Sketchers Shape Up Shoes - Anyone tried them?

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  • I'm not sure if they so much as 'work' but for me they're a lot more comfortable then my normal shoes. I have a fallen arch on my left foot and I find that these shoes just give a lot more support then others I've gotten in the past. I love them to death for everyday things. Gym... not so much! I tried them on a treadmill walking and it was very awkward but I'm pretty sure they're not really intended for that regardless so silly me for trying!
  • I can't use my skecher flip-flops to work (or the sneaker shoe either for that matter )- but, I would love too since I do a lot of walking about. LIke I stated earlier, I did feel the difference.
    I've noticed that a couple of the stockers at my work wear them daily, but I haven't noticed that they've lost weight or toned. One lady quit wearing them & I asked her wy she did so. She said that they were just too painful. They are definitely not Weight Loss shoes, just toning shoes.
  • my shape up experience
    I had a relatively favorable experience with my sketchers, to start with I paid like 25.00 for mine because my dented can store gets the less popular colors cheap... then I do find that it seems to help my balance, but it's killer on the calves at the gym...not gym shoes! Fine for walking though. I like em, feel a difference in my walk, forces me to use other parts of my body for balance and such. I've had 2 pairs of these now and a pair of a knock off brand from a big box store...they seem about the same.
  • Chrztina I don't think they do work...according to this website they talk about how the FTC actually served lawsuits to both Reeboks and Skechers for making false claims. Something about the doctors supporting the claims were actually married to a Skechers executive but no surprise there right?
  • My boyfriends mother bought them as well but I told her to stop wearing them after I visited this site. They got sued recently by the FTC and have to give refunds to everyone now- they made false claims and fabricated favorable stories about their shoes -_- You can read about the lawsuit here of course these guys might be a bit biased but still, the FTC has a page on it too. Here's the FTC page on the case
  • I bought Danskin ones from Walmart for $20. I could feel a difference in my calves the first few days that I wore them. They are useless for running or for walking on anything other than a hard surface.
  • no, and it gave me shin splints and i was pretty thin at the time.