3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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ShelBl 11-27-2013 02:25 PM

TheSecondHalf - Cake is my toxic bestie. The one that says "come on! It'll be FUN!" and then runs when the cops come.

I decided to do a pre-Thanksgiving weigh in to keep myself on track, fully expecting to be back in the mid 290s. There may be something to this lower carb heresy ladies... I don't feel like I've been particularly good other than making more no or low carb choices, and I'm at 286 today.

..after I stuffed myself nearly sick on homemade Jambalaya that one of the guys brought in last night. We're all over the shock of the office shutting down now, and all keep joking about how if nothing else, it's a guaranteed weight loss not working there anymore.

TheSecondHalf, if I see the cooking fairies, I will send them your way. If you see the house cleaning fairies, tell them they're late and to get their butts over here. This house isn't going to clean itself!!

Think of the Midas-like riches someone would have if they could work out THAT idea....

In the meantime, here's something to watch while you're resting from turkey wrestling. Things you might not have noticed in Pitch Perfect One of the girls at work also created a Pitch Perfect drinking game, which she has promised to share.

Have a fantastic Wednesday/Thanksgiving/Black Friday ladies. I am thankful for all of you and the support our little group has given me. :)

TheSecondHalf 11-27-2013 03:20 PM

OMG, who notices things like that! I can not imagine. You can move furniture in my HOUSE and it might take me a few days to figure it out. Thanks for the link!

CeeJay 11-28-2013 07:57 AM

Good morning,

Struggling a lot this week. Basically a lot of sabotaging thoughts like: "I can't do it", "it's too hard", "I give up" and so on. Yesterday I was really feeling sorry for myself and sort of down about it all. Interesting that when I am not eating healthy now I am sad and upset. Is that progress? Anyway, woke up early this morning determined to get back on track. Made lunch and dinner for today (night in hotel) and am ready to get back at it.

Hope everyone doing well!

TheSecondHalf 11-28-2013 09:23 AM

Sorry you're struggling, CeeJay. Sometimes it does seem impossible. I like to find success stories and read through those. Sometimes it helps me to see that most people take years to get from where I am to a "normal' weight - but they FEEL BETTER almost from the start. It makes me hopeful and ready to try again.

Hope your day goes great! Take care!

ShelBl 11-28-2013 05:12 PM

CeeJay You can do this! We can all do this. One day at a time. Sometimes for me it's one hour at a time or one craving at a time. But we're all going to get there in our own time. <3

TheSecondHalf 11-29-2013 10:14 AM

Wellllll...everyone make it through Thanksgiving ok? I held my breath, said a prayer, and jumped on the scale. I weigh two pounds less. What the what, Universe? I mean, I'll take it - but how?

I did limit myself to one serving at lunch and I skipped anything I wasn't SUPER interested in. We didn't have a huge crowd this year but I do hate to over eat in front of people so that wasn't difficult. I tried a few bite-sized bits of dessert because how are you supposed to commit to one when there are like, nine? Again, skipped anything that I was kind of meh about. I have finally learned that cheesecake, although it looks amazing, doesn't really do anything for me and that's a huge fat and calorie bomb I can skip. Had very limited leftovers for dinner. It was great.

Hope you all had a nice day with family. I'm kind of bitter about all the stores that are opening up on Thanksgiving Day. I really REALLY wish people would stay home and not support that madness. As a former retail worker, I promise that all the rumors you hear - only the people who volunteer work, they get bonuses, they get commission, etc - not true. Some (in fact most) won't even get holiday pay. It stinks. And that's my rant for today.

ShelBl 11-29-2013 05:22 PM

Hello lovely ladies. Hope you all had a drama free holiday!! (With my inlaws, that's the best I can ever hope for. :D )

I fell back into old habits yesterday, eating whatever I want, eating even after I was full.... 290 this morning. I'm really, really disappointed in myself after I was doing so well earlier this week. :(

TheSecondHalf 11-30-2013 10:50 AM

Drama-free, kind of quiet. Pretty sure my blood is about 80% casserole. Haven't eaten a lot quantity-wise but it's a rough story nutrition-wise. Can not drink enough water!!!

CeeJay 11-30-2013 11:41 AM

Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I have had 2 solid days on plan now. Whew...was getting worried. My weight for November 30th is the same as November 1st.-- 288. And in there I was down at one point to 285 and up at one point to 293. I need to stop this pattern and just go down and stay down.

TheSecondHalf- yay for a drama-free Thanksgiving. And for 2 pounds gone. Sounds like you did a good job dealing with Thanksgiving dinner. :cp::cp::cp:

Totally agree with you about stores opening on holidays. And could not believe what we saw on TV of the crazed shoppers yesterday. My mom said something like she would say they were behaving like animals but that would be an insult to animals.

ShelBl-hope the in-laws behaved on Thanksgiving. I think you and I are maybe on the same roller coaster ride. Time to jump off. :D

Talk to you later!

CeeJay 12-02-2013 09:08 AM

Good morning

Don't know what happened but scale wooshed down to 285 this morning. The scale is suspect and I know there is little use in focusing on numbers. that being said, that sure felt good.

Have a good day everyone!

TheSecondHalf 12-02-2013 09:22 AM

Up to 296??? So...yeah, no idea. I've got my notebook out and I'm counting calories, old skool. This next month is going to be CRAZY busy...well, next few months. After Christmas, we have a month of birthdays followed by GS cookies. One good thing about being a GS leader, cookies have lost all their allure.

ShelBl 12-02-2013 02:20 PM

291 this morning after another episode of gorging myself on mashed potatoes yesterday. :censored: When will I learn?

Getting more and more anxious about my trip and having to wedge myself into an airplane seat.

Send us some of that 285 mojo, Ceejay :D

CeeJay 12-03-2013 09:41 AM

Good morning

Scale went from 285 to 288 this morning. So I probably weigh somewhere in there. Oh well, I know if I follow a healthy food plan it will really be 285 soon.

TheSecondHalf- good for you counting calories and writing it down. It is a pain sometimes, but it keeps you on track. I am trying to do the same.

ShelBl- where are you going on your trip? I know exactly what you mean about the airplane seats. I get on planes with huge anxiety about the belt. I am going on a trip in January and want to be 280 or less by then and the seat belt is a huge motivator.

Have a great day!


skinnyki 12-03-2013 10:52 AM

Hi all just going to jump right in bc u guys are right in the same boat as me. I am 291.3 today last week I was 290.0 on the nose. The TOM and Thanksgiving has thrown me off. Cant wait until I am 289 or lower will be so happy!! I have a question what do u guys do as far as exercise? I have lost 20 lbs with little to no exercise. I read somewhere that without exercise you can lose the weight and basically be the same size. This particular article said that a woman wass 285 and went down to 225 with no exercise and was in the same size. That will really suck! I feel like that is happening to me I am basically in the same size with a 20 lb weight loss I may have lost a couple inches but that is it. What are ur thoughts?

TheSecondHalf 12-03-2013 04:25 PM

I don't think it's physically possible to lose that much weight and still be the same size. I do think it's possible to wear stretchy everything and still be in more or less the same size - because stretchy clothes accommodate a range of sizes. Or perhaps she had sever diastasis recti (abdominal separation) that would require surgery to repair and her WAIST stayed the same size. What was the source of the article and was it trying to sell you anything?

Personally, I'm a walker. Outside with my daughter or the Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. I like to walk. I also have a recumbent bike that I enjoy. It's super comfortable. Regular bikes are hard on my lower back. I'd LOVE to move to a regular (outside and everything!) bike in the next year, but for right now my lower back does not agree.

I used to like swimming but we've moved and no longer have a pool. I could join a club, but I'm not that confident (yet!)>

What do you LIKE to do? Don't get overwhelmed and feel like you have to do everything at once. If you can't decide what to do, put on your shoes and go for a walk.

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