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Old 07-15-2011, 07:47 PM   #1  
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Default Alternatives to Soda Pops?

This may seem like a silly question, but I'm honestly stuck. I'm totally relying on drinking Barq's Root Beer to the exclusion of everything else. Once in a while, I do drink something else, but its not my main drink if you know what I mean.

Therefore, how did you guys make the switch to a different drink, and what drinks do you drink? I need some ideas!
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Old 07-15-2011, 07:52 PM   #2  
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Years ago I switched from 6 dr. peppers a day to 6 diet cokes a day and then a few months later to a few Perrier's a day. Now and then I still have a diet coke, but what I really was after was the bubbly and the perrier is natural mineral water so I get the bubbly with out sugar or additives that mock sugar.
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Old 07-15-2011, 08:14 PM   #3  
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If you are switching to diet soda, there are some diet root beer and diet cream sodas out there. There are also a bunch of diet drink things like Crystal Light and Mio.

I have been a serious diet soda addict and I've cut way way back so that now it's only one diet soda, once in awhile, like in a restaurant. I avoid artificial sweetener in general (but I'm not fanatic about not having it) So the things I drink now are seltzer, or tap water with lime juice added, or unsweetened iced tea all of which I enjoy, but it did take some time to adjust my sense of taste to appreciate the less sweet beverages.
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Old 07-15-2011, 08:40 PM   #4  
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I think I can quit cold turkey because I no longer even taste the root beer, that's how much I drink it.

I'm just trying to figure out what's the best switchover for drinks though...I like water, but it's not a mainstay for me and I doubt it ever will be. I do like tea, but usually with sugar.....

Any other recommendations out there? (Thanks to you two for responding earlier! )
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Old 07-15-2011, 09:10 PM   #5  
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I usually do water though I will also have Mio or crystal light (or store brand crystal light). I am also a big fan of club soda with lemon and/or lime. I will rarely drink a diet caffeine free soda now though I probably had a 8-9 diet coke a day habit 2 years ago. I was forced to switch when I got pregnant. I wanted to avoid the caffeine and artificial sweeteners as much as possible while preggo. I find sometimes I am after the bubbles and club soda cuts it and sometimes I'm after taste and the Mio/crystal light cuts it. Most of the time, though I just drink ice water...its easier, less messy and probably the healthiest choice out there.
Good luck kicking the soda habit, its tough!
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:18 PM   #6  
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I used to drink coke all day long. then i switched to diet pepsi and diet root beers, diet dr. pepper etc. then I went back to regular pops after learning how bad artificial sweeteners are for your hormones and bones, etc. Then when I was pregnant and diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes I went back to no more then one diet soda a day. Then I got on a natural, whole, organics food and gave up pop completely for a bit and then went back to regular pop but only about 1-2 a day and then flirted with diet and regular, again only 1-2 a day. Then I met with my holistic nutritionist and she really reminded me and drilled into me how bad all pop is for you and sweeteners etc. How important clean filtered water is for us and whole fresh foods etc.

Long story short

I started drink water more, I got a few nice stainless water bottles and keep them filled with filtered tap water. I also started drinking decaf tea more and years ago I had weaned myself of sugar in my tea by just using a little less each time. I used to drink my tea and coffee double/double (2 milk/cream and 2 sugars) I still use the dairy but no sugar now and now I can not stand sugar in my tea and coffee. I also was drinking plain decaf green tea but fell out of habit. I am going to make some lemonade with xylitol (natural sugar substitute that is good for your teeth) as I love tart lemonade. You could also drink decaf ice-tea with xylitol or learn to drink it plain.

I know right now it seems impossible to most only drink plain water but that is because sugar is HIGHLY addictive. However you can kick this addiction, I have and so have many others. Your body will feel better, you will have less cravings and you will lose weight. I started off by only ordering water at restaurants, it is cheaper and healthier and frees up calories for more of a fav healthy food. My DH also only orders water at restaurants, sometimes I forget but usually remember after I get my drink. I have on occasion had one sip and then ask the waiter to take it away and please bring me a water.

Anyway if I could quite my crazy pop addiction then you can too
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Old 07-15-2011, 11:48 PM   #7  
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I go through periods with soda...I won't touch one for weeks, then that's all I want (usually around TOM). If really want one, I'll drink some of one can. That's it. After drinking water all the time, soda has lost its appeal.

To change it up, I LOVE seltzer water. Always have. Especially Mandarin Orange. Cherry too.

For your rootbeer cravings, have you tried something rootbeer favored? Like a dum-dum lollypop in rootbeer? (Which coincidently is my daughter's fav flavor.) They also make hard candy in the same flavor.
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Old 07-16-2011, 12:45 AM   #8  
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I bought fancy glasses and water bottles and a great water dispencer I keep on the counter (filled with fancy frozen rasberies, lime and lemon cubes) I fill it ever two days. When it looks good to me it is that much easier to take.

Best of luck - and remember if you don't buy it (add up how much you spend on soda once its crazy) then you can't drink it
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Old 07-16-2011, 12:56 AM   #9  
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What is it about the soda pop? The caffeine? Or the bubbles? The can? The bottle? Maybe that could give you clues to drinks.

I like juice spritzers for the bubbles -- either sparkling ciders and juices already mixed and bubbly or DIY. Just mix tea or juice with whatever brand bubbley water that you like best so it is fizzy.

For caffeine -- though I limit it -- I go with teas and coffees.

For the can... well, it has to be a can! There's some Izze and RW KNudsen spritzers in a can when it has to be the can thing.

I also like plain water cold. so I try to have a few pitches/bottles in the fridge. I like those Rubbermaid Chug bottles a lot -- even more that the Sigg and canteen ones just because it is easier on my kid so she gets water. DH goes with the straw cup thing because he's got a straw cup... THING. LOL.


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Old 07-16-2011, 01:45 PM   #10  
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Default was the taste of the root beer itself that got me addicted to it, although to be honest, I no longer taste it anymore since I drink it so much. I will have to look into some other root beer flavored ideas.

I really do like that raspberry cubes, etc. options for water! I'm not a fan of those artificial fruit thingies that you add to the water, so this would be a great alternative!

And yes, I do have a serious issue with sugar. It's hard not to really, when just about everything has been sweetened and then sweetened up even more.

I adore my Southern Teas, but they are usually loaded with sugar, so I'm gonna do the gradual approach with them so that my body can adjust over time to less sugar.

And you're right, the money that I've spent on sodas alone......could've bought a Loubutain pair of high heels!

Thanks everyone!

Last edited by NemesisClaws; 07-16-2011 at 01:45 PM.
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Old 07-16-2011, 02:05 PM   #11  
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What works great for me is Sparkling Water with a slice of lemon! It's nice, it's something you can order when you are out and if it's really cold you can almost imagine it being some sweet drink!
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Old 07-16-2011, 04:59 PM   #12  
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I was a BIG soda addict. Over the past 4 or 5 months, I've pretty much kicked it. I haven't had one in about 3 weeks. Over time they lost their appeal. In high school, my favorite was Sunkist. Then after high school, I was a big Dr. P addict in my early 20s, then switched to Coke when the taste wasn't right anymore. Last I had switched to Big Red, and now it's just all too sweet to me and doesn't even taste good anymore. I've kicked sugar pretty much out of my house. If I have a cup of hot tea, there has to be a bit of sugar in it, but otherwise I use nothing or the pink stuff. I've gotten where I don't even care if my coffee has sugar. I use FF creamer in my coffee, so even FF there's enough sweet to not need it these days. And I drink water or iced tea most of the day.

It's hard, but after I went a couple weeks without a soda, it just doesn't matter anymore. I do know that I told myself if I want one, I'm going to have one. I'm not denying myself any of it these days, it just doesn't appeal any longer.
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Old 07-16-2011, 06:43 PM   #13  
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I switched to fruit juice and ice water.
I drink just 10 ounces of fruit juice every day.
There is an enormous amount of health benefits in various fruit juices.

I planted fruit trees, berry bushes and grape vines, so now I make all my own juice. My blackberries are getting ripe now, so in about a week or two I will make a gallon or 2 of blackberry concentrate and freeze it.
I just froze a batch of raspberry juice last week.

Sometimes I squeeze a little lime juice into my ice water. It's low cal and has a lot of health benefits also.

I gave up on sodas, unless they are offered at a party. They are just a lot of empty calories.

I am counting calories and trying to make every calorie count toward making me healthier.

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Old 08-06-2011, 01:27 PM   #14  
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I recently started drinking bottled water with MIO, theres a lot of yummy flavors. Crystal lite is also awesome. With meals, i have a Diet Rite (trying to breaking an addiction to this stuff), unsweetened tea sweetened with stevia (I also use this in coffee) and a few times a week i treat myself to a diet Dr. favorite! That way I'm not depriving myself of something I want but I cut back dramatically.

Good luck!
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Old 08-06-2011, 02:12 PM   #15  
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For cold drinks I either drink water, soda water with a slice of lime in it or milk. Growing up pop and squash were always a treat and I still view them that way. For me, you can't beat a glass of water

If I want a hot drink I generally drink chammomile tea or some kind of herbal tea. I grow chocolate mint in my garden and that makes a lovely refreshing cup of tea. If I have a sore throat I'll make some sage tea with a bit of honey in it.

Now, if only I could eat as healthily as I drink I'd lose this weight in no time!!!
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