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Old 08-19-2014, 04:37 AM   #16  
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Hi everyone .. just a quick stop by to let you know how I went for the treadmill challenge ... so the target I needed to hit to win it was 228.6 .... drumroll .. I WON MY MACHINE!!! Weigh in was 226.4!! Admittedly their scale was lower than mine by about 1.8 pounds lol .. but I will take it happily .. still using my scale to weigh in by .. and I was a bad girl .. had a choc feast to celebrate .. such an idiot lol .. but that is ok .. I will get back on track tomorrow

Final week for this one .. and like lots of others I cant see target getting hit lol .. not that its not possible as I did lose 7 pounds last week .. but I will just get in trouble with the doc if I do that again so will just enjoy this last week and prepare myself for the new Xmas Challenge starting next week .. thats right .. no break this time .. 1 September seems like a good time to start dont you think?? Will get it posted up on Sunday night (my time) so you can all find it .. even more helpful . will post the link here lol .. so get thinking ahead to your Xmas goal .. remember to keep in mind that life is still happening, so be realistic and keep appreciating the pounds that have gone .. even if its one or two .. instead of the ones that havent ... you are still ahead of where you were at the start of the challenge .. if not in weight .. then in mindset

Hugs all

EASILY & WATCH - Keep strong chickies You are doing great cos you arent giving up. Keep in mind too if you are slashing your calories it could be the reason that you are stalling or going in the wrong direction cos darned if your body wants to give any up when you arent filling it up .. especially if you are giving it extra work .. learnt that this challenge when i started going to the gym and I wasnt moving in the way I thought I should for the work I was putting in .. but then my body was still adjusting

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Old 08-19-2014, 08:17 AM   #17  
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Hello everyone, I'm back from a sizeable period of absence from this forum. I've been through a fair bit, things like moving house twice in several months and breaking the ties with poisonous people in my life.

Unfortunately amongst all of this I have neglected exercise and healthy eating and adopted old habits like eating fast food much too often. The consequences have been to gain the 11 kg I lost, and then some. 5 kg more to be exact, and now I weigh the most I have ever weighed! But enough is enough and I would like to weigh in weekly or so to keep me on track and motivated.
good to be back!
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Old 08-19-2014, 04:36 PM   #18  
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FRESH - Welcome back hun .. and just in time We are going to be starting the new challenge on Monday so take this week to get yourself ready steady gooooo ... Im sure you will be back on track in no time and you have done one of the best things you can for the journey too ... remove the poisonous aspects of your life .. as hard as it can be and usually a cause for comfort eating or eating the wrong thing while you get through the worst of it .. but now here you are .. coming out the other side .. and putting the focus back on you (where it should be) rather than the influence or effect of others who were negative in your life. So set your goals, you know you can do it cos you have done it before ... Ive done the same as you many times .. after all I started this journey back in 2006 .. but I am only just getting it right now .. hopefully it won't take you that long lol .. and I still have those binge days ... week occasionally .. but instead of thinking oh well .. in for a sheep as for a lamb .. Im like ok .. that was a blip in my life, time to carry on and get back on track.

I think we all need to remember this is a LIFETIME LIFESTYLE ... its not a diet .. its not a fad .. this is us on a journey that will be for life .. how we cope with the negative things that occur (and if you never have anything negative I am in total awe!) and each time how much stronger we can be with the support of others telling us to believe in ourselves when there are so many out there telling us that we can't do it ... I think I have one definite character trait of the Taurus I am supposed to be ... IM STUBBORN .. and I tend to do things others say I can't just because I hate being told I can't do something (yes I was a problem child lol) ... so when someone says I won't achieve something I make sure that I do just to thumb my nose at them ... the down side is that some of those things are things I either shouldn't or dont need to do anyway!!

Feeling really good today ... I feel almost like I did just before my wedding after I achieved more than my goal .. I definitely think I need to have a reason for my goals or I just can't get excited about them lol .. having the treadmill as a looming goal definitely kicked me into gear .. it also made me realise that when I want to I can be really focused still, so I can stop panicking that I am going to go back to where I was ... Im not .. I said that to my darling last night .. I can't go back to that .. Im never going to be a size 12 .. and frankly I dont think it would suit me ... but Im almost at that point where I happy with where I am .. who knows .. in the future I may choose to drop more .. but I think I will stick to aiming for my next challenge goal and then the tougher part .. maintaining it ... so more challenges lol

I was talking to my hunny again last night cos I had been thinking about what he said when I asked him how he really felt about me losing weight (he said other men would find me attractive). Im the sort of person that needs to think about things like that before I can ask the questions I really want to know or give the opinion I really feel. So last night I asked him what he meant. After 12.5 years together I have discovered as "together" as my hunny projects himself he does have issues too and one of them is the fear of losing me. I asked him if he thought that when I was bigger that other men didnt find me attractive then? He said no .. just he had a better chance of keeping me!
Considering I was engaged twice before him (he then said yes but you left them! ONLY COS I KNEW THEY WERENT THE RIGHT ONES .. Blinking idiot man!) and it took me 10 years to ask him to marry me (I had told him I didnt want to get married when we met .. its not that I didnt want to marry .. just didnt want to be asked again cos I would feel guilty if I said no so of course I would say yes .. like I did with the first two lol) ... and then another 2 years to finally tie the knot .. does he really think I want to go through that rigmarole with another person??? good grief ... anything happens with us Im becoming a nun! He is stuck with me .. regardless of how big or small I am.
His concern runs to the fact that his first wife left him (started cheating on him) while he was in hospital getting is second hip re-replaced so he has a disability and it is degenerative so yes there is a chance he will end up in a chair ... so he is worried that I will be a burden etc and that I won't want to be with him if I can get someone else interested etc ... but as I pointed out .. considering I was supposed to be blind by the time I was 25, Im blind in one eye and without glasses Im legally blind (seeing only fuzzy shapes), its not improving but its slowed down I could be a blind person pushing his wheelchair and I have a hard time getting left and right .. does he want to leave me then?? lol ... lord love the man .. I know I do .. but its interesting that no matter how much time we are together, I am still discovering new things about him. Hopefully some of that made sense lol ..

Right time to get to work .. finishing slightly early today cos I need to go and get the ingredients for the morning tea on Friday and I will be baking all day tomorrow .. on the menu (I think I have finalised it lol):
Mint Choc Fudge Chocolates
Kahlua Fudge Balls
Gluten Free Orange Choc Cupcakes
Coconut/Lemon Cupcakes (or slice .. still thinking of this one lol)
Mini Cream Puffs
Bacon/Egg Mini Quiches
Cheese Ball with Crackers

Hopefully that will all go down well ... and somewhere in between that cooking I need to put the Pork Roast on which was going to be my treadmill celebration meal (even though Im not a fan .. prefer my chicken breast lol .. but hunny does get tired of chicken every night lol).

Hugs all! Will see if I remember to take a pic of the food to let you see it .. Im not a decorator so it won't be fancy .. but hopefully it will all taste good
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Old 08-20-2014, 09:03 PM   #19  
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Hi katt, It can be hard for a man to see his wife undergo a transformation but it's only because he loves you and as you were saying, scared of losing you. But you guys have been together for so long it's clear you two will defeat all odds .

Thanks for the kind words earlier as well and I certainly look forward to starting on monday. I am trying to eat healthily In the meantime as well, but I'll admit I had chips last night which had to be soaked in gravy. I've just had my wisdom teeth out (lower ones) and I had to do it. I tried eating rice... biggest mistake. And I had a whole can of tomato soup but I was still hungry after a couple of hours.
I was on the brink of starvation though because I didn't eat until 3 pm (I had fasted from 7:30 the night before! !!!). So I've had a banana yoghurt milkshake for brekky this morning and I'll have to work out what to do for the rest of the day haha.
Hopefully will feel a bit better by Monday and I can give this a real shot!
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Old 08-21-2014, 09:26 AM   #20  
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SW 4/28 225.8
Lbs to lose: 29 lbs
GW - 196.8 oh wow

Week 01 - MAY 05 - MAY 11: 222.2 (-3.6 ) Total loss= 3.6 good start!
Week 02 - MAY 12 - MAY 18: DNW (Bad Sue!)
Week 03 - MAY 19 - MAY 25: 229.0 (+6.8) total loss = +3.2 boo..GONE next week!
Week 04 - MAY 26 - JUN 01: 224.2 (-4.8) total loss = 1.6 so far .. sigh
Week 05 - JUN 02 - JUN 08: 220.4 (-3.8) total loss = -5.4 total Yay! did a fat fast last weekend
Week 06 - JUN 09 - JUN 15: 218.4 (-2.0) total loss = -7.4 cool beans!
Week 07 - JUN 16 - JUN 22: 218.8 (+.4) total loss = -7.0 Should be 12 by now!
Week 08 - JUN 23 - JUN 29: 220.2 (+1.4) total loss -5.6 (note I did get up to 225)
Week 09 - JUN 30 - JUL 06: 220.6 (+.4) total loss -5.2 I am finally going down and Boy do I need to move the right way!
Week 10 - JUL 07 - JUL 13: 216.0 (-4.6) total loss 9.8 lbs.. I was 215 yesterday... booo 19.2 more to go!
Week 11 - JUL 14 - JUL 20: 215.2 (-.8) total loss 10.6 lbs Hooray!
Week 12 - JUL 21 - JUL 27: 213.2 (-2.0) total loss 12.6
Week 13 - JUL 28 - AUG 03: 210.8 (-2.4) total loss 15.0
Week 14 - AUG 04 - AUG 10: 216.0 (+6.8 total loss 9.8 )
Week 15 - AUG 11 - AUG 17: 213.6 (-2.4 total loss 12.2 - I have more to go!)
Week 16 - AUG 18 - AUG 24: 210.8 (-2.8 and total loss 15.0) won't make goal.. but I am closer!
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Old 08-21-2014, 09:28 AM   #21  
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I have to run and help my friend pack his garage (last room to pack) and I will post later! Love you gals! and KATT! on getting that tread mill for FREE because you kept at the losing! WHOOO RAH!! and you are so close to the 2 teens!

I will be back..
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Old 08-21-2014, 01:07 PM   #22  
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Week 01 - MAY 05 - MAY 11: 328.4 (-2.0 lbs.)
Week 02 - MAY 12 - MAY 18: 326.0 (-2.4 lbs.)
Week 03 - MAY 19 - MAY 25: 322.6 (-3.4 lbs.)
Week 04 - MAY 26 - JUN 01: 322.0 (-0.6 lbs.)
Week 05 - JUN 02 - JUN 08: 321.0 (-1.0 lbs.) - week before TOM
Week 06 - JUN 09 - JUN 15: 316.6 (-4.4 lbs.)
Week 07 - JUN 16 - JUN 22: 313.2 (-3.4 lbs.)
Week 08 - JUN 23 - JUN 29: 308.8 (-4.4 lbs.)
Week 09 - JUN 30 - JUL 06: 308.6 (-0.2 lbs.)
Week 10 - JUL 07 - JUL 13: 307.0 (-1.6 lbs.) - week before TOM
Week 11 - JUL 14 - JUL 20: 302.8 (-4.2 lbs.)
Week 12 - JUL 21 - JUL 27: 298.4 (-4.4 lbs.)
Week 13 - JUL 28 - AUG 03: 294.0 (-4.4 lbs.)
Week 14 - AUG 04 - AUG 10: 294.5 (+0.5 lbs.) - week before TOM
Week 15 - AUG 11 - AUG 17: 290.7 (-3.8 lbs.)
Week 16 - AUG 18 - AUG 24: 288.3 (-2.4 lbs.)

Ubee: Thank you! When does your daughter start school?

Easily Amused: Thank you. Hang in there!! For all that traveling you've been doing, I'd say you're doing GREAT. Give yourself a pat on the back for me.

Watchout: Thanks! You are an inspiration for me. I can't wait to celebrate with you when you get into Onederland. It's coming - SOON! Meanwhile, take a deep breath and do something kind for yourself. You deserve it! <3

Katt: Way to go on the treadmill challenge!! You rocked it. I think Sept 1st sounds like a great time to start the next challenge - I am ready. I need to get back on track with a couple of things. I thank you did an awesome job at talking to your hubby about his fears while keeping your cool. And that menu looks amazing. Yum!

Fresh Feeling: Welcome back! Glad to have you join us and I hope we'll see you in the next challenge thread. I am slipping back into some old habits (fast food) as well, so we can work on getting on track together. I hope you're recovery is going well.

Sue: Woohoo! Way to go on the great loss!

Last edited by StephanieAZ; 08-21-2014 at 01:10 PM.
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Old 08-22-2014, 03:23 AM   #23  
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Hi everyone What a great day today .. the goodies went down really well .. still have some sweets for the weekend, but the savouries are pretty much all gone lol .. so tired tonight though cos I was up at 430 finishing the last of the baking so its been a long day but well worth it I think .. the customers loved it and a few recipes were asked for so that is what makes it the best And the weather even cleared and gave us a nice day .. cold but nice lol.

So weighed in this morning at 5am (a little earlier than usual and with less sleep lol) .. so not as low as it would have been .. but still really happy it didnt go up from Monday
ACHIEVED: - 18.3 pounds

Week 01 - MAY 05 - MAY 11: 244.7 (-1.6)
Week 02 - MAY 12 - MAY 18: 242.4 (-2.4)
Week 03 - MAY 19 - MAY 25: 242.4 (0)
Week 04 - MAY 26 - JUN 01: 240.3 (-2.1)
Week 05 - JUN 02 - JUN 08: 239 (-1.3)
Week 06 - JUN 09 - JUN 15: 240 (+1) TOM + Carb fest
Week 07 - JUN 16 - JUN 22: 238.8 (-1.2)
Week 08 - JUN 23 - JUN 29: 241.8 (+3) ARGGGGHHHHHH
Week 09 - JUN 30 - JUL 06: 237.9 (-3.9)
Week 10 - JUL 07 - JUL 13: 236.2 (-1.7)
Week 11 - JUL 14 - JUL 20: 234.1 (-2.1)
Week 12 - JUL 21 - JUL 27: 232.4 (-1.7)
Week 13 - JUL 28 - AUG 03: 234.1 (+1.7)
Week 14 - AUG 04 - AUG 10: 236.3 (+2.2) ARGGH
Week 15 - AUG 11 - AUG 17: 229.1 (-7.2) YAY!
Week 16 - AUG 18 - AUG 24:228 (-1.1)

As others have said .. won't make this challenges goal but Im closer than at the start of it and it just means a little more to work on from Sept 1 Still .. one more weigh in so will see if I can get 1 more closer

FRESH - Yep … hunny and I have been through a LOT over the last 12.5 years but (probably from being a relationship counsellor helps lol) we have come through it all OMG .. CHIPS N GRAVY!! YUM lol .. you got me drooling .. and ouch about the wisdom teeth .. I have been putting off going back to the dentist cos last time he took my front tooth without telling me he was going to (day before I started my new job!!) so now I have to find the money for a plate .. but such is life .. now one of my other wisdom teeth is telling me that it doesn’t want to stay lol .. so I feel for you for sure. I think if you have been off plan for a bit you might want to work your way up to a long fasting time because you dont want your body telling you that either you need something you shouldn’t have or it won’t let what its got go unsure of when the next top up will be. I did a fasting stage .. but it was over a few weeks til I built up the 8pm to midday fast as a regular thing. Remember little steps and occasionally a little waltz … a little forward and a half step back to adjust

EASILY - Hope the travelling isn’t wearing you out too much and that you are finding some fun in it .. I must admit I LOVE travelling .. but I dont know about doing such great distances so often .. umm . having said that I did spend 3 months going from NZ - Germany - England - Belgium - Germany - Austria - Switzerland - France - England - Frankfurt - Canada - Chicago - LA - NZ …. yep .. by the time I got back home I was excited but pooped lol .. and then it was back to work the day after I landed

SUE - I think you have done great this challenge .. you reached double figures and those are pounds that aren’t there any more .. if you hadn’t stuck it out then those 15 would still be there .. so I hope you are proud of yourself too .. and hey …. we will definitely push each other in the next challenge while I chase you lol… not sure if I plan to go down to where you are heading lol .. but will see what I decide How did the packing go?? Is he a pack rat or good at clearing stuff out and letting it go?? My hunny drives me nuts .. I send him out to one of the garages to clear it out and after a couple of hours I go out to see if he wants a cuppa .. darn man is sitting there reading a few pieces of paper or whatever and hardly anything has changed cos he keeps getting distracted lol . drives me nuts!

STEPHANIE - Great loss this week You have totally rocked this challenge .. well done!! Look forward to seeing your final weigh in next week to see your final challenge figure

Right ..time to catch up with hunny lol .. ttyl ladies
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Old 08-22-2014, 03:25 AM   #24  
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Yay .. for those that have been having trouble (like me) with the ticker updating .. its working again now ... well it did for me so you might want to give it another go So happy its working again lol
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Old 08-22-2014, 11:25 AM   #25  
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Hi Everyone!
Congrats on winning the treadmill Katt!
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Old 08-22-2014, 11:51 AM   #26  
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Whoops sent that last post before I finished.
Katt just when I am feeling like a failure you remind me it is a lifestyle change. I'm going to just keep working on it and with help from everyone on 3 FC I know I will get there!
Stephanie you've done amazing! Your husband is going to have to get used to a lot less of you when you are finally together again. Proud of you for staying so strong through what must be a difficult time.
Sue 10 more pounds till onunderland! (OK not sure how to spell that.) Hope you have pictures soon. You are so inspiring!
Easily glad you are feeling better and back in a safe food enviorment. Good job on your loss with this challenge and being so good while traveling.
Welcome Fresh! I don't join in on the challenges but I am here rooting for everyone! Katt and her challenges really help people succeed!
Watchout hurry up and get back here I am holding my breath to see that little number 1 in front of your weight! I figure you are busy dress shopping!
We got our youngest daughter off to her first year of college yesterday. Our daughter with autism starts her last year of high school Sept.2nd. We are in a happy place so I need to focus on getting this weight off. I want to thank all of you for letting me hang out with you while I try to figure out me.
I am so happy for all of you losers!
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Old 08-23-2014, 03:48 AM   #27  
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UBEE - yup happy about the treadmill .. and now that I have won it Im lending to a workmate cos I prefer the gym lol .. but at least someone will get some use out of it instead of it just going out to the garage collecting dust Yay about your daughters ... another milestone to tick off .. and of course we love having you hang out with us ... I wish I had stuck around after I first signed up and then started wobbling off the rail .. but instead I left, feeling like I wasn't good enough to stick around when I wasn't losing weight and letting other things get to me ... dum dum me .. that is probably the best time to stick around to keep getting reminded or inspired ... but I think I just felt I was letting others down .. forget about what I was doing to myself .. so please never think you are in the wrong place .. you are in exactly the right place for where you need to be at this time ... the scales coming into the journey are nowhere near the beginning of the true journey .. they really only come into it when you have been travelling for a while and the mental is a little more in line with where you want to go .. Huggles

I was talking to one of my oldest friends the other day .. she is the one giving me lessons in cake decorating and did my wedding cake. We have always been big .. I was always bigger than her (height and weight lol), but from the age of 7/8 when we met to now its been an understanding of that is who we are .. even for the years we didnt see or talk to each other. But we are both on the journey .. only we are in different places in our lives .. she is a mum of 2 little kids (2 & 4), and at home where she does the cake decorating late at night after the kids are in bed and she has spent some time with her partner. Im now no kids at home, a grammy of 2 and just me and my hunny at home (and my fur babies of course lol) .. and my work through the day keeps me busy and baking or cross stitch or playing online keep me busy at night. We started the year at the same weight (first time in my life I have been anywhere near her weight) and now she is about 11 pounds up from that weight and Im down about 30 pounds from it ... she did get a bit down and pretty much quit trying for a while .. but she is back on track again .. she has a Christmas goal .. but anyway .. we were talking about how we see ourselves now .. and it was eye-opening!!
I still see myself as I was when I was at my biggest, I automatically pick the biggest clothes when out shopping not thinking that I would fit smaller, I see ladies come into the store and try on clothes that I think would be too big for them because to me they look smaller than me .. and yet they fit them! So now Im thinking .. ok .. I really do have some work to do because Im not actually seeing the changes yet ...
My friend, she sees herself as her goal self. Slimmer, able to fit "those jeans" etc. So when she sees the chance to have that extra cookie or piece of cake, she thinks, well .. Im not that big so why not.
We realised a eureka moment. While its great to have that goal to aim for, and eventually you do have to actually visualise it .. I dont think weight loss is necessarily a good one to visualise the end result too early in the journey lol. While I should be seeing me slimmer by now in my mind .. I dont .. its only when I see the comparison photos that I start to see Im slimmer, but without them, Im still seeing the big me. My friend, on the other hand, sees herself already slim and its only when she sees a pic of herself she realises that she isn't (which tends to set off a bit of a negative spin I think).

So I learnt another thing on my journey this week ... while dreaming of where you want to be or the goal you want to achieve is usually the ideal when you are setting goals in your life ... dreaming it at a distance is probably the best option, and visualising the reality is better at each step rather than the distant end goal. Interestingly, like I told my friend, I dont think I could ever see myself at that "ideal" because I have never been that to use it as a reference lol.

Another babble over
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Old 08-23-2014, 06:08 AM   #28  
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Thanks Katt! I REALLY needed to hear that.
Your babble is music to my ears.
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Old 08-23-2014, 10:42 PM   #29  
Getting smaller everyday
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Ubee - I'm still fighting with 199. I actually seen it on the scale today, but it disappeared. UGH. And you're too much of an inspiration to not post here whether you're losing right now or not. You're still plugging away and that's the most important!

Sooo...I took my extensions out. Took FOREVER. Then I went to the salon and got my hair cut pretty short! I've never done that before. She said she cut off at least 5 inches which was terrifying but I love how it came out:
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Old 08-24-2014, 12:39 AM   #30  
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Watchout LOVE your hair!!!
Still our challenge babe!
15.8 to go to goal! You got this. Just enjoy the ride.
If I were a betting woman I'd bet you might just whoosh right past 199 because it has been such a tease.
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