm going to listen to him. The doctor said I could go but I'd have to be super careful and I just don't want to chance making it worse again...The really bad pain has gone away and I don't want to feel that EVER again lol...

I've caught up with everything here on the forum but won't really do personals but welcome back to Mountain (Donna) and welcome new people on here! Hope you'll stay awhile!!

Someone had asked if I had decided on shoes to go with the dress I bought for the wedding I'm going to on Sunday and I have :)...Except I'm keeping it all a secret from you guys until Sunday, maybe even Monday depending on when I can post. I thought it would be super cool for you guys to see a photo of the dress and shoes the day of the wedding with me all done up...I'm not a huge fan of going to parties and weddings where there are people I don't know too well but I'm excited to be going to this one because I haven't had to get dressed up for something like this in a long while, before I've lost any of my weight this year so it is really exciting for me. I'm hoping to get one of my hair dresser friends to style my hair for me so I can look super cute lol...Yes I'm going all out!!!

This week with eating has been good. I did splurge and had a pumpkin pie donut that a co-worker bought me for breakfast on Tuesday but other than that I've been good and I feel good. Even though I probably will have gone on a 2 week hiatus from the gym when it's all said and done, I feel pretty good that I may actually still have a loss this week....Here's hoping.

Betsy, I sure hope that BIL gets well soon!! I'm sorry to hear of his condition worsening, but glad that he said something before it got wayyy out of hand. He's lucky to have someone like you there by his side...Take good care of him and we'll be here when you get back...stay strong dear...I know you will <3

Well everyone it's after 10 here in Myrtle Beach and I better head to bed, I just wanted to check in with everyone since it kind of slipped my mind this week...I hope everyone else is staying OP!

shinesgirl 09-10-2014 11:25 PM

I'm another person that didn't post for a few days...We're moving & my days are filled w/ either packing stuff or schlepping stuff to the new place. It takes me 50 mins to drive there & then I unpack & drive home again - it leaves me exhausted! The heat isn't helping either!!! When I get home, I just want to do absolutely nothing, lol!!!

fightbbrave - I hope you really like it here! I know just how you feel, & it *is* depressing, so everyone understands how hard it can be.

Betsey - What a shock about yr b-in-l, I'm so glad he finally mentioned the pain so now it can be dealt with! I wish him a swift recovery!

Ubee & FionaW - Thanx for highlighting to me how addictive sugar is - you've reminded me that I shld just avoid it completely, since I can't resist it once I give in to a craving! (aka cake)
p.s. Ubee, I still think you shld get yourself a pretty new plate to reflect that you are becoming a whole new "you".

Terra1984 09-11-2014 06:11 AM

Ubee ~ It's my Start! Walking at home dvd with Leslie Sansone, I'll be taking it to and from school when my women's fitness group starts.

Fightbrave & Candidcamster ~ Welcome to the thread


I woke up at 3:30 this morning and now its almost 5 am, I need to start watching for my bus at 7:45 am this morning and I'll be getting picking back up between 3:50 pm and 4:20 pm. So far today I've got ready for school and thats it, Clyde is still sleeping so I havent let him out yet. I did get his food ready for him to eat, His water is fresh though. Today I have cooking class and peer support group. In cooking class we are making Fried Rice with egg rolls on the side with sweet and sour sauce for dipping.

vwdeano 09-11-2014 06:50 AM

Back for another early morning, LOL.

The autumn blend that I've been brewing recently is just cheapo archer farms from target... Can't complain, although I usually grind my own, this is pretty good stuff. Just tripped over it on sale and figured I'd give it a try.

The weekend is getting closer!

Take care,


fightbbrave 09-11-2014 09:51 AM


I am STARTING TODAY eating veg and cutting out all sugar. thats my goal at the moment.i will visit fitnes pal and see what its all about most likely i have join that site already.......but will visit again...THANKS!

betsy2013 09-11-2014 12:10 PM

Thanks for all the good wishes. He's coming home today! They got him on Xarelto and were willing to let him out since his oxygen levels are good, he's able to walk, and he has someone to take care of him (that's moi!). Now my challenge will be to make sure that he's really doing ok because he's ready to move back to his house -- which is just across the street -- but we'll see how it goes.

vwdeano 09-11-2014 01:03 PM

Great Stuff!

I'm getting stronger day by day, but let him know it takes a while to get over the clots. I just do as much as I feel OK doing, and I'm told I'll just keep getting a bit stronger and stronger as time goes by.


fightbbrave 09-11-2014 02:35 PM

Today i decided to the NO JUICE challenge for me ONLY water....i nver get a chance to prepare lunch so little difficult...but so far NO JUICE

Fiona W 09-11-2014 06:20 PM

Gosh, there's so much going on, I don't know if I can keep up! Donna back with us (yay!) and engaging effectively on her mental illness journey, plus having a big event that's far enough away to get excited about losing weight for! Betsy's Bill in the ICU with blood clots, but thank God, now he's out. Natasha has plantar fasciitis: ugh, I've had that. After I recovered from it, I discovered that it makes a big difference if I walk on trails instead of concrete or hard floors in a mall. Do you have any places with nature trails, or any kind of trails at all? Stay off the sidewalks and the streets: they have no spring to them, the way the ground does.

And Terra's sufferin' from a cracked heel: poor baby! I've had that, too. Are you putting antibiotic ointment in the crack? The advice you've gotten about lotions is good, but I find that the big thing is to pare down your calluses on a regular basis. I bought a long thing shaped sort of like a spoon with a rasping surface you use to scrape away those overgrown calluses, one thin layer at a time. I've also heard about a similar product called Pedi-Egg.

Plus Ubee sayin' I'm her "sugar-free mentor": that's a big responsibility, but I'll try to do my bit, like by reminding you that I didn't do it all at once: first I picked my three most tempting sugary foods and gave those up, while allowing myself sugar elsewhere. It was only after a couple of months of sticking to that, plus making myself sick eating pie, that I took the big plunge to no sugar at all. It's pretty easy to do if you stay away from processed or pre-packaged foods. But no sugar doesn't mean no sweets: I definitely get my sweets fix with the help of a liquid stevia product called SweetDrops. It tastes a lot better than powdered stevia, and than any other powdered sugar substitute, in my experience. And the fact that it's dispensed with an eye dropper allows you to figure out just exactly how much is right for you. Too much stevia tastes nasty! I could never have given up sugar and aspartame if I didn't have liquid stevia twice a day: in my coffee in the morning (w/ cream & vanilla, too—yum!) and in my muesli at night.

All these new people I haven't greeted: welcome on board fightbbrave, Candidcamster, and Natasha!

Please don't cut and run on us, fightbbrave: hang in here, post every day, and tell us a little bit more about yourself when you feel like it's OK to do so. And don't try to give up all the foods you love, all at the same time. Slow and steady wins the race, when it comes to making longterm changes that you can maintain for the rest of your life.

That's all I feel like saying. I'm still in bad shape with this depressive episode. But the one good thing about depression is, it does come to an end, sooner or later.

mountain walker 09-12-2014 09:02 AM

Betsy I am so glad that Bill is OK it's incredible how unwell you can be all of a sudden with such an event. I agree that it is his good fortune to have such a lovely lady caring for him.
Fiona do you find Stevia affects your gut at all? I have real problems with artificial sweeteners....is Stevia the same?
Fightbrave.....stick with us lovely....it is Incredibly hard...sometimes I crave something really unhealthy so bad it is like is a physical pain!.
Will post more later ...my beautiful daughter has just arrived home for a final week before University!
Have a great day.

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