Support Group For Moms Of Young Children

  • Hi there
    I found a really cool thread of young Mom's, however it does not appear to have had any action lately. If it is still going, but is somewhere else let me know.....
    If not are there any takers out there.
    I am a working mom of two boys; 5 and 2
    I as mnay of us have gained weight slowly and steadily over the years. I am determined to become healthy for myself and my children. If this is a thread that is on interest to you lets help each other on our journey.
  • I would be interested! I am a new member. I have 5 and 3 year old boys and am a full time stay at home mom. This is the biggest I've ever been and the hardest time I've had losing weight. It would be great to have some support from other moms with young kids!
  • Well jenjen22 so far it is the two of us and are boys are VERY close in age. I would love to keep in touch with you here. Losing weight is a battle and it is nice to have some friends who can kick each others butt once in a while or just to have a place to vent and hopefully get some encouraging words.
    I also am part of a weigh in Thursdays group if you are interested. Are you following a particular program?