Beck Diet For Life/Solution – July 2010 – Support, Discussion, Buddy/Coach

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  • Thanks for all the words of support. On track, fighting the good fight!
  • Well, the day started pretty good, but made a left turn into awful somewhere along the line.

    I'm getting back on track starting now.

  • Wednesday
    Hi Coaches

    Thinking about it the most significant thing about yesterday with seeing doctors and going back to work in the afternoon etc was that I stayed on plan. If I hadn’t had a plan or a list of meals I would have eaten anything. I even planned what/where I would eat between doctors - or I would have eaten all those delicious looking things I saw everywhere. And I would have gotten celebratory take-away on the way home last night instead of my defrosted precooked food. So credit to me for making and following all these plans: I hope I keep it up. I think sometimes it is easier to stay on-plan with the big things and that it is the little things that come up and ambush me - overtired, bit rushed and stressed, and distracted are all dangerous states.

    I passed up chocolate biscuits at lunch time and felt good about it. Have not snacked on any junk food for the last few nights - only healthy snacks

    AnneWonders - Waving - hope you take a right turn out of awful soon. Sending encouraging thoughts

    AmberPr - Credit for controlling those calories. It is difficult when the scale jumps around to just treat it as information - but you can do it!

    BeverlyJoy - Sounds like changing doctors could be a plan. It is difficult where I live to find a new one - not sure how that will be for you

    BillBlueEyes - Sounds like a great cucumber-centric day

    CeeJay - That’s great - 3 days on plan. You say it all when you say the key for you is planning and structure

    Donna (new2me2) - Hope the stomach feels better and you feel up to Zumba (which is fun!)

    Gardenerjoy - Yay for new clothes - and yay for having a bunch of them that are too large. This is real progress

    Houston2Command - LOL diet dork. Yay for thinking and eating like a thin person: Credit for “no guilty acts” and for defeating sabotaging thoughts
    Maryblu - Great health results - hope the inner ear issue resolves. I started to take fish oil recently for arthritis and took the 4000mg twice a day that they recommended. I didn’t realise you are supposed to work up to that dose. The heartburn was incredible!

    Mikkijoe - Oh - no book yet! Credit for planning and eating your meals to fix identified problems with your metabolism. Yay for passing up treats and exercising your restraint muscle

    Nuxmaga - Credit for an on-plan and restrained day

    Overlord - Great to hear you are on-track and fighting the good fight - credit

    Rbp - Welcome Nice to meet you - I am 59! I can relate to having problems with exercise and it sounds like you have been having a struggle. This is a good place to be to get all sorts of support and ideas

    Shepherdess - I looked at the magazine and read what I could of the article - now I have a face to connect to your posts! I remember the first time I saw sheep in “raincoats” here we all fell about. They were in bright yellow or blue slickers - looked great. Now I even know why they have them on! Yay for “didn’t feel much like running. I did it anyways”. Enjoy your extra sleep if you can

    SilverBirch - I like the way you log your credits and the frequency of activities.

    Credits -
    - I motivated myself by reading A&R cards - Nope
    - Consciously gave credit for positive eating / exercise
    behaviours - yes
    - Limit junk food to once per day - None - $1
    - Made food plan - Yes - $1
    - Logged food soon after eating - yes - $1
    - Food on-plan - Yes
    - Posted to the list - Here I am
    - Ate seated every time - YES - $1
    - Ate mindfully and slowly - more or less
    - Put down fork occasionally - yes
    - Weighed myself - Yes - same - 215.4 - $1
    - Drank water - YES - not enough
    - Exercise - No

    TALLY (only red ones earn money!) - DAY = $5; Week = $23

    Working on -
    some sort of work-life balance so I don't ditch it all

    Have a good day Beckies
  • Wednesday
    Diet Coaches/Buddies - Had gazpacho for dinner again last night, CREDIT moi. Get used to hearing this from me; The cucumbers just keep coming.

    Nice walk (CREDIT moi) and then a short bike ride to an event at the local park. Got to observe the obvious: when you're out and about, there's less time for eating at home.

    Irrationally Exuberant (maryblu) - It's not just the loons on the water, LOL.

    Anne (AnneWonders) - Thanks for the demo, "starting now" instead of the more common, starting tomorrow.

    FutureFitChick - Waving. Thought of you after I gave a pint of blood yesterday and tried to visualize a zillion cells working to make new blood. Wondered where they'd get the iron to do it.

    Margaret (Nuxmaga) - Great job driving past that French bakery. Yep, when I started my journey, I noticed that I had been spending about $10 a day on snack stuff - that adds up.

    CeeJay - Kudos for the third day on plan. Yep, "The key for me is planning and structure" sounds like a winning approach.

    Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for an emerging new wardrobe. When do you pass on the clothes that are "two or three sizes too big" ?

    Shepherdess - Cool photos - both you and your bum lambs look great. Hope this publicity helps your wool business. Kudos for all your resistance muscle work - you have been doing a lot of that lately.

    Beverlyjoy - You do seem clear about your doctor. I know it's difficult to choose a new doctor, but good luck in your search; you deserve to feel respected and treated.

    Cheryl (Seadwaters) - Yay for "stayed on plan" - interesting that it's the little things that lie in wait to grab you. Good job on the chocolate biscuits at lunch - those would have tempted me.

    silverbirch - Love the description of your house surrounded by fields and lavender. Yay for being "flexible in adversity."

    Donna (new2me2) - Yay for keeping at the struggle between points and your plan until you get a plan that fits you. It's worth the effort.

    Overlord - Can't do better than on track.

    Houston2Command - A punching bag is pretty good improvisation for 4am, LOL. Monster Kudos for recognizing about yourself, "I am thinking and eating like a thin person!" Vivid image of Sabotaging Thoughts there, "looming around stinking up the place looking for a crevice to come out and get me."

    Amber (AmberPr) - Congrats for so promptly filling your sales position; hope the new hire works out. Special Kudos for "Stayed out of both my husbands ice-cream and my daughters cookies."

    Mikkijoe - Hope that UPS delivers your Beck book so you can get to reading. I'm a big fan of supporting my local bookstores, but, alas, am also addicted to one clicking at Amazon. Thanks for you kind words.

    Randi (rbp) - Yep, bumping up against that old eating slowly is a surprise. Kudos for making progress on Sabotaging Thoughts - the number of them each day caught me by surprise, also.

    Ouch for that hip - but here at the Beck Health and Convalescence Thread, a lot of recovery from physical stuff going on; you're at the right place.

    Readers -
    day 32
    Prepare for Travel

    How Not to Gain Too Much

    These are some solutions dieters I've counseled use to help prevent gaining too much weight while they're away from home:

    . . .
    Eat brunch instead of breakfast and lunch. If you sleep later than usual, combining these two meals will allow you to eat a larger meal in one sitting.
    . . .

    The Beck Diet Solution, pg 224.
  • Welcome Randi (rbp)
    Randi (rbp)

    And, in honor of your first post on 3 Fat Chicks,

    Neat that you were able to find this Beck Forum by looking about on-line.

    How did you find out about the Beck books themselves?
  • Hi folks - despite a very stressful day yesterday - I managed to stay in my calorie range. It's a wonderful miracle...I am grateful. Many foods were avoided by my dousing them with the trusty liquid dish soap. LOL (dh's potato chips, tortilla chips and a small piece of banana bread) Better in the trash than in me.

    I am dealing with my health concerns the best I can. Day by day - everything will be figured out one way or the other.

    Thanks to you all for being supportive of my health thoughts and concerns. I don't say these things easily or lightly.

    Today I will aim for another good day.

    I'll try to be back later.
  • Good morning everyone and thanks for the warm welcome Yesterday was good, credit to me for staying on plan. It was more challenging because my husband was doing an afternoon/evening volunteer thing so I ate dinner alone. I have a history of eating badly when he does that (the "if nobody sees me eat bad stuff it doesn't count" syndrome), and I had to use a lot of mental effort to stay on plan. Credit for taking a longer walk (40 min) and stretching afterwards.

    I'm seriously thinking that the hip pain and body aches that have been plaguing me for so long may be related to gluten sensitivity. I haven't had wheat for 3 days and my hip is feeling better than it has in 18 months. This is after several doctors, x-rays, MRI, blood tests, and the only thing they could find was mild arthritis which shouldn't be causing the kind of pain I've been having. A chiropractor helped some, but the effect of the no-wheat has been immediate and startling - I feel like a new person! I'm hoping it persists, and if it does I'll try having a slice of bread somewhere down the road to see if the pain comes back.

    Like maryblu, I'm going to "cherry pick" my responses, too. I'd like to thank everyone who welcomed me and will try to respond individually to everyone at least once every few days. I'm afraid that if try to do everyone every day I'm going to burn out and stop posting!

    BillBlueEyes - I also heard about the Beck books online, I'm not sure where but probably in a fitness forum. I read them last spring but wasn't ready to start till now.

    Mikkijoe Thanks for the aspartame info. I used to be a diet coke addict, had to have one every afternoon. Then I stopped cold turkey several years ago, so that's not the culprit. See above, though - maybe for me it's gluten rather than aspartame!

    Beverlyjoy - It's hard to accept that someone we trust with our health isn't worthy of that trust. I hope you can find a better doctor soon.

    Joy (gardenerjoy) - New clothes - yeah! Congrats on losing all those sizes.

    Kudos to those others who resisted temptations and stayed on plan!

  • I'm already half way through my exercise for the month!

    WI: -0.5kg(new low), Exercise: +60 925/1800 minutes for July, Food: 90%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

    Houston2Command: yay for Day 15! How exciting! Good job with your sabotaging thoughts!

    Mikkijoe: Hope you got the book!

    silverbirch: good job with your flexibility--hope your skype call goes well!

    Shepherdess: cool to see you and your sheep!

    Nuxmaga: good job passing the French bakery!

    AmberPr: so glad you got your employee situation worked out!

    maryblu: I'm glad you got a correct diagnosis for your dizziness and a treatment plan you can live with

    Overlord: yay for being on track!

    AnneWonders: hope today is better for you

    seadwaters: good job staying on plan, and appreciating that you have one.

    BillBlueEyes: way to go biking to an event -- that's a wonderful habit to have. I'm going to start packing up the too large clothes as they come out of the laundry this week, and out of the closet over the weekend. I need more space to see the clothes that fit!

    Beverlyjoy: so glad that you are finding your path to stay under calories during a stressful time.

    rbp: good job staying on plan even when you're alone -- I have that invisibility syndrome, too. It took several months to stop having the knee jerk reaction that I should treat myself just because I was alone. But, I just realized, that I didn't even think about it yesterday when I was alone for about 3 hours. My new normal is exercise and food prep, but not eating.
  • Wow,this thread is really active.I am working on day 2 in the piink book,to choose a diet and #2 plan.I am going to give the Beck diet for life a try,in the green book.Back up is a exchange 1600 cal diet.I know I am just getting started again,I got frustrated last night,I am still trying to get unpacked.I delayed dinner to get more work done and then my mother visited with brownies,I was starved and ate 2 brownies,then dinner.Should have stopped there but continued on to eat candy I had purchased awhile ago for "emergencies".Know what I did wrong,delayed dinner and let myself get too hungry and suseptible.Better day today.I will check back in later and do some more personal messages,last day of my unpacking vacation,lots to do.Wendy
  • Well, my stomach decided to quiet down a bit, so I felt I would be able to do the beginner's workout off the WW Punch DVD. So I did. No Walk It Out though.

    Other than that, it was a busy, busy day at work and I found myself a couple of times wanting to eat the candy I have out on my counter, but resisted fortunately. It's funny because I haven't had that "I have to have one now" thing for a while. It was pure stress that drove that desire, so I'm thankful to Beck for helping me see that for what it was, lol. Doesn't take the desire away, but it helps to resist it a bit. The other thing that helps, of course, is the planned piece on my way home...knowing that I CAN have it and WILL have it, but in moderation is very helpful. Forced portion control is a wonderful thing.

    The other thing that was "eye-opening" yesterday was the pedometer. For all the running around I did at work, by the time I left, I still hadn't walked a mile, lol. I think at times I tend to over-estimate just how much activity I get.

    gardenerjoy YAY!!! New clothes and on sale and that fit!!! YAY!!! And major credit for being half-way through your exercise goal!

    Houston2Command Yay for diet dorks, lol!!! Most excellent backup exercise plan!!! And, WOW, on talking yourself out of sabotaging thoughts!

    Mikkijoe Excellent list of credits!!!

    silverbirch Yay for achievements that make you tired!

    Shepherdess Major credit for resisting the doughnuts! Congratulations on your front cover!!! Very nice!

    Nuxmaga Yay for driving past the bakery and for realizing that sometimes there are trade-offs when you want something.

    AmberPr Yay on filling the sales position!!

    maryblu re the personals...I do a multi-quote thing for every post, then just go down the list and respond. I'd never be able to remember everything if I didn't do it that way. But, it's WAY more important for you to post than to try to respond to everyone!

    AnneWonders Ouch for the wrong will be a better day!

    seadwaters (Cheryl) Major credit for staying on plan through all that!!

    Overlord I'll second that yay for on track!

    BillBlueEyes LOL!

    Beverlyjoy Yay for miracles!

    rbp The hip pain could very well be a gluten intolerance. Before I found out about my Celiac Disease, I had bad pain in my soon as I cut out gluten that went away and I haven't had it in the 5 years I've been gluten free. I also did all the x-rays, MRI, etc. Ditto what I said to's way more important to post than to try to respond to everyone! Do what you are comfortable with.

    wendy Yay for seeing where you went wrong and making a plan to fix it!
  • Just thought I would say hi. I ordered the Pink Beck book and the workbook. They should be here today. I'm excited. ^_^
  • My post from yesterday seems to have disappeared, so here it is again.

    Tuesday, July 13, 2010:

    Coaches/Buddies, thanks for all of your support. You all continue to inspire me to keep moving forward even though I wish I could run through this journey faster than my current life will allow!

    My food routine has been upended with getting in more time for work/research. Maybe someday I will let myself feel like I have time for doing both well! But for now, the time tug-of-war continues.

    Today’s Essentials:
    Weigh-in: totally forgot about weighing!
    Read Advantage Cards two times: yes
    Read Response Cards at least two times: yes
    Ate slowly, sitting down, noticing every bite: no, ate breakfast while working
    Gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful eating behaviors: yese
    Did spontaneous exercise: yes
    Did planned exercise: none scheduled
    Wrote out food plan for tomorrow: not yet
    Tracked today’s food: not yet
    Left food on my plate: no

    BeverlyJoy, maybe your doctor is contributing to your surgery anxiety. Is it possible to change doctors to someone you feel more comfortable with?

    BillBlueEyes, man-salads are funny!

    CeeJay, hugs to you and glad you are checking in with yourself regarding your feelings.

    GardenerJoy, glad you were able to get new clothes. That is terrific!

    Lexxiss, don’t forget to take care of you!

    new2me2, great job getting in activity, even when you felt less than great.

    Rbp, welcome to the group! You sound as though you have solid motivation.

    Seadwaters, really glad to hear about your great results with the doctor. Sorry to hear about the knee though.
  • Hello Hello!

    Know what strikes me as funny today? As I read people lists of credits I dont really cringe at anything BUT taking a daily vitamin...seriously! Why oh why would that hang me up and make me question if I can do this? LOL My thought process is really wacked some times! And tomorrow I am going to go get vitamins, I know I have several bottles at home, I buy them like once a year! And usually take them 2-3 times and then quit.

    Well my book came yesterday, and I am on page 60 or so already, which puts me up to Day 1.....TODAY! I will say the book caused me to get hypothermia! I decided to take a bath while I read, and I got so into the book that an hour later I was shivering and thought I would die....and of course the AC is on in the house and set at 68 that just added to my ice cube state! But I went outside and sat on the porch for a bit, 9pm and it was still 85 degrees......needless to say I did live!

    I also ordered the Walk It Out game for my Wii, and that will be here tomorrow. Everything I plan to buy lateley my town does not have in stock anywhere, boy that is frustrating, but the lack of instant gratification makes me really consider if I need it or not before I pay for shipping!

    Maryblu---Today will be personals that are cherry picked for me too! too much to do, and I am at work right now

    gardenjoy--great job on half way mark yet it is just the 14th...I believe "stinkin thinkin" would have many of us postpone until the later part of the month and have to play catch up! Great job on being on the ball!

    rbp--interesting about how food types or chemicals can have such a drastic effect on pain levels. Pretty sad to think of all the people who take so much pain medication that could possibly eliminate all that toxic crud simply by identifying these things

    AmberPR--good news on finding a new sales person, that is a tough job to fill, I am in HR, and I staff for various types of companies. Sales is one of the hardest to find!

    Well...good day to ALL, have to get some work done!
  • Coaches/Buddies, feeling bummed that I some how messed up my post yesterday. Yesterday I found myself giving my St. Bernard encouragement to resist the cat food bowl I placed in a new room yesterday. It made me laugh out loud and then I told her she needed to do the same for me. I only got back a blank stare though.

    Went to the gym this morning and my shoulders are ouchie! Have had a very productive couple of days and I hope that continues.

    Today’s Essentials:
    Weigh-in: -2 lbs.
    Read Advantage Cards two times: yes
    Read Response Cards at least two times: yes
    Ate slowly, sitting down, noticing every bite: ate a peach standing, but I noticed every bite (I had just gotten to work and didn’t want to look like I was taking a break already), ate breakfast roll up in the car on way to gym
    Gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful eating behaviors: yes
    Did spontaneous exercise: yes
    Did planned exercise: yes
    Wrote out food plan for tomorrow: yes
    Tracked today’s food: yes
    Left food on my plate: at lunch only

    AmberPr, great job with all of the credits and extra credits!

    AnneWonders, here’s hoping today stays on the happy path all day long!

    BeverlyJoy, great job with the Super Suds!

    BillBlueEyes, great observation about not eating because you are not home.

    GardenerJoy, look at you, Hot Stuff, with those big exercise minutes on only the 14th!

    Houston2Command, great job improvising when the DVD player didn’t work. And congratulations on a successful first diet day. Your enthusiasm is inspiring. Sometimes I really get stuck in diet drudgery.

    Maryblu, glad you had a successful neurologist appointment. I am meeting with on for the first time next week, as I’ve continued to have new and annoying headaches since May and am concerned they are related to my fall in March. So glad you are OK & intrigued the fix is with PT.

    Mikkijoe, yes, sleep is super important for successful weight loss and memory too. Both things I not surprising have struggled with forever. Yes, acting out the plan is hard for me too. We’ll have to keep being accountable to the group.

    MutableParadox, welcome to the group! This is a really fantastic bunch of people and I’m glad you are here.

    new2me2, interesting realization about the pedometer. Glad you were able to resist candy. If you’re going to put it out for others, can you get a kind that you don’t like very much?

    Nuxmaga, I am inspired by your French bakery resistance and plan to do the same at the farmer’s market today when I pick up my CSA.

    Overlord, really glad to hear you are on track.

    rdp, it’s such a shame so much of our mental effort has to go towards resistance. I wish it could be easier! Glad you’ve found a potential explanation for your pain and hope you have continued success combating it.

    Seadwaters, sounds like a perfect 10.0 for your plan execution yesterday!

    Shepherdess, great job on getting in your run. You look terrific. I loved seeing your sheep.

    Silverbirch, your home sounds idyllic! I can smell the flowers from your description!

    WendyLan, good job for recognizing where you went wrong and I hope today is better for you.
  • Hello and Introduction
    Hello, I began reading the Beck Diet solution recently. I felt I know a LOT about diet, what to eat, how to eat, exercise. I read and study nutrition information constantly. I finally figured out I need to learn to change my mind to change my diet. So, I did some research bought a couple books that were not what I was looking for at all. Then, found Beck Diet Solution. I am really excited about this book.

    You may have guessed, I am on the chapter where I need a Diet Coach. I am hoping to find one in real life, but it will take some thought. Until then, I wanted to join your group.

    Is it OK to just jump in like this? Let me know if there is an initiation that takes place I have read lots of post and find it very interesting.

    Thanks, Alma