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Old 08-30-2007, 09:41 PM   #31  
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Hi all – Let’s see if I can remember what everybody said!

Bearcub – welcome back from camp. Sounds like so much fun – and hey down a pound is better than up!

Terri – Down five pounds – woohoo!! 11 puppies!! WOW – that was wonderful of you to take them. I’ve fostered dogs before – but never ever 11 puppies. They must be SOOOO cute. Post pictures!

Lilion – I have a dog with weight issues – it’s a battle to keep her at a healthy weight. I am positive she has a binge eating disorder! If set a bag of dog food out she would literally eat the whole thing. If food were available to her I am sure she would eat until her stomach exploded. She’s not happy with the limits we place on her eating. Some one should do that for me!

Ruth – hope you are doing ok. It’s always hard to sort through parents’ things. My Mom passed away about 10 years ago and I think however old WE get we still want our moms. The penny sign must have been a special moment for you.

Julie – Yeah for you – under 300!!!

Angela – how’s back to teaching going? Also congratulations to you for being down 4 pounds. You’ve had a lot to deal with this summer – so a loss is great!

Val – Gabe sounds like quite a guy. It must be so fun to have horses. Someday I’d like a Norwegain Fjord Horse. We saw some equine beauties at the state fair today – made me think of you and Terri. How’s the job hunt?

Hi Heather – you are back to teaching soon?

Well today was a great day at the Great Minnesota Get Together (state fair). Besides visiting the animal barns - I keep threatening my husband with getting some chickens, we saw the butterhead sculptures of the Dairy Princesses and the seed art. We walked for about 5 hours. I actually did really well with food. NOTHING on a stick. I came out of the day having consumed about 1500 calories which is really quite good considering what is there to eat. My favorite part of the fair is the creative arts displays of all of the handiwork people entered. WOW are people talented. There is a cookie stand there that makes over a million bucks in the 10 days the fair is open. Can you imagine? All of your year’s work could be over in 10 days (well I am sure they spend time getting ready and time cleaning up, but still).
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Old 08-30-2007, 11:32 PM   #32  
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HEY HEY HEY -- Really quick post here!

Just wanted to remind everyone that September is almost here and I've started the new exercise thread! I know, I know, you've been waiting with bated breath! Well, wait no longer! Come join us on our quest to exercise 200,000 minutes! I really think we're gonna do it this year! IF everyone helps!
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Old 08-31-2007, 05:15 AM   #33  
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Smile Good morning ladies!

I am up but I think my attum is stuck in reverse. We had storms last night that kept me awake for a really long time. When I did go to sleep I was awakened about 12:30 by some kind of noise, and never did get back to sleep. I feel a long nap coming on today! (think I had just fallen asleep).

I still haven't got myself 100% op. I am trying though. It is just the little slips that are driving me crazy! I keep reminding myself of my promise to myself. I will lose this weight!

Val, no I don't eat cereal every morning. I love the stuff but it doesn't always do it for me. I eat something different every day. That way I don't get burned out on one thing. I love my high fiber toast with sugar free perserves or peanut butter. Can't do that everyday though. I am not so fond of oatmeal, but I do that once a week at least.

Terri, that was so funny about the dogs being huddled together. I think I would be in that huddle if someone stuck me outside in the middle of the night
I am a real coward about being out in the dark. My DH will go out and wander around at night, not me! Of course he was military for years, so I guess he is brave enough. I told him someone could be out there and hit him in the head.

luja, good for you! That stuff on a stick is my favorite part of the Fair. yummy, I won't be going to the fair this year Not a good place for me.

Heather, thanks for listing your Kashi favorites. I had never tried some of them. I will be brave and give them a try.

Lilion, so how is it going? Are you ready to move forward or is it downward? Okay, you know what I mean. Here is a little something for you and ME. Sigh!

Hello Brarcub, Angela and anyone else I missed. And a big hello to all the lurkers Ta for now, Ruth
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Old 08-31-2007, 05:43 AM   #34  
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Hi gals,

Its about 4 am and I've been awake since 2 am. We ate too late last night and the diet coke I drank is causing a problem now. I was asleep until DH woke me up when he came into the bedroom after falling asleep on the couch. Its all his fault.

We had a really good day yesterday. So much better that its cooled down some. We made a trip into town to donate money to the vets (i.e. heartworm meds) because we haven't spent enough with them lately. Also asking a few questions about the incoming doggies. They are so excited about 11 puppies.

I spent a long time in the barn yesterday. Did a lot of cleaning and decluttering. We got the new 10' cage set up and ready. Geez, that was heavy. Cleaned the two stalls out completely. Ready for a power wash. I like it when the garage/barn looks organized and clean. I got more to do in the tack room area.

Got in a good swim. The water is getting much cooler. It wasn't bad once I was under water but it was definitely cooler if I stood up. But I did quite a few laps and made it more exercise than floating. Good way to clean off the barn dirt too.

I rousted myself off the couch and rode Phoenix last evening. He is definitely a goosey boy. This was only our third ride. I spooked him or something when I got on because he tried to jump out from underneath me a couple of times. DH said my life flashed before his eyes. It startled me and I did think, here we go and what the he** am I doing riding 3 yos, but I stayed on and got him calmed down. I still think it is the stirrup strap on my good saddle that touched him on the leg and he didn't expect. I'm now using my new heavy leather saddle instead of the old, beatup second saddle that I bought after my tack was stolen a couple of years ago. I've discovered a dismounting problem. The back is at least two inches higher than the old saddle. When I swing my leg to get off, I can't seem to do it without dragging my foot across his butt, which makes him goose around. I also think part of the problem is the gut roll impeding me when I lean forward to dismount. I'm also trying to dismount not putting a lot of weight on my dismounting leg which puts my weight on their back. All the more reason to get this fat off. I am going to shorten my stirrups a notch and practice on Spanky later this morning and then try Phoenix again this evening. I can defnintely feel the change in my muscles and that I'm getting stronger. I also have to relearn how to ride a trot. Sit, stand, post???????

I'm also watching What Not to Wear while I'm having insomnia. I don't think I shared my lastest venture into rethinking my style. I've seen them tell several women to get different bras and get the girls back up where they belong. I have lamented about that lots in the past. I decided that I would do my own refitting and try a different size. I found out that I've been wearing the wrong size and style of bra for a long time. I gave up on underwires a long time ago because of the way they dig into the side roll of fat on my torso. Well, Lane Bryant has a full coverage underwire bra and a balconnette that I tried. All in a bigger cup size. Holy smokes, that what my boobs are supposed to look like! I was amazed and I love it. Out goes all my old bras. I feel so much more feminine. One is even a leopard print. Its amazing, that if you look around, how many women wear bras that are so unflattering for their shapes because it does nothing for their boobs.

So far I'm doing okay in my two rules for the next month. I am swearing off ice cream for the next 30 days and I'm not getting on the scale until I weigh in at the doctor's office. I figured I have to do a detox from the ice cream as it has become a mindless habit.

What else can I ramble about? I'm having my boobies smashed at 8:30; just four hours away. That's always fun. I got my blood work back from the doctor. My cholesterol is down but still needs to get under 200. Its my bad (HDL's?) cholesterol that is too high. Everything else looked good. Thyroid is good so that can't be my excuse for not losing weight. I'll have to find another reason. Oh maybe like the ice cream??

Ruth - I see that you and I are having trouble sleeping. I'm about ready to doze off for a bit. I too feel a nap coming on today. Thank goodness I don't have to go to work. Hope you get a good nap in.

Luja - I love state fairs; however I'm not all that impressed with ours. I love walking through the animal barns although it is kinda odd feeling walking behind all the bulls that are just tied up - like what keeps them from going beserk and getting free to trample people walking behind them gawking? Good job on avoiding all the "on the stick". Corn dogs at the fair are awesome!

Valerie - You're gonna have to get pics of Gabe so we can see that bad boy. Sounds like Gabe and Phoenix might have similar personalities. Phoenix gooses around but not in a temper; just scares himself. I plan tomorrow on sacking him out in the round pen some after he's saddled up and before I get on. Alias was on regular TV for about five seasons. I've been watching it via DVD from netflix. No commercials and a great way to keep myself occupied for a 40 minute workout. Jennifer Garner was the star and she is kind of a female James Bond without the Bond girls. She does lots of outfits and looks as part of her CIA job, hence the Alias title. I really like it and wonder why I didn't watch it while it was on TV.

Bearcub - The photo book of Pawl sounds like an awesome idea. I have never heard of iphoto. I know how hard it was to lose him. The memorial garden sounds really wonderful. I stillhave Bear's ashes. How's the new fridge? Sounds like your sister has done a fantastic job of turning her health around. Very inspiring.

Angela - Congrats on losing this month. While it may not be what you had wanted, it is down!. Especially good since you were out of your normal routine there for a bit while you were visiting your mom and the stress of classes starting again. Give yourself a pat on the back!

Lilion - Do you need to go to a chiropracter for that shoulder/back thing? I forgot not what happened to cause you pain. I've had a rib get out of place way up in what feels like my shoulder blade. Killer pain. Hope that's not what you're experiencing.

Heather - Thanks for the kashi/cereal ideas. I think I'll try some of the pilaf. That can be something that I take to work as part of my lunches if its something DH doesn't want to try. I think I'll make the exercise thread part of my next path to success. I did that for a couple of months last year and then just quit.

I better see if I can catch a few ZZZ's before its time to get up again. to all!
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Old 08-31-2007, 08:13 AM   #35  
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Me again. Its now 7:15 and the sun is on its way up. OMG, it is such a gorgeous morning. It got cool enough last night that there is a fog? settled into the low lying areas. OOOH, my favorite time of the year is on its way!
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Old 08-31-2007, 09:20 AM   #36  
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Terri -- This is my favorite time of year too!!
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Old 08-31-2007, 10:27 AM   #37  
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Good Morning Ladies!

I fully expect this post to take me hours to write. It's 8:27 - we'll see what time it is when I'm done. Work should be a bear today! Five hearings and most of them nasty ones. I'm SO looking forward to the three day weekend, even though I expect enough drama at my house to cause distress. I left my best friend there doing her garage sale. She's moving out of state - figures why not - she's got no kid or husband to stay for anymore and she's always hated Missouri - was only here for her daughter and I've told you how well that worked out. So away she goes, to get away from all the grief the daughter and ex has caused. First she has to sell the vast majority of her stuff...The sale is kind of a disorganized nightmare - as most rummage sales are. Most of her big stuff has sold already - my DH and I are buying her living room furniture for our family room since we've been wanting something different from the old sectional we have, which we're selling at the sale. A friend of my DH is buying the futon that was her daughters. The two big things she has left is a large deep freeze and a car. Worst case senario we can buy her freezer and resell it and she can give me power of attorney over her car to sell for her. Why am I telling you guys all this - you don't want to hear all that stuff???

Anyway, she wants to leave before next weekend. I will be glad, really, but sad too. She needs to get away, but my best friend is still moving away and I'm going to miss her something awful. I'm sure it hasn't occured to her that she's leaving right at my birthday - nice. Ah, well...that's life.

Dinner was horrible - but very tasty. Work was such a pain and with setting up her sale I just ordered pizza...and ate lots! No work-out today, but DH and I took Suzie and Mac for a walk last night before the pizza man came - two laps this time 2/3 mile. Talk about tired puppies! It's so funny to see them just flop down in the floor after! I figure will all the carrying and lifting I got a bit in this morning before work and there will be more to come!

I may dig some of my own stuff out for the sale...there's only a few of my clothes in it now. But I'm having another sale later on this month! Another apartment-dwelling friend using my garage. Why, oh WHY don't I have friends with houses??? Three rummage sales in one summer! I'm starting to really dislike them.

Terri and Ruth - Boy you guys must be tired! I, luckily, have never had the "can't get back to sleep" thing...if anything - I have trouble getting UP.

Terri I at you and your "girls". You are right - SO many women don't wear flattering bras. It's one of the things I've always been picky about - maybe a function of having such small assets - but I have always worn bras the put them "up front" as much as possible. Finding one now is a CHORE. Depending on where I buy them and the brand I wear anywhere from a 38B to a 38C - Victoria's secret tried to tell me I was more of a 40A! I am NOT an A! Before I lost weight I was a 42D - they are always the first to go...I finally found a couple decent bras at JC Penny - but I tried on 20+ before I found 2!

Luja, Ruth and Heather - Hello! I intended to keep typing and get personals done, but the boss just dumped stuff on my desk to do so I better get to it. 9:26 a.m. - I'm signing off!
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Old 09-01-2007, 09:18 AM   #38  
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Wink Hello chicks!

No time to stay and chat this morning, just wanted to drop in and say hello. See Ya later! Ruth
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Old 09-01-2007, 09:44 AM   #39  
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Morning gals.

The doggies finally arrived last night. We had to go to the city to get them. The gal that rescued them from animal control dropped contact with me and the others at Coonhound rescue. Turns out she has a form of lupus and after making an animal transport to Colorado with 57 dogs and cats, it kicked her butt and she'd been out of it for two days. Kinda weird but we got them home. Momma is thin and skittish. She's really pretty. The puppies are a whole variety of colors so who knows who the daddy is. They seem to be in good shape. I took some pictures last night but will try again today when I can get more light in the barn. They all need baths. Phewey!

Today's agenda is working with the horses, housework, and maybe laundry. I need to clean the loafing shed and get some sand put out because Ginger has abcesses again and the doc recommended stalling her. Ginger HATES being in a stall and away from the other horses. I want to move her to the loafing shed if we can put a panel up to keep her confined to the inside. She'd be much happier. Especially if this is for a month. Geez, its always something.

I'll post pictures later on today. to all!
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Old 09-02-2007, 01:27 PM   #40  
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On 'the girls', Lane Bryants tried to get me into one so loose it would have dropped them around my knees. I like their bras, just not their advice.

TERRI, too bad about Ginger's abcesses. When Steega had one once while I was on the road and couldn't soak and bandage it daily. The vet cleaned it out and said to just keep turning him out, that the natural pumping action created when he walked would help it heal. It disappeared in two weeks and he was back to 100%. I hope she heals as quickly, although most abcesses I've encountered did take longer. * Good for you, riding that young whipper-snapper! Come try mine next!!

LILION, at least now it's Sunday, and those nasty hearings Friday are behind you!

Bill just pulled out. He was only home for a day and half, so we splurged and had pizza last night. This morning I fully expected that with all the sodium and too little exercise, the scale would be up. I tried to figure the worst possible damage before I got on it, so as not to get too upset. The little booger went down 2 instead. Go figure. I have less than 4 days left until my official weigh-in, so I'm going to work hard on it. I'm excited and looking forward to giving that old scale a smack downwards.

We have roofers at the barn and all the horses are going nutso with all the stuff falling off and all the banging. Yesterday Mike, the barn guy, was putting them out after the workers started, and amazingly he said my old been-there-done-that quarter horse was one of the worst jerks. He was all worked up and scared. One of the two BEST behaved horses in the barn was my normally jumpy, reactive Gabriel. He walked out like a prince. I'm so proud of that silly little moose!

Like Terri says... "The donut called. Today I told it I wanted to ride and ride well!" Or somethin' like that. In any case, I'm with you!!!
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Old 09-02-2007, 06:08 PM   #41  
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Quick post. Spent way too much money on clothes today, but I came home with one really cool outfit that's good for the current weather and a bunch of stuff for a little later when it becomes fall for real. Having clothes I like makes such a difference in my attitude.

Terri, Thanks for the encouragement. And good for you for shopping around for better accommodations for the girls. The last time I was lighter I had gone to underwires... what a difference!

Valerie, Good to hear you so revved up! Spread that will power dust around, wouldja?

Hope everyone's resisting bad demons who linger near picnics and cookouts and having a great HEALTHY holiday!
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Old 09-02-2007, 06:46 PM   #42  
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Angela -- Yay on new clothes! I went shopping yesterday and got my "first day of school" outfit!
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Old 09-02-2007, 09:24 PM   #43  
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Sunday evening and we have one more day of the weekend. And one more day of my five-day weekend.

It has not been nearly as productive as I had planned. I had planned on getting the doggies on Thursday and someone bringing them to us. I had not planned on having to make a mad run to the city to get them on Friday. I had planned on power washing the stain off the front porch. I had not planned on DH's cousin wanting to borrow the power washer on the day I had marked for porch. But the cousin helped DH fix our hot wire fence when he brought back the washer; saved us from killing each other because we don't always work well together. I had also not planned on making trips to town every day either. Too much time at the vets too.

Tomorrow, I need to go to town yet again to find a pet exercise pen. The doggies are doing well. Momma Lucy hates science diet food so I've finally hit on a combo of canned and dry food she likes and will eat. She is now eating with gusto. The pups are so adorable. They are starting to thrive too. Yipping, bounching, tails wagging, lots of sleeping. Tomorrow is bath day if I can find the pen so they can be outside to dry.

Ginger is outside again and much happier. Not happy but happier. Me too.

My niece came out today and rode with me. I put her on Spanky since he seems to be the most laid back of the two. I rode Phoenix after basically giving her lessons on how to ride Spanky. I may be sending Phoenix back to the trainer for a couple of weeks. He did a lot of head tossing and fighting the bit today.

Geez, poor Duke looks like Daisy bit a hole in his big floppy ear. She is really bad about swinging on his ears and off the loose skin on his neck too. But then he antagonizes her too. Like they are right now at my feet; like there isn't a whole big room to be playing in.

Food has been pretty good. We're eating only two meal a day and no snacking in between. I haven't had ice cream since last Tuesday. I am trying to detox myself from that habit. I've been having popcicles instead. I bought 35 calorie fudgcicles today. I've also have been trying to break the daily weigh-in habit too. However, today I couldn't resist and was pleased to see 257.4. That's pretty good since TOM came around today.

We need rain so badly. It has turned into a dustbowl around here. I feel like I'm dirty all the time. Lovely feeling. DH told me that I have a ring of dirt around my neck so I guess I need a shower before bed tonight.

Valerie - Roofing the barn would drive our horses nuts too. Phoenix saw a frog/toad out in the pasture while I was riding him and I thought he was going to come unglued for a minute. Funny isn't it how they can act like big horse's a$$es or be perfectly behaved. about your good scale results. Keep working at it!

Angela - New clothes are so fun. Good job on shopping. I agree completely about having clothes you really like and how it affects your outlook. I finally caught on to that a few years ago and really pay attention to whether or not I look or feel frumpy. If I do, the clothes are out of my closet. That's also the reason behind my style makeovers. All about the attitude.

Heather - Tell us more about the new outfit? When is the first day of school?

Lilion - How did the garage sale go? I'm sorry that you're losing your best friend. Those are really hard to come by. But then again, sometimes friends can be too needy and really hard on your life too. Hope you're having a good weekend.

Ruth - How are you doing?

to everyone! Be good with the holiday weekend food!
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Old 09-03-2007, 12:02 AM   #44  
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Terri -- Wow, things sound really busy over there!! All kinds of activity. We are a graveyard by comparison! But it also sounds like a lot of fun! We are a graveyard by comparison -- again!

First day of school is next Monday. I think my first day outfit is from Talbot's (leaving myself the possibility of changing my mind!) It's a pretty cotton skirt with a fun flower print (colors are blues, browns, greens and some pinks) paired with a brown short-sleeve sweater (fall colors look good on me). Have to work out the shoes still, but probably some kind of sandal. I'll try to take pictures!

I got the outfit at the Talbot's outlet -- one of my favorite places to shop. The skirt was expensive there ($35) and the sweater... $14 or so. I've done really well when the outlet has sales, but have to be careful not to buy clothes that are too small! ("Well, it will hopefully fit in x weeks/months").
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Old 09-03-2007, 09:04 AM   #45  
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Stop! Do not post here! Join us on the next volume thread of Gettin' Fit After 40!
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