talking about your weight loss

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  • when you post a status (not on mobile) there is a lock next to submit button, there you can limit who sees what

    to put them in groups go to your account (top right) and then click on edit friends
  • Quote: when you post a status (not on mobile) there is a lock next to submit button, there you can limit who sees what

    to put them in groups go to your account (top right) and then click on edit friends
    When I did that on the work computer, I couldn't see the "customize" option. AH HA! Now I get it.

    You will be one of the ones that can see the status update (when it happens)!
  • You know Matt, I don't think you would be concidered a jerk by announcing your weight loss to your FB friends. I did, (pretty generic actually...just said I finally reached my goal weight.) and it felt good. I received many notes and comments but I also received several PM's from friends wanting to know more about my situation and plan of action. For those who requested more info I sent them a link to my goal story that I used to have here at 3FC. Just recently I received a note from an old high school friend that was so inspired by my story and pictures that he decided to lose weight too and has now lost almost 60 pounds, (with 40 more to go) in the last year. I was THRILLED.

    My point is, if you can inspire ONE person...just one, to get healthy and live a better and more productive life, than it totally outweighs any jerk who thinks you are a jerk!

    Go for it!
  • Quote: I guess I still feel like abusing my body for all those years and getting to a normal weight that most people have maintained their whole life is still too much of an embarrassment to brag about.
    There are those that STILL think obese people are just lazy or stupid or something. My dad is one of them. He thinks that losing weight just takes a bit of self-discipline and anyone who can't do it is somehow deficient.

    Our society rewards thin attractive people. If we were formerly fat then mentioning that fact somehow casts a negative shadow on our new thinness.

  • Quote: I guess I still feel like abusing my body for all those years and getting to a normal weight that most people have maintained their whole life is still too much of an embarrassment to brag about.
    TryHard, I feel the same way. Thanks very much for your post.

    Thanks very much for this thread. I appreciate being able to read of all the different experiences and views.
  • I can't imagine anybody ever thinking you are a jerk.
  • I think if you want to post it, go for it! You have made quite an accomplishment. If you post it on Facebook, you can personalize your post to "block" certain people from seeing it. That way you only have people seeing it that you want to see it.