New Thread For Getting Out Of The 160's!

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  • Thanks for the advice. Stargzr, I also wish you had something magical to say about motivation . I know, somewhere deep in the rational part of my brain, that I just need to keep doing what I know how to do. Honestly, I think coming here helps- I do love a good message board. Wannabenurse, I like your idea about trying on some old clothes as a way of looking back on all the progress so far, but I pretty much got rid of anything that didn't fit me anymore. I'd like to say I owe this to confidence, but really I've had to move like 5 times in the last few years so it was more a matter of practicality. At least you got me thinking about where I've been and how far I've come, so thank you for that!
  • Quote: Depending on your height, the 160s can be close enough to looking good that you loosen up and cheat, yet still far enough away from looking perfect that you... also loosen up and cheat.
    THIS!!! i hadn't really thought of it that way, but i think you're totally right. by the height charts im only a leeeeetle overweight, so i feel pretty good...most of the what's a margarita or three?? (besides like 100000 calories!!) hehe

    yes! i am going to try to take this next couple weeks just as seriously as i did when i first began to slowly shed this weight. oh man back when i REALLY fought for it!
  • I completely agree with you, Kirjava! The 160s aren't extremely uncomfortable, but at the same time, not quite comfortable enough. I think, from reading about other people and from my own experiences, that people have different 'set points' where they will just stop losing weight because their body is comfortable at a certain weight. I suppose that at that point, extra effort in the gym and less calorie restriction will help the body release the excess weight....not too sure about this theory yet, though! I myself haven't been able to break the low 140s for about 6 years now...can be very discouraging! :-S
  • welcome to our 2 newest members!! Good to see more people joining in..

    So I've been watching my scale the past two days and it seems like Im definitely at 167, not 168.8 like my WI said on Monday. Im excited about that, but my tracker will have to wait until next weeks WI. If I get down into 166(s) it'll seem like a huge loss!
  • lilly - YAY on the loss! Hope you see 166something at your next WI!!!

    kirjava - Your insight is great!

    I hadn't thought of it like that... "the 160s can be close enough to looking good that you loosen up and cheat, yet still far enough away from looking perfect that you... also loosen up and cheat". I think that might be the reason I'm not losing as well as I could be. I do realize that I'm getting down to the nitty-gritty, but I still think I can do better with my eating habits. Like party said... what's a few chips here or a candybar there? It's my belly is what it is!

    Well ladies, I stepped on the scale this morning and couldn't wait to get to work so I could come on here and post... 164! You know what that means? I am officially in the "normal" weight range for my height! I've not been this weight in my entire adult life so every time the scale drops, it's an all time low for me. I'm very excited today!!

    I hope everyone is doing well and OP. Hopefully kirjava's insight will help me to better pay attention to what's going in my mouth for the rest of my losses!! Thanks a bunch kirjava!
  • stargzr - that's amazing!! congratulations on your success!!

    As for me, I'm holding steady at 169, so my goal for this week is just to stay in the 160's!! I'm drinking tons of water so maybe I can get down to 168 for my WI?? Fingers crossed!
  • stargzr!!! congratulations!! that is a BIG deal!! i'm so looking forward to 154 for the very same reason you should be SO proud of yourself. WOW!!! 57 pounds and no longer overweight! way to go girrrrl!

    i'm with you on the water lulu. it's the little things, the things i think i've mastered, that i am really working on this week. mainly water and veggies. loads and loads!

    i feel like i've been putting so much thought and energy into the past 3 days of pretty fantastically on plan eating...i don't know how to avoid losing steam. yikes! though i will say (and i hope this is the case) that after lurking around here for so long, i hope participating more will be something i just WANNA do and will help keep me going?
  • Thank you ladies!! Everyone in this thread is so motivating! I love being in here!!!

    lulu - You WILL weigh in at 168! I just know it!

    party - That's a good idea, to work on something each week. I think I will borrow that from you and work on veggies, I've been slacking. I've found that coming on here often really helps me stay OP and losing. Even after I'm done losing, I don't think I'll be able to part with the site.
  • Stargzr thats amazing!! I have to get down to like 140 to be in the normal weight range!!! Thats awesome that you can be there finally
  • Congrats Stargzr!
  • I just wanted to share with you ladies how awesome it has been to realize that I AM getting smaller. When I see some spaces to get through I sometimes doubt if i'll be able to squeeze by without touching anything/anyone. But I've been noticing recently that I can do it with no problem. Its pretty awesome!!
  • Congratulations stargzr for reaching your lowest weight ever! It's amazing that you're in a healthy weight range now!

    LiLLy, that's a great NSV! I've noticed that I can fit through smaller gaps than I think I can as well, and it makes me wonder how long it will take my mind to grasp the size of my new body.

    I'm glad so many people agree with my comment about these darn 160s!

    I'm trying out a low carb diet to see if it will boost my weight loss. I'm having scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast, and pork chop and broccoli for lunch and supper. My snacks are chicken and yogurt. There are carbs in the yogurt and of course in the broccoli, but I want to avoid breads and pastas in particular. I'll find out how well it's been working on Saturday.
  • @Kirjava - Your meal plan sounds soooo good! You'll be eating some of my favorite foods.

    @LiLLy - Don't you love being able to slide between small spaces without touching anyone or anything? Congrats on the NSV!

    My weight today is 163. My goal for the end of the week is to get back to 162.4
  • @ kirjava: YUM! this a temporary experiment just to turn it up a notch? or are you usually a low-carber? your plan sounds awesome, healthy and delicious! i know that when i played with south beach, maybe like 5 years ago i went from about, ohhh where i am now ha, to 150something pretty fast eating tuna, spinach, feta, eggs, nuts -- totally doable and endorsably healthy

    @lilly: hahaha! i totally know the feeling. it's hysterical to me though that at various points so many of us have eyed some tight spot and thought to ourselves "can i make it?? oh girl suck it in; here goes, oh shoooot i did!!" i can see it now

    @missxb: i think you got that .6 ready to go!! do you weigh in most days and then "count" it one day a week? that's kinda what i'm trying to do now, but i can't decide if my friday or my monday should be The Day...the way it's looking, i'm thinking i've got another week to go before i've actually settled lower than we shall seeee

    good luck everyone!
  • The low-carb thing will probably be temporary in that I don't think I could avoid breads and pastas for life... too many of my favourite foods involve bread or pasta. That said, I love eggs, love bacon, love porkchops, love broccoli, love chicken, and love yogurt, so I could definitely stick with this for a while. I found some good recipes with spinach, so I might do something with that next week.

    I am trying to kick it up a notch, and I'll see if it works. If I don't have a great loss this week, I'll still stick with it next week because I'm sure it's the kind of thing that takes some time to become really effective. If I have two bad weeks in a row, screw it, I'm going back to carbs!