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Blcarter84 01-14-2009 09:52 PM

NISH-Taylor- woohoo love that you ladies are my best friends and i've never met any of you. we should totally have like a 3FC convention so we can all meet up!
WHoop Whoop for 3FC whores!!! We ROCK
I just had a drink and I am feeling it! I am doing South Beach diet but I dont follow the no alcohol rule lol.
There was this super cute guy sitting at the bar tonight at work looking all sad...wish I would have given him my number or something! DArn ...well next time

taragettingthin 01-14-2009 10:04 PM

Taylor, the recipes look great! So many of them! I can't wait to start trying them.... I was going to print them out UNTIL I saw how many pages it had. lol :D Thanks again!

Blcarter84 01-14-2009 10:19 PM

mmm food! I just took a new picture of myself...even though it is after work and a lil gross and I've had 2 drinks. I can really tell in my face that I have lost weight. I didnt have to take 40 pictures to get one without a double chin or gross looking. Just took it and kept it lol

leighish 01-14-2009 10:20 PM

dannnng girl. You're going to be beating them away with large sticks (if you're not already!!). You're gorgeous!!

Blcarter84 01-14-2009 10:27 PM

I hope someday that I feel that way about myself...until then I am still envious of YOU!!

taragettingthin 01-14-2009 10:39 PM

carter Love your eye makeup! :D And what a great smile you got! I can't seem to smile in my pics...probably because my grandma used to tell me not to show gum when smiling or laughing because it's a bad luck. (korean thing, yadi yadi yada)

Taylor86 01-14-2009 10:45 PM

carter I would LOVE for everyone to get together for a 3fc convention!! I feel so close to everyone on here - which is why I love love my blackberry cause I am never without you guys! ...which also gives me something to do during math...I mean...yes. LOL. I wish I was having a few drinks -- I will tomorrow with my dad and ya know what? I ain't gonna feel any guilt about it! Just kick butt on the elliptical before hand! And I LOVE the new picture! You are so pretty.

tara No problem! Lizziebee gave them to so I gotta give her the credit. I have only tried one so far but it was so easy and yummy.


CakeBatter 01-14-2009 10:48 PM

Okay so bellydancing wasn't quite as i remembered...but I still love lookn all stupid in the mirror. I know I am being overzealous but there is a recital (i know, gay) in June that I am working to be in. I am corny like that. So you girls ahve been chatting away!!!

[B]Carter[/B You looks so pretty in your new pic. Me likey:) I was thinking that is so crazy to such great friends and never have met any of them. We shoould a big 3FC vaca. It sould be so much fun...

Tara Hey girl. I didn't even get a chance to look at the recipes but I will soon. Sorry you got no sleep. I am so unpleasant when I am sleepy...:mad: Anyway hope you have a god night work. And by the way os that much easier having someone messenging througout the day on your phone

Arts WTG on having an excuse for working out. I know that is hard sometimes. I am glad you such a great day.

Taylor You did have a sweet day. Get your workout in tomorrow so you can get your drink on. Thanks for keeping me company.

Vday and Taylor I am gonna fix it....no worries. Heeey VDay.:hug:

Blcarter84 01-14-2009 10:55 PM

OMG we should totally go somewhere warm and rock it out!! that would be soo much fun:)
Taylor- I love you and your blackberry...I want one soo badly....but couldn't afford one at the time so I just got a texting phone lol..I love the keyboard on mine.
Cake- I am a board whore right now...because A. I am bored and B. I am drinking lol so I am chatting even MORE then normal..if you can believe that

taragettingthin 01-14-2009 10:57 PM

Cake by the way, I added you on my BB messenger! Yes, so much easier having someone messenging throughout the day..especially for someone who's gotta drive all over during the day..temptation of fast food all over...:D and Nothing gay and corny about the recital! You better post some pics if you get to be in. :D

leighish 01-14-2009 11:00 PM

Taylor : :hug: Send me some of those recipes these other chicks are chatting about

Becky: Awww me? Well shucks lady. I don't see why YOU would have anything to be jealous about!!!

Cake: I remember I did the carmen electra strip aerobics tape a couple of times, and one day DH walked in on me while I was doing it and I never did the tape again because I felt so silly.

I went back up to 182 yesterday (after being 180 AND extremely OP the day before) and I was still there today. So naturally I said "let's go!" when DH suggested El Toro. I instantly regretted my decision to eat all of my fajitas. But I just felt so crappy :( My brother in law thinks I need to up my exercise regimen. He's probably right.

I love you guys so much! :grouphug:

taragettingthin 01-14-2009 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Blcarter84 (Post 2552516)
OMG we should totally go somewhere warm and rock it out!! that would be soo much fun:)

I am a board whore right now...because A. I am bored and B. I am drinking lol so I am chatting even MORE then normal..if you can believe that

I soooo agree on going somewhere warm!!! :D

I also am a board whore right now...because A. I am at work and B. I don't have 3 year old girl calling me over and over lol BUT what I really should be doing is WORK. lol Oops... :D

Blcarter84 01-14-2009 11:06 PM

LEighish- Girl you got it going on...beautiful baby..husband...and you look FANTASTIC!! What can I say...definitely JEALOUS....whoa I just creeped myself out there...sounded kind of stalkerish I think!
That would be the alcohol coming in:)

taragettingthin 01-14-2009 11:10 PM

Leigh when I was losing well last year, I was getting really upset for weight going up here and there...although it did not happen often at all. So I made this one document to read whenever I gained...So I copy and pasted it here... Hopefully that will help you make feel better:

Body went into starvation mode and that my body just wants to save every cal for fat storage. So stick to my schedule and realize that not only am I staying on plan and working through adversity and that I am also still getting healthier by not reverting back to old habits. The weight usually continues to come off the next week and I'm back to being motivated and if it doesn't and you hit a plateau still stick to your plan just shake up the exercise and "confuse" your body about it.
Either stick to my plan or i can go back to easy old habits and be 30, 40, or more pounds heavier this time next year....uh, i think i will stick to it and know that those stubborn pounds cant hang there forever. Stay STRONG!

Put the scales somewhere out of sight, and try and go do some extra exercise and keep on track and try and ignore it. Problem with set backs is if u pay too much attention to them they can become critical so just have to remain positive and think forward not backwards.

I basically have two voices. If I have lost weight its "you're doing awesome, keep going!" and if I've gained/stayed the same its "keep going, you'll knock those pounds out yet!" Basically the important part is 'keep going'. I don't really worry about the scale a whole lot. So long as overall the number is headed downwards I'm happy, even if it goes up a few pounds sometimes.

I tell myself that it is just water weight and it will go away in about a week, and it will probably take an extra pound or two away with it. It' sort of like my body is trying to hide all the real weight loss going on inside by disguising it with water bloat, and wants to surprise me when the bloat goes away!

I tell myself that the water weight is coming from either having too much sodium that week, and/or exercise may have caused my muscles to plump up with water to help repair the micro-tears, and/or it could even be just a hormonal thing (pre-TOM). In short: there are lots of reasons for an unexpected (temporary) bloat, and it's just gonna happen from time to time so don't worry too much about it.

The scale WILL keep on a downward trend as long as I keep eating right and working-out--it has no choice in the end!

I also tell myself that maybe my body is trying to fight me on this and trick me into giving up, but it's not gonna win!

leighish 01-14-2009 11:13 PM

Thanks Tara! I'm going to save that!

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