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Old 01-29-2021, 07:06 PM   #1  
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Red face New Mom unable to breastfeed

Hey 3FC community! I joined this community in my 20s and am now back in my 30s. I had my first baby in April, and I'm over the moon happy with my little nugget. Despite seeing a lactation therapist and working with the nurses in the hospital, I was unable to breastfeed or pump - basically my milk never came in. I'm over the emotional aspect of it, but I haven't lost any of the baby weight 9 months later. I'm feeling a little jealous of other moms who were able to breastfeed, but I'm ready to stop pouting and put in the work in order to lose the weight. I started my pregnancy at a higher weight (231), so I am looking to lose the baby weight as well as the rest of it to put me within the range of a normal BMI. I hope you all are doing well, I started calorie counting this month and am looking to lose these first few months with calorie counting/low carb and walking with the stroller. Hope to hear from a few of you!
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Old 02-11-2021, 04:32 PM   #2  
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I am sorry we live in a time where moms feel they have to justify their actions. You shouldn't have to explain to anyone why you feed your baby formula. No matter if you tried so hard and medically you couldn't or if you just don't like the idea of it or your work schedule won't allow it. You shouldn't feel guilty for doing the best you can Tutuapp 9Apps Showbox.

Last edited by amelbeabk; 02-12-2021 at 04:16 AM.
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Old 02-12-2021, 01:35 AM   #3  
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Hi Jess,
I was a lady who struggled with breast feeding too. Some of us just don't have the "milk genes" (We breed cattle and it happens with some cow mothers too)

Yes breast feeding Mums do restore weight a lot easier but we who can't just have to use up our extra calories in other ways (and of course do try to have less of them)

I am a great gran now but I still have a weight issue that rears it's head now and then. Just wanted to support you as a loving Mum who is trying to do the best for herself and her baby.
Good luck with it all x
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Old 09-29-2021, 08:40 PM   #4  
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Hi Jess,

While I was able to express, I also was unable to bf, partly to do with having flat nipples and partly because the many midwives I had tried forcing my baby to bf and he didn't like the pressure, so it became a nightmare for him. So I stopped. I get those feelings of "missing out" on that bond. (And then my baby didn't like my breast milk when he was 5 months, so he double rejected me )

Yeah, it can be hard to lose weight after having a baby. Remember that for at least 18 months after their birth, our bodies still have pregnancy hormones and we are also under a lot of emotional stress and sleep deprivation. Not a great mix for losing weight! Sometimes I also wonder if our bodies find it hard to lose weight because pregnancy mode has been activated, so our bodies are on standby? I don't know... just a thought.

One thing I have learned after all these years of losing weight, then gaining, then losing, then gaining is that if you are committed, you will reach your goal weight no matter how long it takes. Sometimes we just need that little extra motivation to lose weight, which in your case is having a baby.

Stick with it and you will lose your baby weight, etc

Edit: I have also rejoined after being away since 2014!
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