Down 36lbs. as of this morning...

  • So I'm down 36lbs. as of this morning... just from what seems to me to be simple changes... actually the only reason I know that it's that much is that I decided to go to a spa for 2 weeks on July 10th for a working vacation (the work being ME!) and they weighed you when you arrived...

    So the interesting thing there was that after finding out what you weighed when you arrived THAT WAS IT FOR THE SCALE!!! NO MORE WEIGHING IN WHILE YOU WERE THERE! (pretty radical I thought... and had I known I probably wouldn't have gone...) but it turned out to be great not to have to worry about the scale for a little while and just focus on eating better, portion control, looking at what got me to that point, and going for long walks just enjoying myself with the other people there who wanted to make changes in their lives....

    Now I'm looking forward to moving forward with a really different attitude not only toward my weight but to my life as well...
  • Great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Good for you!
  • Weigh to go!!! Keep up the good work and much luck with your continue efforts!!
  • Awesome!! Congrats on starting your lifestyle change