Trader Joes whole wheat white flour??

  • Is that flour ok to use?? The word white is throwing me off.
  • Flour is naturally tan. For it to be white, it is bleached. I don't want that in my food.
  • Quilter - "White Whole Wheat" is actually a variety of wheat. It's still not white, but it is lighter and softer than regular red wheat. It's still a whole grain and most are unbleached - the "White" just refers to the wheat varietal.
  • I only use white whole wheat flour now. Like mandalinn said, it is a type of wheat, I have never seen bleached (I have used maybe 3 or 4 different brands), and it is equally nutritious as the darker red wheat....

    Here is more than you could ever want to know about white whole wheat
    . I learned a lot here!
  • Thanks guys!!! Just wanted to check before I bought!