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Old 12-11-2008, 05:21 PM   #61  
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Howdy all....Well, simple seems to means just slow and a do as little as nessary. Have the ham sandwiches done, the apple sauce spice cake made, the egg salad made (do the sandwiches in am so not soggy) and still have roll ups to do.

We have been following the news about finding the child's body .03 mile from grandparents. That mother should be send to Arabia and let them handle her. I have never seen anyone colder. That is about 75 miles from us and is on our local news all the time. We are also the community that seached for Jessica a couple of years ago. What is happening to our world between harming our children and political corruption there doesn't seem like the moral soul of our country is doing very well?

My best bet is to turn off tv and stay off the home page and only read happy pages for a week or two. Just call me when it's Christmas.....Karen3
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Old 12-12-2008, 01:00 AM   #62  
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I'm here and I'm still alive. Another late night at the church but everything is ready for our concert except the singers. Will report back later on.
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Old 12-12-2008, 07:57 AM   #63  
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Our roller-coaster weather ride continues . . . still raining but the high today is supposed to be between 15 to 18 C (60 to 65 F). Right now my front porch still looks a bit icey but it's melting quickly.

Other than that -- SSDD
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Old 12-12-2008, 08:06 AM   #64  
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Ate like crazy yesterday - especially last night. Up a pound today. Dreary day here - VERY grey.

Check back later.

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Old 12-12-2008, 08:44 AM   #65  
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Morning...Everything is ready to pack in trunk. I had just written a long note and Internet Exp update ate it and shut off my CP. After reading past week i have a solution for us all. we must turn on every bright light in our homes and ignore the dreary outside light! Winter Doldrums will affect diet for sure.

Am ticked at family. We sent $300 worth of fruit North this season and at the very latest it should have ben delivered yesterday. So it is either sitting in ice(yuck), they are too busy eating it or just forgot. The kids all know Mom Rules. 1st is an endorsement on a check is Not a Thank You note. 2nd rule is No Thank You note no more checks. As 21yr old grand daughter is about to find out.

Stood at the kitchen sink last night and noticed that it is a Full Moon. Lord help me. That means the seniors today will be crazy. Nothing or no one can convince me otherwise that a full moon brings out the lunies. I worked in acute pysch and ER too many years.

Off to give Dash his allergy shot. He hates them and gets so ticked at me that he won't eat anything I try to give him today. Won't even lay on the floor near me. Tomorrow we'll be buds again and than Sunday another shot.

have a great OP day....I tried to write something up beat and fell over the keys. So hang in there all. It was get better! Karen3
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Old 12-12-2008, 09:48 AM   #66  
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Karen ~ your thoughts about the full moon made me smile. I was talking to my sister yesterday and she made some comment that tonight would be the full moon. I was glad that I wasn't working. I usually don't want to know when it is. I'll find out soon enough when I get to work and my patients are acting up ~ I don't need a calendar to tell me when it is ~ LOL. I think that old moon even has some effect on the days before and after it too.

Cold here the last several days. We even got a little snow the other night.

Ok, gotta stop procrastinating and get some more christmas package stuff done.

Hello to everyone ~ hope you all are doing well.

Take care all
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Old 12-12-2008, 10:03 AM   #67  
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Good Morning Girls!
YoYo...Congrats on the 144 + no smoking!
Meowee... try the sock for your back, recipe below.
Karen... I'm doing a study of Revelations and soooooooooo many things are taking place and it's scary! My MIL is in the Good Samaritian facility in Albert Lea, Mn. where those 6 teens tortured the residents in the dementia unit, spitting in there mouths, sticking their fingers where they don't belong, etc. It makes me sick, I hope they put the two 18 years olds in prison.

What is happening to our world between harming our children and political corruption there doesn't seem like the moral soul of our country is doing very well?
I've never heard of people going nutty on a full moon but then I don't get out much.
I read this article below from the Sparks site, a great idea for inexpensive gifts. They have those colorful striped socks available right now and what a neat present. I'm going to make some, then include an article of how useful they can be.


This handy low-tech gadget eased an excruciating sinus headache I had a few weeks back. Since I made mine, it had soothed sore knees after yoga, loosened a tight lower back and even warmed cold feet as I typed in my home office.
Have a friend who constantly battles aches and pains? Make one of these as a holiday gift!
Buy a new sock or, if you're especially handy, sew a long, thin tube for your rice sock. These rice socks come in handy, and they're an easy craft for kids. Make sure you use a new, clean sock if you're giving this as a gift. (If you want to get really fancy, buy a kit or use fabric scraps to sew a long sleeve for your rice sock.)
1 large (new) sock
1-2 pounds rice (any kind; the amount with vary based on the size of your sock)
Needle and thread
Fill sock with rice, then sew the top shut or use a ribbon to tightly tie the sock closed. (Make sure you explain to the recipient that they put it in the microwave until it's hot, then place it on the aching body part.)
Bonus: Add a few drops of essential oil to the rice to create an aromatherapy sock.
Rice in an old sock!
Warm and dry, you relieved pressure in my cranium when it felt tighter than my skinny jeans. On forehead, eyes, jaw, or neck, you relaxed and pampered me as I tried to rest.

Why? When heated, the rice stays warm and helps soothe pain.

Heat the sock in the microwave for a minute or so, until it's warm. Place the sock wherever you're sore. When the sock cools, heat it again. This trick works with other grains, too. (Just don't plan on eating the grains after they've been used in the heat pack!)

This thing is amazing. It's more eco-friendly than those disposable heat wraps for muscles, and it's cheaper, too. As I type, it's wrapped around my neck, and last night, I slept with it over my eyes. It relieved all that painful sinus pressure, albeit momentarily.
I'll be using my rice sock quite often:
On my sore hamstrings after yoga class.
On my low back or neck on those days when I've been sitting for too long.
Under my feet when the office is chilly.
As a natural alternative to an electric blanket when the weather dips down. Make one tonight. You will feel instantly pampered.
Hi to Lynn, Isabella, Gayle, whoever I missed.
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Old 12-12-2008, 05:41 PM   #68  
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No gain this week, YIPPEE! Hope I can keep the calories below 1300 as that's what WW told me was my maintenance level umpteen years ago when I reached goal with them. I was a lot more active then too.
Ya know Bobbi, I was wondering if you might live close to Albert Lea and I thought of your MIL when I heard another report on TV last night. What on earth were those girls thinking? Hope she was not a victim and I hope they charge those girls with felonies instead of misdemeanors.
So sad about that little girl near you Karen, and the way her mom has been acting like it's no big deal (at least that's how it appeared on TV). You gotta feel for those grandparents. How sad.

Well, big party tomorrow, so I am trying to bank some calories today in preparation. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Last edited by WoodLily; 12-12-2008 at 05:43 PM.
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Old 12-12-2008, 07:40 PM   #69  
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Hello all...home and everything is posted and shipped off to big boss in Memphis. Yes, they were crazy! The Full moon was working. I figured they were trying a creative writing program instead of bridge. Took forever to figure out what they meant was the score.

Bobbi...The word Lunatic comes from luna=moon. They believed that the moon caused people to go insane. Not so sure that since the moon does control our ocean tides and we're made up mostly of salt water than we aren't effected the same way. Anyway, that's my story and I sticking to it.

night alll....Karen3
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Old 12-13-2008, 08:43 AM   #70  
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I know that Canadians are famous (or maybe that's infamous) for talking about our weather a lot; probably because we get so much of it. AtlantiCa is on the same roller-coaster. Yesterday we broke fifty-year-old records by hitting +20 C (68F). Today -- our high is going to be -2C (+28F) with a little snow before we also head back to about +10/11 C (+37F) for tomorrow. Oh well, out in Cold Lake, Alberta (where my oldest son is) today's high is going to be -25C (-13F); so guess I should be thankful for small mercies.

Well, I really have to go out and brave the cold and the crowds for a bit today since the larder is looking a little bare and I do have one more gift to get. So I'd best get moving in the hopes of beating the snow.

Have a great day . . .
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Old 12-13-2008, 09:23 AM   #71  
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No time for chat today, I posted a low fat recipe for "Maple Granola" on the recipe site. It would be a great little gift for mailman, newspaper deliverer or friend. Just put it into a pretty jar, wrap a Ribbon around it with a little Thank you card.
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Old 12-13-2008, 09:58 AM   #72  
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Hi Everyone,

I'm another believer in the effects of the "full moom". We sure know when the moom is full in the hospital. We always know we're in for a rough time. I've read all the facts, but i've seen the affects too.

It's cold here and cold weather seems to make one want to eat. To stay warm? Not sure. Does everyone else have that problem? More so in the winter, I mean? I do tend to eat lighter in the summer time, salads and barbecue. In the witner give me hearty stew, and bread!

Eveyone got your Christmas shopping done? I'm still out there running around like a crazy person, but I should finish up this weekend. and at least everything I've bought is wrapped allready.

I'm with you Karen, no acknowledgement, no more checks.

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Old 12-14-2008, 10:20 AM   #73  
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Morning all....DH is fishing and Dash is hiding. It'll take months before we know if this medicine actually helps.

I found a recipe on the side of the box of Pilsbury Quick bread for making biscotti. OMG are they good and OMG are they easy to do. I am making 2 batches to take to the Xmas party tomorrow. 1st batch is cranberry and gonna do nut/choco chip. Yes, I ate one.....considering wanted to bury my face in the tin that is remarkable!

Packed up another big box of fat clothes to ship to lady in South Florida. Plus found a camera that DS wants. So have a trunk full and have to stand in line at the post office tomorrow. At least can stand in closet now. Put pile of stuff out at curb. Have bunch of games and stuffed toys, hope some one picks it up before trash comes.

The scarab ring came yesterday it's very pretty. Gee Bobbie, can't believe you didn't have a scarab bracelet as a teen. Must have been an East Coast absolute! They are oval shaped stones with "beetle" marks scratched in them. Ha, that was a fad that came after wearing a dog collar over your bobby socks. Which ankle depends if you were going steady or not. That was same time we wore poodle skirts and crinolines starched with sugar. And the wide elastic belts! Saddle shoes and never allowed to wear patten leather shoes because they were shiny and Boys could look up your skirt! And only loose girls wore see thru blouses. Lip stick came in one color called tanaglow. Saturday night was Your Hit Parade where Smookie Landson lipsinc the top 10 songs of the week. sighhhhhhhhhhhhh gesh am I glad I survived those years.

Off to grocery shop....Have a great OP day....Hugs, Karen3
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Old 12-14-2008, 04:40 PM   #74  
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Oh boy does that ever bring back memories . . . poodle skirts and crinolines . . . OMG.

Nothing new in my world today except that the weather was cold and mostly sunny. Wonder what will happen tomorrow?????

Last edited by meowee; 12-14-2008 at 04:40 PM.
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Old 12-14-2008, 08:56 PM   #75  
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Helloo. I survived the concert!!! It was perfectly marvelous and we all sang quite well. I did "O Holy Night" and didn't crack a flat note through the whole song. We were given many compliments which made it all worth while. The church was full, and most people stayed for refreshments afterwards.

I managed to splash hot chocolate all over my clothes as I was making the stuff. I couldn't get the hot chocolate mix out of the can so I tapped it on the side of the pot and it all fell out in one big lump and of course make a tremendous splash all over the place. The stove was covered in watery hot chocolate and dry chocolate mix. It ran down the front of the stove, all over the stove and all over me. Fortunately, the water was not boiling hot or I'd have been burned. I sponged it off my clothes enough to reappear in public but washed everything as soon as I got home. I was wearing a long black skirt and a glittery top so no one could really see the chocolate.

One woman came up to me and said she didn't recognize me during the concert and asked who I was. She kept thinking that she knew the face but couldn't connect it with the body. Ha, ha. She hasn't seen me in about a year. She better get used to the "new" me 'cause I ain't goin' back to the old body.

We took mom to the concert and sat her in the front pew of the church. DH sat with her. She stayed awake the whole time and enjoyed herself immensely. She had her cookies and punch after the concert and then we took her for a ride around town to look at the lights. At 11 o'clock as we turned into our street she said she was sorry we had to go home so early! I was dead on my feet and mom (who actually went 4 hours without peeing) was still in party mode. Ha, ha.

Catch you all tomorrow.

O, and before I forget. The weather has turned from a warm spring-like day yesterday to a polar freeze today. (I'm Canadian and I'm talking about the weather.)

I had nice relaxing day shopping. Well, as relaxing as Christmas shopping can be. DH and DS watched mom so I could go. This week I'm going to bake a few cookies for my sister and DIL and clean the house.
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