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Old 12-19-2008, 09:15 AM   #91  
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Morning....Flying by....what has happened to everybody? Karen3
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Old 12-19-2008, 09:47 AM   #92  
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Hi Everyone, The weather men promised us snow and for once, they weren't wrong. It started snowing around 5 this morning and now, at 8, we've got a good 3 inches. We're supposed to get up to 12 today. I had lots more things to do, but I suppose they will have to wait. The roads are already too bad to get out. So, i'll just hang around in my PJ's for a little longer.

I have lots to do inside anyway. Baking, for instance. Perfect day for that, and i picked up the Ing. earlier in the week. DDIL called yesterday, one of the ladies had called in sick at Curves, so I went and worked there in the morning. Brought GD home with me and we made cupcakes for GS's school today. Guess school! They have a lot of cupcakes over there. Glad they are there, not here.

Everyone, keep warm, keep safe, Freda
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Old 12-19-2008, 12:41 PM   #93  
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Nova Scotia definitely has snow, too and it looks like there's more to come with some forecast right through until Christmas day when the long term is calling for rain. Oh well, who really knows what will happen by then.
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Old 12-19-2008, 02:26 PM   #94  
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Hellow everyone. I'm about ready to scream. No, I've done that already. I bite off more than I can chew sometimes and I don't mean food. I mean, I used to be able to do all this stuff, no sweat and now I'm dead beat by the end of the day (or early the next morning). Anyway, all is finished except my living room still looks like a disaster area. At least today I got to relax and I cooked a decent dinner for us today. I haven't have a decent meal in days with all the rush I've got myself in. Today I made a cottage cheese loaf, baby potatoes, green beans, carrots and chopped cabbage all served with a low fat gravy. I practically inhaled the food I was so hungry for "real" food. I had half of one of my special date squares made with dates, raisins and chocolate chips and a teeny, tiny piece of chocolate cake. So I feel fed for a change. I hate eating on the run. I never get enough to eat either because I don't eat enough or it's something with a million calories for just one bite.

Enough of that. Today, I took my friend to the Salvation Army to pick up her food hamper. Actually there were 2 friends who were getting hampers but one picked hers up and only needed a ride back home. Today I felt rich. I was walking/driving around in almost new leather boots, nice jeans, a sweater and a very nice coat while these 2 women live off the Goodwill because they have to. I love shopping at thrift and goodwill stores but I don't need to. I have much to be thankful for. These women are not friends I would probably ever pick as a friends but they have crossed my path and we know each other and consider ourselves friends. Not the kind of friend that you'd go out and have a coffee with or go on vacation with but nonetheless friends. I'd have coffee or go on vacation with them but those are luxuries beyond their limited resources. I sometimes take them out for lunch but it can be tricky to do that and not come across as an indulgent philanthropist. They want to pay their way and after once or twice they want to take me out and of course they are embarrassed because they can't. I don't mind. One of the women always helps me with mom so I only consider that a returned kindness but she wants to reciprocate the hospitality. I guess there will always be a disparity between the poor and "well off." That term "well-off" is so subjective because to them I'm wealthy but I'm not anywhere close to wealthy. I'm a retired school teacher. Anyway they are both asked out for Christmas dinner so I'm happy they won't be alone on Christmas day. We'll be away or else I'd have asked them myself.

I'll be back, mother calleth.
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Old 12-19-2008, 06:32 PM   #95  
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This was a sad day for DH and myself, our 15+ year old cat named 'Black Pearl' died. Two days ago she stopped eating and her tummy was bloated so we knew it was coming. We have a little pet cemetery in our shade garden but couldn't use it for Pearl. (Ground frozen plus many inches of snow covering it) We took her across the road to a huge rock pile. DH wrapped her in towels and we buried her under a large rock and put more rocks on top so critter couldn't dig her up and eat her. I had my cry and tomorrow DH will clean out the breezeway where she lived, take all her things, food, dishes out so we won't be reminded of this sadness so often.
Gayle...I'll dig up the recipe tomorrow and post it. It's really delicious and very low calories, it freezes great too!
Bye, bye.
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Old 12-19-2008, 06:58 PM   #96  
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This recipe also had 1/4 cup ketchup in it which I left out. If you add it in, add in more calories.

Sweet and Sour Cabbage Soup
2 Qt. chicken broth (8 bouillon cubes + 2 Qts. Water)
1.5 lbs. green cabbage, coarsely chopped (6-7 cups)
28 oz. can of diced tomatoes
1 medium onion (¾ cup)
1 small green pepper, finely diced (¾ cup)
1 large celery stalk, strings removed, sliced (¾ cup)
1 large carrot, peeled & thinly sliced (¾ cup)
½ can tomato paste (3 oz,.)
¼ cup brown sugar or brown sugar replacement
`/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (1.5 lemons)
1/3 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
Salt to taste, (I don’t use, chicken bouillon and canned tomatoes
is salty enough)
Total calories 750. Put all ingredients into a pot and cook just until
Carrots are tender. I ladle the soup into 8 individual contains and freeze, put a sticker on tip of each container with the calorie count on it. This recipe has only 94 calories per serving. This makes a quick lunch with no mess and the calories will already be counted. If I’m extremely hungry, I add a can of green beans, juice and all to the soup. This only adds 70 more calories @ 164 for a huge bowl of soup.
The original recipe had 1 lbs. of boneless chicken breast in it. (cook chicken in the broth for 30 minutes prior to adding the veggies)
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Old 12-19-2008, 07:03 PM   #97  
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Bobbi ~ sorry to hear about Black Pearl ~ I know how hard that is ~ lost my kitty and doggy a while back

Thank you for taking time to post the recipe ~ I'm looking forward to trying it.

Hello to everyone else ~ hope you all have a good weekend.

Take care
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Old 12-20-2008, 05:21 AM   #98  
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Hey Ladies,
Gearing up for the new WOE that will start after the holidays. I turned 50 this year....which is great. What is not great is weighing 210 now! What is great is this site. What is not great is that I feel like crap from all the unhealthy eating I've been doing. What is great is the Christmas Season.
Merry Merry all! I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Check in with you later.
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Old 12-20-2008, 09:35 AM   #99  
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Good snowy morning!
The snow is coming down in buckets this morning plus wind. Looks like most of the country is going to have a white Christmas. Snow in Las Vagas? Karen, you need to get in the act too, maybe you can shave some ice cubes and throw on you door steps!
I sold a Thomas Kinkade music box on ebay and wouldn't you know I have to get out in this snow storm and mail it off today. I print out the postage on my printer, the law says you have to mail it the same day plus he wants it for Christmas, Good luck on that!
I'm going to make DH drive his Jeep 4-wheel drive and take me, chicken that I am.
Gotta go, welcome way2fluffy, we'll help you.
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Old 12-20-2008, 10:00 AM   #100  
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Morning all...I drug in yesterday. What a day! Had a full house and everyone loved every crumb of the treats. The counter was smeared with chocolate icing and that was the only thing left. Had 2 tables with late plays after 2 rounds and got that organized and was sweating bullets and the gal that I checked her blood sugar this Spring stood up and passed out. They caught her before she hit the floor. He husband came and took her to the ER. (she spent the night in the hospital, is ok and they don't know why). So then I had to play with her partner plus run the game. I would run around the room and collect the score chits and then back to the table. Remember I average about 5 miles a game. Then laughingly ask what we were playing poker, go fish, war....jump up and make a ruling come back and start all over again. Lots pitched in and lots got more difficult....Would you believe that in the end we came in 2nd! Of course it is still in Sue's name, but that really got me giggling.....

Bobbi.....Am so sorry you lost an old friend Black Pearl. What a great cat name. I know that our pets are just going ahead to make heaven a better place for us.

Way2....50 is a good year for getting back to the real you and spending time on yourself. When is your birthday?

I am having a marvelous time writing my 8yrGD email letters from Dash. He is getting very creative and such fun to be silly. She asked yesterday if gramma typed for him and he responded today that of course not with spell check he could do very well.

Need to get up and out of here...Have a good day OP, Karen3

ps Bobbi...sorry but it is gonna be in the 80's again. Ice cubes melt too fast....k

Last edited by Karen3; 12-20-2008 at 10:07 AM.
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Old 12-21-2008, 08:58 AM   #101  
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Good Morning all, we're snowed in with high winds and white-out conditions. Most of the churches are cancelled and we're staying home. I missed seeing my dad/brothers/sister last sunday because of bad weather and looks like we won't be able to visit with them again today. Maybe I'll bake some Christmas cookies, I have a whole list of calories friendly recipes I have marked on the Sparks site that sound good. Have a great Sunday and remember we all need to look at the scale Monday morning so be aware of what you eat today.

Blessed is he who speaks a kindness; thrice blessed is he who repeats it.

- Arabian proverb

Spreading goodwill that can return to you

This quote can be read in a few ways, and all of them are worth thinking about. First, complimenting and encouraging others is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to be a positive force in someone's life. As long as you're sincere, repeating that encouragement as often as possible can have effects that far outweigh the effort. Countless people have exceeded their own expectations just because others believed in them. Second, giving positive feedback works even better if done publicly. Take those kind words and repeat them until everyone knows the great things that this person is doing. Third, we've all had kindnesses bestowed on us in word and deed. In return for that favor, it's up to us to repeat that generosity for someone else's benefit. However you read this quote, the point is that there's a kindness out there to be performed. And you're just the person to do it!
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Old 12-21-2008, 10:09 AM   #102  
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Oh wow . . . we are having a between storms lull right now . . . it's cold, but sunny and basically no wind. So I'm going out to run a few last m inute gift pickup and delivery chores because from the sounds of our blizzard warnings for tonight and tomorrow, by tomorrow I'll be snowed in like Bobbi. We also have a storm surge warning because of the high winds that are expected and that can be really b ad at this time of year because the water rises, washes on shore and immediately freezes solid.

Hope you all have a good day . . . stay warm and dry and sake . . .
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Old 12-21-2008, 03:53 PM   #103  
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Hi All!

And yet again I've been so remiss in popping in even just to say hi

Originally Posted by Karen3 View Post
Bobbi...The word Lunatic comes from luna=moon. They believed that the moon caused people to go insane. Not so sure that since the moon does control our ocean tides and we're made up mostly of salt water than we aren't effected the same way. Anyway, that's my story and I sticking to it.
See, it's true that great minds think alike I've been using the "tides" theory for years and never hesitate to throw it out there whenever someone tries to pooh-pooh the "lunacy" idea.

Originally Posted by meowee View Post
I know that Canadians are famous (or maybe that's infamous) for talking about our weather a lot; probably because we get so much of it. AtlantiCa is on the same roller-coaster.
Well, I really have to go out and brave the cold and the crowds for a bit today since the larder is looking a little bare and I do have one more gift to get. So I'd best get moving in the hopes of beating the snow.
Well jeepers Linda when your weather is so extreme and wild it's no wonder you would want to talk about it Hope your shopping trip went OK despite the cold! BTW, I must have missed it somewhere, I take it your back is feeling better?

Originally Posted by Bobbolink View Post
This was a sad day for DH and myself, our 15+ year old cat named 'Black Pearl' died.
Oh no Bobbi I'm soo sorry you lost your furkid! Pets are so special it is so hard when they leave us.

Originally Posted by way2fluffy View Post
Hey Ladies,
Gearing up for the new WOE that will start after the holidays. I turned 50 this year....which is great. What is not great is weighing 210 now! What is great is this site. What is not great is that I feel like crap from all the unhealthy eating I've been doing. What is great is the Christmas Season.
Merry Merry all! I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Check in with you later.
way2fluffy! This is such a great place to hang out and get support. We love proving wrong all those naysayers who claim losing weight after 50 ain't gonna happen

Okay, speaking of weather - I believe **** has frozen over - WE had snow the other day! Poor doggies didn't like it one bit and wouldn't walk on the grass where it actually stuck. We had some places in the valley that got almost 8 inches! Fortunately, we didn't get more than an inch at my house and it didn't stick on the streets so no shoveling was required on my part (whew) - although it would have been good exercise, I've promised myself I will never shovel again.

I'm afraid not posting here at 3FC isn't the only thing I've been remiss in - haven't logged on to FitDay in at least a week Haven't been too horribly bad (well, except for that one little piece of fudge at DH's office Christmas party - but it was only one so I give myself a little credit for restraint). I've gone some days without eating nearly enough and other days where I'm pretty sure I was pushing 1800 calories (if not more) got in the habit of having an unmeasured feta cheese and lettuce sandwich with regular mayo for lunch and flaking out badly on the fruit - not a balanced diet at all. Scale is doing it's bouncy-bounce again but still staying within the range of 144 and 147 so I guess I can still claim to be maintaining through the holidays but I do need to get a grip and go back to my planning strategy.

I have just been the busy little beaver what with scrubbing floors and cleaning carpets - amazing how much I get accomplished in a day when I'm not running outside for 10 minutes out of every hour to smoke. Still have a little more organizing to get to before I start the new job but I've emptied out a bunch of garage boxes and am getting ready to take another huge box of donations - lots of sweaters and a couple of coats that I hope will help keep someone warm during this cold snap we are having.

Funny thing about all this cleaning and organizing, we are not only not having guests for Christmas but we won't even be here ourselves - going to California again. But that's OK - nothing nicer than coming home from a trip to a spotless house. Since we'll be gone, grocery shopping was light for this week so I think I'll try and scrub out the fridge before we leave too

Well, DH is making grumbly noises about wanting me to come sit with him for lunch so guess I better run along. Have a wonderful, wonderful day all

Last edited by yoyonomoreinvegas; 12-21-2008 at 03:57 PM.
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Old 12-21-2008, 07:16 PM   #104  
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Evening all....The DF that just about fainted at bridge on Friday has a great DH. He didn't listen to her and took her straight to the ER. They admitted her and ran bunch of tests and she got an early Christmas present a pace maker today! In 6 months she has developed diabetes, COPD and hypertension. And she's younger than me. Did you read the book that a really young man with pancreatic cancer wrote was on NYT best seller this summer and he was on Ophra......anyway the coach that he praises so highly is DF's husband....said he was a great DH.

Then my regular Monday partner called and she is sick. I don't want to breath her germs and glad she canceled but I have lost all my bridge games for the week. After Friday, I really wanted a quiet easy day at the table. So my one task tomorrow is to go get 6 (SIX) doggy gifts....hmmmm....I see a long walk in my immediate future.

Have some guilty pangs about not sharing your nasty weather...admittedly tiny tiny pangs. Grew up in the snowy mountains, bow hunted all over from Upper Quebec, Montana, Colorado, shot in tournaments from Porta Verda to Colbolt Hall and all that other stuff we call living. We choose Florida because our bones seemed to be getting cold. So I live thru your cold snowy winters and love my decision. And worry all Summer about the next hurricane. sighhhhhhhhhhhh

Last party is Tuesday, which I'll I survived the holiday temptations with minor damage. Scale went up first week and back down the no change in my book is fanastic.....Karen3
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Old 12-22-2008, 12:10 PM   #105  
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Just wanted to let you know -- Nova Scotia is CLOSED -- no kidding, you cannot get here (or out of here, either) by land, sea, or air because of the current blizzard. Scariest part is the hurricane force (seriously) winds and the 4 to 5 foot storm surges off the harbour.
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