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Old 07-03-2007, 01:55 PM   #1  
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Talking Top 10 best and Worst things you can do for/to your hair

Hey Everyone! I Wrote this thread for a hair group that I was in a while back. I wrote it for teens about 13-17 so forgive me if I sound a bit off ^_^ Anyways, I thought maybe i could post it here for all 3FCers who love their hair (or at least trying to lol)

Top ten BEST and WORST things you can do for your hair.

M'kay this is just a list I threw together from all the information I gathered from years of hair care and my other hair forums. This can be used by males and females, long or short hair. If you want supper healthy hair, this list may be for you. But remember, no two people are alike, some of these things may not work for you.


10. Bad Brushing Technique.
Ever grab a brush and rip it though your hair before dashing out the door? *slaps hand* Bad! The easiest way to stop a lot of hair damage before it starts is changing the way you brush your hair. First thing you should remember is to never start from the top and run the brush down. This only pushes the knots and snags into other knots and creates a big mess that you’ll try and rip though. The best thing to do is part your hair in half, one part over each shoulder and start brushing from the bottom and slowly work your way higher. If you hit a knot or tangle, do not rip though it. Find the knot and then with your fingers, slowly pull it apart. It’s a pain in the butt but it’s worth it to keep your hair healthy.

9. Bad Washing Technique
Okay,….does this sound like what you do? You’re about to shampoo your hair. So you squeeze about a handful of shampoo on your hand and plop it on top of your head and then gather the rest of your hair and pile it on your head and start scrubbing and washing away.
Sound familiar? If so…*slaps hand again* bad! This is doing way more damage than it should, not to mention that it is a big waste of Shampoo. For most people a tablespoon of shampoo is enough, sometimes much less. Lather it in your hand and then apply it to your hair. Do not touch the length of your hair. Only the top part of your head (the crown) and the back of your head needs to be washed. (Unless you just got in a mud fight or work in a coal mine) Shampoo is harsh; it is made to strip off not only dirt, but any oils in your hair. The oils come from your scalp so naturally the hair on your head looks (and is) more greasy than the length of your hair. (Which may feel like dead grass because of it’s lack of oils)
You should let your hair fall naturally down your back in the shower and do not touch it while you are shampooing. I know it’s a habit to reach back and gather the hair to the top of your head, but you must resist! Just wash the hair on your head. Trust me, the shampoo will remove any dirt while you rinse it off.
Also, if you shampoo and you have that classic Mohawk style pile of bubbles on your head, then you are using too much shampoo. Massage the scalp while you are Shampooing, not only does this ensure that the shampoo is getting down to your scalp, it brings blood to the area (like getting any other part of the body massaged.) this is healthy for the hair follicle and hair will actually grow better. (for some, it grows faster, for others healthier…ect)

8. Combing Wet Hair
Is a big no, no! Many of you probably already know that wet hair is a bit longer than when it is dry. This is because it’s stretched out. Stretched out hair means it is much weaker than if it was dry. If you have fine/weak hair, this is where you get a lot of that snapping of hairs when you are brushing/combing wet hair. For people with coarse/super wavy/curly hair, combing while the hair is wet is sometimes the only way they can comb it. If you have this kind of hair, it’s okay to comb your hair while it’s wet...if…(notice the if)… you have lots of slip. What is slip you say? …well, the best time to comb your hair wet, is when you are in the shower. Use a shower comb, they are big and fat, the teeth are about a half inch apart and are also big and fat. They are mostly made of slightly textured plastic. Smooth shiny plastic will not let the hair slip though the comb as well as the other. And the best thing to do is use lots of conditioner when you comb in the shower. This is where you get most slip. Without slip, you will be doing more damage than good.

To brush outside the shower, use a good leave in conditioner with your wide tooth comb.

7. Not Washing Enough
Your scalp is just like any other skin on your body, if you don’t keep it clean bad stuff will happen. Dirt, oils, and other junk will eventually clog of the hair follicle and the hair will start to fall out and prevent new hair from growing back. How often should you wash your hair? Well that’s different for everyone. Which brings me to the next on this list.

6. Over Washing
Yes, you can over wash your hair. Unless you get your hair filthy everyday, there is no reason to wash it everyday. I only wash my hair every 3 days, and I only shampoo my hair once a week. The idea with this is, the less you handle your hair, the less chance you have of damaging it. Also because the key ingredient for soft smooth hair is the natural oils that coats the hair. Too much oil and your hair will look greasy, not enough oil and your hair will be dry and brittle. Dry hair is prone to split ends and feeling like dry grass.
If you shower everyday, put your hair up to keep it from getting wet. On wash days, use only conditioner on your hair (Long or short, all hair needs to be conditioned if it is to be healthy) Conditioner will remove some of the oil and any dirt. It won’t strip your hair like shampoo so the hair will remain soft and moisturized. Many “hair people” have stopped using shampoo completely for this very reason.
If and when you shampoo is different for everyone. If you decided to stop shampooing as much, remember, It takes 4-6 weeks (on average) for the scalp to regulate itself and stop over producing oils that it loses from being striped. So your hair may become greasy while it is getting use to not being shampooed as much.

5. Product Pandemonium
OMG did you try that new Shampoo that just came out?! Did you hear about the new hot oil treatment? As a girl with hip length hair, (and as many hair fanatics are) finding a new product is hard to pass by without buying it. If you buy a bunch of new things for your hair, this might be the pattern you see. You buy… you try… it works great…for two or three days… then it suddenly seems to stop working… you stash it away in the dark cabinet to gather dust in the shampoo graveyard, or you give it away or toss it… or better yet, use it for your pets (big no, no for many pets FYI)
I’ve been guilty of this many times before I learned better. If you are trying out something new, you need to remember the 2 week rule… use it for at least two weeks before you decided if it is a keeper or a toss. It takes a while for your hair to get use to the new stuff you’re putting on it. And if you constantly go from one new product to the next then you’re not going to find anything that will seem to work. And you’ll only be stressing out your hair and scalp to boot.
So unless your hair starts falling out or something like that, don’t stop using it until the 2 weeks are up.

4. Over Oiling
Hot oil treatments and just oil treatments in general are nice and everything but there is a thing as over oiling your hair. Over oiling will actually make your hair feel even drier… (So dry that the only term I can think of is…crunchy.. your hair will feel crunchy) it will look dry, feel dry or/ and look way too greasy and limp. How much oil should you use on your hair then? Well that depends on you and how much hair you have. I have hip length hair, and I use maybe about half a teaspoon worth of oil every other day. I only use it on the bottom half of my hair. (Where my natural oils often can’t reach it.)

3. Whip in the Wind
Okay, I know I know, it’s hard to not let your beautiful soft, shiny hair float freely (especially after all the hard work you put into getting it that way.) But trust me. Ever see a flag that has been out on the flag pole after a large storm or a bunch of wind. The flag gets shredded from flapping in the wind and being exposed to the elements. Hair that is down and exposed to sunlight, extreme heat or cold, and pollutions will weaken it. Letting it blow in the wind is a sure fire way to not only get uber tangles, but split ends as well. This does not mean you have to tie your hair back all the time, but use your better judgment when it comes to letting your hair down.

2 Blowfrying.
No that’s not a typo, if you use a blow-dryer or anything that uses heat on your hair, you are basically frying it. Water boils at 120 degrees F. Many bow-dryers go much higher than that. The water in your hair will boil, the hair can also burn. This is what blow-dryer damage looks like.
Not pretty is it. If you MUST blow-dry your hair… use the coolest setting possible and don’t leave the dryer in one spot too long. I am totally against curling irons, as they heat up the hair even more than a blow-dryer and the hair touches the hot metal. Flat irons are iffy, I use to use one until I thought my soft wavy hair looked a lot better than my straight, frizzy, damaged hair.

1. Back-Brushing
If you back brush… you may as well just take some scissors and cut off your hair. Back brushing was popular back when big hair was in style and you took your brush and brushed your hair towards your scalp to get the big poofy, full body look . This is also called “teasing.” Basically you are brushing against the direction your hair is growing. See, this is a perfectly healthy hair. See all the little scales? They are laying perfectly flat.(these flat scales is what makes hair soft and smooth and shiny.) Everyday damage will lift those scales and back- brushing will just rip up the scales. (causing the hair to look dull dry, frizzy and anything but smooth) So whatever you do to your hair.. never ever…ever back brush.


10. Toss the Brush
Do you have one of those brushes with the plastic bristles and the plastic beads at the end of each bristle? If you do….go get it…I’ll wait…… it? good… now throw it away! These plastic brushes shred the hair. I had the most nasty frizzy hair every… Like Hermione from Harry Potter (book not the movie) 3 weeks after tossing my brush, my hair was 100% better, and it gets better all the time. Brushing causes majority of the damage your hair gets. If you must use a brush, use it as little as you can.

9. Grab a Good Comb
The best thing to use for your hair is a seamless comb. Most plastic combs are made in a mold and it leaves a seam where the two halves of the mold come together. This leaves a raised, rough seam, and it’s this seam that strips off the scales from your hair. Seamless combs are hand made from a sold piece of plastic or wood. But Seamless hand made combs can be expensive, and can cost anything from $10 to $100 depending on quality and materials. But the investment is well worth it.
If you can’t fork over that kind of money, or can’t find a place to buy them (*Cough internet Cough*) you can take a regular plastic comb, and file down the seams with a nail file, when the seams are smoothed down, take a bit of clear nail polish and go over the seams to make sure it’s extra smooth. Many of the big fat shower combs are nearly seamless and are the best thing to use if you don’t want to do anything to your comb… and they are only $3, so heck.

8. Braid and Bun it
No, you won’t look like an old lady -_- the idea behind keeping your hair in a braid or even better, a bun, is to keep it away from damage. The hair can’t catch on anything or snag on the school chairs (I’ve always hated that, lost countless hairs due to those stupid chairs at school) Buns are also good when you are moisturizing your hair, especially the ends, because you can tuck the ends into the center of the bun where the moisture will stay in the hair a lot longer. The best thing about braids and buns is…no tangles! Using hair sticks in the bun is a very fancy yet classic look that will look great at a party, school, or housework. ^_^ hair is up and out of the way, key for minimizing damage.

7. Oil is your Friend
Last thing a person wants is greasy hair, but the natural oils in your hair is the best thing for it. It moisturizes dry hair, de-frizzes the frizzes, and gives enough shine to blind someone. The next best thing is adding oils to your hair, such as Olive, Almond, Coconut, Avocado and Jojoba oil. Any good pure oil will work. A little goes a long way so don’t over do it, or you’ll be trying to wash oil out of your hair for days. What is often done is the oil is put in the hair at the end of the day and the person sleeps, letting the oil soak in over night. (A good hair cap/night cap is great for this because not only does it keep hair from getting full of knots at night, it keep your pillows from getting oil on them) in the morning you wash.
Not every oil will work for every hair. Some people don’t use olive oil because it’s hard to wash out despite it’s moisturizing qualities. I love Olive and coconut saved my hair many times. But I don’t use jojoba because it makes my hair crunchy. Experiment and find the one that you like best… and don’t forget the 2 week rule.

6. Kitchen Products
Sometimes the best stuff for your hair is the things you can make right in your own home. Oil treatments, conditioners, smoothing creams for frizz. Oils, eggs, honey, mayonnaise teas, aloe, oatmeal…all kids of goodies. Search for good recipes and give it a try, it’s much cheaper and much more natural than products at the store. But it’s always a good idea to try them when you have a few days of free time, just incase your hair hates something and goes crazy. ^_^ (Note to self: never mix Honey and Olive oil ever again)

5. Know your Hair Type
Do you have fine hair… or coarse hair? Is it curly? Or just wavy? Or is it straight as a pin? Knowing your hair type will save you a lot of pain latter on. People with fine hair should be extra super careful with there hair and should never brush their hair when it is wet. People with coarser, for stronger hair, can get away with a bit more but need to work harder to make the hair soft and smooth. Here is a simple chart.
Type 1
Is straight hair, which has doesn’t have any type of wave of curl pattern.
Type 2
A relatively unusual type, wavy hair tends to be coarse, with a definite "S" pattern to it. There are three Type 2 subtypes:
A – fine /thin,
B -medium-textured,
C - thick and coarse.
Type 2A is very easy to handle, blowing out into a straighter style or taking on curlier looks with relative ease.
Types 2B and 2C are a little more resistant to styling and have a tendency to frizz.
Type 3
When this type of hair is wet, it appears to be pretty straight. As it dries, the hair goes back to its curly state. When curly hair is wet, is usually straightens out. As it dries, it absorbs the water and contracts to its curliest state. Humidity tends to make this type of curly hair even curlier, or even frizzier. Type 3 hair has a lot of body and is easily styled in its natural state, or it can be easily straightened with a blow-dryer into a smoother style. Healthy Type 3 hair is shiny, with soft, smooth curls and strong elasticity. The curls are well-defined and springy. Andre defines two subtypes of curly hair.
First, there is type 3A hair which is very loosely curled and usually very shiny with big curls. The shorter the hair is, the straighter it gets. The longer the hair is the more defined the curl.
Then, there is type 3B hair which has a medium amount of curl to tight corkscrews. It's not unusual to see a mixture of these types existing on the same head. Curly hair usually consists of a combination of textures, with the crown being the curliest part.
Lastly there is a type 3C, is hair type that is not in Andre Walker’s book, but many people suggest that it should be. This type of hair can be described as tight curls in corkscrews. The curls can be either kinky, or very tightly curled, with lots and lots of strands densely packed together.

Type 4
According to Andre Walker, if your hair falls into the Type 4 category, then it is kinky, or very tightly curled. Generally, Type 4 hair is very wiry, very tightly coiled and very fragile. Similar to Type 3 hair, Type 4 hair appears to be coarse, but it is actually quite fine, with lots and lots of these strands densely packed together. Type 4 hair that is healthy won't shine, but it will have sheen. It will be soft to the touch and will pass the strand test with ease. It will feel more silky than it will look shiny. Oprah is a Type 4. Type 4 hairs looks tough and durable, but looks can be deceiving. If you have Type 4 hair, you already know that it is the most fragile hair around.
There are two subtypes of Type 4 hair: Type 4A, tightly coiled hair that, when stretched, has an "S" pattern, much like curly hair; and
Type 4B, which has a "Z" pattern, less of a defined curl pattern (instead of curling or coiling, the hair bends in sharp angles like the letter "Z"). Type 4A tends to have more moisture than Type 4B, which will have a wiry texture.

4. Dusting
Okay, hair fanatics raise your hands. Dusting is something only for those who are commented to their hair. It is time consuming and lots of work, but the effort is well worth it all. Dusting is for those who wish to maintain current hair length or grow it as long as possible. What is dusting? Well it’s basically cutting off split ends one at a time.
Now before you skip right over this…just read it. It’s called dusting because when you are finished, it should only look like specks of dust on the floor, (or where ever you cut your hair) As you are only cutting off the tiny split end.
What you need is a good pair of hair scissors. These scissors are use for cutting hair only, and they are about $5 at Wal-Mart. Using any old everyday scissors will only damage the hair you are cutting.
Take your hair and look at the ends, really look...close. If you have dark hair, you might want to have something light behind the hair, and for those with light hair, have something dark behind the hair. When you see a split end or a white dot, or any damage like a tiny knot or bend, cut it off.
Many people feel that the more the dust, the more split ends they see, this is because you are now more aware of what you are looking for, so don’t freak out. I only spend about 5-10 minutes every day dusting. Sometimes I will only find a dozen splits.. sometimes I’ll find so many that I won’t get them all. The point is to not get every single split end, but just cut them when you see them. Look over your hair in half inch parts so you don’t get over whelmed.
Going to a trim from a beauty salon is a bad idea if you are trying to grow your hair long. Because they cut off about 2-3 inches off the bottom of your hair (that’s about 6-9 months worth of hair growth!) and the sad thing is, the bottom isn’t always where the splits are. Oh, and that old saying that trimming your ends makes your hair grow out... is a MYTH!!!Hair grows from the scalp, not the ends, so how does trimming them make the hair grow?

3. Less Shampoo!
As I talked about above, you shouldn’t shampoo your hair very often. Conditioner only washes and water only washes are very popular with long haired people. A CWC or a conditioner, Wash (shampoo), Conditioner wash is the kind of wash I often do on shampoo days so I don’t strip off a lot of moisture. Conditioner only washes are for those who are committed to get supper soft healthy hair. There is a period of a few weeks where you will be tested. Your hair may look pretty bad until the scalp is able to regulate itself, but the results are beautiful.

2. Boar Bristle Brushing
The saying “100 brush strokes a day” was meant for this kind of brush. This should be the only real brush you have. A brush mostly made of wood with natural (or fake!) boar bristles. This brush is not meant for detangling. This brush is used for spreading your natural oils from the top of your head to the length of your hair where it is needed. Any damaged scales will be smoothed down, making your hair shiny and softer feeling. The act of brushing also removes ecess dirt, and smells from your hair, meaning you have to wash your hair less. I brush my hair every night before bedtime with this brush, I can’t imagine what I would do without it.

1. Clarify
The best thing you can ever do for your hair is give it a good cleaning about once a month. Healthy hair won’t mean anything if it is dirty. Build up of dirt, oils, conditioners and shampoo residues, gels, hairsprays and pollution will dull your hair. A good clarifying will remove all this from your hair giving you a fresh start with bright, shinny supper soft hair.
The best thing for this is an Apple Cider Vinegar rinse.
All you need is apple cider vinegar and a regular old bottle (like a bottled water bottle) Fill the bottle with about 1-2 tablespoons of the vinegar and then fill the bottle with water. Take the bottle with you in the shower and shower as normal. Use the rinse just before you get out of the shower. Pour the mixture over your hair, making sure it gets down to your scalp and runs though the length of your hair; let it sit for 10 seconds and the rinse it out. Make sure you rinse it out well or you will smell like vinegar.
Then let your hair air dry completely

Don't do this more than once a month, if you use alot of junk on your hair, such as hairspray and gels, then you may try this twice a month. If you use vinegar on your hair more often than that, it'll just eat at your hair and make it nasty. Just once a month is perfectly fine.

Also, some people find Apple cidar too harsh for their hair. Trial and Error is the only way you can find the right amount of Apple cidar Vinegar and water, or if a whole new product must be found.

Extra tips
Don’t use hair ties or barrettes that have that little metal band in them. Don’t use rubber bands either, unless they were made just for hair use, and even then be iffy about them.

The average hair folicle grows about 20 hairs before it dies and stops growing hairs. If you find hairs in your brush or on the floor and it has that little white bit of skin at one end... you just sheded a hair. If there is no bit of white skin... then it's breakage.

If it's below freezing outside, never go outside with wet hair. the water on and in your hair will freeze and the hair will snap off. it's bad to go outside in the cold with wet hair anyways.

Sometimes the best comb is your fingers. Fingercombing is best for your hair, for it causes the least amount of damage.

When you wash your hair, imagin your washing a very,very old wedding dress with lace. You're not going to scrub 100 year old lace are you?

Got questions?...ask!
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Old 07-03-2007, 03:14 PM   #2  
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Are you a cosmetologist? I am a licensed one...just wondering, because some of the advice I agree with, and other things I don't.
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Old 07-03-2007, 04:57 PM   #3  
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lol I'm not. It's just what I gathered over the years. I've always had long hair, my hair has never been shorter than just below the shoulders.
I've always had issues with my hair, being frizzy for one, so I did lots of trial and error things in order to find what works for me.

over time I met a lot of great people with lots of wonderful advice. (that's what I put here ^_^)
different things work for different people, we just need to try everything out.
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Old 07-03-2007, 05:21 PM   #4  
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Okay...because here are some things that I have learned from training, and from working in the salon that relate to the original post:

~DON'T always wear your hair in a bun/braid/clip. Yes, it does protect the shaft of the hair somewhat, but the stress of it being "pulled" at the scalp all of the time can create breakage near the scalp.

~You only need to clarify regularly if you use a lot of product. Someone who only shampoos and conditions doesn't need to clarify...while someone who uses gel or mousse, or lots of hairspray will need to do this.

~Combing the hair isn't a bad thing, as long as you do it correctly. The problem happens when you "pull" on the hair with the comb to get out a tangle/knot in the hair. This can stretch it and break it. To comb longer hair, always start at the bottom, do the bottom couple of inches, then go up a bit, etc. Starting from the scalp and pulling down and "tugging" through a tangle is where the stretching and breakage can happen.

~A hairdresser should only trim what you WANT them to trim. A trim doesn't always mean 2-3 inches. A lot of the problems with trims, is that clients don't convey what they want. If you tell them 1 inch, it should be one inch-BUT-you have to know what 1 inch looks like. Take a look at a measuring tape before you go, and hold it up to your hair. Some people tell their stylist to cut 2 inches, when they actually only mean 1 inch, because they underestimate what 1 inch really is. Make sure you know!

~When a stylist says that a trim will help your hair get longer, it is PARTIALLY true. Yes, hair grows from the root. We all know that. The reason a trim will help the hair, is because when you have split ends, they KEEP splitting further up the hair shaft. If you take off the split ends, your hair, if you have splits, will stop "splitting up" and the length will improve.
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Old 07-03-2007, 05:22 PM   #5  
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Great Sakai - thanks! My hair used to be so lovely in high school and now it's not nearly as shiny and plagued by split ends. I think I wash it too often.
Originally Posted by aphil View Post
...some of the advice I agree with, and other things I don't.
Aphil, if you don't mind my asking, what is your opinion on Sakai's post? It's good to hear differing opinions so we have lots of options - that's the best way to find what works for us. Professional or personal, as long as it worked for someone I definitely want to hear it!

(love hair <3)

EDIT: Oops, I'm too slow. Thanks Aphil!
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Old 07-03-2007, 05:31 PM   #6  
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Also, can either of you ladies give me a description on what icky build-up and residue will do to/look like on hair? I've never "clarified" my hair, because I used to use basically NO after-shower products. It started getting frizzier some years ago, though, so now I put a combination of some smoothing cream, some shine "glosser," and just a tiny bit of anti-humidity gel (maybe the size of an eraser on the end of a pencil) in the hopes that they'll work together to make the ends of my hair lay down flat! All very small amounts, mostly on the bottom half of my (butt-length) hair.

Now I'm worried it's not shiny anymore due to build-up and that it needs a good clarifying!

EDIT: And is it bad to leave your in-shower conditioner in too long? I usually put some in, then wash/exfoliate my face, then do my body wash (keeping my hair out of the body soap!), THEN rinse body/hair. A total of maybe 6 - 8 minutes?

Sorry for the rapid-fire questions (and I have more!), it's just hard to talk to people who have some idea of the right answers, and who CARE about hair, haha. I asked my stylist how to get my hair healthier/shinier and she told me to dye it darker.

Last edited by Ethereal; 07-03-2007 at 06:13 PM.
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Old 07-03-2007, 07:03 PM   #7  
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~No, it isn't bad to leave your conditioner on for a while as you shave, use shower gel, etc. The conditioner works/penetrates, and then stops. It doesn't hurt anything.

~Also, one of the best things you can do for your hair, is to use products that are meant for your hair. Your entire family shouldn't be using the same shampoo and conditioner, unless you all have the same hair type, oiliness-dryness, and you all have the same treatments (color, perm, etc.) If you have a man in the house with coarse untreated hair, a toddler with fine hair, and a woman with color treated hair-then there should be a shampoo for each of you.
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Old 07-03-2007, 10:02 PM   #8  
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I agree. Just don't forget to wash it out @_@ there was a few times that I forgot I had conditioner in my hair when I was shaving and such. I didn't remember until I ten minutes AFTER my shower and i was like....."why is my hair so gummy?" LOL Aphil is right, it won't do anything bad if it is left on longer than it says.

build-up on the hair will sometimes make it dull, limp...maybe even sticky.
The say that build-up will clog the hair folicle, making it hard for the hair to grow. I'm not sure if this is true or not. I'm sure it is for some people. it's hard to say what build-up will look like on your hair, only you can tell the difference.
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Old 07-11-2007, 08:55 PM   #9  
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Sakai, this is great advice!

LOL @ Product Pandemonium. I suffered from that. Every time I saw a new product I would buy it or put in on my "wish list".

I gave up blowfrying, curling irons, and flat irons earlier this year. I had a plastic brush that I stopped using years ago. I bought a seamless comb 2 years ago and I love it.

I dust regularly. It's so true that the bottom isn't always where the splits are. I stopped getting salon trims earlier this year. I told my hairdresser that I wanted her to trim less hair, and trim less often. She scolded me a few times for that. When I told her that I don't want my hair to stay the same length (it was just past my shoulders), she yelled "Some hair just doesn't get any longer!" I stopped going to her.

I make sure I clarify because I use a moisturizing shampoo, a thick deep conditioner every week, and I use Sunsilk Creme every day, so I get build up. Clarifying helps all of my products to work better.

You are so right about hair ties and barrettes that have metal. When I used them, no matter how carefully and slowly I took them out, I always ended up with a few strands caught in them, unnecessarily broken.

You are so right about fingercombing and treating your hair like old, delicate lace.
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Old 07-12-2007, 08:13 AM   #10  
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Actually...your hairdresser was correct in saying that some hair just doesn't get any longer. The reason, is because everyone's hair follicles have a different rate of growth, and a different lifespan per hair. (Someone's hair follicle may only grow a hair for so many years before it falls out and a new hair starts growing.)

This is why the old country singer Crystal Gayle had hair down to her legs, and other people only get it to mid-back, no matter what they do.
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Old 07-12-2007, 09:27 AM   #11  
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I used to love Crystal Gayle! I remember recently when she was in the news because someone stole her tour bus.

My hairdresser wasn't willing to see how long my hair can get. She had been trimming it at the same rate that it was growing, or sometimes she would cut more than the amount that had grown in since my previous trim. At this point I haven't had a trim in 5 months and my hair is longer than it was when she was my hairdresser.

Last year my hairdresser and my friends noticed that my hair was getting longer. This was after I had a few conversations with my hairdresser about trimming less. But at my last trim she went back to her old way of trimming (more like a cut).
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Old 07-12-2007, 09:38 AM   #12  
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I definetly agree with using oils on the hair. I have extremely thick, course, curly hair. My hair litteraly "drinks" up the oil. Normally I use Olive Oil but heard some comments on another website that they bought Coconut Oil at Walmart and loved it so I plan on buying a bottle just for my hair. For any of you curly gals out there has anyone found a good product for your hair? I'm interested in any suggestions. I tried Dove Advanced in the Dark Blue Bottle and it worked well so I was thinking about buying that.
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Old 07-12-2007, 10:49 AM   #13  
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I have all-one-length long hair, too. I recently had to switch hair stylists, and I was surprised to find that several of them had a prejudice against long hair! One said it was "fun" and the others spent the entire time talking about when I'm going to cut it, as if there's something wrong with a cut that requires a trim only once every few months.

I like a lot of the advice here, and incorporate much of it. I just recently discovered the benefits of finger-combing most of the time.
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Old 07-12-2007, 11:19 AM   #14  
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When you go to your hairdresser-be firm with them when you tell them that you want a trim. Tell them exactly how much you want cut off, and tell them 1/4", or 1/2" or 1" or what you want. Ask to see their black comb that they use when they cut hair-because most of them are marked liked rulers, and they show the increments. Show them on the comb (if it is marked) exactly how much you want trimmed. Ask them to use the measuring part of the comb to mark their first clip-as a guide to that amount.

I agree 100% that there are a lot of hairdressers who aren't any good-but as a voice from the other side, having worked in a salon myself-there are also a lot of clients who aren't any good. What I mean by that is, they come in and say a "trim", or "do whatever looks good", and they are not really all that specific.

"A trim" to one person is 1/4", while "a trim" to another person means 1". The best thing that you can do to get the hair care you want, is to be specific with your hairdresser. For every bad hairdresser story there is out there, I have an equally bad client story. I have had clients dye their hair at home 6 times in a row to get the right color-and then come in and want me to fix it. I have had clients go home and condition their hair immediately after a perm and come in the next day mad because their perm fell out. I have had clients upset and mad with me because I couldn't shave "Nike" in the back of their 2 year old's head-because he was screaming, jerking, and crying because he was scared (First haircut) of the clippers-and after seeing his reaction I refused to try it. I have had someone come in with their family of 8 for haircuts (at a walk-in salon) 10 minutes before closing.

I just wanted to give some of the other side.

Seriously though-be as specific as you can. Don't just say "trim". Show measurements, and say measurements of exactly how much you want cut off.

As far as long hair prejudice goes...I have none against long hair, as long as it is healthy, looks nice, and is well taken care of and styled nicely. Honestly though, when it gets to be a certain length-there isn't much you can do with it other than ponytails, buns, and braids. Updos are hard to do on hair that is past mid-back. There are clients who have waist length hair who get upset that you can't do a french roll, or something for their wedding, because they have too much hair to do it.

Highlights, color, and perms are a nightmare to do on someone who has super long hair that is also really thick. Sometimes it actually honestly doesn't flatter a person's facial structure-adding layers, bangs, or a shorter length overall-sometimes is more flattering to their features.
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Old 07-12-2007, 11:27 AM   #15  
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vealcalf2000: I have always loved and used the ouidad line of products for my curls. One thing I'm in love with right now is the Summer/Sun Shield Spray. It works like a charm protecting my hair from the chemicals in the pool as I do water aerobics 3-4 times a week.
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