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britomart 04-20-2006 02:14 PM

I looked at that c25k program you're doing, stephie, and it looks pretty neat. I think I'll try it when I get back to DC in a week, as I won't have campus rec to help me exercise anymore! Before I decide to buy a gym membership, I think I'll try running in the mornings.... I like the thought of it, I want to actualize it!

Sushi Penguin 04-21-2006 08:25 AM

Wooot! Guess what?! :cheer: Sushi went for a run tonight! At last! :cheer:

And persisted - it turned out to be rained heavily, so I just waited until it had stopped a bit. And when I ran out of breath in less than 3 minutes, I walked some, and then ran for another 10 min 30 sec. It turned out that the first bit was up a steady slope which then went steeper, so I guess I can be excused for getting puffed so fast... :lol: So that's 13.5 min total. Not that great, but then I haven't ran in a month or so.

I intend to go running again tomorrow, hopefully in the morning. Need to get used to running in the morning, which is always tougher for me, as it's pitch dark by 6 pm these days. So I'm hoping this will be a successful re-start. :)

lizzbabe 04-21-2006 08:40 AM

Grrr I forgot to bring my mp3 player to the gym this morning so I didn't run and just did elliptical and bike instead. I have my 5-k tomorrow morning so I'll have to get in a quick run after work to prepare. My running partner needs at least 2-3 days of no running prior to the race but for me I need a quick one right beforehand.

chicagoposter 04-21-2006 01:02 PM

lizzbabe- i'm the same way as your friend, but probably not for a 5K. before i ran my 8K, i didn't run for two days, it worked out pretty well.

miss michelle- you could pack some resistance bands or a jump rope with you, they don't take up much space, but have the benefit of strength training, stretching, and cardio.

well, i think i'm going to run at the gym today. it's about a mile walk to the lake, and the last two times i've walked there for my run, i had to go to the bathroom as soon as i got there! all the bathrooms that they had, have been locked, so i have had no other option than to go back home! so my runs were not successful, plus, i didn't think about it, and have already drank a ton today! so i'll get my run in, just indoors.

i used to be at the addicted to running point. i'm hoping i get there soon. i've seen so many people out running lately and i want to be there again. you would've thought that the 8K did something for me. :(

Stephanie Osborne 04-21-2006 01:04 PM

Today is my day off from running and good thing too, my calves are killing me. I know I am going to have to do something today, maybe weight training for my arms and swimming or something with a little less impact on the legs.

Sushi - that is so awesome. I am a wuss when it comes to running but trying so hard to get better. Outside is always tougher for me for one, and two the c25k program I am doing starts me off running and walking and I think the running part is about 13 minutes or so. I can't believe you ran in the rain, you are one dedicated chick!

lizz - good luck on your 5k. What does one eat before that sort of thing. A long time ago I had an uncle who ran and I think he would eat pasta the night before? Just wondering. I HATE It when I forget my mo3 player, or worse yet I bring it and it is out of batteries...

brito - I was thinking along the same thing...I do not want to be tied to a gym membership and dependant on having one nearby me to be able to work out my body. I also would love to get outside more, I thought running might combine both of those needs. When are you offically back in DC again?

LaBonita 04-21-2006 01:29 PM

Went running yesterday. It was pretty cold out cuz it had just finished raining, and I was wearing shorts (I figured I'd get too hot with pants). My legs were FROZEN by the time I got back...LOL

I'm just wondering though...does running make you GAIN weight at first?? I've been running now for almost 2 weeks, and I've gained 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks. :( I'm really starting to question whether I should continue running or not, because it's not helping at all with my weight loss efforts. :?:

lizzbabe 04-21-2006 01:41 PM

Stephie, I don't usually eat much different for a 5-k but I do make sure to have a protein bar or oatmeal before I go (since I am used to getting up at 5 and the race isn't until later). Afterwards there are usually refreshments and you can refuel on carbs like bananas, etc

LaBonita, have you increased your calories due to burning more? Sometimes we eat more because we think we've exercised enough to burn it off and that contributes to a weight gain.

Another question for those who race--do you stop for water? I only did once during a 5-k and felt crampy afterwards (it was also my first 5-k so who knows?) and during my 5mile race I didn't take water either. I have run on my own 10 miles and drink lots before and after but never during. Just wondering if others made use of the water stations and still made good time?

LaBonita 04-21-2006 05:59 PM

liz - Actually I lowered my calories. I'm eating between 1200-1500 calories (I'm 20, 5'2"). That's why I don't understand the weight gain. Although I do admit that I haven't been eating REALLY "clean". I do watch portions, and try to eat as healthy as possible... :shrug:

miss michelle 04-21-2006 06:44 PM

today i did my first hills workout :) i found the program in shape magazine...it was hard, but not so hard that i felt like i was going to die! i would recommend it to anyone..its in this month's issue

LaBonita, I don't think running will make you gain weight unless you are building muscle. If you haven't been working out before you started running, that might be the case (meaning you are building muscle mass in your legs) just a thought!

lizz, i NEVER drink during a race..it always leads to cramps for me. if i am dying for a drink, i will swish water in my mouth and then spit it out

kms7z 04-21-2006 09:30 PM

lizzbabe-- about the water in races-- i NEVER drink the water bc it cramps my stomach. i ran a 10K a few weeks ago and it was hot, so i splashed a little water in my mouth because it was getting dry.

i love post-race freebies and food samples!

i haven't run since thursday when i ran with a classmate. i love having a running buddy, but unfortunately since my grad program is over i will have to find a new one. i can drag my husband out on his days off, but its not the same as a running with a girlfriend.

kms7z 04-21-2006 09:35 PM

whenever i increase my activity i gain a pound or two. i think it is water weight-- your muscles are holding more water, and you also might be more hydrated in general. if you like running, keep doing it. it is great exercise and will do wonders for your heart.

Stephanie Osborne 04-22-2006 01:28 AM

Well it was a nice day off but tomorrow is my 3rd run of the program. I am trying to do one each week outside...so tomorrow is the day. I am going to run on this great trail that runs next to the Arkansas river. Lots of trees for shade...it gets a little crowded sometimes but I am really looking forward to it. You guys that run outside all the time are probably like why is she so excited...running outside is sooooo hard for me. I think it is probably psychological...

lizz - good to know, this forum has taught me so much lol...I would never have known water caused cramps when you drink during a run. I always wondered how you would carry a water bottle on a run. I am so used to doing gym cardio and having it right there for me.

LaBonita - I find weight is a tricky thing. When the female body can carry up to 13 lbs of just water weight alone it seems crazy for us to drive ourselves nuts by worrying about 2 lbs. Your doing great girl! You and I have about the same amount to go...

miss michelle - love shape magazine. Cannot even imagine running hills though lol I am such a wuss, and trying to overcome that lol.

kms - I wish I had a running buddy...I think it would be so much easier with someone to push you.

lizzbabe 04-22-2006 07:25 AM

It's not always easy to find the RIGHT running partner. I have several people that say they want to run but then something comes up. Luckily I do have a good friend who will usually run 2 times a week and also races with me, too. I have to be the pushing force for her lately but over the summer there were times when I would make myself keep going because I didn't want to be the one to stop first.

kms7z 04-22-2006 10:30 AM

finding a running partner is tricky-- they need to be about the same pace as you, slightly competitive, need to be committed, but not gonna make you feel like crap if you have to stop!

LaBonita 04-22-2006 11:06 AM

Thanks for the support girls! I'm going to keep running, because I love it. I used to hate it, but now whenever I'm on my way home from school, I find myself getting anxious cuz all I want to do is run the stress off of the day! :)

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