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Old 03-22-2007, 10:51 AM   #16  
Lose that Baby Weight!
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Sorry ladies, have been MIA, things have been crazy. Have been blogging but not visiting you all! Anyway I am back. How is everyone? I am at work right now but will try to play catch up later this evening.
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Old 03-22-2007, 12:24 PM   #17  
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I've got a 6-pack too! Underneath...

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Hi Stephanie!
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Old 03-22-2007, 12:49 PM   #18 everything
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Megan -- Freeze them! We freeze ours (as well as WW tortillas, and bread) all the time, and they're just fine! We just pull out what we need, when we need it.
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Old 03-22-2007, 01:05 PM   #19  
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Thanks, Megan! Those are great calculators. I'm a member of the site, but I've never looked there for the calculators.
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Old 03-22-2007, 01:20 PM   #20  
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Hi Everyone,

It's almost the weekend! Does anyone have anything exciting planned? My friend who was supposed to come last weekend is actually in town this weekend so I"m hoping not to go overboard. I've been avoiding alcohol completely since it seems like I eat when I get home every time without thinking that it will not help my weight loss. Restraint will be in order!
Im trying to make sure I dont indulge at all this week so that if I slip up, it wont have a huge impact. I've been doing really well saying no to treats all over the place so I think I'm allright.

Happy Thursday
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Old 03-22-2007, 02:20 PM   #21 everything
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Well.... my exciting probably doesn't compare to most of your guys' exciting... I'm a little boring (and I like it that way!)...

I have the day off tomorrow! I had to work last weekend and next Saturday, so I asked for tomorrow off and got it. I'm SO EXCITED to just have some ME time (esp. since the boyfriend has school for most of the day). I'm going to have lunch with a very good friend of mine and visit her new workplace, then I'm going to another friend's after dinner to do some stamping and gossiping... Saturday DBF and I are heading home (just 1/2 hour away) to visit both sets of parents and I'm getting a haircut (first since October!), then dinner with his parents. So... not exciting, but I'm happy with my plans!

Feeling nauseous today from drinking two cups of coffee w/ cream in them. Bleah.
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Old 03-22-2007, 02:48 PM   #22  
In Search of Collarbones
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Originally Posted by TracyFAdams View Post
Yoga and pilates might not be a good idea...I've seen so many places, including my yogao and pilates videos, that doing some of the poses can be harmful during that time. It can cause stress and pressure on already painful, swollen areas. But if you've done it before, just ignore me
Funny you should mention that....I was reading one of my Yoga books the other day that was written by a woman that said that the only thing you shouldn't do yoga-wise during TOM is inverted poses- when your pelvis is upside down. the other poses are actually okay, and some are downright good for you! They help speed up the process (gross I know, but who wants TOM to last any longer that it has to?) and help with cramps and such. The author goes on to say that the don't practice yoga during your period myth originated from male yogis, and was taught by female yogis at male-controlled ashrams. Don't you just love how men know everything?
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Old 03-23-2007, 09:22 AM   #23  
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Men don't know EVERYTHING??? <insert my face with wide-eyed look of innocence and eyelashes fluttering demurely here> No sarcasm, there, really. My BF would be laughing his behind off if he heard me say that. Hahaha.

So proud of myself yesterday. I was tired (lack of sleep) and the whole office was dragging in the afternoon. We got a field call and went out, but I dropped my car off at the gym so that I would have to go back there (instead of dropping it off at home) at the end of the workday. Did elliptical for an hour, then wanted something "good" for dinner, so I stopped and got a fresh side of salmon instead of something...well, bad for me. I LOVE salmon so this really was a treat for me - just a healthy one. So it turned out to be a totally OP day. Ha!

Today I'm going to get lots of fresh veggies to cut up ahead of the weekend, and some of those pitas (to freeze - thanks for the idea Shelby), and see what lean meat is on sale. BF has to work tom. so roommate & I are going to an arts festival, and maybe to see a band that night. It's supposed to be gorgeous so I hope BF & I can go fishing Sunday. And I'll be ready w/ healthy food! I'll allow a glass or two of wine Saturday, which will be my high-cal day of the week, but no junk food!

Shelby, enjoy your day off! And the rest of the weekend.

Bikini Dreader, you can do it! Maybe volunteer to be DD to make sure you won't drink? That's my trick when I need something to hold me back. Have fun with your friend!

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 03-24-2007, 08:48 PM   #24  
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HI Everyone,

Thanks for the advice Megan and congrats on your OP day! I ended up having my friend over in the afternoon and then going out for an admittedly high calorie meal which I really enjoyed but did not drink at all. He went out with some other friends after and I admitted to him that I do not want to drink or go out. I'm really focused on losing this weight and staying healthy now. SO, I'm at home now reading everyone's posts and loving it!

I have definitely had a higher calorie weekend than I wanted to and I feel myself on a sabotoge path which I am stopping right now. Yesterday was very high calorie and today, although not terrible, did not make up for yesterday's over indulgence. Well it's ending now. I think seeing that increase in my weight last week was hard for me and I felt myself almost give up. Terrible. Well I'm back on track and going to my really hard gym class tomorrow morning to kick start myself. My weigh in is Monday and I'm dreading seeing another increase. I am going out for dinner tomorrow with some other friends so I will hope to get something not bad. Maybe salmon which I also love Megan!

I hope everyone is having a great and OP weekend!
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Old 03-25-2007, 12:16 PM   #25  
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I came here to confess.

I saw a 2 lb. loss on friday, which was the first that i had seen all month. So what did I do? It was my high point day where i eat a LOT and it is on plan. Yet I am sure that I went over my points for the day. yesterday I blew it big time. My run sort of sucked and i fell two minutes short of what was out lined in the program. And i just laid around and snacked all day. And then the worst happened. I purged. I know that it is wrong and I know that I shouldn't do it and i know all about it. I haven't done it in ages and I don't want to do it ever again. This time I think that it is about the chaos in my life. So I am devoting the day to organization and cleaning in the house. That will keep me from going off plan and help me feel more in control of things. And then lots of yoga and maybe some meditation- maybe i can work out what made me do it and not do it ever again. Today is a new day!

I hope that it isn't inappropriate for me to confess here. It's just that if I admit to it right away, i don't get back in the habit of being secretive.

Megan- way to think ahead with your veggies!! i think i may go to the store and do the same today- thank goodness for spring! I love how the veggie quality goes way up right now. Makes them so much easier to eat when the veggies look so big and bright and flavorful.

Bikini Dreader- I am sure that you can turn it back around so that you don't see a gain. Just with all the going out, watch your salt intake and then you can at least keep your water retention down a good bit.
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Old 03-25-2007, 01:03 PM   #26  
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Today I woke up early and did my tough workout so I feel good about that. Going to attempt to make a healthy choice at dinner tonight although we are having Italian which is always difficult. I am vowing now to have no bread and no dessert! I promise. I was tempted to check the scale today but I'm holding out until tomorrow.

FuturePixie. I hope things turn around for you. Although I have never purged, I have restricted and I have binged - it all seems similar to me. Telling someone is a great idea. The secrecy can keep you in the spiral (I found anyway). Try to stay on plan today. It is a new day.
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