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RynKay 03-10-2010 06:33 PM

Well today was my official weigh in, and I am 136.5. I am officially out of here! :carrot:;) Can't wait till I see the rest of you join me :) Keep up the good work everyone!

SpinQueen 03-10-2010 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by RynKay (Post 3194717)
Well today was my official weigh in, and I am 136.5. I am officially out of here! :carrot:;) Can't wait till I see the rest of you join me :) Keep up the good work everyone!

dang!! Awesome!!! :carrot: I'm right behind you!!! See you there!! :D

Jelbb 03-11-2010 10:35 AM

Lol, eesh. You're impressive doing spin. My mother teaches spin classes, and I won't take them. She's so intense, and every time I go, I feel like I'm going to be sick, she's so gung-ho. My brother took one, and was actually physically SICK afterward... that's officially working out TOO hard, lol.

Ah, I hope your body gets back into the swing of the 1,500 calories! Being hungry when you've hit your calorie limit for the day is just awful!
And good luck on that half a pound! I'm rooting for ya!

Yay!!!!! Not sure if you were solidly in the 130s... look at you lady! So impressive! I'll see ya on the other side! ;)

SPEAKING of seeing you on the other side...
I'm 140.2 this morning! God, it's so amazing to see how much my body wants to shed this extra weight when I'm just working out a little, and keeping my calories down to 1200-1400.
I SO want to start making boisterous claims about finally making it to my goal this time, but... it seems like a jinx somehow. I always seem to fall off the wagon once I hit 139ish. It's almost like... I'm so happy and impressed with my getting back into the 130s, that all my motivation disappears!

This time it can't! I still have 20 days at the gym left, and an Irish boy coming on April 21st. How amazing would it be to get solidly into the 130s before he gets here? Even when I first met him, I was maybe 140-something, he's never seen me as little as the 130s.

My motivation is also helped by the fact that I know Irish boy's been going to the gym non-stop. And the guy already has really nice arms and a nice solid stocky build, but now he's talking about having been to the gym almost every day, and I know he's been lifting weights for a few months now, partially for my benefit, and I'm like, "Crap, don't be more motivated than me!!!!"

Skyra 03-11-2010 01:22 PM

Hey jelbb -- thanks for the well-wishes!! I am feeling really good today! Congrats on your 140.2.

My brother and I just booked flights to take a vacation to JAPAN in September! I am so excited! And this is great because I have a new motivator. :D Japanese people tend to be tiny and I don't want to be the "fat American" among them! Besides I'm sure we'll take a million pictures, and I don't want to look back on my Japan pictures and see myself as pudgy. My ultimate goal is around 120... if I lose 1 pound a week I can be there in time for my trip!!

canadia 03-11-2010 08:56 PM

Skyra, have fun! Japan's gorgeous!

I'm jealous of everyone who's been dropping weight here! My weight hasn't budged in two weeks. However, my period is just around the corner, and I hope that's contributing. I also think I need to eat more protein, except that's pretty hard in Korea. I eat 99% Korean food (except for breakfast -- Koreans don't eat different things for breakfast like Westerners do), and it's very carb-heavy.

Jelbb 03-12-2010 09:08 PM

Yesterday, I ate very very little. My calories topped out at 1,200, but it was in the form of a sub, a bagel with light cream cheese, and a package of mini eggs. I was simply running so late all day that I wound up having a WEIRD eating day.
So of course, my counter-intuitive body... I was 141.0 this morning, up .8, ugh!

Then today my friends coerced me into going out for lunch, and I chose a horribly unhealthy pasta dish, that I'm pretty sure altogether came to over 1000. I also had a high-calorie icky breakfast... all over, I think I've had almost 2,000 calories today, and that's bad news bears. So, despite the fact that it was my "day off" from the gym, I went and worked out anyhow.

I am petrified as to what the scale will say tomorrow tho. Pounding insane amounts of water to try to flush out my system. I'm not sure it'll work, lol.

SpinQueen 03-12-2010 10:02 PM

JAPAN?? OMG! that is AWESOME!! good for you! That's a dream trip for me! We are going to Belize & Mexico on a cruise this fall. CANNOT WAIT!! All I want is to soak up some SUN!!! :beach:

Jelbb - are you KIDDING ME!!?? your MOM teaches spin & you don't do it??? :yikes: lol Man, I am honestly ADDICTED to these classes lol I really don't think I can quit! :ebike: lol It is hard at 1st, but you don't have to go as fast or as hard as everyone else. Just start out at your own pace you know. We were all beginners at one time or another & we all had to start out slow. ;) I think you should give it a go. HEY!! Bet it will burn off that pasta you just ate! hahahaha :D jk ... it's all good girl! We all have slip up's & what not & we always get thru it right?! Just keep at it & NO MORE PASTA!!! .... for now lol

As for me ... I kicked some serious arse today! :cb: I ran 3 miles this morning before spin. Then had spin class for 50 minutes, THEN ... lol just got back a while ago from the gym again. The kids spend the night with grandma, hubby was out in the shop tinkering with who knows what, so I hit the treadmill for 4 more miles. :cp:


Skyra 03-13-2010 01:33 AM

*high fives SpinQueen* yeah! way to kick arse! I did too... I worked out, kept to my calories and said NO to the donuts my supervisor brought in today... I feel so good, can't wait for my weigh-in Sunday :D

Jelbb 03-13-2010 09:05 AM

I've no idea what Korean cuisine is like, but I can only imagine it's a struggle to try to remain on a strict diet of healthy foods when you're eating foreign cuisine!
I really hope your weight starts shifting down, because it's so inspiring once it does...!!!

Hahaha, I don't know what to say about not taking my mom's spin classes now. ...I'm... sorry? :p
But my mom actually lives 30 minutes north of where I currently live, so driving up there just to take her spin classes seems like a waste of gas money when I could stay in town and workout here! :)
And... holy jesus woman, it sounds like you were a workout MACHINE yesterday! That's seriously impressive! I'm glad you had plenty of YOU time to work out and feel good about yourself, with the husband and the kiddies were otherwise occupied.

Well done on saying NO to the donuts!! Always hard to do when other people are partaking!

And as for me...
I'm in shock today. Complete shock.
I ate nearly 2,000 calories yesterday, including pasta, garlic bread, a fattening breakfast of a Tim Hortons breakfast sandwich (like a sausage McMuffin), and I even ate smartfood popcorn....
Due to my self-loathing, I went to the gym ANYHOW, despite my insistence that yesterday would be my day off... and when I got home, pounded tonnes of water to try to kill the excess sodium I knew I'd taken in.

This morning, I stepped on the scale waiting for my great big gain....

140.0! What just happened here!?!?!?!

canadia 03-13-2010 11:41 AM

Jelbb, actually, Korean food is VERY healthy! But it's also very carb-heavy. Nearly everything involves white rice. And congrats on being down again!

SpinQueen, you're so inspiring!

As for me, I was bad and went out for drinks last night AND tonight. But I managed to budget my calories so I didn't go over both days, and I walked 2 hours the past two days. I walk at a fast pace for about 300 minutes a week, and I want to start running, but I'm really self-conscious about doing it. Korea doesn't have a big running culture and there are no big parks in my town, so I'd just end up running around my neighbourhood. I hate the gym and have never figured out how to properly run on a treadmill.

SpinQueen 03-13-2010 03:52 PM

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 139 this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:
FINALLY got over being stuck!!! :carrot::carrot::carrot:
I guess all that crap I did yesterday got me past it! My spin instructor told me to up my calories for a couple of days & see what happens ... the 1st day trying it I hit 139!! hee hee hee!!!!! So excited right now!!!!!! So you guys gotta come join me on the other side so we can keep gettin-r-dun ok!!! :carrot:

Skyra - wtg on no donuts! :cp: :high: I don't know if I could have done that or not! lol :hug:

Jelbb - well that makes since now. I wouldn't drive that far either. I can walk to my gym from my house ... less than half a mile so easy for me, but I know what you are saying. And yes, I was pretty much a machine yesterday :ebike: lol I was DETERMINED to get past 1 friggin 40 b/c I have been just sitting there for a while now!! SO annoying when I run & stuff everyday like I do. Wasn't adding up to me.

Also, I bet you just did what I did .... tricking your body with the crazy calorie thing?? Dunno, but I was scared to death of an extra 400 calories, but my spin girl told me to do it ... 'it will work' she said. Guess maybe that is what happened with you?? you told your body (by giving it so many more calories that day) that you are not starving it & it can keep going .. working hard... burning calories & fat every time you tell it to. That is what it sounds like to me. :dunno: But OMG!!! you are ALMOST THERE!!!!!!!!! :carrot: :hug:

So anyways, you guys STICK TO IT & I will come check on you soon!! DO NOT STOP, DO NOT GIVE IN TO JUNK & OLD HABITS, DRINK WATER & KEEP GOING!!! Ya'll deserve to be in the 130's ... NOW GET THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope to see you soon!! *Muah* :grouphug:


Skyra 03-13-2010 04:34 PM

Congratulations SpinQueen!!!! Thanks for the support! My weigh-in is tomorrow and hopefully I can meet you over at the 130s then!

canadia 03-14-2010 11:36 AM

Congrats, SpinQueen!

Skyra 03-14-2010 01:27 PM

Bleh! My weigh-in was today and it was up from 140.4 to 141.6. :mad:

HOWEVER I've been carefully logging all my food and I was perfectly on-plan all week. And my TOM is due to start in a couple days. So I'm going to try to write this off as a fluke... it's a higher number that doesn't mean anything because it doesn't reflect what I've actually been doing. Next week maybe I'll see that "woosh!". :dizzy:

I'm disappointed, though, 'cause I've been working really hard and looking forward to getting to the 130s all week. :( I'll get there. It's hard to be patient sometimes, though!

mkendrick 03-14-2010 10:05 PM

I think I might have figured out how to shake my plateau.

For those of you who haven't seen my rants, I was losing steadily 1lb+/week since November with diet alone. About a 3-4 weeks ago, I started exercising. And I mean no transition, nothing to 1 hour of cardio 6 days/week and strength training 3 times/week. I also started counting calories and making sure I stayed between 1200-1300cal. I thought I was doing awesome, I couldn't wait to get on the scale. I got on, and I hadn't lost anything. Assuming it was a fluke, I kept on keeping on. Four weeks later, I still hadn't lost a thing. Literally, no change. Between 149.5 and 150.1.

Well for two days I ate about 1650 cal/day and only went for relaxed walks. Then today I ate 1250 and literally sat on my bum all day. I weigh less right now than I did this morning. And almost a whole pound less than I did last night. And that's after drinking a ton of water and eating.

I know it's probably too soon to say I've broken the plateau, but my exercising everyday and low cal routine was NOT working for me, clearly. I'm going to start mixing it up. 3-4 days of exercise and high cal (1500-1700) and then rest days (1200-1300 cal). See if that will get me losing again.

And I am still just barely in the 140's, but I was 150.0 tonight, and I'm sure I'll be down a bit after I pee tomorrow morning, haha. Let's hope I can finally stay in the damn 140's. For me, this thread should be "keep me IN the 140's" lol.

Anyways, sorry for the novel. Hope everyone is doing awesome :)

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