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Stephanie Osborne 04-17-2006 12:00 PM

Runners Thread 4/16-4/22
Hey Girlies,
I am starting a running program and I noticed that numerous others here in 20 somethings are runners/jogger. I was thinking we should start a weekly thread...to talk about running, hold each other accountable for our runs etc...I have noticed there were a couple running related threads started this week and this might be easier.

So I guess I will start off

How long have you been running: Since Last Saturday (I am a baby runner)
Following any kind of program: I am following the couch to 5k program from coolrunning.com.
Training for anything: Just so I can say I did it! The program is geared toward being able to run a 5k in two months though, maybe I will look into one after that.
Running Schedule: 3 times a week...

lizzbabe 04-17-2006 12:53 PM

I post with the Cool Runners on the Exercise thread but it's good to have one here too.

How long have you been running: I took a Jogging for Fitness class in college but only seriously running about a year
Following any kind of program: I do 1 hill interval run, 1 speed run, 1 long run and a couple fun runs each week. Sort of my own program I guess.
Training for anything: 5-k this weekend, 10-k next month and then we'll see from there.
Running Schedule: 3 times a week on my own, twice with a friend.

denice81 04-17-2006 03:21 PM

sure, i'll jump on board here. I'm going to try the couch to 5k program too so this week will be my first try. I feel really out of shape though, so i might take it even slower that in suggests.

Stephanie Osborne 04-17-2006 03:41 PM

I noticed you did quite a bit of running lizz, there is a 5k coming up on May 5 I would love to try but since I am just a baby at running I do not know if I will be able to by then.

denice - I like the couch to 5k program because it says you can repeat weeks if you feel like you have not mastered them...

chicagoposter 04-17-2006 03:42 PM

sounds like a great idea. i love that site too. my running background....i was a pretty serious runner 4 years ago, running 5 miles five times a week. then i got mono and stopped. my dad ran a marathon this year, my sister, brother and i all ran an 8K at the beginning of this month. it was my first race and now i'm addicted. it's hard going back to the gym when i have such a beautiful lakefront to run by.

How long have you been running: This is the second period of time, but for about 2 months.
Following any kind of program: No specific program now, I'm trying to do a run 3 times a week outside by the lake (3-5 miles)
Training for anything: I just finished the 8K that I was training for. I'm thinking a 10K next, and maybe eventually a half marathon.
Running Schedule: 3 times a week (3-5 miles by the lake).

lizzbabe 04-17-2006 07:45 PM

stephie, I definitely think you could manage a 5-k by may 5th. I did my first race (5-k) with little formal training and although I was TIRED at the end I ran the whole thing and made decent time, too. Keep us posted on your progress!

I did 2.3 miles with a friend after work and almost died in this heat. I don't know how I ran all through july and august last year.

Pilatesgrl 04-17-2006 09:06 PM

Great thread! I jogged (VERY SLOWLY) for 25 mins without stopping...I couldve gone longer, but the wind was blowing against me so hard, I just got too tired! I hope to go for at least 25 mins, maybe even 30 tomorrow. I hope to run a 5k by june or so...

angeleyezx 04-18-2006 08:01 AM

this is a great idea! Just dont think Id keep to a programme that well

Alaynna 04-18-2006 08:10 AM

I love running/jogging, this sounds like a great idea, count me in!

How long have you been running: For about 2 months now
Following any kind of program: No I exercise at least an hour a day and eat the right foods
Training for anything:I am training to be smaller :)
Running Schedule: 5 days a week jogging/walking combo 30 mins to an hour a day. Weekends 30 mins jogging/walking combo

lizzbabe 04-18-2006 08:46 AM

Alaynna, I would be careful with the running everyday. It is very hard on your knees and cross-training or weights are great on "off-days". My cousin loved to run in college and afterwards and she ended up with arthritis before she turned 30! Just a thought since you're a "beginning" runner now, something to keep in mind. It is great exercise though I agree.

Sushi Penguin 04-18-2006 09:11 AM

I'm in as well. :)
I've been wanting to run for months, and finally started last December as part of a 21-Day Challenge. Did quite good, though I had to start really easy, it had been years since I did any running. Then in January I slacked, then started again in February, ran on and off in March and then went on a long trip and didn't run for over a month... Now I'm back from the trip and want to start running again. :) I'll use this thread as an additional motivator. :) I guess I'll have to start at 10 minutes again...

I'm running just because I want to, not training for anything, though I do want to improve my time and endurance. I usually run along a dirt road which is about 1.5 km long (so about a mile), and aim both for increasing the number of lenghts I do and for improving my time, though I focus more on how long I can run rather than how far. I improved from maybe one third or half lenght to 3-4, and improved my time by quite a bit, and the longest I ever ran in one stretch was 37 minutes.

junebug41 04-18-2006 09:30 AM

Where has this thread been all my life!!!

I have, probably because of all the stress I'm under, had the urge to just RUN. To just put on my sneakers and run my butt off. I can't ignore it. It's just there. It keeps me up at night. The elliptical just DOESN'T CUT IT ANYMORE. I'm ready to take the plunge. This former fat girl wants to be a runner!

Ross is a runner. He was also overweight as a kid and had to teach himself as an adult to run. So, seeing as how kind and knowledgeable he is, he is taking me to the track tomorrow to do some interval stuff. I am EXCITED! I would love to do a 5K in Glenwood in June, but I may need to set my sights on something just a little further down the road.

Stephanie. You are faublous. Keep it up, girl. And htanks for the thread!

junebug41 04-18-2006 09:32 AM

by the way, I just noticed that my av pic is of Ross and I at that 5k in Glenwood last year. He came in 3rd in his age group. To be honest, cheering from the sidelines sucks! I want to play, too!

Alaynna 04-18-2006 09:51 AM

I don't do hard core running 7 days a week, its a combo of jogging/walking and its in my upstairs of my house (i have a large area upstairs). I wouldn't over work my knees by running too much, it usually only 30 mins on the weekends a day so its 15 mins jogging and 15 mins walking.

spillthebeans 04-18-2006 10:50 AM

this is a timely thread for me.

I started a running program that I found in my Shape magazine. It's a month program that helps you run 5 miles by the end of the month.

I started it this month, but it calls for you to run four times a week, and since I"ve been so sore, and my body has really needed more recovery time. I haven't really kept to it. I am kind of doing my own variation, because I don't want to injure myself. My ultimate goal would be to be able to complete this program. Maybe next month.

for now, I just run at least 2-3 times, just listening to how my body feels.

I also weight train on my days off.

Who knew I would ever enjoy running/ jogging.

Stephanie Osborne 04-18-2006 12:36 PM

Well ladies I started out trying to get my run in last night and life intervened so tonight will be my reschedule night. I WILL GET MY RUN IN! DO you guys run outside or inside? SInce I am just starting out I am trying to decide...outside always feels so much harder to me so that is good. But inside I can do when it is dark...so fits better in my schedule...Maybe I will mix it up!

chicago - thats one of the allures of running for me. I have a beautiful river walk path to run on and that beats my crowded gym anyday! PLus I have a treadmill at home which helps me have NO EXCUSES!

lizz - I hope I can do it, I would be so proud!

pilatesgrl - I have to job pretty slow if I want to go for a long time, at first it feels rediculous but I often see others doing it as well...slow and steady!

alaynna - training to be smaller...I love it hehe.

sushi - I am like you I focus more on my time than my distance at this point. I hope you find the motivation you need in this thread it is hopping!

june - Thanks hun! Glenwood would be beautiful to run...especially in the summer! So many great races in Denver too they have a nike store downtown that has a running club...they meet every week and run downtown and then have like a party afterwards at the store I think.

spill - I think I remember seeing that program...I love shape :) It is hard when you first start, like your body needs to get used to it. I would rather take a little bit more time than end up hurting myself. I hear running can do some major damage if you don't do it right. I am also weight training on my days off.

denice81 04-18-2006 01:01 PM

I did day 1 of the couch-5K program yesterday evening and it was great! I made my husband come with me and time the intervals so it was kind of fun, not too too strenuous, but definately a workout.

stephie, usually when i walk (or jog!) i go to a park near my house that has a 2 mile loop dirt road with nice scenery. i dont have a treadmill at home so outside is my only choice, but i would probably choose that anyway, plus i cant quit a workout early if i still have to get home (good motivation).

chicagoposter 04-18-2006 02:10 PM


i don't run outside everyday because it's so hard on my knees (i don't have any knee problems, per se, but it's just the pavement). so i would maybe suggest switching it up. in fact, i don't run everyday either. i'll do the elliptical at the gym to mix it up. so far this week:

M: 1 mile walk to the lake, 3 mile run, 1 mile walk home.
T: 30 minutes on the elliptical, legs only(mostly backwards), 30 minutes on the elliptical with arms (i used two different machines), weights.
W: should be running outside, probably similar to monday, but i might go a bit farther.

then thursday and friday i'll see how i'm feeling as far as running outside vs. on a treadmill.

so yeah, i got in my outdoor run on monday, it wasn't easy which stinks because i thought i was making progress (maybe it was an off day), but i did it. i think for me, i'm going to have to keep at it and also doing the gym to get me in better shape.

i do have to say, one of the perks of races is the t-shirt. i feel so proud when i put them on (plus, i can always use more gym clothes). ;)

sierra_ttw 04-18-2006 04:11 PM

This thread sounds great - I'm right at the point in running where I'm really starting to enjoy it, and finding myself needing to run.

I've been running for about a month now
Program: I'm working on Jeff Galloway's 10k in 59 minutes program. It's three days a week run/walk, although a prefer run/jog for shorter sessions (I know if i start walking sometimes I'll just feel too lazy to start running again!). One day is based on time, one on distance, and there's one day of speed laps. I can run 7km straight right now, but it'll put me to bed at about 6 that night!

I'm working towards doing a triathlon next year, so I swim and cycle on my days off of running. I'd like to find a 10k to do in the fall, too.

Today's definitely a day off since i have an exam tomorrow... but I'm going straight to the gym after it's over.

Stephanie Osborne 04-18-2006 09:37 PM

So I guess that answers my question then, running on a treadmill is less impact than running outside?

I ran today. Did my first day of the c25k program. It felt good. Not overly hard but enough to be a workout. It is making me more comfortable with running. This may sound kind of weird but I like how after I run I can feel all the places I want to lose weight. Like I think I have a ghetto booty and after I run the next day I can feel it in my butt. I can feel it in my stomach...I can feel it in my thighs...I think that means it is working those areas right? Still did not run outside...I would like to try and do at least 1 of my 3 runs a week outside.

Sushi Penguin 04-19-2006 07:05 AM

I run outside. Or at least, I have ran outside so far. I only tried inside once, but I don't have the space for it at home. No idea what's going to happen right now, winter is coming here, which means it'll be getting dark very early, so I won't be able to run outside unless I run on asphalt or concrete (my preferred dirt road is pitch dark). No gym options exist for the next few months.

Stephanie, thank you for the encouragement, hopefully I'll get moving in the next few days! :)

trnsfrmnreplace 04-19-2006 12:02 PM

I am in on this!

How long have you been running: I do intervals right now because i can't run for long yet. I'm also a baby at this program.
Following any kind of program: I do intervals.
Training for anything: Training for my health? hehehe. Actually my lover is a runner, he used to be in cross country, so one day i want to be able to enjoy that passion with him. :)
Running Schedule: 4 times a week.

I will try to walk/jog/run 2-4 miles today.

kms7z 04-19-2006 02:52 PM

hi, i've been running regularly for 7-8 years now (i feel so old saying that!)-- since the end of highschool.

sometimes i follow training programs if i have a race coming up, but normally i run 3-6 times per week (i do elliptical on the other days). i usually run 3-5 miles, sometimes i do a fartlek if i am feeling ambitious.

i *might* do the Komen race for the cure in may, but it is during graduation weekend, so we'll see if i have time.

to anyone considering doing a race-- definitely do it. they are so much fun. if you have to stop to walk, there is no shame. races always motivate me in a very positive way. and i love seeing people of all shapes and sizes and ages and backgrounds out together giving it their all.

i absolutely love running. i can't explain how much it destresses me after work/school/travelling or energizes me in the morning. it is a definite mood-lifter.

miss michelle 04-19-2006 05:23 PM

Ooo I love running so I am definitely in on this thread :)
How long have you been running: I used to run in junior high on sports teams etc., but really started running 4 years ago
Following any type of program: Varies every few months or so...right now I am on a 30-minute-treadmill-run kick where I see how far I can run in 30 minutes...I have dreams of a half marathon though
Training for anything: Umm..other than running to catch the bus, no. But see dream above :)
Running schedule: Usually 5 days/week

Question for everyone...I seriously love running, but before I started working I would mix in things like spin class and kickboxing on some days to give my knees a break. Now I am traveling for work, and the only equipment in the gym are treadmills and stationary bikes. I just can't seem to work up a sweat on the stationary bikes (and I don't like sitting down) Most days after work I want to get another workout in after I've run in the morning. Obviously I shouldn't run again...but what can I do for cardio that still gets me sweating??? Any advice would be appreciated (Side note -- I have tried dvd's but they aren't challenging enough, tried walking but too boring lol)

spillthebeans 04-19-2006 05:41 PM

get the treadmill on an high incline...walk fast=great workout, you can break a sweat in less than five minutes.

Stephanie Osborne 04-20-2006 10:34 AM

You know what I do that always kicks my butt (literally makes it work out really hard!) is set the treadmill on zero percent incline, walk 3 mph for 5 minutes. Then every minute raise the incline by .5 percent until you cannot possible stand raising it anymore. Then start lowering the incline by 1 every minute until you are back to 0 incline, finish with a 5 minute cool down at 2.5 mph 0 incline. If you want to make it harder before the cooldown go back up and down on the inclines again. WIthout adding to it the whole thing should take around 35 minutes, but depends on how hard you push yourself on the incline.

PS: Miss Michelle, do you bring a laptop with you when you travel? What if you got a great workout dvd and put in in your laptop...?

miss michelle 04-20-2006 10:42 AM

Hmm..I should do the incline walking..I have tried it before and you are right...it is really a butt-kicker! Stephanie, I do bring my laptop but I usually just go yoga DVDs...I can't seem to get the excitement level up for Billy Blanks on a 12 inch monitor! ;)

Miss DC 04-20-2006 11:29 AM

I've been a fat athlete all my life. I've been a tournament tennis player since i was 11 and now i'm an instructor and yet i've never played in good shape. In fact throughout my athletic career the only thing that ever really intimidated me was RUNNING. And i don't just mean running as a sport. I mean running the mile in school. Or a 10 minute warm up run before softball. I would do ANYTHING to get out of that kind of stuff. But in the last couple of months things have started to change. I started by just walking, then i started adding some jogging. I was so proud of my first 5 minutes in a row of running. Then the next week i ran for 15 minutes. Then a week later i did 30 minutes of pure running. I amazed myself! I think running always just scared me because i thought i would fail. Now i'm starting to realize that there is no failing. I am not a fast runner. I am not even a particularly good runner. But i either way, i'm starting to believe that good or bad, i am a runner. And i like the sound of that.

How long have you been running: 2 months
Following any kind of program: "speed" intervals and "long" runs on treadmill. Next step, running outdoors
Training for anything: Eventually a 5K, right now, fitness and weight loss
Running Schedule: 4x/wk-30 min (plus WL 2x-1 hr, XTraining 2-3x-30 min)

LaBonita 04-20-2006 12:25 PM

Hey...I'd like to join too!

How long have you been running: Only about a week and a half...I'm new at this!
Following any kind of program: Couch to 5k, except I've been running every day. I'll probably get my bike down soon so I can bike 7 miles on my off-days.
Training for anything: Just to get into shape and lose weight! :)
Running Schedule: Supposed to be 3 days, but have been doing it 5-6 days. I'm gonna stop doing that though cuz I don't wanna ruin my knees!

Stephanie Osborne 04-20-2006 01:32 PM

Just got done with my second session of c25k training. I thought I might be too sore to do it after the crazy aerobics class I had last night, but no excuses right?! It felt good, my calves are a little tight and I broke a sweat for sure. Can't wait to do it again! Great to see so many runners, you guys inspire me!

michelle - yeah I could see how that might be difficult...maybe some brisk powerwalking outside the hotel?

miss dc - I like the sound of calling myself a runner to. And it is FABULOUS cardio that I am sure will help you get to your goal...you are so close already.

labonita - I am loving the c25k program so far. I am only doing it three days a week becuase I have weak knees.

britomart 04-20-2006 02:14 PM

I looked at that c25k program you're doing, stephie, and it looks pretty neat. I think I'll try it when I get back to DC in a week, as I won't have campus rec to help me exercise anymore! Before I decide to buy a gym membership, I think I'll try running in the mornings.... I like the thought of it, I want to actualize it!

Sushi Penguin 04-21-2006 08:25 AM

Wooot! Guess what?! :cheer: Sushi went for a run tonight! At last! :cheer:

And persisted - it turned out to be rained heavily, so I just waited until it had stopped a bit. And when I ran out of breath in less than 3 minutes, I walked some, and then ran for another 10 min 30 sec. It turned out that the first bit was up a steady slope which then went steeper, so I guess I can be excused for getting puffed so fast... :lol: So that's 13.5 min total. Not that great, but then I haven't ran in a month or so.

I intend to go running again tomorrow, hopefully in the morning. Need to get used to running in the morning, which is always tougher for me, as it's pitch dark by 6 pm these days. So I'm hoping this will be a successful re-start. :)

lizzbabe 04-21-2006 08:40 AM

Grrr I forgot to bring my mp3 player to the gym this morning so I didn't run and just did elliptical and bike instead. I have my 5-k tomorrow morning so I'll have to get in a quick run after work to prepare. My running partner needs at least 2-3 days of no running prior to the race but for me I need a quick one right beforehand.

chicagoposter 04-21-2006 01:02 PM

lizzbabe- i'm the same way as your friend, but probably not for a 5K. before i ran my 8K, i didn't run for two days, it worked out pretty well.

miss michelle- you could pack some resistance bands or a jump rope with you, they don't take up much space, but have the benefit of strength training, stretching, and cardio.

well, i think i'm going to run at the gym today. it's about a mile walk to the lake, and the last two times i've walked there for my run, i had to go to the bathroom as soon as i got there! all the bathrooms that they had, have been locked, so i have had no other option than to go back home! so my runs were not successful, plus, i didn't think about it, and have already drank a ton today! so i'll get my run in, just indoors.

i used to be at the addicted to running point. i'm hoping i get there soon. i've seen so many people out running lately and i want to be there again. you would've thought that the 8K did something for me. :(

Stephanie Osborne 04-21-2006 01:04 PM

Today is my day off from running and good thing too, my calves are killing me. I know I am going to have to do something today, maybe weight training for my arms and swimming or something with a little less impact on the legs.

Sushi - that is so awesome. I am a wuss when it comes to running but trying so hard to get better. Outside is always tougher for me for one, and two the c25k program I am doing starts me off running and walking and I think the running part is about 13 minutes or so. I can't believe you ran in the rain, you are one dedicated chick!

lizz - good luck on your 5k. What does one eat before that sort of thing. A long time ago I had an uncle who ran and I think he would eat pasta the night before? Just wondering. I HATE It when I forget my mo3 player, or worse yet I bring it and it is out of batteries...

brito - I was thinking along the same thing...I do not want to be tied to a gym membership and dependant on having one nearby me to be able to work out my body. I also would love to get outside more, I thought running might combine both of those needs. When are you offically back in DC again?

LaBonita 04-21-2006 01:29 PM

Went running yesterday. It was pretty cold out cuz it had just finished raining, and I was wearing shorts (I figured I'd get too hot with pants). My legs were FROZEN by the time I got back...LOL

I'm just wondering though...does running make you GAIN weight at first?? I've been running now for almost 2 weeks, and I've gained 3 pounds in the past 2 weeks. :( I'm really starting to question whether I should continue running or not, because it's not helping at all with my weight loss efforts. :?:

lizzbabe 04-21-2006 01:41 PM

Stephie, I don't usually eat much different for a 5-k but I do make sure to have a protein bar or oatmeal before I go (since I am used to getting up at 5 and the race isn't until later). Afterwards there are usually refreshments and you can refuel on carbs like bananas, etc

LaBonita, have you increased your calories due to burning more? Sometimes we eat more because we think we've exercised enough to burn it off and that contributes to a weight gain.

Another question for those who race--do you stop for water? I only did once during a 5-k and felt crampy afterwards (it was also my first 5-k so who knows?) and during my 5mile race I didn't take water either. I have run on my own 10 miles and drink lots before and after but never during. Just wondering if others made use of the water stations and still made good time?

LaBonita 04-21-2006 05:59 PM

liz - Actually I lowered my calories. I'm eating between 1200-1500 calories (I'm 20, 5'2"). That's why I don't understand the weight gain. Although I do admit that I haven't been eating REALLY "clean". I do watch portions, and try to eat as healthy as possible... :shrug:

miss michelle 04-21-2006 06:44 PM

today i did my first hills workout :) i found the program in shape magazine...it was hard, but not so hard that i felt like i was going to die! i would recommend it to anyone..its in this month's issue

LaBonita, I don't think running will make you gain weight unless you are building muscle. If you haven't been working out before you started running, that might be the case (meaning you are building muscle mass in your legs) just a thought!

lizz, i NEVER drink during a race..it always leads to cramps for me. if i am dying for a drink, i will swish water in my mouth and then spit it out

kms7z 04-21-2006 09:30 PM

lizzbabe-- about the water in races-- i NEVER drink the water bc it cramps my stomach. i ran a 10K a few weeks ago and it was hot, so i splashed a little water in my mouth because it was getting dry.

i love post-race freebies and food samples!

i haven't run since thursday when i ran with a classmate. i love having a running buddy, but unfortunately since my grad program is over i will have to find a new one. i can drag my husband out on his days off, but its not the same as a running with a girlfriend.

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