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lemonthyme 09-04-2018 12:09 PM

I did it! I made it through my fast window no issues! Hope you all found the same success today. Tomorrow will be mini goal #2 to strive for.

Slashnl 09-04-2018 01:24 PM


Well, I've been away longer than I thought. I guess I thought I came here last Friday, but I didn't. Then, the long weekend hit. But, back to work.

Sakai: Congratulations on the successful hatch! They are so cute when they are that young. Enjoy your fluffies!! Hope your low carb diet gets you back to feeling good!

Lemon: Good luck on getting the IF back on track. I would bet if you can make it through the week, you'll be doing so much better and it will be easier next week!! One can hope!

Toasted: Well, you have been staying super busy! I'm sure that you can get back to your good habits and have a nice loss for the week! As for the books, quite a few were detective type mysteries. But there are some supernatural ones that I thought might be interesting. I have one that I'm reading now that is looking back at witchcraft times. Ha! Pretty cool.

Uber: Yeah, it is amazing how the little ones can change your priorities. And then, when you do have a little extra time, reading usually wasn't the first thing I would pick to do!! Glad to be back to reading, for sure.

As for me, I have to admit that I ended up not going on the group hike. There were about 20 people who were signed up to go and some were asking about bringing their kids. Ugh! Nothing against kids... and people... but that's just too many bodies around for me to enjoy a hike. I opted instead to go on a hike on Sunday, one that I had done before a long time ago, and then one on Monday that was completely new. It was an amazing hike and the scenery was awesome. The hiking stick was great too. :)

I'm down a little bit from last week, so that's good. But, it isn't going very fast. I did ok over the weekend, but I need to buckle down more with staying on track with food. My goal for the week!

Sakai 09-05-2018 12:16 AM

Toasted - I'm planing on getting back into Ketosis. The first time it took about 5 days and then the second time (went I went off Ketosis for 4 days) it took only 2. But this time I've been off ketosis for about 2 almost 3 weeks and it might just take 5 days again. I found some great recipes on Pinterest. I love that site. So I believe I have my Thanksgiving all ready set up for success. Even found a Pecan pie recipe that only has 3.5 net carbs per slice. I'm excited for that!

Lemon- Woot! Way to go on the Mini goal I STILL haven't hit IF. Maybe I should also try a mini goal to get back into it.
How was the first day of school? Or was it canceled? You can send that rain my way.

Slash- I second that. Too many people. Half the reason I like hiking is because it's quite with nothing but nature and a few footsteps. Good luck on your goal!

As for me. No scale, no weight no IF. I tried today but forgot to take a fat with me for my lunch so I was starving by the time I got off work. I fixed that today. I already made my lunch with the proper amount of fat so I should be IFing over dinner. I don't want to get on the scale and get discouraged. I've very numbers driven. I think I'll just work on getting into Ketosis and taking a page from Lemon and trying mini goals every day. Today my goal is to IF after lunch. Skip dinner and head to bed.
p.s the chicks are doing well. There is one with a bug eye that is blind in that eye. It's been pecked at so we covered it in ointment and let it be. Not sure if it'll survive. It was the first one to hatch but is now the smallest. the other two are eating but I've yet to see this one eat.I hope it's not suffering but I can't bring myself to cull the little thing. Nature, you cruel mistress.

lemonthyme 09-05-2018 05:12 AM


Well my mini goal today to achieve: IF again I hope.

As for me it has been pouring in large deluges. The last I looked we had already 3” rain. I don’t know when that total was done but slowly road closures are coming on in. So much rain with no where to go. Thus far this house has been staying dry and for that I’m thankful after seeing others with huge cleanups.

I get my haircut today. Yeah she left one area on my head longer and well can you say the 80s called and want the fullet right on back?! Good gravy it’s time for it to go.

Sakai: sorry to read about your one chick. Hopefully things settle on that front. Yes giving myself a small thing to achieve is helpful. I really should micromanage numbers too but I’m thinking just getting the IF in is a good start.

Toasted: do not send hurricane storms to the east coast please! Got my trip soon and don’t want to deal w that! Hah! Hope your scale was kind this morning.

Diane: I can understand wanting to do adult hiking vs w kids - mine are younger but I’d do the adult hike and then if I found it great take the kids another time. Good you got out there and moved!

Uber: is your area dry right now? I was reading lake mead is suffering again.

Hello all!

I’m up so early my hands are numb so I’ll make this quick. I’m trying and will see where the IF train will take me. I also aim bit to fall again. I have fallen multiple times in the last few weeks on my deck - it needs to be cleaned because it’s got slimey growth going on. But I’ve asked DH to get that done for me. But you should see the purple I’m sporting on my arms and legs. What a mess!

Good day all- I aim to not float away.

Slashnl 09-05-2018 01:02 PM


Sakai: Sorry about the chick. It happens, but I hate it whenever we have one that isn't quite right, and you have to wait to see if it will survive. Ugh. Good luck on getting back into Ketosis.

Lemon: Too bad we can't share the rain. We're getting pretty dry again here. We have a 20% chance of rain today, and it is cloudy, but 20% is a pretty small percentage. Be careful today, no more bruises!!

As for me, I didn't do well at all yesterday with food. It was a rest day from workouts, but it transitioned into a bad cheat day. I probably needed to skip the rest day part just to keep on track. I was feeling tired from the hikes, so I do think I needed it, but I also needed to keep much more disciplined than I was with food. And the scale responded with an increase. Oh well. Doing better today. I went to spin, so maybe I can keep a little control!!

Sakai 09-05-2018 11:35 PM

Lemon- wow, sounds like you're getting quite a bit of rain. I still say you can send it down to me. ^.^ Glad your house is staying dry. How much more rain is forecasted? How did the haircut go?
Slashnl-I didn't do well either. Rest up and feel better. Sometimes our bodies just need to recover. You have been pretty active.

As for me. I wanted to weigh myself today but forgot and now I've already had my breakfast. I didn't get to my IF goal. I was close. I had my tea like always, and then an hour and a half before bed, I had a snack. It was peanuts, Keto approved, but still...I broke my IF Better luck today.
The pirate chick is still alive and doing okay. I caught him eating so at least I know he's eating. If that eye doesn't cause him any issues, then all should be fine.
I looked at our forecast and I'm excited to see the 100's are gone for good and next week we're expected to hit the 80's. I love fall, it's the best time of the year. Time to dust off my bike.

Slashnl 09-06-2018 01:55 PM


Sakai: Glad to hear that the chick is doing ok. Maybe he/she will make it!! Our weather has improved a lot too, we're in the 80's for the most part now. I saw that it might get to 90 on Saturday, but it is still good. I was pretty tired of high 90's and 100's. Ugh!

As for me, the scale was better today. I was better yesterday with food, so that helped, I think. I am planning to go for a hike after work, as the weather is so nice! Just gotta keep focusing on staying on track with food!!!

Sakai 09-07-2018 12:04 AM

Slashnl- huzzah for nicer weather. I'm going to enjoy it before the cold sets in for sure. Glad the scale was being nice for you. ^.^

As for me, I finally got on the scale and it wasn't as icky as I thought. I gained 5 pounds. So I feel much better than I did before.
Yes, the partially blind chick seems to be doing okay. I even caught him eating, so that's good.
But now I have a second problem. One of my store bought EE's chicks had a wound under its beak. It wasn't bad but we took care of it because the other chicks were pecking it, (They just love the color red) so we cleaned her up and put on some ointment as she did fine, it healed up no problem. Well, today I discovered she developed cross beak / Scissor-beak. I'm sure it's from that wound causing the growth plates to go wonky because she is already 4 weeks old and genetic cross beak shows at 2 weeks of age.
This is a lifelong issue. It will be hard for her to eat and certain accommodation must be made. Mainly keeping the feeder elevated so she can "scoop" in the food rather than peck at it. Most would just cull them because it only get's worse as they get older. I want to try and help this one along as I've waited so long for EE chicks, I'm not ready to let go of one of them before they are even grown.

lemonthyme 09-07-2018 09:59 AM


Sakai: oh dear on your ee chick! Will the others treat it poorly too w it’s issue? Sorry about the weight gain - it sounds like we’ve all stalled and potentially gained. I hopped on the scale last night and it said 231 but waffled to 229. Mind you my IF I’ve done each day this week - but that much lost in a day?! I discovered why as one of my kids left a bracelet on the floor and it got under the scale. So the scale LIED. Hah.

Diane: how are those new books? I’ve been saving up my magazines for beach reading. Always nice to have something printed in front of your nose!

Hello all!

Am: so I’m watching the weather w the hurricanes and potential for striking land. Interrupting my safety window for travel - though interesting to follow at the same time the weather can give me pause.

You saw my scale foibles! I’m afraid I will not be back to the 220s for my trip. I’m half hearted but making it through IF but by evening my food choices tend toward sugar or fat. What good is that then? I haven’t been walking as I’m trying to ready and sew for my trip. In between doctor runs and household chores. I’m behind. Even my yard work is in short distracted bursts!

Happy day all. Here’s hoping your scales look better than my own. I best get those breasts roasted and pulled apart for my salads! At least then I can say I had proteins (which I’m seriously lacking on the last few days)!

Happy weekend!

toastedsmoke 09-07-2018 10:27 AM


Hey guys, I disappeared for a few days not because I was super busy but just because I've been super procrastinate-y? It's been one of THOSE weeks. Anyway, I've been doing moderately well with diet and exercise. Tuesday, the last day I checked in, I think, was a poopshow diet-wise but I have no regrets- it's life, it happens. I was back on track on Wednesday and Thursday and I've kept up with my exercise commitments to myself as well so I give myself the pat on the back. I'm pretty sore from exercise so I'm hoping that the scale is reflecting this and I'm actually back somewhere in the 200 point somethings - or even who knows, 199 point somethings? Going into the weekend, I'm a little concerned because I know how weekends can be for me, but just because my weekends are usually lamentable in terms of staying on plan, doesn't mean this weekend has to be the same.

Lemon: I'm (or I was) a Riesling fan as well and got my family into it as well, so I'm definitely going to look into this Portuguese wine especially going into the Christmas season. I've done a cursory Google and it's not turning up, is it the Aveleda? Yay making it through your fast window. Lol about flinging hurricanes from my end! It's been stormy, raining cats and dogs here too and we're having a little flooding as well. We're on the Atlantic where hurricanes are formed but hopefully, with the storms pouring down on us, they can't build and get to you. Not much to be done as it IS the rainy season but it's late in the season and it looks like the clouds are wanting to make the most of the last 8 weeks or so of official rainy season. Yay haircut, do you like it, fullet or not? I'm seeing the scale victories honoring your efforts, well done! Get it girl!!!!! :carrot: :carrot: :carrot:

Diane: Yay getting in your hike even with a change of plans. I feel you on preferring a less crowded hiking experiece.The witchcraft times book sounds interesting. Is it fiction or non-fiction? Is it set in Boston or in the fantasy witchy realm? I get the cheat day because that was me on Tuesday where you see what you're doing but you just persist because life. Yay being back on track the next day.

Sakai: Hopefully, you're back in ketosis or if not, nearly there. I hope your little chick overcomes the odds and thrives. Being hungry sucks, I hope you've been managing to accomplish IF and fatty lunches. What do you typically eat for lunch? My mom is thinking of going back on keto but she's one to get bored of chicken and mayonnaise so I'd welcome any luncheon suggestions you have. What are your go-to keto lunches and dinners?

Okay guys, I have a meeting and I have to go. Sending hugs and weekend blessings to you all!

Slashnl 09-07-2018 02:08 PM

Sakai: You sound like us with our little birds and animals. We are not hard-core at all. If we can help one survive, we will do it. We will also butcher the birds, but we try to help them along until then! Especially with the egg layers, you gotta help them!! I'm sure that she'll appreciate your efforts!! ha!

Lemon: Sounds like you are getting stuff ready to go for your trip! That will be fun. I was thinking that I might try putting a bracelet under my scale. Ha!

Toasted: We need to both try to have a good weekend! I'm hoping to do a little better than normal, too. As for the book, it has been really good. It is called "The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane", by Katherine Howe. I didn't know too much about the author, so I looked it up. Evidently, this was made into a movie, but I never heard of it. I like the way it bounces back and forth from current times to back in the days of the Salem Witch Hunts in the 1600's. Really a good read.

As for me, I had plans to get a lot of stuff done this weekend, but my husband wants to go fishing. I thought I could get out of going, but I could tell he wants me to go. Ok.... I guess that's better than him not wanting me to go!! I went to spin this morning, there were only 2 other people other than the instructor, so that was different. It was a good class. Now I just need to behave with food over the weekend. :)

ubergirl 09-07-2018 03:20 PM

Hi everybody-- unfortunately I got started writing a long post and then I don't know what happened, I got distracted I guess and closed it out-- and now it's gone.

Sakai: Taking care of your chicks sounds like a full-time job! Do you have problems with coyotes where you are? I'm so interested in getting some chickens, but the coyotes are so bold around here-- there was one standing by my swimming pool in broad daylight two days ago. Ugh. We have a canyon behind our house and you can hear them at night-- it's bone-chilling. Glad to hear that you got back on the scale and it wasn't too bad. I know what you mean about being so hungry if you don't have enough fat in your diet-- hope you're back in keto soon.
Diane: I'm with you about preferring solitary hikes. It seems like the very best part about hiking is the quiet. I don't think I'd enjoy going with a group either. Glad that you are having nice weather and the scale is cooperating.
Lemon: LOLOLOL I got such a chuckle when I misread your post. When you said "I have to get these breasts roasted" I thought "Why is she roasting her breasts??? In my mind, I'm imagining lemon somewhere on a sunny beach, untying those bikini top straps... :D And all of a sudden I realize you're talking about dinner. Ha!

Toasted: I hope your weekend went well and did not turn out to be too lamentable (hahaha, only a verbal whiz would describe her upcoming weekend as possibly lamentable. :D) I love the idea that your scale is floating near "the great divide" and hopefully you will be seeing lots of 3 digit numbers starting with 1 in the near future!

So for me, down to 203 this morning! I'm finally being forced to buy new clothes-- I've been nursing along the 3X tops, thinking that they looked "flowy" but now they're so big they look comical. Also bit the bullet and went bra shopping. I went to Nordstrom and tried on the same cup size in a smaller band size and it didn't fit, and I thought how on earth am I ever going to figure out what size I wear?? So, googled for bra shops and realized that there was one that actually does a personal fitting for you quite near my house. I was kind of embarrassed to go, but boy am I glad I did. I was wearing a 44F. So, she brings me a bra and right off the bat, it fit perfectly. Get ready for this. 38J. I kid you not. Who even knew that there was such a thing as a J cup. Yikes! But here I was in a band size that was 6" too big. And the crazy thing is that wearing a bigger cup size actually made my overall bust measurement decrease from 48" to 45" and I don't even know why. I guess because the girls are just better supported? It's so hard to know what to do about clothes. I'm hoping to lose about 10 to 15 more pounds and right now I'm about a 14 or 16 pant and between an L and and XL top. I really don't see myself going smaller than a 14 pant and L top because I have a big waist and I'm booby and I'm built pretty big and I've got a typical older lady, post four kids, lumpyish body. But I was the exact same way the last time I lost a lot of weight. It's so CRAZY to just walk into a normal sized store and shop that I can't get enough of it!!!! :D

lemonthyme 09-10-2018 06:23 AM

Uber: that must be fun and exciting to have to try on sizes you haven’t seen in years. As for the bra - you know my conundrum in finding one that fits. Problem is around here there is no one to help fit you who is very knowledgeable I mean we are grasping at vs or jcp and in the end you are handed the wrong size or laughed at (my experience). I did have some luck w lane Bryant but then determined after I bought the darn things the underwires were too long. That said yeah for finding someone that knows their business!

Sakai: how are all your chicks doing? I hate when they gang up on the odd one. We had that w ours growing up. Hopefully you’re with age get over that.

Toasted: you sent wacky weather at the wrong time! I don’t think we’ll be making our trip. Funny how things you somewhat look forward to doing in the end turn out a different way and you find some disappointment even though you were waffling about going in the first place.

Diane: how did your book finish? I like it when they become an easy and fun read. I had to put one down because it sure wasn’t for me it was almost a struggle to get through a chapter.

Hello all!

Am: not sure the trip is a go due to the impending hurricane cycle. I know I know ‘tis the season and all - but what a plan interrupter. Unless they change course or get wind in their sails and move quicker we aren’t going.

My weight - I have no idea - I got caught up in the weekend and bad eating. I’m still one for finding something that could miraculously have a button pushed and it all goes away pronto - no baggy skin and good health to boot! On top of it all I think I’m stress eating. Got to love that. No I don’t, but what is one going to do.

May you all have a good start to your week. It’s like 45 here this morning. Brrrr but nice at the same time.

Slashnl 09-11-2018 06:17 PM

Hey all. Just a quick check in. I am having issues with a tooth, so I've been out of touch with weighing and such. I'll find out for sure tomorrow, but might need a root canal. Just trying to survive the day right now. Hurts a lot! I'll check back soon.

toastedsmoke 09-12-2018 08:32 AM

Hey everyone. Just a quick check in. The weekend WAS lamentable. The scale is however A JOKE. I've been getting my workouts in. I have been so-so with food. It is what it is.

Diane: The book sounds really interesting. I'm going to check it out. How was your weekend? Mine wasn't the worst it's ever been, but it wasn't great either. Sorry about your tooth. Have you been able to see a dentist? Hopefully it's nothing too serious and you've gotten some relief.

Uber: There's little worse than having written a long, juicy post or at least the beginnings of one, and then it going AWOL. Congratulations on both scale and non-scale victories! :broc: :broc: :broc: My scale is being mean to me or I'm being mean to my scale, well in any case, the scale isn't doing nice things in the right direction. I'm also constantly sore from exercise and my diet is only so-so, so I'm not sure yet what numbers are real. I'm just plugging along living life and trying to make good decisions and hoping the scale cooperates. Here's to the 1**'s for both of us- may we soon find Onederland! (And now I break into a Taylor Swift song for the rest of the afternoon. Yaaaasss earworm! :eyeroll: )

Lemon: I'm so sorry to see what the weather is potentially doing to your vacation. Any news? Is it a go or is it cancelled? What happens if it's cancelled? When will you know? I hope the hurricane bypasses land and property and lives in the end and that you still get to go on your vacation. Work is really busy and really hectic so I've been feeling really unbalanced and stressy and I've been stress eating ALLLLL the things. I had chocolate-covered Oreos for breakfast. I don't even LIKE Oreos, but there I was munch munch munch. I've also had crackers and a coke. I was going to get more crackers but fortunately, I'm at work and I'm self-censoring because I share my office with my colleague and I still plan to eat lunch in about half an hour. Can't believe it's gotten so cold so quickly where you are. Winter is Coming! (said ominously. Not that I've ever watched the show but there was a period where EVERYONE here was saying it).

Okay guys, I have a meeting in an hour and a half that I have to get ready for and I've done NONE of the required reading so I have to go. Take care all.

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