Depression and Weight Issues Have you been diagnosed with depression, are possibly on depression medication, and find it affects your weight loss efforts? Post here for support!

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Old 03-08-2002, 05:00 PM   #1  
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Unhappy Eating When Depressed

Some people eat less when they are depressed. I eat more. What do you do when you are having a bad day and you want to eat? Today I managed to get ahold of a friend, and went to visit her. Any other suggestions? Let's share ideas, 'cause i know when it is bad, it is BAD.
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Old 03-08-2002, 05:23 PM   #2  
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Default Get BUSY

Good question. A few things I do:

Get on the computer and surf all over
Gulp down a couple of glasses of water
Indulge in something that isnt going to derail my day.. fruit, a few pretzels
Dig in the dirt ( not a good choice in the winter, however)
Get out a book and read.
Leave the house and go to any non food related store
Take a nap.
Play with my kitty cat
Watch a cooking show on the food network ( I know this one sounds nuts, but for me, sometimes just watching food seems to help.) Getting a vicarious thrill perhaps?

Main thing is.. distraction!!
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Old 03-08-2002, 10:35 PM   #3  
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Good suggestions!! Thanks Linda!
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Old 03-11-2002, 01:52 PM   #4  
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Hi, I am new here but not to the age old battle of the bulge! I battle depression often and the one thing that has helped me out of it is to simply forget the world. This means do something that is totally for ME! This may mean putting of my housework so I can sew something fun. This means giving myself permission to read a book and let the world wait for a day. This usually helps alot. I hope this helps
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Old 03-12-2002, 12:31 AM   #5  
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Good suggestions Debbie. Sometimes I forget to take care of MYSELF!! I also like Bubble baths. Really long ones!! The other thing I do to escape is (believe it or not) video and computer games!!
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Old 03-14-2002, 03:58 AM   #6  
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Default Me too!

Hi everyone,

I'm really glad to read this forum. This is SO MUCH a part of my life--eating when I'm down, eating to numb myself out. I'm gradually learning more about it, but you know how it goes--I want serenity NOW!

I find I mostly eat when I'm lonely, sad, and bored. I.e. depressed. I'm taking Celexa and Wellbutrin, but I've been bouncing around between meds for years, and it hasn't quite worked out yet.

Anyway, I'm still working on this--on what to do when I'm depressed and the food calls. The things that work for me some time are:

-Call a friend, particularly a long-distance one you don't talk to much.
-Get out of the house (for some non-food reason). Go to a movie, go for a walk, go shopping.
-Suck on an Altoid. (It sounds bizarre, I know, but when you have that really strong taste in your mouth, you really don't want to put other stuff in there. It has to be a brutal strong mint, tho.)
-Get online!
-Take a long, hot bath.

I like the idea of doing something just for me if I get that urge. I need to think about what "me" really wants, tho. Honestly, for so long I've obsessed about wanting food, that now I don't know what else I want anymore!
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Old 03-14-2002, 07:25 AM   #7  
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SO TRUE! I went through a major depression about 9 months ago. It lasted about 6 months. I was scared to go to the doctor to be diagnosed. I was afraid she would tell me to just change my attitude. As you all know, that is nearly impossible! I knew I was having hormone problems, so I went looking for something to even them out. I found DHEA on the internet and it looked promising. I can tell you it worked! I took it for the hormone problems but it worked on the depression too. It feels so good to be able to enjoy life again!!!!! It is hard to make yourself do something for "me" when "me" isn't worth doing something for.
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Old 03-14-2002, 09:08 AM   #8  
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Hi Everyone, LINNY !!!!!!!!!!! I FOUND YOU !!!!! hehehe.

Boy I didn't realize there was a message board on depression.

Well I eat when I'm depressed, angry, lonley, bored, and even happy. Been fat my entire life until I hit my 20's.

I had lost 150 lbs, kept it off for 13 years. Had something tragic happen in my family about 4 years ago and since then I put on about 75 lbs. Some days I feel great and say I'm going to put my mind to it and lose this weight again and it never happens. There is part of me that is constantly saying (to myself) I just don't care anymore, I know its depression, I went to the doctor when it first happened, went on Prozac for about 6 months and I never went back. I thought I could control it but its 4 years later and I'm gaining by the minute.

I can tell myself I do care until I'm blue in the face, but my mind goes back to telling me, I just don't care anymore (about myself).

Now, my hubby is a great guy, but I know this is affecting my marriage (although he won't say anything, he's to good). I don't feel attractive and I really have a very low self esteem about myself. I do know that I am a beautiful person but you all know how I feel, I'm sure.

I can't get thru one day on a diet.

So my friends, thats the scoop on me.

Thanks for listening.

Love, Leens
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Old 03-14-2002, 11:20 AM   #9  
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Default Leens hiya

Leenie weinie, chili beanie.. so you found me! I am glad you found this board. It just started up this month so everyone is new. Welcome also debbiel and Sunshiny.

You know what I am going to tell you already, Leens.I am sure we have talked about this in the 2 years or so we have know each other. You need to get back to the doctor. You don't have to feel crappy. I know you have an aversion to medication, but it a chemical imbalance, not that you are crazy.. well maybe a little crazy. If you were a diabetic, would you feel embarassed or not take the insulin that could help you? Of course you wouldn't! This is the same thing, honey. It might take quite a few medications to find the right one for you... I am not sure I have found the right one for me yet and that is after eight years!! I won't give up, because I do feel better than I did then. Cognative therapy also did wonders for me. Some things meds cannot change. I changed a lot of negative thought patterns that were causing a lot of problems. I have lots more to do, but I am a work in progress anyway

You have a beautiful baby girl, a great hubby and a neat doggie. You are healthy, employed and have been very blessed by you know who. You are more than just your size. Just because you are big, doesn't mean you are worth any less. I wish I could get you to believe that... I am not friends with JUNK!!!

I still have moments I want to scarf.. when I am stressed, tired, etc. I don't think they will ever go away. What I can change is how I re-act to those things.. move my buttons so to speak. ( someone tell me this though... if I keep moving my buttons, why does my mother alwas find them)

Debbiel, Sunshiny, Dentrassi and Leens... hope you have a wonderful day... Spring is coming!!
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Old 03-14-2002, 01:15 PM   #10  
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Oh Linny, Winnie Bo Binnie !

Your so sweet, wish I could give you a big hug or share a carrot cake with you (home made of course) lolololol (or maybe split a prozac capsule with you haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) Just bustin your hump. You can always bring out the sillyness in me.

I don't think I am not worthy or a good person, that I know for sure because God created me and he only creates beautiful things, its just that I can not help but feel miserable. I'm sure you all know how I feel. Lets face it, it is a skinny world and you get looked at and treated different when your not thin. Also there are so many pretty clothes out there I'm dying to wear lololol. I try not to let it get to me but again, its in your face every day, no matter where you turn, tv, radio, news papers, even just walking down the street.

So my dear, I have my insurance card out and I am going to make an appointment with the doctor because I can't afford to gain any more weight.

Yes I have to admit, it is embarassing for me because thats a hard thing to admit (when somthing is wrong with you).

Okay enough !!
Huggs !!!!!!!!!!!!! Love Leens
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Old 03-14-2002, 01:52 PM   #11  
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Angry Hi everyone :wave:

Can I join your little group? I too am a slave to food. Over the past two nights I have found cookies in my bed half eaten in the morning. Don't remember getting them. I am on Wellbutrin and Celexa. I take Xenical, too. Eating is still a problem. My weight is holding steady for the first time in years. I guess that is a positive. I wish I could break the cycle. I would like to lose. My best friend is leaving and I think this has start the night raids. What do I do???? HELP!!
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Old 03-16-2002, 12:23 AM   #12  
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Welcome LuckyMom!!

WOW! Sleep eating! I haven't done that, so I can't really offer suggestions. Except maybe keeping that stuff out of the house until you're feeling better. It is hard when friends move. At least keeping up by e-mail doesn't cost an arm and a leg, like phone calls!!
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Old 03-17-2002, 01:39 AM   #13  
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Default Thanks for the welcome

Hi everybody--

It's really nice to hear someone else talk about what's going on in my head! This is a tough disease--being fat has a social stigma attached to it, and then depression does too. And it's persistent! When I'm down, I feel like I've always been down and I always will be.

But it's not always like that, and that's why we keep going right? We have other people, and we have each other... And life's in the journey, even if the journey is hard most of the time.

Yeek, I sound like a hallmark card. But typing this stuff is my way of reinforcing it in my brain.

and Linda, you're so right when you ask, would you be ashamed about having some toher chronic disease? Diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus? Also when you mentioned how your mom can still find all your buttons. How is it that you can be a responsible, strong adult in the rest of your life, but when you talk to your mom, you want to kick things and cry? How do they know exactly where your tender spots are? (i suppose because--unintentionally--they put them there. )

Love to everybody.
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Old 03-17-2002, 08:02 PM   #14  
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The only thing I have had success with is to stop the thought that I want to eat the moment I realize I am having it. If I let it take root it is unstoppable. So, I have a fantasy thought I made up to switch to when I get a thought about eating. It has helped me stop myself a couple of times. My fantasy thought is about a peaceful glade in a forest with flowers and a stream. I start imagining it when I get a food thought. The trick is to recognize the thought the moment it occurs and not start down that road at all!
Hope this helps.
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Old 03-18-2002, 07:18 AM   #15  
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Thumbs down Stigmas Are Changing

I, too, used to feel a little embarrassed that I needed meds for my depression. But then I realized that it's not really any different than needing meds for any other condition (diabetes, thyroid, etc.). And to my surprise, once I stopped worrying about people finding out, and what they might think, I discovered that lots of people are in the same boat! And lots of people are curious about how meds can help. The old stigmas are changing..... it's becoming OK to talk about depression, and to talk about what can help.

I started to spiral into depression last summer (though I know it began much before then), and I gained ALOT of weight . It's taken a few months to get back on track, but my sarafem (aka prozac) has really helped me .

Sometimes, you can only deal with one issue at a time. The meds can help you do that. I've started dealing with some of the issues that brought me to where I am, and now I can start dealing with the weight.

Good luck to everyone! This journey we're on is a tough one, but WE CAN DO IT!
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