Weight loss buddies!

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  • Jaime, do you have a link for that?? Where do I find info on it? I would very much be interested Thanks!
  • http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml

    Here ya go!
  • good job on the first step kimberlyw! I'm sure you'll be able to keep it up and remember, even if you're sore . . . pain is just weakness (and fat) leaving the body! haha. I agree with JamieJo, from what I hear the C25K thing is great for people who want to start running but have never really done it before. Just google "couch to 5k" to find some great info!

    Congrats on the loss JamieJo!!! I bet it feels good to see a "15" at the beginning of the scale

    I stuck to my eating plan last night except for a few ice cream Dibs that were just too tempting when my bf's roommate whipped them out. But I did go for a 3 mile run so I considered it a good day. This morning I didn't have time to make my breakfast before class so I ate my "snack" of 1/2 a power bar then made a veggie egg white omelet after class and had it with a glass of milk. Meal #2 will be a salad and an orange at about 2, then I'll have snack #2 (1/2 a power bar) around 5.

    I'm planning to meet a friend at the gym at 6:30 for some classes and maybe get a short run in at some point.

    Meal #3 will be 4oz of chicken and 1/2 cup of green beans after the gym. I'm meeting a friend at the library at 8 to study for a linear algebra exam (oh so much fun haha), so when I get home from that I'll eat meal #4 of 2 servings veggies and 1 cup of brown rice.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic (on plan) day!!
  • Gosh - I just can't imagine getting to where I can comfortably run 3 miles. I hope that day comes!!! Have you always been a runner or did you have to work up to it?

    I've seen it on this site between other people but it really would be so cool to plan a trip somewhere with a bunch of people on here! I'm a travel freak....listen to me...geez...I already have a trip planned for Jan 09 and want to start thinking about planning another one....geez, geez, geez.....
  • I've never really considered myself a runner . . . in high school I played midfield in soccer so I was always running on the field and I did track to supplement that but ended up just being a triple jumper cuz I had bad shin splints and my coach wanted me to save my shins for jumping instead of wasting them on running.

    Since I started college in '05 I haven't been that active, I only started running this summer. The first time I tried I really pushed myself and was very surprised at myself for being able to run 2 miles on the treadmill since I've always been convinced I'm not a long distance runner (and it had been forever since I had tried to run!). . . but I've found that I can't consistently run longer distances as easily as I did that first time.

    Since then I've been training for a 5K that's this upcoming Satruday so I've been trying to run between a mile and three miles a few times a week. I've definitely had to work up to 3 being semi-comfortable. My trick is when I start running I tell myself I can walk if I make a certain goal, i.e. "if I run for 10 minutes I can walk for a minute," then when I get to 10 minutes I decide if I really need to let myself walk. I'll think "ok, I've made it 10 minutes and I'm really not as tired as I thought I would be, I'll go to 15 minutes and then walk if I need to". . then 17 minutes, then 20, etc etc. The trick is I need to really let myself walk if my body is telling me I need to or I won't be able to keep tricking myself to keep going.

    Really I've found that every little bit helps . . .even if I am too tired to do what my original plan was (i.e. 2 or 3 miles) if I just start running and let myself stop after 1 mile, the next time I run I'll be able to go further. As long as I keep conditioning myself to run whether I feel like it or not it keeps getting easier.

    Making sure you have a playlist that'll pump you up is also a big factor! If I'm listening to a slow country song I lose all motivation to keep going and feel really tired, but if I'm listening to an upbeat hip-hop song my feet seem to move themselves!

    Just keep working at it and I promise that day will come for you! Even when I was running track the idea of running 3 miles was way too daunting cuz I was just a jumper and a sprinter. . .and now I wish I had made a habit of it way sooner!

    You can do it!
  • Okay I have decided to do the C25K too! I am so excited! I went to Hibbert Sports and got a good pair of running shoes tonight! I am going to the gym tomorrow to run on the treadmill - I am counting yesterday's jog as day one of the program since I walked/ran for 35 minutes. So tomorrow will be week one day two of the program!
  • Kim - HOW DID IT GO????? I'm sure you did very well.

    Tonight is week 3 day 2 for me but I'm super soar from Monday. (I did more then the C25K-not sure where Monday's ambition came from...) But I HAVE to do it!
  • yeah Kim, update us! How'd it go?

    You can do it Jamie! Once your body starts moving your muscles will loosen up and the movement will help the soreness caused by lactic acid. . .so I promise you'll feel better after you do it! Just stretch a lot afterwards

    I posted a super long-winded post in the october 10lb challenge thread so I'll try to keep this short since I know a lot of the same people are in both haha.

    I've been doing well on my calories and eating healthy meals or snacks every 2-3 hours . . .but the temptation of my bf's food is SO DIFFICULT to resist as pms and stress is taking over my life at the moment. Uggghhh. I can do it!!

    Yesterday I went to 2 classes at the gym (BLT: buns, legs, thighs; ABS: abs, back, strength) and am not nearly as sore as I was expecting to be. I'll consider that a good thing. Today's my running day, I'm hoping to get 2-3 miles done outside instead of on the treadmill . .but we'll see if I have time before the sun sets.

    Hope everyone has a fantastic rest of their day!
  • Jaime, I'll let ya know tonight after I have gotten back from the gym I am really excited though! My calves still hurt from running/walking for 35 min on Monday LOL!
  • Hey ladies - So I had a so-so day. I did week 3 day 2 of C25K and again stayed on the treadmill for some more abuse. Luna, you were right. Once I got going I was totally fine. I need to get more controled with my food. I cheated ALOT last week and still lost but I know that I can't keep that up. I do pretty good when I'm at work but when I get home it's like a free for all... I don't really have much "junk" in the house but always seem to find something "bad..." Like today...I gave my daughter a gram cracker and had the thought that I wish I had some choc to put on one for me....then I dug out the choclate chips that have been in the back of the cupboard forever and ate a bunch of it. GEEZ...felt HORRIBLE afterwards but just couldn't resist. So then I had two 3 point bags of chips for what reason, I don't know... SO yeah. Enough about that.... BUT, on the more positive thinking note, two weeks ago I would have done all that eating, plus more without any working out so I guess I'm doing better then I would have two weeks ago.

    Tomorrow's my birthday. I'm going to be 28. TWENTY EIGHT! I really don't know where the last 10 years have gone!!!! I've already vowed that I'm going out with my girlfriends tomorrow night and am not going to be "that girl" who is counting points tomorrow night!
  • Ugh!
    Gah! Well, the gym never happened . Hubby is not being very supportive and it is really starting to piss me off considering that his snide remarks are part (okay the biggest part) of why I want to lose so badly .

    Anyway, on a positive note, I have decided to buy a treadmill from Walmart and exercise at home. At least then Hubby can't interfere with my goals. I am getting it on Friday so I guess I won't really get to do any cardio or start the C25K until Monday I have to admit that more than a little frustrates me. Anyway, at least now there won't be any reason to not do it

    Sorry you fell off plan Jaime, but if it makes you feel any better, as far the exercise portion of my weight loss plan, I haven't even gotten on the horse once! LOL!

    I know I am going to stop buying junk food (Hubby will have to go to the store and buy his own if he wants any), because my kids aren't all that interested in it anyway and I certainly don't need it GL Jaime!

    Lunabella, how was your run?? I am so jealous right now LOL!

    I understand what you mean about the BF's food being so tempting! I had a salad for dinner while my hubby made fishsticks and mashed potatoes (is there anything more unhealthy???!) and proceeded to sit next to me in the living room to eat (I had gone out there to eat to avoid any temptation). I really wish that he would be a little more supportive.

    He says that I look great and sexy and all that, but we got into a fight a week ago and I called him a not-so-nice name to his face and his comeback for me was "You're a fat cow". So how can I ever believe that he thinks I am pretty at this weight now???

    Okay I am done ranting now Have a good night ladies - I am heading to bed early.
  • Happy birthday, JamieJo!
  • Ah Kim - You're story, although depressing for you, made me laugh this morning. Been there, done that! My husband is really good but while I'm eating something healthy, he's making something in the deep fat fryer! And I'm sure he doesn't think you are a "fat cow!" He just knew that was a comment that would really get to you which was why he said it! I'll look forward to you getting that treadmill. I love mine!
  • happy birthday Jamie!!! I hope you have a blast tonight! From what Jillian Micheals says, the best drinks are clear alcohol with a diet mixer (they have more calories than say a Mich Ultra but they have less carbs and you will feel them more so you don't have to drink as much) . . .I'm partial to a vodka tonic, but I hear that vodka and diet coke (aka "a skinny b****" from what a bartender friend told me) is pretty yummy.

    Unfortunately, Kim, my PMS got the best of me last night and I was curled up on the couch with my stomach in knots and a cold washcloth on my head. I did do a good bit of walking yesterday around campus and running errands, but by the time I was supposed to go for a run I could barely stand. I also gave in to a serious salt craving that I was having, but only by having a handful of baked Tostitos after my 3rd meal . . to make up for it I didn't have my 4th meal (which was just supposed to be brown rice and veggies anyway. . .I had added extra veggies to my 3rd meal so I wasn't too concerned about it).
    Today should be better, I'm armed with some Midol lol. I have a flag football game at 10 so maybe I'll get a 2 mile run in before that.

    I'm sorry your DH isn't being very supportive. I'm sure that makes things way more difficult than they already are. Have you tried to talk to him about it? And as for him calling you a fat cow, I'm sure he only said that because you called him a name and he KNEW that a name like that would get to you.

    I got in an argument with this b**** who was trying to convince my bf to sleep with her (an argument over his phone cuz she kept trying to contact him after both he and I had told her to go away and leave him and us alone) and she made a comment about my "gut" . . .and she's never even seen me. People just know how to hit a girl where it hurts. Next time he says that, tell him a part of him that could use some growing

    Almost forgot to share my good news of the day . . .the scale read 135 this morning! Yay! I'm going to wait and see if it's still like that tomorrow before I change my info tho. Cross your fingers!
  • Morning ladies! Thanks for the birthday wishes and all that! And great job Luna on the weight loss! AND....nice picture! I want to look like you when I grow up! HEHE!

    So, had a depressing morning. I was down to 159.8 on Monday and this morning I was back up over 164. I get it...I was VERY bad on Thursday and now that I've thought about it, not much better yesterday and no working out either day...so I guess I deserve it. It's just frustrating that I've been working so hard the last 3 weeks, finally saw under 160, just to have a bad day or two and back up where I started.... Thank goodness birthday's only come once a year.

    I just don't see how I'll make the 10 lbs in October challenge now...I literally still have 10 pounds to go after my last two days....ahhhhhh.....so frustrated right now!!!!

    We'll, back on the wagon today. Have to go to the store and get some healthy stuff and do week 3 day 3 on the C25K...