Another kind of withdrawal ~ LOL

  • The computer sort of bit the dust this weekend ~ AHRRRR!!!! Couldn't get on or do anything ~ I was lost without my computer time. My poor husband then had to spend most of Sunday on the phone with people figuring out how to get it back up and running. Some of the stuff still isn't back on there, but bless his heart, he got it so I can do some stuff. I am so thankful to have him ~ I don't have a clue how to fix anything like what we had this weekend. That makes me laugh because the my co-workers think I am some kind of computer expert Today DH stands for darling!! At least, we can still use what we have ~ for a while he feared we would have to go buy a whole new computer.
  • Welcome back, Glynne! I'd be pretty lost without mine as well, so I can completely understand your withdrawal! Nice to have you back.....
  • I'm with you. I've gotten so attached to our computer. I log on 3,maybe more times a day.It's my window to the world more so then TV because it's interactive.My son works at night so he sleeps during the day. I spend most of my time alone except for my fur-children so this is my primary means of social contact.