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toofatforu 06-27-2007 11:39 AM

how did you guys learn to do DDR/ i am still having trouble learning the moves lol

MetaChick 06-27-2007 12:42 PM

Annie....I'm THRILLED that you gained 3 pounds of muscle! That extra 3 pounds of muscle will burn 5 pounds worth of extra calories without you doing a thing over the next year, 50 pounds over the next decade...etc. And water schmater. :) You should be incredibly proud of your dedication to your exercise.

Sharon, really glad to hear you're making progress in giving those pounds back. There is little more frustrating than re-losing the same weight. I'm doing that too this week.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Ratkitten 06-27-2007 12:45 PM

In my DDR (DDR Universe game) there is a "basic edition". It's just beginner moves and I think meant for kids. Those are what I'm doing currently.

I tried to do the master edition questing and started laughing at myself for missing easy steps and getting flustered (just imagining what my neurotic parrot thought I was doing as he watched me bounce along to this funky music). I decided to do the basic edition first, and then move onto the harder stuff. Besides, this program grades you and I HATE making an F.. hehe. (Perfectionist? Moi? ... yup!). :^:

Hope that helps.. it might be the game version?


dogpal 06-27-2007 01:02 PM

Shadie: Yes, we will have to keep in contact more. You are doing Fabooo too my friend. My Pappa is a doll. I think your hubby is a sweetie too for getting you the Prince stuff.

Sharon: Congrats on another -4. You are doing awesome. I hope your hubby gets to work some ot again too. In the mean time, keep up the great work!

Donna: Good luck at the foot Dr. Hugs.

Cris: Okay, come on Cris you can do it get back on this wagon. Here's a hand up! Hugs.

Patti: COme on Patti, you can do it too. Another hand up back on the exercise wagon. Hugs to you.

I'm off to swim in about a 1/2 hour. Hope you are all op and having full of exercise and energy days.


dogpal 06-27-2007 01:03 PM

Meta: Thanks sweetie. I am pretty okay with it now too. Hugs.

Bless you,

toofatforu 06-27-2007 03:51 PM

thanks Rat i guess i will just do what can do a step at a time lol.
thanks Annie have a good swim

CatherineM 06-27-2007 06:57 PM

Okay everyone, I was kidding when I said that I didn’t know who Prince was. That was sure one way of getting the thread moving.

Sue-I’d like to think it was my feminine wiles, but I’m fairly certain that with this lug, the way to his heart was definitely through his stomach. I put a decent scald on some chicken and made gravy, and he proposed right after dinner. He doesn’t get that stuff much now, but he’s getting used to the tofu dogs.

Donna-When I had one 14 year old and one 17 year old at the same time I felt like a full time cook. They’d eat everything I’d made for dinner like it was the appetizer. That didn’t count when they brought friends over. I had a brother who used to eat wooly worms, but never slugs. They were too much fun pouring salt on to eat.

I spent all day with bureaucrats. Getting all the forms filled out for my grants to go to school. These are in addition to the scholarship, and will pay my transportation and if I need a tutor. Since I’m classified as permanently disabled by the head injury, they will bend over backwards to help. I guess going back to school after 15 years is a bigger thing than I realized, at least in the government’s eyes.

Tomorrow I will have been OP for two solid weeks. That is the longest I can remember in maybe a year. I just kept trying different things, and finally found a combination that I can live with, that goes with the changes that being married and moving to Canada have brought. I finally feel like I am beginning to get settled.

dogpal 06-27-2007 09:16 PM

Catherine: Wonderful job staying op for 2 solid weeks! I am so proud of you! It is so hard especially when you first get married. I'm glad you are settling in now and feeling more married! Hugs. That's great about school. I think you deserve it and so much more. Maybe they will pay a PE type class for swimming? That would be awesome too. I figured you have got to know who Prince is LOL.

Well, I have already racked up 123 minutes of exercise today and I am planning on going back on the bike for another 30 minutes. I am pretty sure I will make my exercise goal of 1500 for this month. I did most of my workout before and after swimming then pulled the rest of the weeds in the back yard corner and cleaned the Master Bathroom and bedroom including the drawers and closet. It was all pretty neat and organized already but time to vacuum in the closet and make sure no dust bunnies are in there. I also had to clean our spare bedroom dresser out and closet out as much as I could do the closet. My 26 year old niece who my DH and I used to be very close with is coming to stay a couple of months with us this summer. She should be here this weekend I believe. She already has a job lined up at the Coeur D Alene resort waitressing I think, then she will go back to college at the end of August or the 1st part of September in San Luis Obisbo, CA CalPoly. Can you tell I love her bunches. She is a doll.

Well, hope everyone is doing wonderful. it is very warm here with thunder/lightning likely tonight and tomorrow.


CatherineM 06-27-2007 10:28 PM

Annie-I wish the college had a pool, but it is a theological seminary. It's got a chapel, library and classrooms. I guess they think that seminarians and grad students don't need exercise. I'm actually getting some exercise. I'm just getting it done walking and doing yard work.

Misti in Seattle 06-27-2007 10:30 PM

Hi everybody! Whew busy day! LOL I thought I had done pretty well on exercise until I read Annie's report... made me tired just reading it! :)

Catherine, shhhhhhhhhhhhh just don't let your hubby hear you say it was not feminine wiles that got him. Ha! If food works, go for it. :) Congrats on staying OP for two weeks!

Gotta run... hugs to all


Xena2005 06-27-2007 10:50 PM

Wow, all this DDR talk is making me want to get one. Is it an XBox game or what? Forgive my ignorance. :dizzy:

Catherine - Way to go 2 weeks OP!!! :carrot:

Annie - You are really rockin' the exercise. It makes me tired just to read about it.

As for me, I am supposed to be working on updating my resume. I've already turned in my MBA school application but they want a resume too and I haven't updated it since moving to my currrent job 5 years ago. I think I am going to skip it tonight and go to bed early instead. I missed my morning workout Mon and Tues and just barely made it this morning. I am really committed to getting my morning exercise habit back and in order to do that I must get to bed at a decent time. So I guess the resume will have to wait until tomorrow.

Nighty-night everyone!

Ratkitten 06-27-2007 10:57 PM

Hi Xena,

yes, DDR is Dance Dance Revolution. You can get a regular xbox (refurbished for $50-80) and the game used from gamestop (about $30) and the dance pad for $20-60. OR.. you can get an xbox360 and get the Dance Dance Revolution Universe package with pad (latest version) for about $500.

It's a fun game that you'd think was easy until you try it. I do more sweating with it than on the treadmill for 30min. It's a nice addition to my exercise routine.

You can google it and read about it as well. You can also get the game for PS2! My bro in law said the graphics on the xbox were better (probably his personal preference.. but he's tried all the game consoles).

Hope that info helps!! I'm having a blast with it and finished unlocking all the basic starter songs this evening. Time to move up to the big kids mode!!


Vortex_VVV 06-28-2007 12:22 AM

Not too bad today, but like Xena, I need to get to bed so I can get up and exercise in the a.m. Only got a token 10 minutes in today. Food was okay, but I'm just too tired to even think tonight. Sleep tight all.

dogpal 06-28-2007 01:33 AM

Night Night ladies. I am pooped too. My walking partner already quit on me. So, I am thinking about taking my dogs. I'm not sure how hard it will be for me to handle them alone. I probably should wait. They get very excited and loose their little minds when it comes to going out of the area. lol. Maybe I will walk around my block for a bit. I'm kind of nervous to go to the park alone. It is sooooo secluded and foresty. I have read too many things about people getting murdered when they are alone. Maybe paranoia is setting in. lol. Have a great night all.

Oops I almost forgot. Catherine. I'm so impressed with the school you are going to. Please be careful of your feet when you are doing lots of walking. Hugs.

StormieAngel 06-28-2007 03:24 AM

ok now I am gonna start keeping my eye out for DDR and Twister Dance.. I have a PS2 and An XBOX and GAME CUBE.. soooo i have all the systems ( except the new one which we will not buy till 1 they go down in price and 2 they get all their glitches out).

I figured out I am definitely not flexible enough for Yoga ( may have sprained my knee a lil doing it *Sigh*). The SFBW video I am only being able to do about 1.5 miles when I was doing 2 before. I would like to find something more like the DDR type thing so it is fun and something that I can do with the kids as well. And maybe learn to dance out of it as well...

My friend I guess u can say told me about a website last week or so called flylady.com . The person who started the site has written several books as well. The one I would like to get is called "Body Clutter" and it tells you about how your surrounding very much effect your weight and by decluttering the things around you , you are about to declutter your body and be able to lose weight.. Well not in those words but...Anyways.. I finally checked it out last night and had been following my friends advice about decluttering around me. I FEEL BETTER! I love how clean and un cluttered the house is getting. ( Wish I could trash some of hubbys stuff as well he has ALOT of clutter). I feel like I have done more and feel like I am loosing weight. Still on my not checking the scale often thing.. lol But here soon I will probably break down step on the scale and check my measurements. Crosses fingers...

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