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Martine 11-05-2017 07:55 AM

opheliapheonix I was just telling my husband last night that we should start watching season 2 of Stranger Things. Probably today, as it's rainy and gloomy and there's not much you can do on those days. Your 220s are my 230s. When I lost the most weight a couple of years ago, I could never get below 230. But we can and shall pass through the dreaded decades.

As I feared, I sort of crashed yesterday after such a long work day on Friday. Did some grocery shopping in the morning and then fell asleep for most of the afternoon as David was attending a funeral service. By supper time, I just could not find enough energy to exercise. I did not notice that I was dehydrated by the evening and chugged a bottle of water. With an extra hour of sleep (and I DID sleep more than usual last night and had wild dreams too), I feel better this morning and got my workout out of the way so I don't have to stress about it.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

01: 38 minutes cardio upper body workout
02: 38 minutes HIIT workout
05: 34 minutes upper body strength workout

curvynotlumpy 11-05-2017 03:38 PM


I hope everyone is well this Sunday.

Martine: I always find it difficult just to leave when I have vacation days planned. I think it's because even though I'm on vacation, the work isn't and I try mightily to plan for contingencies while I'm away. On of my fellow supervisors left a couple of weeks ago without much guidance to her staff and with unresolved program plans. It has left those of us not on leave with the proverbial "bad taste in our mouth" and more than a little resentful. I'm sure your staff appreciates your planning and mindfulness as it benefits not only you but especially them. I hope you enjoy your time off.

opheliaphoenix: I understand what you're saying about feeling like your body is teasing you. My body does the same thing with the 210s. Today I was at 209. Who knows what the scale will say tomorrow. However, you are far more consistent with your eating than I am so when the scale jumps I know why! :dizzy:

Yesterday was our first real :rain: and cold fall day. I love those kind of days though, especially on the weekend. I went to a good friend's funeral and reception yesterday morning/afternoon. It was so beautiful and heartwarming to see the families of he and his wife fill the church and the reception that followed. It truly was a celebration of life and there were as much laughter as there were tears. He will be missed!

Wishing everyone a wonderful rest of your Sunday.

opheliaphoenix 11-05-2017 04:23 PM

Martine: You'll have to let me know how you like it once you guys get to watch it and finish it up. :yes: And, good job getting the workout out of the way first thing so you don't run into any excuses not to do it like I've been doing lately...lol.

Curvy: Hopefully, the scale will keep stop teasing us and keep moving down for us both this month! I am sorry that there were funerals for both you and Martine's husband to attend yesterday, but it is nice that the one you went to for your friend was a lovely celebration of his life. I hope the same can be said for mine when the time comes --- hopefully many decades down the road, of course! He sounds like he was very loved.


Okay, I'm getting sick of this number now. :dizzy: Better down than up, but still....grr. It's frustrating, lol. However, I didn't go for a walk last night and, while I did a little better on the water, I still didn't do that great, so I'd say that's on me. Definitely going to MAKE myself get out and get moving today, so I can see if I can break this mini-plateau tomorrow. :running:

Week One
01: 230.4
02: 230.0
03: 230.8
04: 230.6
05: 230.2
Total Loss for Week One:

gulfmagnolia 11-05-2017 04:24 PM

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!

Ophelia You are losing and winning! I always always always stall out right before a decade change or a significant personal goal. Shucks, I've been hovering above Onederland for a month and a half. Stick to your guns :chockiss:

Martine As ever, you are my workout hero.

Today was the dreaded day, weigh in day....it wasn't as bad as I was anticipating. It wasn't good, considering I should be 20lbs lighter, but I hyped myself up for much worse and was relieved. Trying not to beat myself up, and instead saving the mental scolding for when I think about slacking on exercise or going for a binge. Originally I was going to get a personal trainer as reward for Onederland and my halfway point. Technically I should be there now. As motivation, and to spice things up a bit, I'm going today after work to get a gym membership. The Planet Fitness near me has classes included in the membership, and available one on one time with trainers. Kickstart!

11/1: no weigh in
11/5: 210.8

opheliaphoenix 11-05-2017 05:07 PM

gulfmagnolia: I have noticed I always seem to do that, as well! I wonder why our bodies do that? :chin: Haha. And, that is awesome about getting your gym membership later today!! I bet having access to the classes as well will be a fun way to kickstart your desire for exercise and having some fun with it! You'll have to let us know how those go when you start checking them out. :yes:

LauraRVA42011 11-06-2017 09:26 AM

Hey all,

Well, let me say, the brief 24 hour trip to New Orleans did not disappoint! We crammed everything into one day and the scale is letting me know. I gained 6 lbs but I know most of it is water based on the breakdown on my scale (either that or I gained 5lbs of muscle in two days, which I know I did not - we walked, but not that much); the body fat reading didn't change only the muscle weight, which suggests water retention. I'm not at all upset because I know it is easily reversible. Already back on the balanced food train. I have a business trip starting Thursday over the weekend, so I know I'll need to be much more mindful of my choices.

I figure I got the uncontrolled eating/drinking out of my system for a very long time, so it will be fine.

Have a great week!!

Martine 11-06-2017 01:05 PM

LauraRVA42011 glad you had such a great time in New Orleans. What scale do you use to get more detailed readings? I'm sure the number will go down quickly as you get right back into your routine.

gulfmagnolia joining a gym where you can have one-on-one time with a trainer is a terrific way to change it up and get the weight loss going again. What kind of classes are you looking into?

opheliapheonix we watched the first episode of Stranger Things 2 yesterday. No spoilers! Hope you finally break through to the 220s soon.

curvynotlumpy very sorry to hear about your friend's passing. But it sounds like it was a lovely service celebrating life.

Got up early to have breakfast with my husband before he left for work. Then I fell back asleep on the couch for an hour or so. I forced myself to get up and since the rain had stopped and the sky was clearing up, I went on a walk before I'd change my mind. I'm trying to enjoy the mild weather, because it will be below zero Celcius at the end of the week. Not ready for Winter.

01: 38 minutes cardio upper body workout
02: 38 minutes HIIT workout
05: 34 minutes upper body strength workout
06: 5.3km walk

opheliaphoenix 11-06-2017 03:34 PM

Laura: Yes, that definitely sounds like water retention to me, as well. I'm glad you had a great time! :)

Martine: Spoilers are the worst, lol....don't worry, I won't be saying anything! ;) And, good job taking advantage of the rain clearing to head out during one of your last decent days of tolerable weather. :running:


Weigh-in was 229.0 today, so I'm happy that my little mini-plateau seems to have finally broken, and I hope it keeps moving down from here on out. I want to push through as much of the 220s as I can before losing any momentum again...lol. I didn't head out for a walk until it was already dark out last night, but I was feeling so bad about not being consistent with it (and the resulting stall) that I found a path that keeps me in the neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods with street lights, so my husband was more okay with me heading out after dark, because I was able to stay decently close to the house and still get in a 3.5 mile round with all the ins and outs. He said he might go with me today (for the first time since we've moved!), so I hope he does tonight...it's always nice having the company and a little alone time with him, even if it's just walking and talking. :yes:

Week One
01: 230.4
02: 230.0
03: 230.8
04: 230.6
05: 230.2
06: 229.0
Total Loss for Week One:

LauraRVA42011 11-06-2017 06:01 PM

Martine I have the Nokia Body + wireless scale. I got it from a health vendor that are working for my company as part of their wellness program. The readings are shown both on the scale and in the phone app.

gulfmagnolia 11-07-2017 12:42 AM

Martine Right now the classes that my PF offers are weight training, circuit, and cardio all with trainers. This works out for me since I have zero idea about free weights and machines, so to be able to follow along and learn is great. My coworker shanghaied me into taking a trial karate class with her in a few weeks. I like hitting things, so that should be fun.

Ophelia Walking and talking with a loved one is my favorite. Moving along makes the words come easier, and conversation with your love makes the walking seem effortless. Truly, one of my favorite past times.

Laura I am so glad you enjoyed your time in NOLA!

Curvy The celebration of life you attended sounds lovely. I'd like my end party to be that way, with happiness and love. Knowing my friends, I'm sure it will be a real humdinger...they'll close the place. I like to think that the legacy we really leave behind is the way we made others feel, and from the sound of it your friend left quite a legacy. Must remind myself to be a little sweeter, and leave a little more sun than rain in this world. And use more turn signals, fewer hand signals.

curvynotlumpy 11-07-2017 10:57 AM

Good morning :coffee2:

Waking up to a cool crisp day that is the epitome of fall! Weight remains steady at 209 so I won't complain.

gulfmagnolia: Thank you for the kind words regarding my friend's celebration of life. We share similar thoughts about our end party. That's exactly what I want. Lots of laughter, lots of food! My friend had his reception catered by an excellent local steakhouse and his wife told us that he wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Have never tried karate, but my gym used to offer a kick-boxing class which I loved. I always envy gyms that offer real boxing courses where you can hit something! :lol: Go for it! :workout:

opheliaphoenix: Glad to hear you found an alternative lit path for your walks and that you won't have to sacrifice mileage. It's a great time of year to walk so I know your husband won't regret getting out there with you.

:wave: LauraRVA42011. Sounds like you made the most of your 24 hours! Yep, that gain is temporary.

Martine: Clearly you needed some extra sleep. Vacations are a good time to get in some much needed rest.

Wishing everyone a good and productive day. :hug:

opheliaphoenix 11-07-2017 03:30 PM

gulfmagnolia: I agree! I really hope he starts going with me again. :yes:

Curvy: It's finally starting to feel like Autumn here, as well...at least in the mornings until a little later in the afternoon, where it is still pretty warm. (I won't complain about that, though...because it is already snowing where my best friend lives! Brrrr. :shocksn: ) This is just my favorite season, so I am enjoying the cooler mornings where I get to dress cozily and drink my coffee...lol. :coffee:


Weigh-in was 228.0 today, so that is 4.4 lbs down for the week. Glad I was able to start moving down again before the week ended! :yes: My husband didn't end up going on the walk with me yesterday, but he said he'd go with me next time if I went a little earlier in the day...so, I will have to test that theory. ;)

Week One
01: 230.4
02: 230.0
03: 230.8
04: 230.6
05: 230.2
06: 229.0
07: 228.0
Total Loss for Week One: 4.4 lbs.

Cute Ghost 11-07-2017 03:51 PM

Hello everyone :)

I finally rememberd to check in. I neglected my weight for a few days, but it only went up a little bit. Trying out a list now, maybe it will help.

07: 230,2

Martine 11-07-2017 05:17 PM

Cute Ghost nice to see you back. What kind of list are you making? I'm a list-maker for work, groceries, sometimes chores, but never tried it for weight loss.

opheliapheonix glad you could find a safe path to walk in the evenings. With turning back the clock this past weekend, it gets dark at 5pm here. But at that time of day, it's still very busy so it's safe to walk. Good luck on getting your husband to walk with you. David does with me sometimes (rarely).

curvynotlumpy what's cool and crisp for you? It was just below zero Celcius this morning here. Hope you've had a great day.

gulfmagnolia classes with trainers sound great. Karate will be a terrific workout too. You'll discover muscles you never thought you had.

I braved the first morning where temperatures were under the freezing point and went for another long walk. Layers are my friends, as well as my trusty tuque and gloves. Tomorrow I have appointments at the dentist (cleaning) and the hairdresser, so I won't be able to exercise in the morning. Will have to find some energy in the afternoon, when I've been napping...

01: 38 minutes cardio upper body workout
02: 38 minutes HIIT workout
05: 34 minutes upper body strength workout
06: 5.3km walk
07: 5.3km walk

Cute Ghost 11-07-2017 06:26 PM

Martine I am going to write down my weight every day so that i can see every little change and cannot ignore it like i sometimes used to. I am also going to try writing down what i eat more detailed than before. :)

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