3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Pinkberrry 05-01-2010 03:02 AM

Ugh the past 2 days Ive been pigging out completely. I think its finals stress :(
But the other day I was 146.7 so the scale is def coming down!

StringBean 05-03-2010 06:38 AM

Thanks bama girl and energie for the support! Wow on the running as well, energie!!
Me...140.6 this morning - not sure how I deserved this number...maybe the extra circuit training I did last week? I haven't been 100% with my eating, so I am pleasantly surprised.
Keep up the good work, chickies!!

mkendrick 05-03-2010 09:09 AM

StringBean, you totally deserved that number! As long as we're on plan with exercising/eating more often than not, we will lose weight. Our bodies just choose to let go of the weight at strange times (like after some not so good days) to confuse us, lol.

I have been sticking around 140.5-141.5 for the last few days. Which is fine, those are both pretty numbers, lol. But I got on the scale this morning and it said 138.8...ummm, what! Sure enough, I got on it again (and again and again, lol) and every time after it said 139.6. I'll take it!

This is the-week-before-my-TOM, and I usually fluctuate up and hover there for the week and then have a big whoosh down after I start. So even though I saw a 13_._ number, I'm going to assume I'll fluctuate back up for at least a few more days. But yay, it's amaaaazing to see a 3 as the second digit, I never thought the day would come :)

I also adjusted my goal weight from 140 to 136. 136 will be my red line weight, and I'll just maintain under that.

StringBean 05-03-2010 12:49 PM

mkendrick - congrats on being in the 130s!! I can't wait to join you there! I won't move to the next thread until I am steadily under 140 for at least a week, though LOL :)

mkendrick 05-03-2010 02:55 PM

Haha, StringBean, I'm the same way. I'm not counting on the 139 that I saw this morning sticking around for the next few days, but I'm 95% sure I'll have a 2-2.5lb whoosh down next week. It always happens when I start. So I'm still hanging out in the 140's thread for now, but it was sure fun to see that 13_ number!

TinasGoal 05-03-2010 04:07 PM

I have fallen off the wagon (again) during the past few weeks :mad::tantrum::censored:

I have been busy and stressed and over doing it with food and alcohol. I haven't gone to my WW meeting or tracked in weeks. A few weeks ago I weighed in at 144 lbs, I was thrilled! Now I'm probably back at over 150. I am so terrified to go to my meeting and finally weigh in this week but I know I have to in order to get back on track.

StringBean 05-10-2010 11:37 AM

TinasGoal - don't stress! Just get back on that wagon - you probably won't have gained as much as you think you have.

mkendrick - lovin' your weight thingy...I might have to copy that, as your weight range is exactly what I want to aim for.

me...not out of the 140s yet, but I have until the end of June to reach my goal (vacation - yeay!), so I'm not gonna stress :)

TinasGoal 05-11-2010 05:36 PM

Thanks StringBean :hug: You're right. I'm back on track to do this, small bumps in the road or not, I'm doing this :carrot:

I hope WI tomorrow won't be too bad, I will try not to take it too hard if I gained. Plus, if I work really hard I can maybe still reach my 4th of July goal.

energie 05-11-2010 07:18 PM

Hey everyone! I've been missing in action for awhile. I'm still floating around 142/143. Initially, I planned to be in the mid 130s by June 1st but now I hope to be 138/139 by June 1st. Thats my mini goal :) I'm so ready to be in the 130s.

Today I got a really good workout in. I ran for 30 minutes straight at the track near my house and I walked for 20 minutes. It was a little rainy too, so I was proud of myself that I went out today. I plan to do the same workout tommorrow!

TinasGoal 05-11-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by energie (Post 3287174)
Hey everyone! I've been missing in action for awhile. I'm still floating around 142/143. Initially, I planned to be in the mid 130s by June 1st but now I hope to be 138/139 by June 1st. Thats my mini goal :) I'm so ready to be in the 130s.

Today I got a really good workout in. I ran for 30 minutes straight at the track near my house and I walked for 20 minutes. It was a little rainy too, so I was proud of myself that I went out today. I plan to do the same workout tommorrow!

Congrats on the awesome workout. It's funny how reading about someone goign for a run motivates me to do the same, thanks! :)

I'm so ready to be in the 130s! For me, being in the 130s means I'm not fat, 130-something just doesn't sound fat to me. It's silly, I know. But I will feel so accomplished weighing 130-something :hyper::hyper:

energie 05-12-2010 12:22 AM

TinasGoal- I know exactly what you mean. Starting to see 130s will be sooo nice and it does seem small.

btw I like your avatar... that give me motivation to workout hehe :)

StringBean 05-12-2010 06:56 AM

energie - good job on the running!
TinasGoal - I feel the exact same way - for some weird reason 139 sounds and looks sooooooo much better than 140!!

We can do this - I'm so ready to join the 130s thread :)

energie 05-12-2010 10:27 PM

thanks stringbean.:) hope all is well with you and you get into the 130s thread soon too! btw, your from the UK I see. how is it there?

TinasGoal 05-12-2010 10:51 PM

I'm down 1lb this week. I hope I can be below 140 by the time June 1st comes. I feel so close, yet so far!!! :dizzy:

StringBean 05-13-2010 08:07 AM

energie and tinasgoal - let's try and get in the 130s thread together by June 1st - that's a good motivator!!

energie - it's chilly over here at the moment and I got hailed on yesterday (but I do live up a mountain). I want some sun so I can wear some cute clothes!! Where abouts are you?

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