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SmallSteps 05-13-2013 02:23 PM

My NSV for this week is to just get back on track.

elvislover324 05-13-2013 02:53 PM

My doctor was reviewing my blood tests with me that I had done last week. He said my cholesterol is better than his!! (And he is the epitome of health when you look at him!)

mnemosyne 05-13-2013 03:14 PM

I was throwing away the empty bag o' broccoli I had along with lunch, and accidentally threw away my index-finger ring because it just flew off. My hands aren't even wet!

Issaknits 05-13-2013 03:59 PM

My work chair has been a bit wonky in the balance and creaky noise departments because I've always been over the manufacturer's set weight limit. Today's the first time I've noticed that it hasn't made a single creak all day.

Silverfire 05-15-2013 11:35 AM

I got whistled at this morning, with along with some suggestive eyebrow raises ... :lol:

Granted, it was from a kinda creepy old guy, but it still made me smile and giggle like a little girl anyway.

KindaSortaAthlete 05-15-2013 01:41 PM

I have a couple:

1- When going through the McDonald's drive thru for my nephew, I stuck to my plan of eating the leftovers I had at home and didn't order anything for myself.

2- I was supposed to go to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner with some friends tonight. I'm mostly vegetarian and had been looking over the menu trying to find anything I could eat, that preferably didn't come with a mound of fries (or anything fried really). I decided that I'd eat before going, and probably just get a side salad or something. Well, 1 friend had to cancel, and the others were not feeling so motivated to go out... So I suggested we just reschedule, which means I'm saving some money and having better food options tonight!

That sort of sounds like I'm ditching a social situation to try to eat better... But I've been going out to eat a LOT lately and am really happy to be able to pass on one night out!

Hope you're all having a lovely day :)

Kat117 05-15-2013 03:38 PM

kinda a convoluted NSV - went shopping for the first time to buy new clothes, other than required bras and undies.

I thought I was just starting to edge into a 12... and am wearing large in teh clothes I have at home. To my extreme disappointment, I couldnt find anything at JC Penny that fit that wasnt an extra large or a 2x - which I know in my head is wrong, because at 179 I am not a 2x - I was that at 250.

The victory? that even as depressing and frustrating as the day was, I didnt let it get me completely down and decided that I will just stick with what is in my closet for now.

LebenAlles 05-16-2013 10:54 AM

I went to Target yesterday to celebrate getting a new position at work that I interviewed for...Everything I purchased was a size Large in the regular section. I know they vanity size and I know Large isn't what most would consider a victory, but it felt really really nice to not have to get the biggest size there..or even the next to biggest (they go up to XXL in the regular section).

Garnet2727 05-16-2013 06:59 PM

For the first time in 20 years, I tucked my shirt into my pants for work. I went shopping in a friend's closet last August. One of the items of clothing I obtained was a black, long-sleeved, tailored-style shirt. The shirt was actually too small for me then; I couldn't button the bottom two buttons over my belly. This morning, I tried it on a whim. It buttoned all the way! But the style of the shirt is such that is just wouldn't look good untucked. I almost put it back in the closet but then I thought, "Oh, what the ****." I tucked it into my pants and took one of my quick, kind of cross-eyed looks in the mirror. "OK, not bad," I thought and off to work I went.

So right there was an NSV. I tucked my shirt in after two decades of not doing that because I was too fat. Well, I'm still fat (and working on it!) but not so much that I can't wear a shirt tucked into a pair of business trousers.

I had an additional NSV. This one may seem odd. Throughout the day, each time I went to the bathroom at work, I took a long look at myself in the mirror and found that I don't like this outfit. That's my second NSV. How in the world is that an NSV? It's because of why I don't like this outfit. I don't like it because it's too mannish. The shirt hides my curves! Oh, no, no, no! I'm not doing all this work to hide what I've accomplished! No sirree! My days of camouflaging my body are OVER.

That shirt is going right into the donate bag after I wash it this weekend.


Keep Moving Forward 05-17-2013 01:10 AM

I was able to sit comfortably in a narrow, old theater seat tonight that I know I wouldn't have even fit into a few months ago :D

Lishar 05-17-2013 01:27 PM

Garnet congratulations on tucking your shirt it. I had a little happy dance the day I felt confortable tucking mine in. Doing that finally made people at work notice my weight loss.

That was my NSV this week. People at work finally noticed my loss. After 60lbs I would have hoped they would. Not wearing baggy cloths and tucking in my shirt really showed them. I was called a skinny minnie. LOL.

I agree I am putting shirts away if they don't show my hard work. I hate to give up shirts but if they are too big they just hide my new shape. I too have a ways to go but I am loving the way I am looking too.

elvislover324 05-17-2013 01:59 PM

:hun: Nachos were ordered for our group last night and I wasn't even tempted to take even just one! (I kept thinking the restaurant used cheap processed cheese :cheese: and why would I dare sabotage myself now?)

And all of the compliments from everyone on my weightloss were special to me (but that would be a scale victory, right??:goodscale) !

I had skipped the last few get-togethers as I was too embarrassed to be near the skinny-minny wives. Now I'm only about 50lbs from them so I don't have much more to go (gasp!).:yikes:

fitmama84 05-17-2013 03:56 PM

My NSV was simply starting. I started Weight Watchers, and I did an exercise video.

elvislover324 05-19-2013 08:51 PM

Tried on a size 12 (vanity sized!) denim skirt at TJ Maxx today and it fit!! I'd have to wear a top that covered the waist area real well but it's a freakin' 12!! I would also leave the size tags VERY visible for everyone to see. ;)

I didn't buy it as I just couldn't even believe it. It's between that skirt and a size large dress at Kohl's that I want. A large!!! I haven't been a 12 or a large in at least 10 years, if not more. *insert happy dance here*

The bad news is my size 16 capris that I just had to have are really loose now when I have them on an hour or more even with a belt. I think it was 2 months ago I was squeezing my butt into them and holding my breath to zip and button.

This weightloss thing is getting really good!!

IanG 05-19-2013 08:53 PM

34 inch waist pants and large (not XL or even XXL any more) T-shirts and boxers. 17 inch collar shirts, even tailored fit.

Can't believe it. I used to wear a 34 inch waist pant in high school!

I am blowing so many $$$$ on clothes! It's killin' me. But, hey, my luggage is still AWOL!

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