So what is an alternachick?

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  • Quote: Welcome to all of the new members!

    I think an alternachick is anyone who marches to the beat of their own drum.
    That's me.

    I am almost 47 years old. I'm married with no children (4 pets) and my fashion style is mostly hippy with a taste for the bohemian. But I do (sometimes) dress "appropriately" for work (whatever that means!) I work for an ocean-science research facility, so I can wear shorts/t-shirts & flip flops to work, which is great, because I LIVE in flip flops.

    I dig art in a naturistic way; I used to be christian but now identify with pantheists, I hate politics because it's so.... political. I love animals and nature and try my best to preserve wildlife. I love vampire/supernatural novels, shows, movies, etc. Girly things like cooking and sewing make my blood run cold. Ick. (heh)

    I don't do funky colors with my hair, simply because I love to swim and smurf-blue, pygmy purple or neon-pink doesn't do well in chlorine! I have 11 tattoos and counting...(got my first when I was 42!) I mostly wear my hair in braids. I like it long (longer than in my avatar pic) but I don't like to mess with it much and braiding is quick and easy.

    My musical tastes range from local bands to pop music, The Clash to Johnny Cash, The Doors to 3 Doors Down, Pink to Pink Floyd, Jimmy Buffett to Jimmy Hendrix, and just about everything in between! I love Spanish and African music and I sing outloud almost anywhere... including the grocery store! ... and I don't care who knows it.

    I went sky-diving for my 40th birthday, I've petted sharks and swam with dolphins, I drove cross-country to move to Alaska with $500 in my pocket, I like to drive at wild speeds and I laugh at dirty jokes, even if I'm the punchline! I'd say I'm quite different than the average American woman - like most women my age I know. But ****, they're OK too.
  • Okay, just subscribed to this forum. 3FC is great in general, but this forum is like finding a treasure within a treasure. I live in Montana which is just about as rural and conservative as you can get, so of course I never fit in. Didn't grow my courage or own my personality until college and was too poor to afford any goth wear. Besides, I would just have been a dabbler anyway, it looks cool but I'm not wired for depression or anger. I'm one of those annoyingly cheerful morning people. Wasted my youth in feeling self-conscious and overweight, and am ironically now trying to return to that weight. I'm pretty tame by most alternachick standards, I'm straight and monogomous, but agree that guys probably aren't wired for it, so I guess I'm screwed. Only without being screwed, if you know what I mean. I'm pretty much divorced, just need to file the paperwork, and am the mother of two girls, 2 and 4. What's alternachick about me would be that I not only have tattoos, but I do tattoos. Oh yeah, and I'm a full-time middle school English teacher. So that whole blend in with the majority and express yourself on your own time, yeah that's me too. Since I already have tattoos, let's see- I'll count them for you, 14. I used to have more, but some of them connected and now they only count as one I decided to do something else for myself for my planned mid-life crisis. I'm shooting for at least 80 years old, so that makes mid-life 40 and it's coming up quick. I'm going to get myself a motorcycle, and complete my half-sleeves for my 40th. I listen to any music that matches my mood from elevator music to heavy metal. I'm a child of the 80's, so I dont' dig much rap and screamer -I- hate -my -mom music doesn't do it for me either. (exception: Disturbed, they are awesome but that dude has issues. He needs Dr. Drew) Not that I begrudge anyone who does like any form of music, music is expression. I'm thinking of taking belly-dancing lessons with my best friend, and I know I'll do it, but I'm pretty uncoordinated and have no sense of rythm, so it should be interesting. That's me in a nutshell, I guess. "Help, I'm in a nutshell. Somebody get me out. What kind of nut has a shell this big anyway?" My avatar is Inkkitty. She's cute, right? She has my tattoos and nose ring, but has obviously had some work done. I'll post real pics when I make some real progress. Till then- it's great to get started on this journey with some like-minded peoples. Sorry for the smiley overload.
  • I love finding this forum!

    I'm a child of the 80's here as well, and have always been considered one of the "weird girls". I was that (overweight) freak in high school that no one really talked to, but I also stayed under everyone's radar. Those I did communicate with were real friends, and one became my best friend of the last 20 some odd years. This gave me a perverse desire to be different from everyone all the time, and though I don't try to call attention to myself because I'm so shy, I'd say that desire to be different is still there.

    I'm another cheerful person, but love alternative music and metal. No tattoos, but hope to get one one day. I think it'll be one of my weight loss rewards. Hopelessly addicted to World of Warcraft, and can't wait for the new expansion!

    I look forward to getting to know everyone here!
  • Quote: I'm one of those annoyingly cheerful morning people. / and am the mother of two girls, 2 and 4. / So that whole blend in with the majority and express yourself on your own time, yeah that's me too. / I listen to any music that matches my mood from elevator music to heavy metal. I'm a child of the 80's, so I dont' dig much rap and screamer -I- hate -my -mom music doesn't do it for me either. (exception: Disturbed, they are awesome but that dude has issues. He needs Dr. Drew) Not that I begrudge anyone who does like any form of music, music is expression. / I'll post real pics when I make some real progress. Till then- it's great to get started on this journey with some like-minded peoples. Sorry for the smiley overload.
    I'm so glad you like this forum because some of you ladies,girls,etc really could be my doppelganger's except that I'm not really a morning person...I think I'm still the sulky 16yr old type..I'm also a child of the 80's so I get where you're coming from except the occasional Snoop Dogg goes down pretty well - I've kind of lost my way because of OTHER issues but intend to drag my FAT *** back into some sort of shape. I think I should be slightly thinner before I get anymore tattoos but hey the ones I have arent going anywhere!!! Look forward to any of your updates!!!
  • Welcome to all of you! It is so great to see so many diverse and interesting people here.
  • I'm a punk.. straight up tattooed, colored hair punk! I go to shows on weekly basis! I'm open minded about all things! I'm so happy to find this board !!!
  • Hello, my people! I'm a tattooed, pierced, free spirit who just doesn't seem to fit in! I'm more bohemian than goth or punk, but my ears are stretched to a 4 gauge (used to be a 0, but there were never any cute 0 gauge earrings!). I've just always worn what ever fit, but when I get to my goal weight, I think I'll be living in jeans, chucks and band tees. It's exciting to think that I'll be able to finally express myself through my clothing and not just wear the over patterned, generic, stuffy, "office casual" Lane Bryant or Catherine's clothing!
  • Since I consider myself June Cleaver with tattoos, I must be an alternachick. Thank goodness.
  • Quote: Since I consider myself June Cleaver with tattoos, I must be an alternachick. Thank goodness.
    Ha ha ha! That's awesome.

    I'm one of the only chicks that I knowin real life who has the "Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide" not to mention is one awesome plasma grenade throwing/sniping/cast some healing magic on your dying tail type of girl.

    I'm tattooed and pierced and set my dvr to record Star Trek (Next Generation and Voyager) and Robot Chicken....I love art and music....and reading....and I would rather watch Watchmen....The X-Men....or Transformers over The Notebook any day.

    I use the force and a variety of Harry Potter spells daily....know that if Harry Potter was a real boy he would be one month younger than me....cried when Dobby died....and think Spiderman can take out Batman any day.

    I'm glad I decided to check this section out. Seems like a fun place.
  • Hello,
    I'm new to 3FC -just wandered in the last few days. I'm 30 and I live in L.A. I started South Beach about a week ago. Meandered into this thread and found HeavenlyAirhead's post. Star Trek TNG and Harry Potter? There's one of my people. And recently I've discovered that I frickin' LOVE zombie movies -the lower the budget the better. I Netflixed a movie called (no joke) Zombie Strippers the other day and I actually liked it. But I can't tell if the subtle feminist message was intentional or not.
    I don't know if I could necessarily be classified as an Alternachick ( I don't look like a suicide girl with pounds to lose) but I did used to sing in a satirical lefty punk band, so maybe that gives me cred. Now I'm boring file clerk who occasionally does stand-up comedy.
    Anyway: hello.
  • Zombie Strippers was a good one!

    I'm pretty normal looking. I'm way into dark/alt music scenes, e.g. metal in its myriad forms, old goth rock/ebm/postpunk stuff, industrial/synthpop etc. I am a regular at '80s nights.
  • YAY!!! I'm just like that too... with a tad bit hippie style. I'm glad this here!!
  • Maybe this is the right spot...
    I have been lurking on 3FC for awhile. I am old enough to not be comfortable with this mode of communication but I am strange enough to not fit into other groups...I cant relate to the over 50 scene because well I just cant....although I am only pierced in the normal ear type places and I have no tattoos I was 'Goth" before there was such thing back in the 70's! I am not religious. I am funny (clearly not so far...but I do crack myself up on occasion)...

    MY joining 3FC stems from the deadly combination of hitting menopause full stride and quitting smoking. I have had food issues since the dawn of time, I was a chubby kid, a totally anorexic teen, a speed freak for years (one does not eat on speed) and now I am slow, old and getting, it seems, fatter on a daily basis. I barely eat and I work out ALL the time and nothing seems to be helping. My metabolism has completely betrayed me. I start living healthy and I am rewarded with looking like a very short lump. UGGHH

    Oh ya I don’t eat meat either. I really am looking for others that are older like me but who identify as "alterna.." so I have someone to chit chat with as I either lose weight or more likely, as I try to accept my new round look....

  • After reading these comments, I think I belong here!
    I never fit anywhere exclusively, I'm all over the place, or nowhere at all. I don't try and fit in, that's what makes me, me. Some days I dress completely in black, the next day I will dress completely in white. Because I can, and because I don't care what other people think! I like all music, I can jam to anything! Even Justin Bieber (much to my kids embarrassment) I tell it like it is (much to my kids embarrassment) and I enjoy life fully. My fav artists are One Republic, Alicia Keys, Audioslave. My fav fav fav place to go is Key West so if you've ever been there, and you know the relaxed lifestyle down there, THAT is me. Flip flops, shorts, a tank top, and shell earrings (hafta look cute you know). I'm a Syfy geek. Love Horror movies (esp vampires) and I even have my kids into them. I like knitting and crocheting and funky arts and crafts stuff. I have one tattoo of a caduceus on my wrist with the words "Diabetic" in cursive underneath in case I pass out somewhere. I have a nose piercing, triple ear piercings, and a non-existent belly button piercing (took it out when I gained weight because I hated the way it looked). I wear my hair natural (without chemicals) and like to rock a 'fro, cornrows, or twists.

    I've done this dance before. In public.
  • Looking back, I've been an alterna-chick all my life. I just didn't realize it. I've never fit in. Not even with my own family.

    I've always been liberal and open minded. All the while being stuck in a overweight very conservative looking (so I've been told) body. That has not made life easy. But it made me become very independent. It's me and the cats against the world!

    No tattoos. I've decided to let my grey grow out. I'm a vegan. I love it. I'm on my own but I do what I want. No one tells me what to do. Except at work but that's part of survival.

    You would never know who I really am by looking at me. I'm different on the inside.