Daddy's girl

  • Ok, so I've lost a little over 6 pounds in about 3 weeks, but that is NOT the good news. The very good news is that starting tomorrow, my dad and I are going to the gym: 1 hour a day, 5 days a week.
    This is so very big for me since I have NEVER done this before and I am not a fan of working out. I hope his support turns into a self motivation in less than 30 days.
    My little starting goal is to get myself to walk 5 kilometers a day, 5 days a week. I think I can manage to do about 2 kilometers tomorrow.

    Wish me luck!
  • I think having family support is such a key both to weight management and fitness. Glad you have such a good relationship with him. I am very close to my Dad, and he has been very supportive, even if he lives far away.
    Is your Dad also struggling with weight and fitness issues?
  • Awes, that sounds wonderful! I love that you're doing this with your dad.
  • Quote: I think having family support is such a key both to weight management and fitness. Glad you have such a good relationship with him. I am very close to my Dad, and he has been very supportive, even if he lives far away.
    Is your Dad also struggling with weight and fitness issues?
    Hi Girls!
    I did it!
    Got up today at 5:30, we were at the gym by 5:50. My lil sis also came along, it was very nice.
    My Dad has a lil belly now, but he used to be so thin when he was young, so thin that he wasn't able to do the military service!
    The girls in the family are the chubby ones here. My sis is not overweight, but she has Insulin resistance too and needs to workout a lot to prevent getting overweight. She is much healthier than me. It is so good that she was diagnosed in her early 20s. I was diagnosed just last year, I'm 32 now.

    It was a great experience working out with my dad and sister. I am actually looking fwd to go to the gym tomorrow and this comes from a girl who hates working out. LOL