New Here!

  • Hi- My name is Misty. I am starting on the road to trying to lose some weight. I just had a baby about 11 mos ago and although I have lost all the "baby weight" I have some from before I was pg that needs to go. I currently weigh 158 and my goal weight is about 120. My downfalls are usually carbs and chocolate. I know that I'm addicted to sugar even tho I don't always eat it every day. When I crave it- get out of the way. I eat when I'm bored and alone usually. My hubby is an extremely active and very fit person. It's not like I have a ton of weight to lose but it's still hard kwim? Thanks for any support and advice!!
  • Hey Misty, welcome! It is always hard to lose weight and keep it off. How about increasing your movement/exercise as part of your plan? Not with your husband--if he's fit and trim already, he will be way farther along than you, and trying to "work out" together would probably just be discouraging for you. Do you have a local "Y" where you could take some classes such as low-impact aerobics? Or deep water aerobics? Of course, you would need a sitter, but sometimes the "Y" has sitting service available. Or a friend or family member could help out.

    It might help you to have a food plan you can stick to, one that doesn't call for lots of food preparation or meals very different from what your family eats. And as for the chocolate/sugar problem, get it out of the house! No really, that's the only way some of us can stay away from it. Stock up the house with healthy snack foods instead, and come up with other things you can do when you're bored or lonely besides snack.

    Above all, keep trying! You've come to a good place for information and support here.