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lois lane 01-27-2008 06:26 PM

trappedthingirl, welcome to the group!

Hanna, we didn't decide on anything. So DD went to ride her 4 wheeler with Dad and bro. The new puppy is very cute. You were at the right place at the right time. BTW, I've had the pups for almost a year now and my older dog still hasn't warmed up. She growls just to look at them. She's possesive of the dog food. There has also been quite a few rumbles. I hope your little guy warms up alot better. Also the sweaters are very pretty. Very stylish.

The weather warmed up and it was a beautiful day. Instead of my workout I decided to brave my busy street and go on a walk. It felt good to get outside and it was a nice change to the workouts! Other than that I putzed around the house all day. Unfortunately after my walk I got into some chocolates. Didn't really eat great this weekend either.

Gonna go, trying to talk a 9yr old boy into a bath. Not an easy task! Have a great night everyone.


GatorgalstuckinGA 01-27-2008 07:18 PM

evenig all. well today went about the same..infact..the same thing in repeat...yet another seizuring dog. However this dog had a history of seizures. The sad fact of the matter is that th dog has been seizuring all night and the owner didn't want to take it to the e/r clinic. If she had..maybe the outcome would have been better. The dog did well thr the day...but started seizring multiple times at the end of day...owner decided on euthanasia again ( probably a wise decision). Then the receptionist that worked yesterday stupid and booked 4 apts an hr....that's way too many. We had to send many of our calls to the e/r. Not something i usually do...but i couldn't even keep up. I even eneded up staing almost 1 hr after closing to catch up on all my medical notes. I did go to the gym..however i didn't have a great work out. I only manage 20 min...but i guess something is better than nothing.

hannah - she's a cute puppy. Zurg may never get use to her...but give it a shot. Make sure you are giving both dogs equal attention.

joan- isn't it funny how as you get older..you appreciate different things. A few years ago..i bought a dyson vacuum cleaner...and i got so excited..you know you're getting old when appliances make you happy LOL

definately tired...need more water today...oh well time to eat dinner and drink more water

pmasci 01-27-2008 07:27 PM


Patricia, I 'm so sorry about your day...that really sucks. Hopefully tomorrow will be better (didn't I say that about today??). So proud of you for still getting a workout in!!! That would probably be the last thing I'd want to do.

Hanna, your dog is adorable, and the sweaters are GORGEOUS!!! Really beautiful...do you sell them? If not, you should definitely think about it. You could make some good dough!!

Joan, I'm with ya....gonna start a fire, turn on TV and work on my baby blanket for my girlfriend. They are the only thing I know how to crochet...taught myself when I was pregnant with Frankie. Anyway, she just found out she's having a boy, so I'm making a blue one. Hope you enjoy your night!!

Kerry..did you enjoy your trip?? Idon't remember reading apost from you, if you already posted & I missed it sorry!

Lisa..how was the first day??

Alicia...LOL at your chair story...good explanation!!

Everyone else, HEY!!!

Hope you all have a good night. Back to the grind tomorrow!!


LBH 01-27-2008 07:58 PM

Hey All!

GG, wow, what a rotten couple days you've had. I always used to get soo upset when we had E&Ds. We had a gorgeous long hair german shepard that suffered from seizures and took phenobarbitol, but eventually he was euthanized, he was old though too. One of the most gorgeous dogs I've ever seen though.

Alicia, I guess I should be happy that my boys are obsessed with bath time then? :lol:

Trapped, :welcome: How'd you do getting the water in? Hope you're feeling better!

Joan, Hope your crew is feeling better soon!

Hanna, Little girl is adorable!! Spreadsheets are soo much fun! :D I know, I'm a dork. But I LOVE spreadsheets! I can find a way to put anything into a spreadsheet! Sorry things have been rough again with Sean lately. :hug:

Trish, yup, I've got until Wednesday to get some more studying in! :D Mom's doing alright. No major problems since she's been home. Thanks for asking.

Pam, :yikes: Hope mom's feeling better by now!

IMT, :welcome: Not sure if I already said that! :D

Crystal & Sticking...did I welcome you already?? I'm sorry if I didn't!! :welcome2:

John, Good to see you!! Soo sorry to hear about your best friends troubles. :( Glad she has a friend like you. I didn't quite follow to work thing. Are you saying that if you go to tech school, you will be able to apply for this other position that is 40 hr/wk. and pays 13/hr? Is that better than your current situation? LOL at the cake and candles! Glad your dad enjoyed it though!

Megan, I'm soo sorry you're going through a rough time right now. :hug: I'll keep you in my prayers.

CR, WOW, I would not be taking that med anymore if you can help it!! Did you call your doc?? Hope you're OK now!

Holli, I don't know anything about Cymbalta. I take Wellbutrin, my "happy pill", and it's supposed to help with appetite too...but I need to take it twice a day and keep forgetting. Anyway, as for the happy part, it really does help me. I will say though that I don't have a diagnosis of depression or anything else, I just have some nice family members that pointed out that I could use a happy pill!! :lol3: I knew that though! Hope all of you are feeling better soon! I'll be praying!

Jasmine, I give my boys Delsym when they have really bad coughs. We run the humidifier every night anyway, because it keeps the room warmer. :) And we have forced hot air heat, so it keeps it moister. I have a very good friend that has had a hard time getting PG. When I found out I was PG with #2, I was afraid to tell her, because she had just gone through a round of fertility treatments that didn't work. She told me I was being silly when I did tell her. I just knew she was hurting anyway and didn't want to add to it.

Christina, Ugh, hope the little one is feeling better! You know, the first time both of my boys puked, was in the car!! Ugh!! #1 wasn't soo bad, but with #2, I ended up stripping him down to his diaper cleaning out the carseat with wipes!! I think we had a blanket or something in the car to wrap him in, and thankfully it was summer!

Silly Lisa...see my response to Hanna above about my Excel obsession!! :lol3: I think that's a good idea though, because it would probably end up being hard to see if I posted it here with all that info!

Brooke, Hang in there!! Don't give in!!

OK, book over, I think I got everyone! I did read, so if i didn't respond, I'm sorry! Kiddies are getting antsy and I have to go do more laundry!

txangelgirl 01-27-2008 09:40 PM

Thanks Hanna for the info.....I will be sure to watch out for the hallucinations. for now though, my third day was pretty good. Nothing like the first day so who knows. I know we all react differently to different meds, so of course I'm hoping I won't have those, but I think its good to be realistic too though, so I am prepared ahead of time of the possibility.

and thank you too Lauren - looks like your prayers are working lol, I'm dealing much better with the cymbalta, but I'm just taking it one day at a time. :)

Gonna be short again ladies, I'm kinda worn out, body getting adjusted and all, plus let's not forget our dear Aunt Flow is visiting. That usually zaps me right out. I think I will take my simply sleep and curl up with the Message and read for a bit; I hate to admit it, but I've been neglecting my time in the Word, and I'm so feeling that empty space, and I don't like it. took Hailey back to my ex's, James is feeling better, still not over it though, but Nurse Holli being around to take charge and make sure he took his meds seems to have helped. So a big HALLO to everybody, and if I don't come back tonight, a big nighty-nite to "ya'll" too :D

lppennington 01-27-2008 09:53 PM

Lauren, I know I can be a geek with stuff like that too. When my ex was paying alimony I had a nice little spreadsheet for everying. (It also was insurance because he sent it directly to me.)

Hanna, tops were loverly, and the dooggy is a cutie.

GG, sorry your day was a "Horrible, No Good, Lousy Day"! Hopefully you have a day off really soon to de-compress.

My first day was short, but not sweet. We were busy and I was trying to get the sales ready for tomorrow, plus a whole lotta other stuff. I am still excited to go back tomorrow though. One of my customers from other department said, "What are you doing here, you don't belong here?" I explained that I got a promotion and that I would now be in the new area.


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