3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Mistycrow 03-16-2011 11:33 AM

Actually when I was counting calories it wasn't moving....

lynnie923 03-16-2011 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by Mistycrow (Post 3760843)
Actually when I was counting calories it wasn't moving....

maybe your not eating the carbs you were

Laura G 03-16-2011 02:58 PM

My positive thing actually happened last night, but it's till a boost for today -
I gathered my courage and went to my first OA meeting.

Yeah me.

Slight problem, they disbanded OA several months ago and never changed any of the info...so I walked into an AA meeting - oops.
But still, I went. My attitude is in the right spot, and I know I want it badly enough to make the effort.

I'm going to try an online meeting.

Thanks everyone for the welcome and cheers. I really suck at doing personals, sorry.
Hope everyone is having a terrific OP day!

colormerd47 03-16-2011 08:55 PM

:hug:Good evening little darlin's:wave::wave:,

What a wonderful day this has been and it's not over yet!!!!!:yay::yay:

Oh my goodness, only nine to go and it will be bye bye 300's:dust:, I am so excited for ya. Sometimes it just works out that way, we you are bad, it works out good:celebrate:. Go figure:dunno::dunno:, now that does not mean to try it all over again!! hahahahaha:rofl::rofl: You Go Girl!!!!:broc::broc:

Thank you, never could remember all the words just know I loved it. Now, sing me Captain Kangaroo's song, cause he was my favorite:hug:.
How did your labs turn out and I know Andrew is happy about the invisible retainer. That cutie pie!!!! Fantastic staying POP POP POP!!!!:cheer::cheer:
You gotta try that tenderloin, absolutely awesome, for real!!!:cheer2::cheer3:

Good for you staying under your alotted amount and hey, maybe he will follow your lead. Once he realizes how great you are doing, maybe he will not want to be left behind;). Lynn, been reading your blog, have not gotten totally caught up yet, but I will. You be a writer!!:write:

What courage that took and you did it!!!:carrot::carrot: You are already making great choices, you have your mind and your heart in the right place and are doing something about. That is where it all starts, and even if it was an oops :dunno:AA meeting, you took the first step in a positive direction:cheers:. Hope you find one on-line or maybe there will be another located nearby you. Either way..........YOU ARE DOING IT!!!!!:dancer::dancer:

Positives for the Agster..............Today it was in the 70's:sunny:, OH HAPPY DAY,..............it rained :rain:like crazy last night but the Lord saw fit for the sun :sunny:to be shining :sunny:by the time I had to leave for work............work was great:cb:, I got to get out of the building to attend an On-site, (A Vendor's Fair), yep they let me back out of the building LOL:cloud9:, and guess who ended up going to be on TV......yep, you guessed it, ME:high:. I will be there in all my glory praising the powers that be COSTCO..........they said I did great. Maybe, for those of you that know the story, maybe they will want to rethink this thing.........Why???? Cause I AM AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! :dance::dance::cheer2::cheer3: Ate pretty darn good tody..........so I am hoping that by Fri. I would have lost another one or two:encore:. We shall see. Last positve for the evening........daddy and I got to spend guiet time together...............no children and no grandchildren, just daddy and me!!!:woohoo::woohoo:

Okay sugar dumplin's, tomorrow is a new day, LET'S MAKE IT ROCK !!!!!! AND POP!!!!!:carrot:

Hugs love and blessings,
remember to make every day count,

Gosh darn it, I love ya'll:hug:

Missing my girls, Carol, Shia, Texascapper, S T E L L A!!!!, Maria Maria, where for art thou Maria??? Hugs to ya'll

learningtoliveagain 03-16-2011 09:13 PM

Anything for my neighbor!

There were 2 that I remember, this first one being my favorite...

And then this one which was much earlier...

Hey anyone remember H.R. Puff-n-Stuff? My favorite when I out grew the Captain.


colormerd47 03-16-2011 09:24 PM

Why yes I do and I thought it was the coolest too!!!! Great minds baby.

Girl you are quick, going to check it out right now!!!!


Mistycrow 03-17-2011 12:45 AM

9 more pounds... omg you're right. I'm hoping that 309 becomes 299 here soon. :D

Edit to add: Ohhh... and that also means i get to add another dancing broccoli. Woot!

learningtoliveagain 03-17-2011 05:04 AM

Hello, Hello, Hello!
Today is going to be an awesome day for all of us, I can just feel it! YEAH!!!
O.K. Let me get to the greatest folks on earth and they're personals!

Misty- Would you looky there, only nine more pound-a-rooni's to go and we shall see more dancing broccoli. I don't know about you, but with me I get a little gasy when I enjoy the broccoli.
Hey, what's a little gas between friends! LOL!!!

Ags- WOWZA!!! What can I say, you had an awesome day. From sun-up to sundown it was all for you baby cakes!

Laura- An awesome effort to attend that OA meeting. Trying the on-line meeting should be a snap now. Hey, don't worry about personals just yet, just come here as often as possible for the support and motivation and the personals may come later.

Lynn- Saw your post on the monthly thread and all I want to do is give you a great big hug. I know your gonna look at that binge as a learning experience and not harp on it. Don't look back, look forward. This journey we are all on is filled with bumps and road blocks and it's up to us to get over and through them. So knock down those barricades and have an awesome day.

Well my body is finally getting back in the groove and moving the scale in the right direction. TOM is on his final day and I shall be back to normal. This whole menopause thing is frustrating, but I found as long as I kept my mind set right I would make it through.

O.K. now I have a question for ya'll. Has anyone ever had any issues with they're achilles tendon? For those who have never heard of it, it's the tendon that is attached to the calf muscle and runs down the back of your heel. Mine is a little sore, but what concerns me is it's bowed out. When I look on line it says I have a few symptoms of a rupture. I have a doctors appointment next week, but if it gets worse I'll go in earlier. I thought maybe stepping up and down on the balance board with the Wii may have something to do with it.

Well that's life of an aging 50+ year old. All I can do is hang on tight and when I get to the end, just laugh and say "Holy Sh*t! What a ride!"

Have a great day all! POP IT!!!


lynnie923 03-17-2011 07:46 AM

positive thought: Never compromise your values, and never apologize for how you feel.

positive action: I have made the decision to start doing squats on Sunday. I am going to start off with five since my balance is way off and start working up. I am excited about this.:D

BTW Happy St Patricks Day to yall

shannonmb 03-17-2011 08:41 AM

Learn, I had a friend who ruptured his achilles and he literally was crying in pain and couldn't think about walking. Lily strained hers in the fall and just had to sit out of dance for a week. I hope yours is okay!!! And yeah, it's probably from all that steppin', you might have to ground yourself from it for a few days and see what happens!

rainbowsmiles 03-17-2011 10:29 AM

:luck2you:ST PATRICKS DAY:luck2you:

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.


traditional gaelic blessing

squirrellee 03-17-2011 03:14 PM

Happy Saint Patrick's day!! I am a busy bee today so forgive me for not doing personals.:dizzy: I had to let you all know what an awesome blessing and answer to prayer I got the other day....My cat that I was going to have to put down came back home with me ALIVE!!! The Vet thinks a certain medicine will help her!! (granted the medicine cost $75.00 for one shot)

ok peeps, I am off to go see what other trouble I can get into!! Have a blessed day my sisters!! Thinking of you all!!:hug:


squirrellee 03-17-2011 03:20 PM

Oops, one more thing!! I need all of you guys to help me on this. I am going out to eat for my stepmothers birthday party and they have chosen to go to an all you can eat buffet...so this is the problem, I am a huge foodaholic...I know myself well enough to know that I will just end up blowing my diet for the day...should I not go?? Should I allow myself to do this for one day? ANY help would be appreciated as I know you all know exactly where I am going from!!! Thanks girls!!!


lynnie923 03-17-2011 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by squirrellee (Post 3762943)
Oops, one more thing!! I need all of you guys to help me on this. I am going out to eat for my stepmothers birthday party and they have chosen to go to an all you can eat buffet...so this is the problem, I am a huge foodaholic...I know myself well enough to know that I will just end up blowing my diet for the day...should I not go?? Should I allow myself to do this for one day? ANY help would be appreciated as I know you all know exactly where I am going from!!! Thanks girls!!!


If you feel you can't control yourself in that environment I wouldn't go. But if you decide to go only do one plate of healthy choices (like salad). Good luck and let us know how it goes.


learningtoliveagain 03-17-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by squirrellee (Post 3762943)
Oops, one more thing!! I need all of you guys to help me on this. I am going out to eat for my stepmothers birthday party and they have chosen to go to an all you can eat buffet...so this is the problem, I am a huge foodaholic...I know myself well enough to know that I will just end up blowing my diet for the day...should I not go?? Should I allow myself to do this for one day? ANY help would be appreciated as I know you all know exactly where I am going from!!! Thanks girls!!!


I say go and prove to yourself that you can and will have control. Drink lots of water and eats lots of salad. Steer clear of breads, pastas and sweets if you can.
Get a good conversation going so you lose track of time and before you know it it'll be time to go home.

Have a good time!


P.S. If you do over indulge remember it's only one meal, don't let it sway you from what's important (you!).

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