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Old 01-04-2008, 12:50 PM   #106  
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Hi everyone! Wow! What a beautiful, sunny but cold day here in PA! TOM is due tomorrow and I don't understand - but - I'm feeling awfully GOOD today! Kinda weird, hunh?!?!??! (I'm thinking it is the sunshine)! Last night my brother and dh and dd took me out to dinner for my birthday (which is next week) to a Japaneese Steakhouse! Urgh! However, I did fairly well and stayed within my points. I had 3 jumbo shrimp from hubby's plate, clear soup and fried rice! Just the experience of the hibachi cooking is enough for me! Not to mention, my brother. My brother is my biological brother - we were seperated at a young age - well I found him via the internet 4 years ago!!!! He lives 2 hours from me. Isn't that exciting! lol!

Hi back Annie!

- love that you added your pic in your avatar!

Brenda - yea, what Annie said, I concour too! Good Luck and let us know which plan you decide! I do WW, but I'm old and not in a hurry! lol!

Xena2005 - I have the sweetest daughter! She is so compasionate and worries about everyone and everything. Her picking "that" dog, didn't surprise me! Thanks for your nice words. Oh, when I move to the country, I'm going to adopt another dog and at least one cat! Hopefully within the next couple of years!

Well girls, I'm at work so I gotta run. I'm just so darn addicted! Hi to everyone I missed -
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Old 01-04-2008, 01:06 PM   #107  
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I got to go out again yesterday. Kind of had to. I loosened a crown New Years Eve and had to go to the dentist to have it recemented. Luckily he is at the mall, so I got to walk around some. I am exhausted today. It seems to take 4 times as much effort to do anything now. I know I'm getting slowly better every day, but I just wish it would be quicker. I also know that I'm lucky to not be recovering from surgery right now. I probably should have had them scope the knee afterwards, but just couldn't bring myself to have it cut on again. It's just been through too many surgeries already.

Right now I'm hungry and nauseous at the same time. I'm convinced I could be hungry while in a coma.
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Old 01-04-2008, 01:21 PM   #108  
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Hi everyone,

It is pouring buckets x 1000 here. It is the kind of rain that causes landslides. My office is dry, but the street is flooding. My office is on the ground floor but hasn't had water problems at least since I rented it, so I'm hoping it stays dry. My apartment is on a hill, on solid bedrock, and I'm not on the ground floor, so it should be ok there.

I managed to have two good OP days so far, and am looking to make this day #3. I have been stuck in perpetual PMS, with TOM being more than a week late, and can't wait for my system to sort itself out.
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Old 01-04-2008, 01:49 PM   #109  
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Well, I'm a week in and have kept a food log on FitDay with every calorie accounted for. I've lost 4lbs - an OK amount - but am a little disappointed. In the past when I've gotten serious, I've seen see a bigger weight loss in the first 2-3 weeks. I know I'm seeing the cup 1/2 empty in the moment- but overall I really am optimistic.

Thanks to every one of you for posting and sharing - when I feel like eating something I shouldn't, I just go check out what's going on at 3FC. By the time I've finished reading, the urge has passed.

Zelma, thanks for your encouragement - when I look at everyone's tickers and/or pics, I'm reminded that I'm not alone in this experience and that others are experiencing success (and have experienced the challenges that go along with achieving that success). I know that when I encounter any extra skin issues, I'll feel that much more empowered to deal with them because I will have conquered even bigger issues in losing the weight. I'm just a worrier by nature.

Debbie - your description of "batwings" and your "apron hangin" made me giggle. I remember the first time I read "pendulous abdomen" after my OB/GYN wrote it in reference to me - I was so humiliated. But the way you wrote those descriptions was like you owning your body and having a sense of humor about it. Some of my lingering feelings of humiliation melted away after I read that post.

And to anyone who has God's ear this upcoming week, please include my four-month-old niece Gabby in your prayers. She is having open heart surgery in FL on Tuesday morning. I'm going down to take care of my nephews so that my sister and BIL can focus on her.

I'll try to check in from the road next week - I think I'll need the extra strength to avoid engaging in some bad eating habits.
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Old 01-04-2008, 04:18 PM   #110  
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Hello and good afternoon, everyone! Hope you're all having a happy & OP day!

No time for much exercise either today, and this weekend looks like it's going to be extremely busy as well. So, I'll just have to get back on the ball with that on Monday along with getting back on a diet plan. Right now, I'm just eating as healthy as I can.

I'll try and pop on a little later, to do a few personals.
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Old 01-04-2008, 05:09 PM   #111  
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Had my weekly weigh in today and have lost 4lbs. this week. After the meeting went to lunch at Subway then went to the mall and walked for a good half hour. Had to sit on a bench before leaving though my hips and knees started to cramp up on me. But it's a start.

Good luck to you all this week!Colleen
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Old 01-04-2008, 06:20 PM   #112  
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Congrats on the loss, Colleen! Every little bit of exercise is good exercise!
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Old 01-04-2008, 10:26 PM   #113  
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Hello Peeps

Very busy around here - nice to see everyone doing well. Congrats on the losses being posted. I'm just a little sore from the first workout last night - in places other than where I expected. Tomorrow is yoga - I hope it will actually be geared to larger, new exercising woman as described. Last night I was actually the only one - which was great.

Today was an OK OP day - not super-fantastic - but OK. Lots of food challenges out of the house for the next several weeks - my company does "appreciation dinners" in January rather than Christmas parties. I will be on the road for most of the month on the weekend - not a problem at the party as I don't overeat in front of people usually. It's the hotel/travel time that may be an issue. I'm feeling really strong and healthy so not seeing any obstacles at this point. I went to the doctor this morning for this crazy ear infection - mind you I have been to this doctor for probably 30 years - he's a few years older than I am - my blood pressure was 122/80 - all bloodwork was perfect - I was down several lbs from the last time I saw him in November - he obviously was pleased - asked me what I would look like on paper with everything being good now - with a big grin on his face. He has never been one to nag me about my weight (or is it because I always stayed away) but he is certainly praising me. It's nice to hear.

Everyone have a good night. Hugs to you all, keep up the good work.

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Old 01-05-2008, 12:46 AM   #114  
aka Valerie
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BATTLE - Today was day 3 for both of us. I hope it was a good one for you!

I got NO exercise today, didn't even clean stalls. A dear friend that I rarely see asked me over to keep her company during her 16yo's birthday party. I bet you think I ate the pizza & cake, don't you? I went over there right after work, but figuring that the worst possible options would be there, I stopped at the grocery on the way. I got about 4 oz of roast beast at the deli and some veggie sushi and wolfed that down before I arrived. Not one morsel of poison did I touch! I just explained that I'd eaten already.
It would have been a really lovely evening if one of her youngest wasn't so irritating, and that child haaaaangs on us every second. She's 11 going on 3, right down to the ceaseless babytalk. I'd visit more often, but we literally can't have 2 minutes without the spoiled kid, and I just can't take her. The other 3 siblings are all sweethearts. Amazing, the difference.

On the way home I bought some OP stock for the cupboards. Heavens, isn't the price of food rising??

I suppose I should try & get some sleep. After stalls tomorrow morning I'm going horse shopping with a friend, then there's my fav nephew's wedding tomorrow @ 5. Yeah for the couple! But yeah-NOT-for another chance to see my stepD. At least it's the last time until Easter. ...Uh-Oh! I still have to go get the gift, too.

G'Night for now, everyone!
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Old 01-05-2008, 02:32 AM   #115  
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Jeanne: Glad you had a nice dinner out.

Catherine: Hope you are not too tuckered out tomorrow.

Battle: There really was a small flood in our office building today. We are in the basement offices, temporarily until hopefull late Spring, anywho, it has been pouring rain and that melted the 3 feet of snow, (not really 3 feet ), it poured in our back door and flooded about 5 of my co-worker's offices. So, stay dry.

Kimmie: Wooo Hoo, congrats on -4 pounds. You are doing so well. I will be praying for Gabby and your family. Hugs.

Colleeen: Yippe to you on -4 pounds also. You guys are doing so well.

Kayley: great job on eating healthy. Hugs.

Carol: Congrats on a great Dr. Report! Maybe you can pack a really exciting book or something to do with your hands for when you are in the hotel rooms.

Val: High 5 to you on eating good before the evil pizza party!

Well, today was another hectic day I guess most of them will be for a while. The company I work for is in the process of trying to put together a proposal for the department of health and welfare in Idaho. The contract is up at the end of this month and the state wants to go with one contractor for the entire state instead of 7 or so that it uses right now. It would be huge growth for my company if they get the contract and if they don't it would mean lots of people out of jobs unless the new company wants to hire everyone. Most all of the bosses, and we do have quite a few bosses, are freaking out. They will need to turn the proposal in by the end of the month and we should find out about it by Feb. 14th. I actually think it will take a bit longer than that for the state to make a decision. They have at least 7 companies trying to get the contract if not more companies that are throwing their hats in too.

I am planning on going to swim before noon tomorrow. Hopefully I will do some weights, treadmill and bike before hand. Hope everyone has an excellent weekend. Stay op, drink lots of water and move your booties.

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Old 01-05-2008, 09:14 AM   #116  
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Just a quickie to say hi and "kvetch" a bit. (for those who don't know,it means to complain). Thankfully,Doug got the kitchen pipes to unfreeze, since he forgot to leave the faucet on during the night. So then he had to drive Scott to work and on the parkway he didn't see a tire(rim and all) in the middle of the road and wound up hitting it with the front of the minivan. Just thinking there was only cosmetic damage, he used it to drop Sammi later at dance, and it started to run hot and make a weird noise. So when he got home and checked it out, the radiator was pushed in on the corner a bit. So now we are down to 1 vehicle. And if we need a new radiator, I am hoping for not more than 500 bucks because that's the price of our deductable and there is no way I can call the insurance company again!!! We just filled out the paperwork for the other car and are mailing it today!! I am ready to sell all the cars and hire someone to drive me would probably be cheaper!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to make matters worse...I am retaining water even though I am peeing like a rings are tight, and that's a sure sign. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Thanks, I feel a little better now! LOL!!!!)
Have a Great OP Day!!!!

Last edited by MamaBplus3; 01-05-2008 at 09:15 AM. Reason: sp
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Old 01-05-2008, 09:44 AM   #117  
trying again!
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Good Morning Everyone

Well I decided to go back to my old program. I went in yesterday to pay and I signed up for 6 months. I know it works if I stick to it and I am just going to have to DO it. I want to be so much smaller before we go on our cruise next spring.

Anyhow, I go in on Monday to weigh in and see for sure how much I really gained. I was at my lowest when I left there. I have actually been exercising which is a plus and am going to to see my nephew play hockey this afternoon and walk while he is playing. There is a walking track around the top level of our rink so it is a perfect opportunity.... with no excuses.
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Old 01-05-2008, 10:08 AM   #118  
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Good morning ladies! I'm pretty pumped today. Finally got done with my 3 days of **** "cleansing" (nothing but red meat and salad) and got to eat real food today! My breakfast was an egg, a piece of toast, 8 oz. of skim milk, and an apple. YUMMY.. It felt like SOO much food compared to what I've been eating for breakfast. I'm down 8.8 lbs. so far since I started on Wednesday, so hopefully the rest of the week will bring happy results too.

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I really want to do it this time and lose the weight I've been carrying for all these years. Keep up the good work, everyone!
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Old 01-05-2008, 10:21 AM   #119  
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Hi everyone,

Stopping in for a quickie before my super busy day. I got up the courage to weigh, even though TOM still isn't sorted out, and I am rid of my holiday weight plus 1. I'm surprised and thrilled.

Have a great day.

Sorry Donna about your car situation. I hope the repair isn't expensive.
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Old 01-05-2008, 11:36 AM   #120  
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Good for you, Brenda for committing yourself for 6 months! What is your old program?

Finally, I'm going grocery shopping, so I can get some good OP foods in the apartment!
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