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Outland 01-26-2008 10:47 AM

Ok so I have a few moments. Lets see were to start Xmas was like OMG its here and bam it gone. Then New year came slap me in the face and now its like the end of the month and I'm still somewhere in Nov LOL.

My best friend in the whole world. I mean I'd help her burie the bodies type best firend has yet more health problems. She's sirvied crivical cancer, breast cancer, cater-racks in her eyes, a hole in her heart that required suregry. Has a tumor that cause vertigo in her head now has kideny failure. She can't get a break so I spend time with her when I can cause well.... anyway.

Work is like OMG its a new year NEW Budgets spend spend spend !!! we getting places at such a pace HR can't hire fast enough. We have a open slot for a tech but no ones inquired about. I'm going to be going to trade schools and trying to someone that way. Full time 40hrs $13/hr but the work is hard the hours can suck and have to work either a sat or sun. Biggest kicker is you a driver lic that seems to be the biggest downfall.

Its so cold and sleepless nights watching the weather cause we "might" get something. movings "tons" of salt by hand not enough staff to have enough people to go out when it does snow so its double the work.

Dad had his 55th birthday this past week. Made dinner for him last weekend. Had dinner going went and picked up my grandma brought her over to have dinner with us as well. Happiest I seen her in years it seems like. Bake my first cake ever that day had 55 candles on. Let me tell you it puts out some heat! you could see the heat wave rising off the cake. he blew them out and the smoke cloud I thought for sure would set off the smoke alarm but it didn't but yeah had to crack a window!

Well I'm warm again so it time to go back outside and do some more work. Headed down to mom's after work its about 3hr drive. Built her and her man new PCs so need to install them now.

weres the coffee I need more the energizer bunny gots nothing on me! lol

hope everyone has a great weekend!

ekstatikia 01-26-2008 11:39 AM

Okay, I will come back and catch up later but I wanted to get my miles in for the week. I'm at 16.5 miles.

Sorry to make it so short, but there is some serious stuff going on with hubby and me in every little facet of our extended families. Please forgive me if I am gone for a few days, or if I am unable to check in too often over the next week or so. For those of you who pray... my husband's grandmother and my brother and his family need mega-prayer. I don't want to get into specifics, as it would take up time I don't really have right now... but God knows the needs. Thanks in advance and everybody hang in there!

You all deserve so much more than I've been able to offer this week. Sorry! :grouphug:

crbowles 01-26-2008 12:05 PM

Not doing to much today. I am extremely sick from a new med I 'm taking and actually passed out this morning. But I still went to my WI and was down 1.6 lbs. Now that I'm back home I think I'll spend the rest of the day relaxing since it's rainy and cold.

Hope you all have a GREAT weekend!

txangelgirl 01-26-2008 01:10 PM

Well its my turn to be neglectful, I am so out of it. Can't get any feedback on my post for Cymbalta grrrr. i hope more than are on it will respond because I totally am seeing the light with this. It made me totally not be able to go to sleep last night, and I even took simply sleep too - sleep evaded me. Cramped all night too, and all over myself grrrr. Never said this would be a hayride, I am just glad I'm getting it over with. I hope I will get used to this med sooner than later.... otherwise I'm gonna have a hard time when Monday comes, cause I'll like be working ten hours on NO sleep. Not cool. James was up this morning still sick but spreading his germs everywhere; I put him back in bed. corey seems like he's coming down with it. I feel like I'm in battle for my own health. I need to get more Lysol today. And mail off rent. And it's noon already. ahhh sorry for the rant, take care girls...

CCmomof5 01-26-2008 03:10 PM

Hey hey everybody!

I thought about you all yesterday, was so wrapped up in craziness I just didn't have time to check in and believe you me, I struggled. I took lil sis to grandmas house but took her by the store first to get her some food, grandma has nothing but c-r-a-p. She begged me for a donut, I don't buy them too often so I said ok and bought 2. I was starving by this time and I finally gave in to the temptation of eating 1. I even pulled over to get in the hatch to get it out, I was serious. If I could reach it I would kick my butt. I did do my workout yesterday but that doesn't excuse it, if I would have stayed on schedule and ate every few hours I probably would have been alright but I let myself get so busy that I just kept putting it off until I was so hungry I was going nuts. Today is a better day, got a great run in today, eating right on, had praise team practice this morning and it was AWESOME! Tomorrow is the day that I dread, when I sing two services its very hard to keep on track with my eating cause I have to be at church early and then I don't have the opportunity really to eat in between so by the time I get done I'm hungry enough to eat a horse, and I'm wiped out and don't want to exercise. I'm gonna try to sneak some time away from fellowship and go have a snack in the green room see how that works for me.

Lauren, hope your test went well, hows mom? I have 14.5 miles this week, we are doing Sun-Sat now right?

Pam, I think me and my honey are going out to eat tonight and go see Rambo he too has been foaming at the mouth in anticipation, yea for date night!

Big John, I have problems with vertigo too, I've had test after test and all they keep telling me is when I have a really bad dizzy spell I just need to go lay down and wait for it to pass, ha, ha, ha. I have 5 kids how in the name of pete am I supposed to do that? I have some dizziness everyday I have just learned to start off moving slowly so I don't fall down. Hope your friend takes a cue from you and tries to improve her health.

Holli, Honey I'll be praying for you, thats rough trying to get used to new meds, getting no sleep. Only do what you have to do today.

Hi to all the new comers, this place is great for support and encouragement

LBH 01-26-2008 05:02 PM

I'm back after a loong and ridiculous day. The instructor with the exams wasn't there, so I couldn't take it. :tantrum: Then I got a hair cut. Then I went to mom's to visit and get checks for the aide. Got up there at 2, and sat around the "village square" for 1.5 hrs. waiting for them to show up!! :tantrum: Finally found them...aide had taken him "visiting" to another apartment where her friend aide was working. A little aggravated about that. Finally got home around 4.

Sorry I can't respond right now. Everyone please post your miles tonight, so I can post the totals tomorrow! If I forgot anyone last week, please post your miles from last week too, so I can get it up to date. Sorry things have been soo crazy this week...or lately! :yikes:

Gotta go make dinner!

tanner'smom 01-26-2008 05:05 PM

Good Afternoon!!!

Had a really nice morning. Went out with DH and DS to breakfast and then did some shopping. DS has had a cough so we didn't want to push it. I so wish they had not recommended not giving little guys cough syrup. Last night was almost torture listening to him cough. We had given him the honey and his asthma treatment. The only thing that finally helped was the humdifier. Luckily he seems better today.

I have a complaint about life. My DS is three. We have run into problems with getting pregnant again. I have accepted that he might be our only one. This is not my vent. My vent is why people are afraid to tell me they are pregnant. I have a good friend who found out she was pregnant but was afraid to tell me. Life happiness does not rest on how many kids you have. Plus I feel like I have a ton with all of my kids at school. Oh and I do get tired of answering when are you having another one question.

Lauren-good luck on your test. I have three miles this week.

ekstatikia and John-I will be praying you family and friends.

Welcome to all of the newbies!!

Have a great eveining!!


IrishJoan 01-26-2008 06:27 PM

Lauren ~ put me down for a piddly 3 miles. Pathetic... My little one and me are both back to feeling lousy today.

Pam ~ I'm envious! Enjoy your day today spent with hubby...

Jasmine ~ you have a right to gripe about this. I think that it's rude to ask a woman if she's going to have more children. It's such a personal thing and people can be so damn nosy! I must admit that I was hesitant to tell a good friend when I became pregnant with #3. She was having problems getting pregnant and here I was having a third baby. It was uncomfortable for both of us at the time.

Lauren ~ poor girl! Sorry to hear about your day. So, when do you get to take this test?

BJ ~ it's good hearing from you. Don't stay away so long next time. Are you still walking? I know that you're busy but you need to take time for youself. You're always taking such good care of friends and family. LOL at the 55 candles on the cake. That had to take some serious time lighting all of those babies:-).

Megan ~ hope that all is ok with the family. Sounds like some stressful times for you. Fingers crossed that all turns out ok.

Hi cr ~ Hope that you were able to kick back and relax a bit today.

Holli ~ I know nothing about that medication. When did you start taking it? Probably takes a while to get the full effect. I hope that it does what it supposed to do for you ~ in short order!

Trish ~ You need to take the time to get some sort of snack in. When you get to that "crazy hunger" stage awful things anything can happen... good luck tomorrow!

Greetings to everyone else. I'm in too much of a hurry to go back to Page 1 and send individual notes LOL.
Hope that everyone is having a good weekend. This was supposed to be a very busy weekend for us; company coming here tonight and we're invited to a pizza party tomorrow at my brother's house. Instead, we're all holed up here at home feeling puny. I'll be disappointed to miss the party tomorrow night as it would have been a fun time. That is the way that it goes though... The little one and I rested this afternoon for several hours so hopefully we'll be back in good shape shortly. Later all ~ Joan

Christina S 01-26-2008 08:18 PM

good afternoon/evening everyone...just a quick hello

sick 3 year old today....just finished cleaning the carpet where he got sick and all my bed stuff is in the washer and dryer...lovely day!

im doing great on the eating/not great on the exercise...when my little guy is sick im the only one he wants...i love it though..cause he wants to just lay on me or with me

hello to all the newbies!

will try to get on later tonight or tomorrow..have a great one!

lppennington 01-26-2008 09:26 PM

Lauren, sorry about your day. Hopefully you can retake the test soon. I do not envy you in that position. Please put me down for 2.5 miles. I have not been good this week, especially with the weather.

It has been snowing all day here. It started as the light fluffy stuff and just turned over to the heavy stuff ~ which is going to make driving fun tomorrow.

Have a good evening y'all. (As I listen to Country on XM)


GatorgalstuckinGA 01-26-2008 09:27 PM

evening all...well today wasn't much better than yesterday. In fact, today drained me emotionally and physically. Some days the job definately takes it toll. The morning started off good, some rooms a few basic drop offs...kept up well..had a quick bit to eat at lunch, while monitoring a dog..then the poopie hit the fan. had two e/r come in at 1...they were stable, so was working their treatments in bewtween apt. then saw a bunch of apt. Then at 4 we had a dog that was taken out for a walk on a long trail and started seizuring...by the time the owners got the dog in (they were about 2 mile from their car) and go it to the clinic the dog was in a coma and unrepsonsve...we tried several things...multiple seizures occurs, in the meantime, i have one nurse monitoring this dog and then working the rooms, we had a cat come in at 4 for a possible euthanasia, then after some discussion and test determined it was time for euthanisai...so finally put the cat to sleep..then shortly after that, the seizuring dog started seizuring so bad he wouldn't respond to the valium despite all my attempts. At that point the owners decided he had a poor prognosis and elected euthanasia. We were all crying by the end of it. It really sucked. Some days, work just is bad. No matter how good of a vet i might be, i can't always figure out or fix the animal...that's never a good day. I had a nice margarita when i came home...so that helped LOL. I'm feeling a bit better but definately worn our and tired. Tomorrow is sunday, my short day...so hopefully it will be better than today.

Hey all..sorry i'm not responding to all..hope everyone is well.

its my time 01-26-2008 09:31 PM

awwww I am soooo sorry, that is one reason I could never be a vet I could not hadle that, I am going 2 have a hard enough time when I have 2 make that choice for my babys not looking forward 2 that :hug:

lois lane 01-26-2008 10:02 PM

Patricia, that is a hard day. You def deserve the margarita tonight. What the ****, have another one! Hoping tomorrow is better and goes by really fast for you.

Lauren, put me down for 4 miles.

Christina, hope the little guy feels better soon. It is nice when they want to snuggle, isn't it?

Megan, you're def needed more by your family than here. Big hugs to you.

John, Dh "builds" pc's too, geez we have them all over the house, I guess its a hobby though.

Kerry, I'm sure you'll be drained, sounds like a long day.

Pam, hope you and DH are enjoying your date nite, you do sound like a great DD too.

Holli, have you asked your Dr about your meds? I think Hanna might take those but she hasn't been around much.

Hello all newbies, hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. Hugs to everyone who needs one.


beachmomma 01-26-2008 10:08 PM

Not too much time to post tonight so I'm trying the quick reply option to see how that works :-)

I made it my goal to do as little as possible today. I mean normal around the house stuff, read a whole lot! and talked on the phone a bit.

I did do about 20 mins of cardio or the best I could do for cardio ::grin::

I'm feeling good although tired. I'm seeing changes in my body and loving it!

I hope everyone has a fabulous Sunday!

happy2be 01-27-2008 12:06 AM

hi everyone!

it has been very busy around here, I will explain later...

Holli I was taking Cymbalta and kept hearing from different people how awful that stuff was, well let me tell you, I experienced it myself already. I had to take sleeping aids to be able to sleep at night and when I did sleep, I had horrible nightmares and hallucinations, I guess a side effect from the Cymbalta, so I am off of it, I am now taking Effexor, it has only been a few days since the change, I don’t' know if Effexor will work for me or not, it is too soon to say, but I am happy to be off the Cymbalta.

:welcome3: all its my time!!! this is a great place, you are going to love it!
:welcome3: Crystal, you sure came to the right place, this is the best place for support, you are going to love it too!

GG wow I don't know how you do it, you are a very special person. :hug:

Hi Lisa congratulations on the new position!!! that is great!!! Did you do anything exciting today?

Beachmom it is the best feeling in the world when you start seeing changes in your body. Good for you!!!

Christina how are you? Are you all recovered from your procedure? I am sorry your little one is sick!

Joan sorry to hear you are going to miss the party, have fun with your company. Where are they coming from? Can’t you all go to the party? Just a though..

Jasmine that is something I could never understand, when I was trying to get pregnant and just didn’t work, I would still feel very happy for people who did get pregnant but I wouldn’t find out until they were very pregnant, I guess people try to be careful not to hurt our feelings not realizing they are doing a pretty good job at it unintentionally(???) go figure them out! Doesn’t make any sense to me but I can definitely understand how you feel. :hug:

Lauren sorry about your long day! I am glad your mom is doing better.

Ccmomo it is not too bad to have a donut, sorry you felt so bad about it, don’t give into those guilt trips, it is not worth it! You got to enjoy a little bit of something sweet every once in a while, everything is good in moderation, you just had one not one dozen, LOL.

Crbowles it is nice to have a relaxing day, did you get to spend time w/your family?

Megan I will keep you all in my prayers! Good luck! :hug:

John how good to see ya! It is great to start the new year so busy. We are a little bit worried around here, DH sells cars for a living and business is not good at all.

Kerry Have fun w/all the girls, you will need a vacation after that! LOL. You are brave woman!

Pam how nice to hear you are a dependable person what a nice complement. How was the date with DH? It was a date wasn’t it? It is always nice to go on a date after you get your hair done, at least for me!

HI sticking w/it! :welcome3: to you too! I like the idea of taking snacks to the show, I usually have nuts in my purse, that’s what seems to work for me, but the 100 calorie packs are great too.

No about me, well it has been a very difficult week, I had a lot of trouble the first part of the week getting to the site, and didn’t have much time to deal w/it. Sean has been very unstable, I was pretty worried, they increased one of his medicines not a lot, but still, he already takes so much stuff I do worry when we make a change, weather is an increase or decrease in a dose, he had a couple of very difficult days at school to the point where I had to go pick him up, the driver didn’t wan to drive him home, he was so manic. It throws the 3 of us for a loop. Then I had to get off the Cymbalta, I was just not having a restful night even when I was taking sleeping aids, my nightmares were getting much worse, I couldn’t deal w/it, some days I would walk up in the AM and be all disoriented, it was horrible. The good thing about it was it did curve my appetite/ So I am starting to take Effexor, one of the criteria’s to get on it was that it wouldn’t be something that would increase my appetite I hope it works, I am not sure it is going to help me w/the fibromyalgia but I hoping it helps me deal w/Sean a little better. If I can do that then the rest of my problems are a lot less. I started on 75 mgs. And then I go up to 150 mgs. The only downside to it right now is I had to pay 2 co pays as my insurance wouldn’t allow to take the medicine like the Dr. had written it 2 75mgs. capsules a day so they had to bill me twice. It sux, that stuff is not cheap.
I do have a very happy story for the week. Today I had to go to the pet store to buy dog food, I almost didn’t go, but last minute I decided to just get it over with so next week I will not have to be rushed to get it. As Sean and I are walking into the store, he says look mom there is a very cute tiny Yorkie, so of course I go to the lady holding the little bitty girl, and start talking to her, she was telling me how difficult it has been for her to train the little gal, and how stressed she was, jokingly I said to her I would love to take her if she had to get rid of her, she works all day and goes to school, she is never home. I offered her to give her an excellent book on Yorkies and how to train them. So she said she would meet me at my house, she knows the area really well, she knew exactly how to get to my house, she we exchanged #”s and we kept shopping for our little guys. I live the store and she calls me on my cell to tell me she is at my front door, she will wait for me to get home. I didn’t think she would show up, boy was I wrong! So we get in, she saw my little dudes and she was like wow, they are really cute, I asked her if I could hold the little gal and she said of course, so of course I held her and I was in lala land, we put her down and she starts chasing the little dudes, it was the cutes thing, I turned around and tell her I will be right down I was going to come upstairs and get her the book and she says to me, don’t get it, I was totally confused, she says to me, just keep the dog, I can’t take care of her, I was like no way! She was serious, I was so excited I started to cry, happy tears, I tried to get a hold of DH but he was not answering his phone, busy selling car, so I told her I can’t give her any $ w/out talking to DH first, she goes, no I won’t take any $ you are rescuing her. So I called Susie my BF owner of one of the dudes, she goes what are you doing at home, come here and show her off, so off we go to her house. We called the girl back from Susie’s house cause the little dog has a cough and we wanted to get her medical records and see if she knew the puppy was coughing, so I went over to her house and picked up there vets records, the medicine she is on Clamavox, she does have a cough, I hope she gets over it soon, the little gal sounds all congested, we are going to take her to our vet first thing Monday morning. I will take pics and share them w/you tomorrow. She is precious, only weights 2.5 Lbs she is 12 weeks old! And she already has an ID chip which was never registered yet, so I am going to call the 800 number on Monday too. Am I lucky or what! We love her! But we need a name for her, any suggestions??? We have Zurg and Thor already we need a cute name for her too.
Got to go, DH is calling me!

See you guys more likely tomorrow!


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