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Old 09-24-2006, 08:24 AM   #1  
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Default **30-Something's - Week of 9/24**

Good Morning All!

Hope everyone's having a great weekend! Yesterday was supposed to be a day for getting lots done, but nothing but a few dishes got done. I ended up going to a place called for an event a friend of mine was participating in. The place has been there for 50 yrs. and I'm sure was a hit when I was a kid, (I was never there then), but it's pretty rundown now. Peter had a great time, but I was really bored and thought it was a rip-off. Had to pay $10/ea. for me & Peter, then $3./ea for the train ride, $2. for the bouncer, and 1.80 for a drink for us to share. Total waster of my time, but I did it for my friend.

I have been calling around to health clubs to find out if I can get just a pool membership. So far no, but there's one place that has a 3 month special for 239., or something like that. I was hoping for more of a 3 mo. for 99. special though. I'll keep looking, but will go visit this place later.

Have a great day all!
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Old 09-24-2006, 01:07 PM   #2  
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i wouldn't mind having a pool gym membership...hubby is convinced i can just work out at home. that's fine, but i know the one time i tried to do laps in my pool at the apartment i was so tired and worn out...i slept real well that night. i am so out of shape, and i was out of shape then too. it was embarassing but i only did 5 the apartment complex pool. sad isn't it?

Hubby called yesterday, said he's basically living in a wood shack...very 3rd world country.......has to walk everywhere, to the chow hall, to the BX, to the smoking area........he's gonna make me wanna barf with all the weight he's gonna lose..

Hope you're doing well, I'll post stats shortly.
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Old 09-24-2006, 01:58 PM   #3  
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ok down two pounds...i gained one last week so i'm now down to 203. got one more pound to a pedicure
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Old 09-24-2006, 03:51 PM   #4  
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Hi ladies, Sorry I have not checked in sooner, but I am feeling a bit under the weather, think maybe it is turning into a sinus infection.

Congrats on the 2lb loss Holy!! You are going to be down quite a bit when he gets back too!! Especially if you keep going they way you have been!

Lauren, good luck! One of the schools here has a huge pool and they do classes as well as open swim nights when school is open and it is something like $1 or $2 per person each night. The kids love it, especially in the middle of winter.

Well, I am going to try to get caught up on the last couple of pages from last week.
Take care,
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Old 09-24-2006, 10:00 PM   #5  
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Thanks I made it to walmart tonight and got shopping done but i didn't eat on my time schedule and now i'm feelin like ick. either that or it was the heat and lack of caffiene that's makin my head ache. Probably the latter LOL

now i've just gotta separate all the turkey and i might start a lasagna tonight.
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Old 09-25-2006, 12:07 AM   #6  
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Ok, lady's were headed into a new week! We gotta make it a great one. I am really hoping to lose 2-3lbs this week. I'm gonna have to step it up on the work out. It would be awsome to enter into october @ 150, but I'd have to lose 5lbs to do that. You never know though, after all, TOM will be gone by then, so anything is possible!!
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Old 09-25-2006, 01:10 AM   #7  
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Wow I have such a hard time making my way here lately. Two little kids can sure keep you busy and then working too. Geez don't they know I need online time too. lol. Well this week the scale finally fell again. Yay!!! I guess hitting the pavement and walking 2 miles each for the last two days has been worth something. Really I have enjoyed it. But it is so hard to take my three year old with me. He just can't go as far and long as I want to. So on the weekends me and my baby get the road to ourselves. Even with a little rain falling on us. While walking in the rain I thought to myself. I never thought I would be one of those people who enjoys walking so much that I am willing to go in the rain. I finally like walking cause I am seeing results. I noticed the other day the muscle in my calf is back and the area above my knees looks smaller too. And my belly is getting so small that my new pants that I bought this summer are too big. Its funny how all of a sudden you can see a difference in yourself. So I guess so far it has been a pretty good week. At least for day one.
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Old 09-25-2006, 09:58 AM   #8  
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Yeay Angela and Holy! And good for you Lauren and Angela for keeping up on exercise and feeling the benefits! Good luck on the pool search- inpired me to do the same DD is a water goddess! and Christie- Great attitude for the week ahead. Did ya get my package yet? it was slow getting to you last time so I'd be surprised.

My sscale is moving too! I know, I promised not to weigh more than every other day. At least now it is put away si I have to bend down to get it out! lol maybe that is why I am losing! hahaha

So on week 3 of South Beach I really havent added in the carbs like I am supposed to. I did read that I can continue on pahse 1 for another 1-2 weeks if I want (thanks Christie for that one- I rrererad it and there it was!) so I decided since week 1 was -5 lbs and week 2 was -1 i'd keep it going a little since week 2 felt like a dud. But then I went to a friends for dinner last night and had beef burgundy. I only ate about 4 noodles, lots of beef and asaragus, and a slice of bread. I has dessert too of strawberry shortcake! It was yummy. But I know even for phase 2 thsi is too much carb. Oh well. it happens. I was proud of myself on the noodles. No regrets. and I am still down 2 lbs from Fri! Eeeeeee!

OK- gotta go pay bills and deal with the fact that I ripped apart around the chimney this summer and winter is coming! Ugh!
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Old 09-25-2006, 10:12 AM   #9  
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Angela I know what you mean. I started a bowling league with dh and another couple. We bowled last night and I had a few too many beers and felt like crap this am. I was gonna call mom and tell her I wasn't going to walk (we've been walking 1.25 mi every day). I ended up going and felt great!! I love it. I would love to go around the track twice but mom hasn't worked up to that point yet. She is 76 and has to work up to that. She does pretty good for an old broad though. LOL Her words not mine.

Holy, glad thigs are going well with dh gone. It's nice to know that you have so much help if you need it!!

Lisa, (responding from last weeks post) I just started watching Grey's last season but I'm hooked! So bawled like a baby when Denny died!! I think everyone did though.

Michelle, sorry to hear about ds. hopefully things will go well at court today. It sucks that he's being accused of something he didn't do. They tend to do that to previous offenders. Just assume that they did somethingeven when they're trying to straighten out.

Stevi, I wouldn't worry about Logan. Ricky is in the 10th percentile for weight and 25th for height. They're all different! My other 2 kids were in the 90-95th all the time and now I have this little peanut. lol

I've been doing good with eating and exercise. I'm finally feeling like I can do this! woo hoo OK I'm off to play with the man before he takes his nap. Plus he's throwing Trix to the dog. LOL He's the dog's best frined right now!
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Old 09-25-2006, 10:43 AM   #10  
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Hello everyone!

We had an exciting day yesterday...a pipe broke in my bathroom. I don't use it every day 'cause it is literally the size of a closet. It has a child size toilet and itty bitty corner sink. A pipe in the sink burst. It was so lucky I went in there. We only had a minor flood that was quickly contained. We were going out for the day, so it would have been awful!

Congrats on the loss Angela and Holy! You guys rock.
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Old 09-25-2006, 11:21 AM   #11  
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Hey everyone!! I went and saw my friend's band play Saturday night in Portland, we had a great time, but I didn't get home until 3am and was soooo tired all Sunday, lol. I'm just not used to being out so late anymore, lol. Other than working and going to the bar to see the bands, that is all I did this weekend. I stayed within my points but didn't eat too healthy yesterday even though it was in points. Tuesday is my weigh in, so we'll see how it goes, I'm hoping to be out of the 50's.

Lauren, good luck on the search for a pool, I would love to have a membership to a place with a pool, it's probably the only exercise I think I would stick with long term, but I just can't afford any type of gym membership right now. Hope you find one that works well for you!!

Holy, WTG on the 2 pounds, that's great!!

Darcy, sorry you are sick, hope it's not a sinus infection. I feel like I'm getting a cold too, my youngest has one, probably got it at school and has brought it home. Hope you're feeling better very soon.

Wannabe, good luck with this week!! You can do it!! How did your weigh in go?

Angela, wtg on the loss!!! Keep it up!!

Jessamy, wtg on the 2 lbs!!! And good for you for not beating yourself up for going above your carb limit, we all have days where we don't eat exactly what we had planned and it's the getting right back on track the next day that really matters!!

Molly, wtg on walking even when you didn't feel like it!! And sounds like your Mom is doing pretty dang good herself.

Karen, sorry about the pipe, but really glad you got it before it was a bigger mess. I feel like everytime I turn around there is something else going wrong that I have to deal with unplanned.

Well, hope everyone is having a great Monday!! I am getting ready to take the kids to school. I need to go grocery shopping today but I think I'll wait until afternoon to go, I just have no energy or oomph this morning. Talk to you all soon (I'm going to check in more often this week and not get so far behind, lol).
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Old 09-25-2006, 11:51 AM   #12  
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Mornin' LAdies,
Got home yesterday from the Mural job @ 2pm. I have to go back. She ended up revising the amount of characters and overall scene so its gonna take a whole nother 16 hours to finish. Looks pretty good so far. I'll post pics when its done. My whole body hurt yesterday!!! Standing for that long in 2-3 positions can really make you ache! DH did really well with lil feller. I wasn't too worried. I left him a detailed list of his schedule and he followed it to the tee...Lil guy can pull up and walk around the furniture now...but he's CONSTANTLY falling. Argg. I've baby proofed til there's nothing else to do. No major injurys.........yet. DS#1 has lost his mind. DH was implimenting a punishment for leaving the house unlocked AGAIN ( somene tryed to break in last year) and was playing with one of DH small Japanese display swords and left it wedged in the couch (under a pillow no less)!! If one of us had sat down we would have been stabbed. Not to mention the baby. He proceeded to freak out. No computer for 3 days and lost his TV privledges for a month, I thought it mild as he wasn't grounded but he turned the attitude WAY up and called DH a f-word Richard (To me not to his face) if you KWIM then threw his Credit card at DH. I grounded him and made him ride the 3 miles to school all week. MAJOR drama all night. Teenagers really suck.
DH's 38th B-day is tomorrow. All he wants in ANOTHER TiVo, figures. Me an lil feller are gonna go get it in a bit. TTYL
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Old 09-25-2006, 12:01 PM   #13  
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Angela: Keep up the good work, your post is very modivating.

Jessamy: Good job with the noodles, I always fall of the wagon a little on the weekend. This sunday, I fell off a lot! Oh well, you just gotta dust yourself off and jump back on right?

Molly: LOL @ the dogs best friend. I love to walk with my mom. I wish I had 1/2 her stamina!!

Melody: WI was ok, I was up .2lb, but weighed in at home the next morning. and was 155 that would put me down 1 lb. I have decided to start doing my own WI every friday am. I just don't feel that I am getting an accurate weight at the meetings, as they are in the evening!
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Old 09-25-2006, 12:10 PM   #14  
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Hi Stevi! We must've overlaped. Can't wait to see the mural.
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Old 09-25-2006, 12:18 PM   #15  
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Hi Everyone,

WOW, I wasn't able to get in all weekend. I was busy. Well, I checked in briefly but wasn't up to posting.

I kind of fell off the wagon. No exercise on Friday/Saturday/ or Sunday After 5 days in a row, I feel horrible!!!! Sunday I did go into the city and walk around a bit and rode the T standing up so I was just sitting at home.

Eating wise, i haven't been doing so bad. I've been making some smart choices, not eating as much, trying to pay attention to my body when it says it's full.

Now, weigh in...Hmmm...Well, Saturday morning I weighed 207.6!!!! I knew I'd miss my weigh in on Sunday morning cuz I had to get up early to meet friends for the trip into the city. Now, Monday morning, weigh in is.....211!!!!! What the heck is up with that???????? I'd love to use the 207.6 but it's so far away from the 211 and my starting weight was 210...

Grrr...guess I'll just leave it at 210 and noe even care until next week. I don't understand unless TOM is coming. Which I have no idea cuz I'm not on any schedule since coming off the pill. It's day 52 now w/o it. First one took 74 days so who knows. *sigh*

Avery is soo cute. I have my own issues with wanting a family and it's too much to go into but it was extremely hard for me to see her and be around her. I cried for 2 hours the night I got home *sigh*

Today I'm sending out my resume to the 35 or so vet places around my area hoping one of them will give me a chance. I also got a pet sitting job for the week of Oct 8-15. That makes me happy. Finally a little bit of $$ even though it's already gone.

Have a good one.
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