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FitandFine 06-25-2003 06:07 PM

Steph my dream fantasy is DH takes the girls on a trip for a week and I have the whole time to get things done and work on my own personal schedule. It is highly unlikely - the usual scenario is either we all go together, or, like this August, it is me and the kids on the road while DH lives the peaceful fantasy. I know I would miss them terribly but OH the things I would get done - plus the payoff - I still have Ta Da Syndrome you know. It is easier now that they are older though. I too am eating some things that aren't in my "usual" diet. I was with little D today waiting for them to put tires on my car at Costco, and we had time to kill - enter ice cream bars dipped in chocolate and almonds. You know me and almonds. It was a delish snack, but makes me more determined to finish the day on a healthier note! And to make the club!

PW I checked out the site of your program - sounds very sound and super informative. Do you go in person or are you doing the email program? Do you find there is support there from others? Have you met the company founder? While "structure" sometimes gets a bad name, I think that sometimes it is just the thing we need - even if only for certain times, like starting out with making changes. I have a degree in art but have never had the faith in myself (or lacked enough the need for a steady paycheck) so I've never made my living in art. I am a medical transcriptionist, quite possibly the most sedentary job ever invented!

Abs your perseverance is what will take you onward to success - it's you leaping back on the saddle that tells me you will simply continue on your course and get fitter and fitter. I am indulging some "dinners out" to make life easy for us, (yesterday was Subway, a relatively good choice, today was a Costco ice cream bar, not so good!) We are really out of whack because it is so light right now. It seems like I will think, okay it's time to make dinner, I will think it is 5:00 or 5:30, and I will look at my watch and it will be 8:00! The girls and I are all nite owls, I'm up to work in the quiet house in the mornings, meals are all unstructured and weird.

I DID make it to Body Pump yesterday. I lowered from my usual weight and so I'm not sore at all (I have managed one session a week during this unintended time away from BP - some time in the weight room evidently helped me not lose everything). It was an overcast day so quite crowded, but no, I have not come up against the classes being so full that they start a sign up sheet yet. That would be most annoying! But is a true testimonial to how effective the class is. I am going to have to miss the Thursday BP, so I am comitted to the Friday afternoon instead. Tonight I'm going to go to the club, at least for some cardio and abs.

I don't know why but I just can't seem to get inspired to pop in a fitness video.

Well, time to put all the goods away from Costco, then get busy in other arenas. Persevere 5%ers - and start again and again!


absmom 06-26-2003 08:00 PM

Hi All!

Hooray Juno! You are sounding quite motivated - BP and cardio. Its got to feel good to go more than once a week? I'm am SO with you on the video thing... I have to go someplace or it (exercise) just doesn't happen.

The thought of a house alone... hmmmmmmmmmm that is quite a dream, thanks for sharing. My DH still won't take the 2 girls anywhere on his own yet - The diaper thing, the potty thing.... geez...

Anyway... This has to be quick. I am an Amazing Race junkie and its on in 5 minutes!

Biked again at the gym today. all the machines were full, and I've caught your cold Juno! Tomorrow is a day off and Saturday another practice Tri with the swim added in. Should be a fun day - I hope.

Food-wise things have been going well/better these last few days. I definately think the heat helps... Noone feels like eating = except icecream and I have vowed not to hit the dairy until after the Tri... Again my prize...

Goals for tomorrow: WATER, House stuff (I still need to catch up from vacation) and get a good stretch in - I don't do that enough!

Hope you are all doing well. I'll be more thoughtful tomorrow!

absmom 06-28-2003 01:29 PM

Hi and Happy Weekend!

Just got back from my sister's house where we completed a full Triathlon... did the swim last, but completed all distances... We really didn't time it, and we chatted lots, but We were done in probably 2 hours. I ran the full distance, but the swim (usu my strongest event) was awful due to this lovely cold AND swimming in the lake is much different than the pool. The fact that I couldn't see much with my goggles on really freaked me out... some kind of weird claustrophobia - could never seem to get a rhythym going...

I guess the mystique is gone - I can really do this TRI!! Four weeks til the big race!

Hope your weekend's are going well --- Juno I hope you get your gym time and Steph - do you run outside ever??? PW I hope you are keeping on track!!

I am off to mow the lawn and then a shower... ahhhhhhhhh

Catch up with you on Monday!

SAB 5% 06-29-2003 03:20 PM

Absmom - Good for you!!! I read this message last night and wanted to get on but I was on a computer and didn't have my password - sorry!! You have no idea how impressed I am by your success. I couldn't do a triathalon and don't even have enough ambition to try :)

Juno - Hope that you enjoyed the Mom & Daughter time and did get some stuff done. I just got a whole bunch of yard and flower work done so now I am hiding from the hot sun inside!

We have had a really nice weekend here so far. Yesterday we went to the "fancy" lake around here and took a 3 mile walk with tons of people. Walking in our neighborhood is quiet, walking in Minneapolis had more fun people watching to do:) I don't know if any of you remember how our dog almost died last year - she is like a miracle dog and not only did she do some really long walks in CO, she did the 3 mile yesterday. Then the naughty part was we went to the only beef stand up here in MN and gorged ourselves with some Chicago food. It tasted good :) THEN we went to Cold Stone Creamery and all had huge cones of fat-filled ice cream. I am behaving today but yesterday was probably 5000 calories. I like that I am in this spot where that was an exception and know we won't be doing it again for a while.

I grew up swimming in pools but up here everyone is used to the lake. I still have not gotten used to it (kind of creeped out by the whole thing). Not a very good match when you live in the land of 10,000 lakes.

On the sad front, my grandma did pass away last week but only one sister and my mom from our side made it to the funeral. I was around her a lot when I was younger but hardly ever since college. She had a lot of my first cousins near here because she moved to FL. Anyhow - she was a great lady and lived on her own at the age of 93 until she was struck down by all this stuff last month. I hope I can be as independent as she was!!

Steve's mom is recovering very slowly which isn't the best of news. She has to have another surgery in 3 or 4 weeks and no one wants to tell her that this one is even more invasive and recovery will be harder. We are afraid she won't do it which in reality means she won't be with us very long.

Okay I've got to get back and finish some tasks. I am doing them slowly and finding fun things to do in-between. I already had to take the birds, turtle, cats and dog outside so they could enjoy the weather too. That is a lot of work!! Now I have them back in and need to focus on other things! We are having company over the 4th weekend so cleaning awaits.

4 weeks to go Absmom and you are going strong!


PainterWoman 06-29-2003 11:57 PM

On track. Yahoo.
It really helps to have DH2 be so supportive. DH1 was kind of snide. I've averaged more than 3#/week down (for a whopping two weeks:D ) and am :smug: :smug: :smug:
Managed to eat only when hungry today... drink ample water, tune up my road bike so I can actually be outside at dawn or dusk (too hot otherwise). Also rode stationery bike, played catch with DH (didn't know until this afternoon that playing catch works your abs!), and did some weeding.

Juno: Re Naturally Slim: I did the in-person class last year... "only" lost about 10 pounds... which was so discouraging, I promptly gained it back. :mad: I haven't met the actual founder, but it is her daughter that teachers the classes. The gal that does the e-mails is terrific.... sends you an excel spreadsheet so you can track actual weight loss against the goal plan. Marcia is a nurse and dietician (sp?) and thinks the best plan out there is Schwarzbein's... which was developed by helping people with insulin resistance and Type II diabetes... (She found that the traditional wisdom given to diabetics only made things worse....)

I am planning to be on this plan for life.....and it seems feasible because NO FOOD IS DISALLOWED. Combining foods is a little tricky... and no doubt maintaining enthusiasm for exercise will be a challenge for me... I've made it into a habit before, but always found some reason to quit.

I like the reasonableness of this thread. Thanks, all.

FitandFine 06-30-2003 04:31 AM

Quick hi, all! First I'll fill you in on the personal stuff - time is short so I will shamelessly lift this from an email I sent to a friend earlier:

We have put an offer on a house.

First we went to see a house that I just fell in love with in spite of a few shortcomings - I mean it was the dream that I have in my mind when I think about The House. Really, really It. And it was not priced too terribly, in fact only 75% of what the bank would okay for us. I know we would struggle for a couple of years, but in the end it would be fine, but it was way beyond DH's comfort zone. That house is, alas, not the house we offered on. So now I'm trying to focus on the negatives (I didn't really like the exterior, it is out of the school district over by the airport, not my dream area, next door neighbors had junky cars, okay I feel better). We went to see this other house that I had been avoiding - because I don't care much at all for the exterior and part of the set up. It is a ranch house that has had an addition put above the garage, so it looks a little ungainly in its "architecture" plus it is dark brown, not my favorite color (though that can be remedied later), plus there is no fence separating the neighbors behind it so it looks like a hugely shared back yard - again remedied with a fence or plantings (but why would people live in these houses for 2+ decades with it like this?)

But we did go see it and it is quite charming inside, doable if not the dream. There are a lot of plusses. The over-garage add-on is a really awesome family/living room that will make entertaining actually possible, the glacier is in view. It is not a fancy house but would adapt well to our style. Front yard is sort of shaded but the back yard and deck gets awesome light and is a canvas waiting for gardening.

So we offered on it - but there is also at least one other offer. We need to wait until Tuesday to see who wins the bid. If the other party can close quickly we will no doubt be the loser, as that house is empty so the owners will be anxious to close it, we need to get this one ready to sell pronto! So Oy.

So I'm in a combo mood - excited at potentially taking on a 'project' on one hand, some disappointment because I thought we would be able to pounce on the ultra wonderful type house and that really isn't going to be happening. Right now it is out of our hands! So stay tuned!

On the fitness front - I did an hour of cardio AND a BP class on Friday! Felt terrific! The weekend was more a blur of house-hunting, etc, not much actual working out. I am really feeling a lack of structure because of summer. We have light that lasts close to 24 hours so the mealtimes are all whacked out. Ineed to roll myself into something of a structured plan to get ironed out. I'm pretty stressed too.

PW I'm tempted to check out those emails! I checked the Schwartzbein book out of the library when I typed on one of my clients recommending it to a patient. It seems to take all the 'wisdom' from the Atkins way of thinking, but makes it safer for your body and also - as you say - a reasonable way of eating for life with no foods with bad juju - great choice. Hang in there and keep sharing! I love to hear about stuff like this. While I do like exercise - it does cycle some and when your interest wanes call it downcycle and soon you will reach for those walking shoes again.

Abs I am SO PROUD of you - and in awe! Not only did you accomplish it, you actually made it sound...fun! It must be terrific to have the bonding time with your sisters. The phrase You Go Girl is highly overused, but I can't think of a better one right now.

Steph I am so sorry about your grandma. Even when geography and time put distance between us, it's hard to have that goodbye. When my dad's dad died I lost my last grandparent in September 2001 - unfortunately after the terrorism, and he was sharp as a tack and totally understood all that was going on in the world. Anyway, I still feel connection with all my grandparents and I think the relationship continues if you are open to it. You know, I'm not a big natural-water person either. It is more picturesque but who knows what creatures are going to brush against your thighs? The exception would be the ocean in Hawaii, so clear. Then again, swimming in a pool is not my favorite either. On the other hand, doing laps with a paddle board would probably do wonders for the hips? An idea I have been pondering trying, because my kids would love being at the pool.

My final note is again to say, I need some structure. With the holiday coming it ain't going to get any better! Ideas?

Happy Monday and keep on keeping on, you are all doing so great...


absmom 06-30-2003 09:37 AM

Good Monday!!

I have to say that, because I am hoping that it will motivate me! After Saturday's Tri, I seemed to have checked out... We went to see Nora Jones (my first concert in a LONG time -- nice show, but very geriatric crowd), and I used my "night out" as license to eat/drink whatever I chose. One night OK, but it seemed to have crossed over into Sunday, and now here we are...

My weight has stabilized since we got back from DH's parents and now I really need to get it moving again in the right direction... My goal is to be in the 180s by the Tri -- totally do-able, but not if I continue on this vein...

SO - My goals for today and the week for that matter are to:

Work out with enthusiasm / intensity
Plan meals, write down what I eat
Drink at least 8 glasses water each day!

It will be a bit challenging with the holiday this Friday, but as long as I stay away from the wine I should be able to control my food.

I have to take the day off from the gym to go to my first mamogram (lovely). I feel a little stressed since I took yesterday off as well. Maybe I'll be able to get something in when DH gets home...

JUNO - Congrats on the house... I hope.... Every house has its minuses, but as long as its soundly constructed - you'll be able to make it your own... Space has got to win over aesthetics...

Good job with the BP and gym... I'd say with everything on your plate - vow to do ONE thing aerobic each day - even if its just a 10 minute walk around the block . You'll feel as though you've done something "structured" and you won't have to feel bad if you don't make it the whole way to the gym. That's my suggestion...

PW - Good for you!! You are definatlely making progress and it sounds like this is the program for you. Keep up the good work!

Steph - Sorry about your grandma... I still have both of mine - though neither are really that with it these days. They live close, but I'm finding it harder to visit them, seeing their personalities fading... Anyway, my condolences...

Sounds like you had a nice weekend. Great walk, and yummy food! It's nice to see that you are comfortable knowing that this was an "exceptional" eating day, and you're not beating yourself up about it... (I still do that). You've reminded me that I STILL have to get out into my flower beds and weed... I had one good day at the beginning of the season when I got it all done, but that was weeks ago... Its looking a little wild out there...

Well - enjoy your day! I'll check in tomorrow!

PainterWoman 06-30-2003 09:13 PM

Hanging in there. Had a brief visit to sugar island around lunch today. Have no idea where that willful food eating monster came from!:o

I know structure is often helpful. But I think structure for its own sake is mostly annoying. I find that if I have a desired outcome, the structure comes naturally.... My outcome tomorrow has to do with getting bills paid, riding bike, cleaning for the cleaning people (folding and putting away laundry) and seeing clients. I'll probably do my ride earliest while it's cool, and cool down by folding laundry. Want to get house organized tonight for cleaning lady.

Thursday off on mini vacation!!!! Wahoo.

SAB 5% 07-01-2003 03:59 PM

Hello! I tried to get on this morning but the site was down and I had more time to type then. Today we had a b-day at daycare and since we only had 5 we spent the whole day at a really nice beach about 45 minutes away and then the kid picked Pizza Hut as his lunch treat. I know DH gave me a dirty look because I told him that none of us needed dinner tonight since we ate close to 2pm. He didn't say anything though so we've come a long way from when he would not understand why "dinner" was not necessary.

Ah now PW - I like structure :) Everyone thinks I am the easiest going person and I laugh because I am as long as my daily plan is not being compromised. I think it is mainly because of doing daycare - lack of structure here is usually a disaster. I am free on the weekends but M-F my outline is followed. I even had a hard time being at the beach because usually we eat lunch by 11:45 and we didn't til 1:45.

Absmom - I liked your workout with enthusiasm. Might steel that saying! I am just not trying to think that what I eat this summer will be harmful but on the days that I can eat the way I like to make me happy - I shall just learn not to guilt myself on the other days. Vacation wasn't that long ago and now our "party" relatives are coming up this weekend which means I am probably going to have the beer but hopefully will stay away from all the snacks DH bought. He looked at me yesterday when I was buying small bags of chips and I said "well you don't want them to get heart disease at our house - we can portion control". Stupid of me but I don't like having big bags of chips in the house! We shall both control our holiday food urges.

Juno - I have my fingers crossed for you!!!! This house which I pretty much love now...when we drove by after after going by 20 houses and one I had already decided on...I wrote "might be worth a look but don't love the outside". Well I loved the inside and we have revamped the outside so it is all ours now :) I walked in and this woman had decorated this house so beautifully and it is just a standard 3 bedroom trilevel but it met my specs because I grew up in really nice houses and was kind of shocked to find out I couldn't have one of those as my first houses. Now we can buy probably double this house but I don't want to leave :) If we stay in MN then we will move when the boys are in 8th and 6th because their friends would all go to the jr. high and we wouldn't mess that up. If we move out of state than anything goes :) I moved a lot as a kid so I kind of want some permanence so I hope only one more move while they live here. Keep us informed!

1) Keep competing against my times
2) Water and cut back on the soda which has been increased since vacation and I haven't cut back to my one per day yet.
3) Be flexible with my exercise schedule but get it done.

I have walked 5 times per week outside (in addition to my cardio inside) since last summer! I even braved all the MN winter nights this past year. Yeah!!!

I am supposed to be doing "things". Adios.


FitandFine 07-02-2003 05:20 AM

Quick note--

Crazy day, and crazy times ahead! We got a counter offer today, and we agreed to it, so we have a new house. We are going to put the for sale sign up in the yard on this one on Thursday.

I guarantee you that between packing, garden spiffing and adrenaline that my body will be humming along! Remind me to drink lots of H2O and to do relaxing stuff.

I'm not going to be able to post more than this, just wanted to share this much!


Water and herbal tea

I can't believe we got it!


absmom 07-02-2003 10:09 AM

Hi all!

Big congrats and positive moving vibes your way Juno! I hope your house sells quick and without any complications! I KNOW you'll be burning some serious calories over the coming weeks - moving is an unbelievable amount of work - but DO carve out a few minutes for you and take care of your body - WATER, WALK, good food choices...

Steph, if there is one thing that makes me nuts its DH bringing huge bags of chips and other assorted snacks into the house knowing that a) were not expecting company, and b) I am trying to lose weight, and c) noone in this house needs this junk... I tell him, buy yourself a single "big" serving for yourself and be done with it... He just doesn't get it.

I am structure crazy too... Don't mess with my gym schedule, don't mess with my nap time and I am good to go... I think the kids do better - no surprises and the days just flow...

I did work out with enthusiasm yesterday - ran 3.5 miles in 45 minutes (which included the 5 min cool down). It was a personal best for me - Yes, I am the SLOWEST runner... My form felt good and I think I can improve more by race day. Today I hired a babysitter for a few hours so I can swim near by and try to find a dress for a wedding I am going to on the 19th... I really HATE shopping when I am fat. It always ends up being too much money for something that fits and looks presentable vs. something I like that looks good on me... I really can't wait for the day I feel good in the fitting room!

On the food front, I am doing OK, although I know I can be more thoughtful --- too much mindless snacking - sneaking fries from the happy meal, eating dd2's cheerios, finishing the YoBaby, its all got to add up...

TODAY - mindful eating, WATER, work hard at the swim.


absmom 07-03-2003 09:34 AM

Good morning... Its going to be a busy day!!! Play dates, gym, prep work for tomorrow's festivities, too much...

Yesterday I found a dress for 17$ that doesn't look horrible, and I don't feel like Ive made an investment in the wrong (current) body. TJ MAX - Jones of NY marked down from a lot! Hooray for that!! I also swam for 30 minutes hard and I am feeling it now. I bought some Speedo swim paddles to improve stroke and to provide resistance for a better workout and MAN MY SHOULDERS hurt this morning!!! Nice.

Today is bike day. GOing to try and continue on my vein of working out with enthusiasm - My goal is 45 min and 17 miles - That would be a new personal best -- we'll see how it goes. I am getting to that time of the month (I get the WORST PMS) so I am trying to recognize the cues (sluggishness, moodiness, cravings) and nip um in the bud before they take over my body! I am feeling a little like a slug today so I have to keep talking myself into a better state of mind!

Food side of life is not so great, but I will keep trying. I took some
"progress pics" this morning and was slightly disappointed that I couldn't see a major improvement. I feel great, I know I've lost weight, and I know I am stronger and fitter, but the fat is just there... I really need a loss soon! I guess I just have to work a little harder at keeping my mouth closed!!

Well, I hope you all have great holidays! We are off to my sisters house for a BBQ / swimming, Plus she's planned a 4 mile run !! Love those type As.....


FitandFine 07-03-2003 11:42 AM

Go abs! Use those sisters, borrow their type A energy (but not the ulcers!)

I'm losing it. About the fourth day in a row of 4 hours of sleep or so. DH works during business hours, so I am the man when it comes to phone calls, banking, genralized hoop-jumping in regard to this house thing. Then add the holiday. Add that in my job/business there is no such thing as a day off for a personal day. Add to that my older D's birthday is Saturday and she deserves full celebration. Add to that this house goes on the market today and I would be embarrassed if a friend stopped by right now, not to mention a potential buyer. Not to mention that the family that helps carpool older D's flute class is out of town and that means I have to do more driving not less this week. And DH is having struggles at work and I'm being the Positive, Cheerleading, Look-At-The-Bright-Side superwife to help him get through it. Add the trip to Oregon for my brother's wedding. Add to that the closing date will be when I am out of town - more hoops for power of attorney, etc.

That is enough venting. As long as I just focus on only the very next task and not the whole deal I am and will be okay. But last night I really felt overwhelmed and then, sitting in my cozy office, felt enormous GRIEF for saying goodbye to my little house. 10 years in this house, it's the longest I have lived in any one structure. I wanted to undo it all and just stay here, live simply and make it work. Is that normal?

Not too much to say on the fitness front. Thanks to you guys I am concious of F/V and adrenaline, cleaning activities and lack of sleep are making me feel in fact thinner than I usually do.

1. Try for nap. (In my town the fireworks are midnight on July 3! Because it gets dark so late here.)
2. Eat with self-nurturing consciousness
3. One task at a time.


SAB 5% 07-03-2003 12:20 PM

Happy 4th of July! I just got done painting mine and all the female daycare childrens fingernails in a lovely striped red, white and blue. I even did their toenails! I think all the boys here are feeling ripped off so I am trying to think of someway to do their hair without making it permanent.

We have company coming this evening so I need to get started on the list of things to be completed. I did all the errand running so anything else is just here at home. Actually most of it is stuff I will force DH to do. After all the new Harry Potter book is waiting for me at the library and why should I clean???? Just kidding - but I am looking forward to when my company leaves so I can read the book.

My goals for the long weekend are to try and behave with the munching because there is a lot of food here, drink water in-between the lemonade and beer, and take my oustide walks every day even if I have to leave the company behind.

Absmom - good deal on the dress! I used to find great deals on dresses back when I needed some. I will be having a tough time back in the work world because I have no clothes for any type of job but very casual. The last wedding I went too, I wore a dress that was way to large because I didn't realize I was smaller since the last time I wore it. Now I would have to get a whole new one (my closet would be happy). Have a great bike ride - I am so proud of your running, biking and swimming. You are already a true athlete in my eyes!!

Juno - Congrats on the house!!! You will have a great time making it yours. I am sure you have a million decorating ideas bouncing around in your head. Think of all the calories you will burn getting that house ready for sale! I know you will sell quickly - we have so many new neighbors in our neighborhood. We had so many people take advantage of the low interest rates and buy bigger houses. Your doing good keeping yourself in top mental and health stage during this busy time.

PW - I hope you are enjoying your vacation! This weekend will feel like one for me until Sunday comes and I have to clean up all the mess. The humidity gets bad here in July so I tend to stop riding my bike. I am going to try and stay focused and if I ride fast enough the breeze has to be there!!!

My husband is throwing a fit about the amount I bench press. I can get up to about 50 lbs. and that is really tough for me. He thinks after this weekend we are going to go out and toughen me up. I told him that I am fine doing my reps at 30 or 40 pounds and am not interested in 70 pounds. If you don't here from me next week it is because my arms snapped off while trying to show my DH that I can't do that weight (such negativity Stephanie, shame on you!!).

Okay I hope everyone has a great 4th weekend.

SAB 5% 07-03-2003 06:39 PM

I forgot to mention Absmom that we are on the same cycle. PMS hits here starting today and only lasts through Sat. morning but of course we have company. I'm not really bad just really feel like I am bloated and look like a tub of jello and get really bored with everything. I was being naughty and trying to skip exercising by eating dinner first and telling myself that I'm too full now. However, I know that I will feel better if I just walk on the treadmill if I can't manage to run.

DH just walked by and called me E-mail freak. No honey I'm just avoiding cleaning and trying to let you do it all :lol:

Happy 4th again to everyone!

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