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Old 05-15-2001, 10:32 PM   #16  
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Hi Ladies

Well I didn't bowl on my league tonight because I've had so much to do tonight.It's been crazy trying to get everything ready for Chris & Zach (Zach lives with us) to graduate next Tuesday night. Last night we went to their School to watch them get awards.It was very exciting!

Congrats on the 2.8 weight loss! Seems to me that you lost what I gained! See...I found it! Thanks for posting with CJ & I on the exercise thread! You're doing soooooooo good! I wouldn't know how to use all the machines if I did go to a gym!! LOL!! You're doing so good & I'm proud of you!!

Good Luck on your yard sale! I love going to them! I try to stop at them all!! LOL!! You can always find great deals! It was about 85 here today but not humid.Just PERFECT!! Gosh,if all days were like this one all summer!!!

God job on getting those running shoes out!! Bet you felt so much better when you got finished! Keep up the great work and post with us on the exercise thread and let us know how you're doing! Just make yourself do'll love yourself for it!!

Well I was going to post to everyone but hubby & boys just got home from bowling so better get off here and start picking up after them!! (Thank goodness for Mothers huh?)

Love to all...
Sherry (Sher-Bear)
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Old 05-16-2001, 12:01 AM   #17  
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Hi everyone! I am slap-dabbed wore out! Today was my long day. I worked all day in the snack bar, 8and a half hours. I was pretty busy with customers PLUS I did alot of cleaning. We are due for our inspections from our company and the health department. We keep it clean, but we do extra extra cleaning for them. There isn't a fan in the store room so it was HOT. Then I went to work in the playroom. ALL of the kids showed up. IT is the last night for the winter league. The babies were fussy and the 4,5,and 6 year olds were in rare form. I sure was glad to get home. .

Tomarrow I have to go and get our car tags. It is costing $ 106.00. We were used to paying only $24.00. There is 7 years difference in this car and our last car. I also have to get my husband a birthday present for Thursday. I told him I would just wrap up the car tag for his b-day.HAHAHA!!! I don't know how it is in other states, but we have to have the tag on by the person's b-day who is listed first on the title.

Thursday I go to work at 1pm and get off at 9pm. I have to bowl my league after that. I don't know how I am going to roll the ball. I am working by myself the whole time too. Oh well, I guess that will be exercising all day long. Right!

Jo: You should go to her graduation. It will be a great suprise. What about turtle ear rings? You could get her a care package she can take to colledge with her. Say maybe a nice trash can and put some turle decals on it. You can put some toilet paper , soap, and anything else that won't perish before she goes. You could get school supplies also. These are small things, but they do come in handy to have. Anyway, what ever you get her she will LOVE it.

Gina: That must have been funny sitting there while everyone else is standing. My daughter got flowers from her boyfriend on Mother's Day. I asked her if she was trying to tell me something. Thank goodness she said NNNNNOOOOOO.

Sharon: Keep up the good work.

Sandi: Hope your yard sale turns out GREAT!

Sherry: I will have to get me a pedometer. It sounds like it would be fun to see how many steps I take.

Well, I am tired so I am going to go to bed. Have a great Wednesday or hump day . Mary Kay
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Old 05-16-2001, 09:04 AM   #18  
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Another quick check-in from Jo. I love reading all your posts and keeping up with all my friends. Whenever someone says they did something or went somewhere, I can say "oh, I have a friend who did that once" or "I know someone else who went there". People think I have lots and lots of friends. I DO!!

This morning I was talking to a guy here at work about drinking lots of water. I told him the general rule of thumb that I'd heard was to take your weight, divide it by 2 and that's how many ounces of water to drink each day. So he said something about how he weighed 175 and .... I stopped listening there. Huh??? Someone who weighs less than me???? He's a guy, very "average", a few years younger than me (mid-30's). And he weighs LESS than me??? I'm so used to being "the fat one", you know. This is very strange to me. Does that make any sense?

OK, I've pretty much decided that I'm going to do it. I'm going to call the travel agent who's holding a couple of flights to Dayton for me and tell her to book them. Then I have to go shopping for turtles! MaryK, I like the idea of the garbage can filled with "stuff". I never thought of that! When my other neice went to college, I gave her one of those big plastic storage bins with a lid filled with dorm munchies. That was (yikes!) 4 years ago. She's graduating from college in August but I don't think I'll make it out to hers. Andrea (that's the one graduating from HS in June) is my goddaughter as well as my neice and she and I have always been closer. Anyway, I think I'll do what MaryK suggested and get her some stuff she can use ... and throw in a couple of turtles (little erasers or turtle socks, etc). Guess I can surf the 'net for "anything turtle". Hm, "".

Once again, I've rambled on long enough. Better go to work. I've left a vacation request with my boss for July 2 and 3 because Rich and I want to go camping with some friends. The company is already a bit short-staffed during that week but I'm going to give it a shot. The worst he can do is say no, I guess. Cross your fingers for me?

Much love to you all!
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Old 05-17-2001, 07:58 AM   #19  
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Default Morning Ladies...

Hi Ladies....still hovering around the 200 mark...can't seem to get under it..( and can't seem to get over it, either he he)But seriously, I am trying to budge the scale - I have however lost another 2 " so don't forget to use the tape measure as well!! All together now I've lost 35lbs and 23"......just where did it all go?...WHO CARES!!! Won't be seeing it back anytime soon, if you know what I mean...THATS FOR SURE!! Well the restaurant has been picked for Sat 19th little reunion with my girlfriends...(shucks not a bbq) and its Italian.
So now I'm going to have to be prepared for all that pasta and cream sauce, bread,cheese...YIKES....sure hope I can resist!! Take care everyone.... answer to your question...30 min on another machine to raise your heart rate and get you sweating!!! Its sort of like a sliding pedal for your feet, with pull down handles for your hands to grip. And do this all together. Its really called and eliptical trainer. Very similar in principal to a treadmill except you get an excellent upper body workout as well, with hardley any stress to the knees. Thanks for asking....have a good day.
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Old 05-17-2001, 03:51 PM   #20  
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Default Can I join the thin group?!

Hey everyone..My name is Laura. I have been using e-diets for three months now, but I have let my membership run out. I am hoping to find support through other outlets that don't cost so much money!!

I have lost 35 pounds in three months and I have hit a plateau, but I am still feeling encouraged, and happy that I have lost any weight at all.

As for exercise, I generally try to do Tae Bo three times a week, and I do my best to walk the other four.

I am married, and I have three stepchildren, but we only see them every other weekend. My husband works a lot, so I spend a lot of time at home alone, and the temptation to eat something that I shouldn't always comes over me when I am bored.

I look forward to hearing from you all seem so positive and supportive!!! WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR!!

Take Care,
Old 05-17-2001, 04:27 PM   #21  
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Welcome to the group Laura. You most certainly are welcome to join. We are happy to hear from you. 35 lbs! Great job. I am Gina. I've lost 20 so far. I am doing a toning tape and trying to get into walking.
I'm kinda stuck this week in some bad habits but am hoping to kick back into gear ASAP. Welcome Again.
I'm gonna try and get back on and post to everyone later today. Right now I am trying to sort out 100's of pages of reports to find some that are missing in my data. Woohoo!!! Hope everone is doing well.
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Old 05-17-2001, 09:43 PM   #22  
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Default Hello everyone

Hey everyone - are we all well? I've only skimmed the posts I'm afraid, my little Charlotte has a need for Mummy to pay all my attention to her and not anything else at the moment!

Re weight loss - what weight loss? I've gone back to good ol' Sam - eating when stressed or whatever. This new Mum gig is pretty hard and I also have very overdue Uni work and stress is just my middle name. I also had a bout of mastisis (to with breastfeeding if you don't know - not nice) and a cold generally. Of course with all tis I love my little girl like crazy and wouldn't trade.

So I need to get it together. I'm going back to the gym next week - am going to take it easy, but I need to get started. I plan to start tracking then, but for the next few days I just want to try and get some Uni work done and get better. Hard to do whenm you ahve a baby who like to be held and/or cries from 9+am to 9pm. But at least she sleeps at ngiht (almost 8 hours last night and she isn't even 5 weeks old yet, so that's pretty impressive!)

Sorry if I brought anyone down, I just needed to share. I e-mailed CJ smoe photos, so if she has a chance perhaps she'll get them up on our site. I'd love you to see what Charlie looks like. Also I'm in one of them, you girls have never seen wat I look like either! But my hair is back to blonde already, I got it dyed as soon as I could after she was born (not dye-ing it the whole pregnancy was bloody hard!)

Keep losing thinsters!
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Old 05-18-2001, 08:45 AM   #23  
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TGIF!!!! And I mean that sincerely! Why has this week seemed so long???

Laura, welcome to The Thin Group. If you need support and friendship, this is the best place to be. Hope to hear from you often. Congratulations on the weight loss so far!

Sam, I'm so glad you posted. You sound just a bit overwhelmed, my friend. But you also sound happy. Can't wait to see the pictures!!!!

Girls, tonight I'm going to a ... brace yourself ... lingerie party!! Jo at a party full of thin women looking over sexy underwear??? What was I thinking?? I'm hoping they have some cute jammies or lounge wear in, um, larger sizes. We'll see.

Have a cake at work to celebrate all employees with May birthdays (we do this once a month) and then I have a luncheon also. I'm going to skip the cake - don't really want any anyway - but the lunch is going to be hard. Hope they have some kind of light menu or veggie something. Don't these people know I have to weigh in tomorrow. And yes I did get my period last night so I'm feeling really really blah. Oh it's going to be a long day....

But I shall persevere!
Much love to you all!
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Old 05-18-2001, 04:32 PM   #24  
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I lost 2 more lbs. this week for a total of 12. I don't think it's noticeable to other people yet, but my clothes seem looser.

My future daughter-in-law's bridal shower was very nice. We had tea, little tea sandwiches, cookies, and scones with jam. She received many wonderful presents.

It seems like every weekend brings another special event for me. My daughter will be graduating from Bryn Mawr on Sunday with a Masters Degree in Social Work. She's a very caring person, and I'm proud of her accomplishments. We plan to go out to dinner to celebrate after the graduation.

Jo, I went to a lingerie party several years ago, and they had lingerie in all sizes from small to plus. Have fun!

Sam, it sounds like little Charlotte is keeping you very busy, but that 's the way it is with new babies. You're lucky she is sleeping eight hours at night at only five weeks old. That's unusual. I look forward to seeing the photos.

Laura, welcome to the group. 35 lbs. in 3 months is a lot! It will probably start coming off again soon.

Sherry, you must be very proud of your two boys graduating. Enjoy every minute of it!

Sandi, good luck with your garage sale. I hope you sell those big items and make lots of money.

Hope CJ, MK, Gina, Angel, Sharon, and everyone else has a wonderful weekend.

I'm going on vacation to Ireland next Thursday, but will try to stop in and post before I leave.

Take care,

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Old 05-18-2001, 08:08 PM   #25  
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Hello Ladies, thought I would pop in and say HI!. It's been an unreal week. I have this major problem with my computer in the library and I've been pulling some long hours trying to "fix" it. We have 2 more weeks of school and I know it won't be finished by then. Guess I'll have to pull some hours this summer.

My WW is going pretty good. I wasn't to good Mother's Day but sure did enjoy it. So I've spent this week being really good. I even made some of CJ soup today. Anything to fill me up and not out!

Laura, welcome. You will love it here. 35 lbs. in 2 months is great. Keep it up. And we don't cost a thing.

Sam it's good to hear from you and about your baby girl. I know it's rough right now but it will get better. Just keep on plugging and you'll be fine. Hug and kiss that baby for me.

Sher-Bear you're making me tired just hearing about all that work.

Ladies I'm going to check out now because I'm so tired. Hope to be back tomorrow. Love to you all, Carolyn
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Old 05-19-2001, 12:28 PM   #26  
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Default hi...

Today is my big day....dinner with my friends, and remember they haven't seen me since I've lost the 35 lbs?....wonder if they'll notice....probably the same comment -"did you get a hair cut?...something is different...Hmmm,???" Bet they don't notice...
well the challenge is on,...what to eat at dinner? Think I'll stay with a marinara sauce on a half serving of pasta...pretty safe I think, and a salad to start. Oh yes, and a jug of ice water and glasses all around! I find if I plan ahead for any problems, they seem to sort themselves out as I'm ready with a safe alternative. Wish me luck!!...(ps....already had my 1.5 hr workout at 8am...just incase I was going to say "what the heck....") haha...I'm getting sooooo goooood!!!

Hi Wildflower...Congratulations on the weight loss...35 lbs... Great work!! I've also lost the same, bet you're noticing the same loose fit in your clothes....about the plateau you're on?...try cutting out some carbs and increasing your protein intake for a few days...then go back to your normal eating. I usually notice a difference especially at the breakfast toast and replace with a yougurt or cottage cheese for awhile and BINGO...back to losing. Give it a try...

Sorry Ladies...missed the weigh in night again....just plum forgot is all. I am still hovering at the 200 mark, and just soooo eager to get to "one-derland"...haha
Hope you all have a great weekend...bye
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Old 05-19-2001, 01:58 PM   #27  
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Default Happy Saturday!

Hi everyone!

Gosh, I am so far behind in my posting I don't know where to start. I am sorry for not being around much but have just been enjoying being outside and walking and trying to stay away from the computer for a while. I am still doing WW faithfully! Have not got my 10 lb tho .... lost 1/4 of a lb last weigh-in! That takes me to 8 3/4 lbs lost! Been planting flowers yesterday and today ... just finished so now can sit back and watch them grow! Going up to the cabin next weekend and will be gone for 1 1/2 weeks so thats where I will be in case you notice I'm not around. Going to start my veggie garden up there now that we will be up there quite a lot this summer (starting to build) and now that we have water and electricity it will be easier to water those plants!

A big welcome to Wildflower! You will love this group - they are the best! Good job on the 35 lbs in 3 months!!! WOW. I've been doing WW since the end of January and I have only lost 8 3/4 lbs! I am a very slow loser... like the turtle!

Also, I have been private messanging to Buggaboo (Becca) who wants to join us, I am waiting for her to post here with us! So, Come on Becca - we're waiting for ya and Welcome to the group!

Dreamer: Can't wait to see pictures of your baby ... waiting for the pics you said you sent ... did you email them to me yet? I don't have them.

Well, sorry I am not addressing everyone ... am in a hurry to get back outside .. sorry. I will come back here later tonite tho ... and I will make myself get here every day if just to say hi ...

Love you all! Talk to ya later and a BIG HELLO to everyone that I did not address!!!! SORRY!

Love, CJ
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Old 05-19-2001, 02:55 PM   #28  
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OK guys, we are heading to the # 29 so here goes nothing!
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Old 05-19-2001, 02:56 PM   #29  
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Old 05-19-2001, 03:00 PM   #30  
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Default OK GUYS 29!

This is it guys, if we go to 30 than it would end up on another page and we wouldn't want that now would we? LOL

Come on Becca/Bugaboo join us on # 52 we want to get to know you better. CJ I am glad you stayed in the garden and did your flowers cause I GOT YOU! LOL OK maybe I didn't get you right, but still GOT YOU! Oh am I ever full of the devil today!

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