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Bee20nine 01-08-2009 09:26 AM

I realized after my gain last week of about 5 lbs i got mad n didn't write down anywhere, but this week I lost 1.2 lbs. Hopefully it will stay that way.

According to my weight loss spreadsheet the last 2 months i haven't lost any weight and that just is not acceptable. So here is to steady weight loss.

Blcarter84 01-08-2009 09:42 AM

Well ladies I think I am starting TOM a week early this month which is super weird! The bad part is I have nothing in my house and am going to have to run to the store before you know what happens.
So on a bad note I get a call last night from my friend Charlie (whom I work with) about a friend whose husband beats her and apparently she came to work last night with soooo many bruises on her neck and she tells us what he does but she won't leave him because she dosen't think she can raise her 2 kids without him! So now me and Charlie are coming up with a plan to stop him before he severely hurts or *gulp* well I dont even wnat to think about it. Any advice...she is reaching out for help but wont do anything

JamieJo 01-08-2009 09:48 AM

Wow, Nichkitten....I feel like a new woman after reading that post. THANK YOU!

CakeBatter 01-08-2009 10:24 AM

Carter - This is gonna sound terrible but until she get her mind right and realize I mean really realize that is time for her to go there won't be anything you can do. My sister used to have that problem and each time we'd save her.....she ended up back there somehow. To this day I don't if it was fear of him or herself. The one thing to know is that if she truly is ready to leave make sure she has all her plans together ....like where she is gonna live, shen and how shie is gonna get out, a support team, some cash saved up and so on. You don't want her to have a reason to second-guess herself or a need to go back. For many of us there is no reason in the world but unfortunately everyone doesn't see it that way. ....GOOD LUCK

Here we go again 01-08-2009 11:12 AM

Nish- that was a great post! I really liked it. I couldn't help but laugh about the whole gun thing. I'm a felon, although it's expunged, so I can't a gun. But it was a nice thought. Today I feel much better. Last night the cute manager called me. We talked for three hours! Um, I don't do that at all. We talked about a lot of stuff. It was good. I think right now we are more friends that anything but did talk about this chemistry that we have. He's going to come over this Friday and we're going to chill, watch movies. We have boundaries set in place. :) So I'm pretty excited. We talked this morning too. I gave him some advice on a situation in his life and he already took it the advice. I was shocked. Thanks Nish, for telling it like it is. I talked to one of my girls back in AR and she said I was over reacting. That I'm going to have to get use to guys acting like that and take it as a compliment and walk away. So I apologize about over reacting! :)

Jah- why do you think you have a stomach ulcer? Are you feeling any better?

Blcarter- If you want, you can PM me. I have a lot of advice. I was in an abusive relationship last year. I had a lot of people help me and that is why I'm in CA now. I know how hard it is to be an abusive relationship and the hopelessness but also how high the good times are too. I would love to help if I can.

Heather- Hide your scale until after phase 1 is done. You're doing great!

Star- I'm glad your here. I understand about portion control and how hard it is. Counting calories really helped me b/c I know how much a portion is suppose to be and unless I want to count the whole box I'm not eating it.

Taylor- you are not a nerd! I do the same thing with counting calories.

It's funny how I could be so upset yesterday and on cloud 9 today. lol stupid boys! But honestly I feel like I learned a lesson and I'm not going to take things so personal.

shantroy 01-08-2009 12:48 PM

I've forgotten how fast this thread moves. I missed a day and I feel so outta the loop. I called in sick yesterday. I was really sick, sick. Super tired and just needed a day to myself. In the two and a half years I've worked here I've never called in sick, so I kinda feel guilty...but man did it feel good!

I'm hoping to make a quick run to the gym afterwork today (I can't wait til the gym in our office is finished. It will make life so much easier!) Then I'm off to the hockey game. I'm taking my roommate, who's never been to a live game in her life. It should be awesome. I'm parents have front row tickets and they are AWESOME! I'm eating super light today so I can splurge and get some crappy consession food.

I had my first bleeding nose today. I was sitting at my desk and I felt my nose dripping; so I grabbed a tissue and looked at it and it was bloddy. I couldn't believe it! I've never ever had a bleeding nose before in my life. But it's been really dry here lately so I'm not surprised. But my nose still feels weird.

I'll be back later to do personals.

shantroy 01-08-2009 03:32 PM

OMG, I just booked my car in for it's 48,000km maintance. The woman told me over the phone, that it would be a minimiun of $500. The particular maintance usually winds up being between $700-$800! Sh!t!!! I just spend over $1400 putting winter tires on my car. I will have spent over 2 grand on my perfectly good car in less than 6 weeks. Thank-god I have a roommate now, or I wouldn't know how I was going to pay for it all.

Frick, why are cars so freakin' expensive!!!!!!

CakeBatter 01-08-2009 03:46 PM

Someone help me fix my ticker>>>!!!!!!

Taylor86 01-08-2009 03:51 PM

Hey girlies!!

Today has been relaxing! I went to Macy's with my giftcard and got some eyeshadow from clinque and it turned out too pink so I am gonna return it tonight...

I am going shopping at Whole Foods tonight my dinner at my Dads. I am going to get shrimp and chicken , veggies, some sort of low-cal sauce and brown rice for kabobs. I am also gonna pick up fruit for dessert.

Now I am need some serious :dust: to stick to ONE small glass of wine and no cheese or crackers before dinner. That does mean that I need to eat a small snack before I go over there so I am not starving and get too weak to say no to brie.

Took a day off working out - TOM is here and made me bloated and totally didn't feel like it. Plus I did 3 days in a row and I get a day off cause the most I do in a row is 3 as to not burn myself out.

I hope everyone is having a great day! :hug:

shan I totally understand about the car. my transmission died and it was 3,200 over my christmas break. It was horrible!!! I have no idea why cars are so expensive! I am really sorry - I know how you feel. BTW - I love hockey! Enjoy!

HWGA I am so happy you are having a better day! :cp: You deserve the best!

carter I agree with Batter. But if you are around it - you should call the police! I am praying for your friend.

CakeBatter 01-08-2009 03:57 PM

Taylor - Guess what i did a test for you and you can totally access 3FC from your BB...YAY

Taylor86 01-08-2009 04:01 PM

cake :woohoo: I am SO excited for my BB storm!! I get it on Jan 24th and then I can check 3FC at rehearsal or anywhere

This has made me very happy.

Here we go again 01-08-2009 05:19 PM

Hey girls!

It's been slow in here today!!!

Taylor- You can totally do it. I'm so proud of you!!

My day has been so much better. I'm happy that it's almost Friday. Work is boring, I need the hot Latino manager to come my way soon... lol just kidding. We've had a good time today when he's in the office.

Bee20nine 01-08-2009 09:09 PM

I made the most awesome dinner tonight.

Weight watcher Veal Parmigana, and WW Mac n Cheese

OMG I have a happy tummy right now.

Here we go again 01-08-2009 10:06 PM

Bee- it's ok. We all have those days.

I RODE 20 MILES TODAY! I'm so excited. I can't believe it...

I'm so proud of myself.

On another note, I hope that my roommate's trip is still on for this weekend. :( she said it may be cancelled. It would ruin my plans! The hot latino manager was suppose to come over tomorrow night. I don't want her here and him. .

starmac13 01-08-2009 11:17 PM

Taylor - hope you had fun at dinner. I am sure it was fabulous and tasty. And cheese is my weakness. But way to go in terms of taking steps to make sure you dont eat any unwanted calories.

HWGA - hot latino manager...just keep repeating that when you explain to your roommate that if her trip is canceled, she needs to find something else to do. again Hot Latino Manager. And 20 miles. Someone would have found me at the side of the road at mile 10 or 11.

Here we go again 01-08-2009 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by starmac13 (Post 2538467)
HWGA - hot latino manager...just keep repeating that when you explain to your roommate that if her trip is canceled, she needs to find something else to do. again Hot Latino Manager. And 20 miles. Someone would have found me at the side of the road at mile 10 or 11.

lol you had me cracking me up! Hot Latino Manager... I like the sound of that. It's her house and I rent a room, um I don't think I can tell her to get out of her own house, now if we spent everything evenly that's a different story.... I need an alternative! He lives an hour away from work and he was just going to come over after work. grrrr...... I hope she goes.... Hot Latino Manager.... lol that's funny. Oh, and it's an exercise bike so at best, my roommate would have found me on the floor! lol

Taylor86 01-09-2009 01:15 AM

I did OKAY at my dads...

No cheese and crackers but 4 glasses of wine. :-( BOO

Although dinner was only veggies, chicken and shrimp.

Small steps are better than no steps though. Dinner with my Dad use to be Outback Steak House where I use to get a 16oz medium rare ribeye, bake potato, side salad with ranch on top of red wine.

So I suppose you could call tonight a victory but not perfection.

OHHHH I also got my Blackberry STORM today! It's perfect and I love it!!!

CakeBatter 01-09-2009 08:37 AM

Taylor you did great. That is big step. It is hard to give up your favorite steak. MIne used to 11oz NY strip at lonestar...

Here we go again 01-09-2009 10:37 AM

Taylor- I agree with Cake, you did great! I'm so proud of you.

Where is Ghost and Cali?

So no word if my roommate is going on her weekend trip. I was in bed before she got home last night. Bess believe I will be texting her around 10 to see if there is any word. Talked to the boy and he's going to go home after work and then come to my house later. Which probably works out better..... Even if she doesn't go on her trip, I might let him come over anyways. I have a big comfy chair in my room, huge TV, so we can still chill. I'm just really hoping that she goes....it would make my life easier! She's pretty nosy and I know that she would want to join us and she doesn't drink so she'll be telling us why it's wrong.... Please go on the trip!!!!

CakeBatter 01-09-2009 11:01 AM

Herewegoagain - There nothing wrong with a room mate just a nosey one. Too bad she doesn't realize when three is a crowe. Hopefully she will go on her trip. But if you don't mind me suggesting something: If she doesn't just say "o BTW I am having a new friend come over tonight. I was just letting you know in case you see my door closed or hear us talking and laughing" may be she would get the hint...

Here we go again 01-09-2009 11:59 AM

Disgruntle- He doesn't mind driving the hour home and then driving the hour later, so if he doesn't mind than I don't mind. lol

Cake- Yeah, I could try that but I think it could make it worse b/c she's in her early 40's. She actually has told me that she doesn't think it's right for a girl and a guy to be alone behind close doors. lol I was like oh my. She hasn't said it recently but still. I really don't want to hear her mouth.

CakeBatter 01-09-2009 12:25 PM

Omg >>>>:rofl::rofl:

Here we go again 01-09-2009 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by CakeBatter (Post 2539496)
Omg >>>>:rofl::rofl:


Here we go again 01-09-2009 01:46 PM

Dang it!!!!! Her trip is canceled! Now what do I do? I know that she would say something if have him in my room even if we're just chillin. Dang it! He said he wouldn't be back in town until like 8 so maybe I'll still have him come over. But now, if he gets too drunk he can't stay.... lol don't worry I'm not thinking anything dirty, but I don't want him driving an hour if he's been drinking.

kelli32 01-09-2009 03:38 PM

Maybe you can meet him close by but not too far from your house? Bowling is cheap and most of them have pretty cheap drinks? Or if you don't like bowling just something interactive.. you can always sneak him in late if you guys get too drunk, for sleeping and not drinking and driving purposes of course.

Here we go again 01-09-2009 03:49 PM

Disg-Thanks for the boost of confidence! lol We are just friends with chemistry. lol Trust me, it's been a LONG time, and um I'm not that easy! lol I think I'm going to let him come anyways. He wasn't planning on coming over until 8 or 9 anyways so, I have plenty of time to talk to her.

Kell- That sounds good, but I just want to chill and drink at home. lol and I loved the end of your comment.... of course for driving purposes.

I might need to look into getting a cooler place to stay.... I don't know. We'll see how it goes. lol I hope I have juicy details to bring back.... I'm tired of living vicariously through all of y'all! :) No offense... :)

Taylor86 01-09-2009 04:11 PM

Hwga you better bring back details! Oh and you should get a pedicure at least they always make me feel sexy!

So I am officially connected to 3fc where ever I am as this is my first reply via blackberry and I'm pretty sure it took me an hour to write!

Here we go again 01-09-2009 04:19 PM

Taylor- I'm glad it's working for you! I wish I had a blackberry. I got one when I was in AR so my feet are looking pretty. :) Yes, I will give details.... I hope it does work out for tonight.

HeatherMcG 01-09-2009 05:35 PM

HWG- The trip was cancelled? Sorry! Tell her to shut up! You are a big girl. And as far as I am concerned, what you do is your business. Just BE GOOD! ;)

Taylor86 01-09-2009 06:35 PM

My fiance and I now have matching water bottles and blackberries.

Someone shoot me if we ever become "THAT couple!"


jahjah1223 01-09-2009 06:54 PM

awwww taylor that is sooooooooooooooooo cute!! lol

Taylor86 01-09-2009 07:03 PM

*shakes head* OH DEAR. He pointed it out to me and I nearly died....I don't wanna be THAT couple!

starmac13 01-09-2009 07:12 PM

Taylor - awww hehe that is really cute. But now that you are aware if it, you dont have to become THAT couple if you dont want to

HWGA - have you talked to your roommate? Is she okay with it or is she trying to find some holy water to throw on you? jk though apparently the word adult means nothing anymore.

aneleh 01-09-2009 07:16 PM

Lol that is cute!

Oh oh! Well today I decided to get all dolled up to go out with my bf. Which I haven't done in like wow a long time, more than 6 months! I tried on my new size 7 jeans which look great... except that it squeezed aaall the junk from my trunk into a big muffin top lol :o. Maybe in a few weeks haha. Anyway, I'm wearing heels, and jewlery, and some perfume, SO excited! And we're probably just going to a movie lol.

Taylor86 01-09-2009 07:51 PM

aneleh AWWW now that IS cute! I do the same thing for my man -- I don't think he can tell the difference from my pj's to my sexy jeans but it makes me feel sexy....I mean, I guess he can tell a difference when we get home....;)

Bee20nine 01-09-2009 07:53 PM

Taylor-awwwwww at least you dont have matching tracksuits or something thats on the verge of creepy.

jahjah1223 01-09-2009 08:08 PM

Me and my husband have matching Nikes! but different colors.. it would be weird if he had pink too .. lol

HeatherMcG 01-09-2009 08:47 PM

My husband and I have SOME matching stuff. But, it is forbidden to wear them on the same day! ;)

bjeweled 01-09-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Taylor86 (Post 2537660)
Now I am need some serious :dust: to stick to ONE small glass of wine and no cheese or crackers before dinner. That does mean that I need to eat a small snack before I go over there so I am not starving and get too weak to say no to brie.

what did i do? ;) lol


Originally Posted by Here we go again (Post 2538313)
On another note, I hope that my roommate's trip is still on for this weekend. :( she said it may be cancelled. It would ruin my plans! The hot latino manager was suppose to come over tomorrow night. I don't want her here and him. .

i hope that you are getting ready to get some much needed QT as i write this! you deserve it girl!

so i met this guy online and he is sooo hot! i dont really have anyone that i am dating right now and he will be in st louis on thursday. ironically, i leave on friday to go to the inauguration (i have tickets!!!) i really want to see him and i am really open with him and he is honest with me. i dont want things to move too fast but there is a LOT of s3xual tension...A LOT! i feel like i should just let whatever happens happen, i'm single, young and pretty cute too lol ;)
but i dont know if 25 is a bit toooo old too be adventurous like that and what if we could have a future together i should probably cloooose my legs right, wrong idk NISH where are you?

garstar 01-09-2009 09:24 PM

bjeweled - age means nothing. If you're feeling young and adventurous - then you in fact ARE your and adventurous!!! That simple :)

I saw get all dolled up, meet him - be real, and have fun.

HWGA what a dilemma, I say forget about your roommate - do what you want, be blunt and tell her to leave the house. hah.... well, I guess that's kind of mean... looking forward to how it goes!

matching- how cute. At least you ladies have husbands and boyfriends. I'm living my single life... matching nothing with no one. My new kitten matches the kitchen floor pretty well though.... poor thing gets stepped on a lot... eek!

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