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Old 11-14-2006, 06:07 AM   #1  
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Default 30-Something's: Tuesday Chat 11/14

Looks like this East Coast Rooster is gonna be starting the thread every day, until we get some others from further east in here. Go me!

Morning Everyone!

Not much exciting happened yesterday. Was another dark and dreary day at home. Not so much rain, but always the threat which kept me indoors. Today doesn't look much better, nor does most of the week. This is getting downright depressing.

On a more positive note, we made a few more steps further on the basement renovations yesterday and did some planning. We're at a point where I'm bring told to get some drywall! It'll be nice to see some real walls up. So exciting to see everything coming together.....

On the weight front, I had another bad day of eating yesterday. It's not that I was "constantly eating", but when I did choose to eat it wasn't good. Digestive Cookies w/ Whipping Cream. Has a Potato Chip craving which I gave into - first time for those in almost 2 months! I haven't been on the scale yet today (weigh in isn't for another 30 minutes) and I'm kinda scared. Especially after having done so well as of late... Oh well. Time to pick up the pieces and find that wagon again.

RoadRunner - Congrats on the 1/2 pound loss! Keep it up! And I'll have to agree with everyone else -- your DD is absolutely adorable. I love those photos! However, at that age, the last thing I'd do is give them a hose.

KarenK - Sounds like a good recipe. Kinda a low fat pumpkin cheesecake? (Of course, this means that the DW wouldn't touch it with a 40-foot pole. She doesn't like pumpkin OR cheesecake. Go figure.)

Christina - You take care, hon. I don't know about gall stones or gall bladder pain, but I have had kidney stones and they are NOT pleasant at all. Probably the worst pain I have ever known. My mum, who has had them twice, says that she would rather go through labor again.

I'm gonna have to try those recipes that you posted. I don't think I have ever had goat cheese, but I'm always willing to try something once. I don't like to think of myself as a picky eater, but I know I have definite likes and dislikes. (Like icky, blechy, mushrooms. ) Of course, the quiche might be an issue where DW's not at all a fan of broccoli or cauliflower. Both of which I actually enjoy.

Stevi - Wow are you leading a busy life. I can't imagine what I would have done in your car situation, other than blow a fuse. (Not to anyone in public, but I would have gone home and been angry and frustrated. ) I do enjoy reading about all your adventures, though. Gotta live vicariously through someone, I guess. I'd love to hear you sing sometime - and I'm sure I'm not the only one in the group. Maybe record something and post it sometime? Especially that 80's stuff. Stevi's 2006 Virtual World Tour!

Christie - Think of it this way, if you're won't (shouldn't?) have time for snacking. And that'll help with the evil, nasty, bad bad scale. You'll be fine, though. Busy, but fine. As for the part in the skit - I wouldn't want to act. I freeze up in front of a large group. Good luck!

Michelle - Men are allowed to change their mind. Just like women. Just not as frequently. (& runs away from the mob now chasing him)

Lauren - Hope your little one gets well soon. I used to have ear infections quite frequently when I was younger (and even had one in my University years -- yow was that unpleasant) so I know how uncomfortable they are. (Nice new format, BTW. A little easier to figure out what's going on.)

Darcy - I'm glad people remember there's a rooster hiding out somewhere in the shadows. With all the "Hello Ladies", I was starting to get a complex. Take care of that migraine. I find that I typically get my worst headaches from - stress, lack of sleep, lack of food (i.e. skipping a meal) and, my vice, lack of caffeine. (Coffee, Coffee, Coffee! )

Molly - Another sick person! Migraines, Colds, Ear Infections....I don't think I can stay in here without getting sick! Good thing you can't email germs. Seriously, though....take care of the family, hon. It's always chaos when "mom" gets sick. Those are the times you really can tell that it's the mum that holds the household together.

A big hello to everyone I missed!

*phew* That's it....and it's time for me to get going. 25 minutes to put together this message! What a great way to start the day.

Take care everyone, Stay Strong & Stay on Program!


P.S. - yup, the scale punished me. A 1.5 lb increase over my weigh in yesterday. Oh well. Today's a new day....
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Old 11-14-2006, 09:07 AM   #2  
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Hi All,

RX, I'm on the east coast, but I don't get online until I get to work! Too much running around in the AM! You go ahead and start the thread everyday if you want!
Sorry about the gain. I can't believe DW doesn't like pumpkin or cheesecake!!

Have a great day all! I'll try to check back later, after being out yesterday and most of Friday, I have a lot of catching up to do here!
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Old 11-14-2006, 10:55 AM   #3  
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I haven't been doing great myself, I gotta keep myself in check theses next couple of months

Lawrence: I'm just hoping that won't happen to me!!

Oh, and here is my latest project... Lightning McQueen.. I still need to watch the movie

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Old 11-14-2006, 12:18 PM   #4  
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I'm on the east coast, but I don't get online until I get to work!
Ah, but I'm even more "east" than you. I'm in the Atlantic Time Zone, which means I'm already and hour ahead of you. Add to that that I try and get my posting done BEFORE I get ready for work (6-6:30am, which is 5am in the Eastern zone), so I can "concentrate" on the real work.

Sorry about the gain.
I'm just telling myself that it's all water. I'm sure it's not, though....but maybe it will "pass".

I can't believe DW doesn't like pumpkin or cheesecake!!
Explains why she has that slim, sexy body though. And here it's because I thought it was because I was carrying the weight for both of us.

And Christie - don't worry about it. Best way to work up the butterflies is to think about it. You'll be fine and everyone will have a great time.

If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it.
If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.
So, there is no need to worry at all.

HH The Dali Lama

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Old 11-14-2006, 02:29 PM   #5  
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Default What? Daily thread making us less chatty?

Hi friends (note "rooster" included) -

I'm here and trying to figure out what in the heck I'll serve for dinner given I got nothing out of the freezer this morning (forgot - knew I should have done it when I thought of it last night). I have some pre-browned ground beef/venison in the freezer that wouldn't take too long to thaw in the micro - maybe something easy like spaghetti. Dh complains if we eat it too often, but the kids absolutely SCARF it down (last time I made it, dd who is 2.5 ate THREE bowls!). Dh won't be home in time to eat anyway so who cares about him. LOL

Had an ok evening last night, but didn't get in exercise. Nothing new there. Think I am going to bring my tennis shoes to work (might have to go buy an extra pair to keep here) and walk at lunch. One of the gals in the law dept upstairs said she does it so maybe I can walk with her. She is nearly twice my age and says she doesn't like to walk "too fast" so we'll see if it works. I guess movement at a lesser cardio pace is better than nothing though.

Might go to the Home and School (PTA) meeting tonight. Need to find out when it is and if they have childcare. The flyer they sent home wasn't too clear (probably b/c they assume everyone isn't as new to this stuff as I am!). So probably not much in the way of exercise tonight.

Starting to get ds's cold and this sucks too. Definitely dampens my desire to exercise. Oh well, just found out dh will be gone all weekend again hunting (grr) so maybe I can squeeze in a workout then. Hard with the kids underfoot though.

Anyone done with their holiday shopping? I'm getting stressed about how long my list is. I am fortunate not to have to worry too much about how much I spend (within reason) since dh is working all this OT, but it is a lot of work to pick out all these gifts. Going to have to get creative on some of the adults on my list - ugh! Hate buying for folks who need NOTHING! Ideas welcome!

Better get some work done. I'm pretty busy tomorrow and have to go to Kansas City Thursday (oops - need to arrange kiddo transport since I have to leave before dawn to get there and won't be home until late). Man, the weekend can't get here fast enough!

Love to you all,

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Old 11-14-2006, 02:37 PM   #6  
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My back hurts. Just wanted to whine. Prolly all the laundry lifting. MY CAR IS FIXED!! It was a ground wire in the back that affected something else ( he told me, I forgot) I get it today. I needed other work done, brakes (I knew this) brake fluid, some belts, oil change, and something else.....$570. OUCH! On top of the $308 to tow. I think they shuld have to reimburse the $308 as it WAS the fault of the wiring. But I know they won't.
I was STARVING yest...found out why late last night...TOM AGAIN!!!! 2 in a week and a half?? Whats up with that? I'm ok now.
Started the Evil Queen (finally!) I have the line work all done. Which is truly the hard part. Especially this one. I had a particular pose in mind but couldn't find an image like it so I had to do it from memory. The color is really fun and easy.
I have a band web-site Zeph. 3 songs are on there some where. enjoy!!
Looks great Christi! Watch the movie ( I bought it a few days ago and hadn't seen it either) Mater totally steals the show. I'd wanna draw him!
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Old 11-14-2006, 03:57 PM   #7  
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Ever dip your brush in your coffee?, Did it twice today :P

Christina" sorry to hear about the cold. Did ya take a big 'ol dose of vit C?

Last edited by wannaBsize7; 11-14-2006 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 11-14-2006, 05:04 PM   #8  
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Hi Everyone! Just wanted a quick check in to see how everyone is doing.

Zephyr: just wanted to say congrats about getting back in to church, that is wonderful! I quit going for a while and now it's hard to go back! Your a inspritation, I need to be going too!

Stevi: Glad to hear about your car getting fix! I have a year old Impala and it already had problems with the A\c and had to get that fixed this summer! You'd think with new cars it would be a while before breaking down! Ps your link to your band was great!

Wanna: love your painting!!! Can't believe you haven't seen the movie! It was so good! I bought it last week!

mpie: load up on the OJ now so you don't get that cold! Try some zinc too. When I start feeling a cold I drink Aireborne sp? I really believe this helps! That and more exercise! I hope your feeling better soon!!!

Well speaking of exercise time to do my hour! Bye to all ya'll !!!!
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Old 11-14-2006, 05:27 PM   #9  
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I know, that is what everyone says, I' ll watch it soon
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Old 11-14-2006, 10:11 PM   #10  
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*wavie* to all of you...the daily thread thing....people are responding and that's a GOOD thing, more response=more support I am glad for that. Plus everyone can keep up better.

I'm busy sewing, probably not doing so well eating and not getting any cardio in........but i'm still up at 5 workin the abs. I'm pretty sure i'm not gonna make my thanksgiving goal but since it's just me and the dog this year i'm not really going to stress. I'll cook, but i'll be sewing (i cancelled other plans to stay home and sew) and i think i can get thru thanksgiving in one piece.

Christmas though, might be a different story. I have family...well friends i consider family to be with both christmas eve and christmas day. Today I was just thinking about it. First time since we've been married that we'll be apart for the holidays. Made me sad. Like i said, thanksgiving i can get thru, christmas will be hard. By then we'll have less than a month to go til he comes home. As of saturday it will be all downhill from there......halfway on saturday. Maybe I'll take some photos to show results

*hugs* to everyone...i'll hollar at you tomorrow
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Old 11-14-2006, 10:19 PM   #11  
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You hang in there holy, I so want you to reach your goal!! Me on the other hand... well, we won't go there right now. I had rootbeer and pop corn for supper
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Old 11-15-2006, 08:49 AM   #12  
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Hey all, see ya' on Wed. thread!
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